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Wormtown Walkers (Valkyrie Force 1)
Wormtown Walkers (Valkyrie Force 1)
Wormtown Walkers (Valkyrie Force 1)
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Wormtown Walkers (Valkyrie Force 1)

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Ten years after the world ended, mankind is poised to ascend once more from the rubble . . .

In the zombie riddled warzones that compose the devastated United States, the living dead are not the only threat against life and liberty. Madmen, slavers, raiders, and warlords struggle for total power in the shattered world. Chief among these are the zealot legions who swear fealty to the maniacal Dr. Fowler, a power mad lunatic who uses science the way terrorists use dirty suicide bombs.
One thing stands against the agents of chaos and disorder ...

Valkyrie Force

Book 1: Wormtown Walkers
When five scientists go missing within the fortified walls of Wormtown, the Mayor unleashes the one man capable of finding them. Once a decorated member of the city's Protective Services, Kane now takes command of a team of specialists charged with finding the scientists and putting a stop to whatever insidious plan lurks behind the kidnappings.

The journey to answers will bring Kane and his team battling dregs of society, an outlaw biker gang, and an army aligned with pure evil.
Kane and his team must work fast before a madman can unleash the ultimate doom upon one of humankind's last northeastern city-states.

First in a thrilling new series of post-apocalyptic adventure!

Release dateFeb 14, 2016
Wormtown Walkers (Valkyrie Force 1)

C. C. Blake

C.C. Blake has lived across the United States, starting in the suburbs of Detroit, to Massachusetts’ second largest city (Worcester) to the country’s seventh largest city (San Antonio, Texas, that is). He’s has a variety of jobs, working as a substitute teacher, the graveyard shift dishwasher at a haunted Denny’s, lab research monkey and teaching assistant at a second tier college. Currently, he works as an automation consultant for a chemical company on the Northeast side of SAtown (which isn’t as Hellish as it sounds). Blake’s most popular character, irrepressible adventurer Chuck Cave, has appeared in over two dozen stories, including the 2005 Man’s Story 2 Story of the Year Award winner “Chuck Cave and the Vanishing Vixen.” The character’s supernatural thriller stories (which began with the seminal “Cave and the Vamp”) are all being released as a part of Vampires2.com’s initial foray into e-books. These new versions are presented in expanded and revised versions, all are the author’s preferred texts. Be sure to collect them all! In addition to his pulp stories for the 2-Empire (Man’s Story 2, Vampires 2, Androids 2 and Paranormal Romance 2), Blake’s fiction has appeared in several anthologies, including Unparalleled Journeys II (from Journey Books Publishing) and Fearology: Terrifying Tales of Phobias (from Library of Horror Press).

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    Book preview

    Wormtown Walkers (Valkyrie Force 1) - C. C. Blake

    Wormtown Walkers

    Valkyrie Force #1

    By: Daniel R. Robichaud

    (writing as C. C. Blake)

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

    Parts of this novel originally appeared as the novella Kane and the Hungry Dead by C. C. Blake. Vampires 2 Publishing. ©2012.

    Valkyrie Force 1: Wormtown Walkers is ©2015 by Daniel R. Robichaud.

    Cover Art © solarseven

    Cover Design © 2015 by Twice Told Tales

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Twice Told Tales

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    If you have any questions, please contact the publisher at daniel.robichaud@gmail.com.


    For Trista, Mamalade and Sappho.

    Three gals worth fighting for.

    Table of Contents

    Storm Front Advancing

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Interlude: Bed and Breakfast Stout

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten


    Kane Incarcerated

    Chapter One: Free To Die

    Chapter Two: Bleed Out

    Suggestions for Further Reading

    About the Author

    Storm Front Advancing

    The Mayor could see no sign of storm clouds through the leaded glass windows in his third floor office of Wormtown's fortress-like City Hall, but the thunder was nevertheless evident. He tapped a thoughtful fingertip against his chin, other hand occupied with holding the elbow near his midsection; he did not have a gut, per se, he was much too thin for such fleshy luxuries. He frowned at his own scattershot thoughts.

    Wormtown. Worcester's nickname was a disgrace, even in these already disgraced times. A name that reminded one of festering nonsense. The city was anything but another corpse, like Boston to the east or Amherst to the west or Hartford to the south or Providence to the south by southeast . . . Those places had gone dark years ago.

    The survivors had come here, and now they were outside these windows. Three floors down and hard at work. All the men, women and children who had flocked to the promise of safety and who possessed skills he wanted or services the skilled needed. One thing the end of the old world had done was reset the clock. Sure, as the old world had crept toward its climax, people carried smartphones instead of .44 revolvers and hybrid smartcars tootled around the city's narrow streets instead of horse drawn buggies and carriages, but the doom-filled day the dead returned had taken a hammer to the cultural clock, resetting the calendar to somewhere around the time of Wild Bill Hickok and the expanding western frontier. Of course, these days the frontier expanded in all directions at once.

    The door banged open, and panic once more intruded on the Mayor's calm sanctum. Sire, there's been another disappearance. This news came from Slown, the Mayor's second, a toadish fellow with large yellow eyes and a larger pale belly, a fellow who was squished into a Seersucker suit because he thought they connoted station, when all it did was make his bulging eyes look even more provocative and his body decidedly sausage-like.

    The Mayor glanced back to his second and continued tapping the thoughtful finger against his chin. How many does that make? He knew the answer already, but keeping a toad feeling helpful was one way to control that toad. Have him respond in expected fashion, and there would be no nasty surprises.

    Five, sir. Five of our, well, not quite best and brightest, but five shining lights.

    We cannot tolerate a single loss, the Mayor snapped. Scientists are in short supply these days. We don't exactly have universities churning them out anymore, do we?

    He recalled the days of his own graduation, receiving a piece of paper and then being told there were not enough jobs for the numbers of PhDs that were being pushed out of the system, all the systems around the country. Long gone, those days. Now, the brains that earned those papers in those supersaturated years were once again too few to waste.

    A funny coincidence, since those brains made them appetizing to the undead threat roaming the world.

    And who is it this time?

    Another biochemist, Slown said. Trini something or other. Married to that physicist who operates out of the old clock tower.

    I know the one. The Mayor recalled her as a classy redhead with brown eyes and an impressive rack. She had been smart enough, sure, but even better: she could communicate. With Phase One of his plan nearing completion and the need to move to Phase Two, he would need proper communicators. Bother. What leads do the Protectors have?

    His police force was more the latter part of that equation than the former. Force was easier to muster, but actual policing was a difficult task.

    Clues are yet to be deciphered. We suspect Fowler, though.

    The Mayor spun on his toady with an uncharacteristic snarl. Of course it's Fowler. Everything is Fowler, these days. It stinks of that Mad Doctor. Why are we surprised he's involved? Answer: we're not. For as long as this city has been rebuilding, he has been demanding we pay him fealty. And every time we have refused, he has pulled some stunt to pull us into line with the rest of his fold. The Mayor caught his tongue, then. Chuckled softly to release the rage. Next, you'll be telling me more rumors of armies amassing. Or secret government laboratories under our very feet.

    Those, the toady said, are the rumors, yes.

    And they are also nonsense, the Mayor said. Don't you think we'd have found out otherwise by now? Our Protection Services do have an Intelligence division, and at least two of the agents is worthy of the name.

    The toady looked confused. Possibly on the verge of tears.

    Besides, aren't the walking dead enough of a menace? the Mayor muttered. Do we really need to worry about our own species trying to bone us for a percentage? He sighed, and rapped his knuckles against the wood of his desk. I want answers. That fellow, the ambitious Protector.

    Kane, the toady supplied.

    Yes, that's the one. Again, the actual name was a known quantity, but allowing Slown to fill in the blank brought him once more under control. Make them useful or make them dead, it was the only way to play politics in this ostensible-Democracy-actual-dictatorship. You think he can produce results?

    He's got ideas, Slown said, as though such a thing were verboten in his world view. But he seems clever enough. Smart, even.

    The Mayor did not have the heart to tell his toady that he had used synonyms instead of denoting separate qualities. Let's give him a modest budget, let him run. At best, he solves this issue. At the very worst, he hangs himself.

    You're a wise man, Mayor.

    Thank you, Slown. Using a man's name created the illusion of friendship almost as much as sharing intoxicants or sports facts. You're a good man, too.



    What if there is something to them?

    To what, pray?

    The rumors? Armies. Laboratories. Those things? We haven't proven they don't exist.

    The Mayor's chest heaved with a sigh, as he debated the merits of explaining why disproving hypotheses was the more important concept than proving null hypotheses. Why, then we will have to deal with them, won't we? And Kane strikes me as a solutions man. Quite a bit of the Force in that one, with an equal measure of the Policing as well.

    As you say, sire.

    After his toady departed, the Mayor returned to his window and waited for the next peal of thunder to resound. It might come from the horizon, from far off. He suspected it would originate far closer, however. Perhaps even rise from the outermost ring of pacified Wormtown's residences. Perhaps over on Boylston street over near the dusty halls of Worcester Polytechnic Institute not five miles away. Or it could be in the park outside these very windows where local landmark statuary stood, one representing the local-born soldiers lost in war and the other celebrating youthful vigor (the infamous Turtle Boy).

    Even now, dissidents skulked down there, despite Protection Services' best efforts to keep the rabble from settling in any one place.

    Thunder sources. Dozens of them. Hundreds.

    He tapped his lip, wondering at how best to lance the boils. And whether or not cauterizing them afterward would prevent future growth.

    Chapter One

    The Cum Dumpster's claustrophobic confines grew all the more sinister from the pall of smoke hanging over the bodies of deep dreamers and scag addicts. Though the windows still sported posters for the latest XXX DVDs and the sign out front announced this as an Adult Superstore, the place had stopped being a jerk-off's paradise shortly after the old world ended in blood, fire and the walking dead. It had become a new sort of dick cheese dumping ground since then.

    Upon entering the place, Kane found himself holding his breath, as though he might catch airborne despair like a disease. He scanned the crowd, trying to discern corpses from the comatose. All the collapsed still seemed to be breathing.

    Unlike the other addicts and rejects in residence at the Cum Dumpster, Mariner did not sprawl upon the floor. Instead, he moved in careful, practiced steps amongst those bodies, sweeping the litter away from them, playing good little store minder. The Cum Dumpster, if it could be said to belong to anyone, belonged to Mariner and that made him the best source of intelligence this side of the fattest walking dead's swollen stomach. Why Kane came to him first of all.

    Upon seeing his former compatriot, Mariner waved a dismissive hand and muttered, We're closed. No more room. Go find somewhere else to waste your precious time, Protector.

    Standing six feet three inches tall and weighing two hundred twenty pounds of solid muscle, Kane towered over the five-foot six-inch Mariner. However, the good little shopkeeper showed neither fear nor signs of backing down. This was no surprise for Kane. In the ugly world built atop the bones of one that peaked just before the dead began to walk, the subservient did not last long on their own.

    The Cum Dumpster's tender was not an old man, in truth. He had been kicking along this round world for maybe twenty-five, twenty seven, surely no more than thirty years. However, his proclivity for chemical perversion had given him that poorly preserved quality most often found in the bed ridden oldsters abandoned to uncaring retirement communities where every room was a coffin and every meal was served via tube or drip by an apathetic staff.

    Mariner wore a gray suit coat as though what once communicated Wall Street power and success still offered some armor in this world. Kane preferred his own uniform’s Kevlar vest and the black plastic bite guards on his ankles and forearms. Still, Kane could not argue with Mariner’s show of spine. There were no apparent armaments aside from the chipped and dented handle on his big headed shop sweeper. Wasn’t that welcoming?

    Kane’s weapons waited within easy reach: a semi-automatic pistol remained in the black leather break open holster on his right hip, while his combat knife remained in its sheath tied to the left. The big man showed his palms in a gesture he hoped to be non-threatening, though he knew quite well that his hands alone were large enough to crush paint cans. I didn’t come here to fight, man.

    A pair of desert dried bones rubbed together: Mariner's laughter. Then take your partner and get lost.

    Kane frowned. If anyone would have an insider's knowledge to the mystery of the missing scientists, it was this man. Keeping him happy might prove the best way to get the information; however, keeping him breathing until he talked was the real primary objective. Partner? I'm alone, friend.

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