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The Global Crash of 2015 and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
The Global Crash of 2015 and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
The Global Crash of 2015 and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
Ebook88 pages52 minutes

The Global Crash of 2015 and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

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You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to profit and survive when a sudden economic collapse arrives in 2015. Great chaos and confusion are going to accompany the crash. There are 3 primary ways you can profit from it. One is investing into gold shares, coins and bullion. The second is investment into silver. The third is that you can diversify a percentage of your holdings into an inverse Exchange Traded Fund (ETF).

When the crash occurs it will be too late to invest in the ETF market. The financial sector of the market will be virtually destroyed. Inverse ETFs, gold and silver will skyrocket to highs that you've never seen before.

You need to know the timing since it's critical to invest at least 2 weeks prior to the event itself. The shadow government knows that the $18 Trillion in U.S. debt, the $100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities and the 1 Quadrillion in derivatives in the market are not manageable, nor can it ever be repaid. Their only plan is for a crash, to be followed by a devaluation. The end result is a financial tsunami the likes of which you have never seen before. The previously engineered prices of gold and silver will no longer be able to be contained.

"Of course the gold and silver markets are manipulated. You have to be either blind or a Harvard Graduate with a doctorate in Economics to ignore the fact." Mexican Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price

The book covers the history you need, the facts you need and a detailed description of the 2015 strategies you must employ. This book reads like an NSA Intelligence Briefing. This book provides you with the tools you need, and the precise timing of the engineered crash to occur later this year.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
The Global Crash of 2015 and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

David Meade

By profession, David Meade is a research scientist, holding a master's degree in statistics, his background in research and experimental design has enabled him to develop a unique and powerful approach to Pinewood Derby racing. He also enjoys model rocketry and astronomy.

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    The Global Crash of 2015 and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself - David Meade



    There’s no shortcut to any destination worth going. UNKNOWN

    This book covers:

    Oil & Geopolitics

    The Timing and Cause of the 2015 Global Economic Crash

    World Gold Shares

    The History of Gold

    How to Develop a Gold and Silver Portfolio

    Silver Investing

    Creative Non-Paradigm Planning and Thinking

    I have not found any other books that allow the investor to safely re-balance their portfolio from their home office, without leaving there. It is written as an eBook, for ease of search ability (just enter Ctrl F and you can find any search term or topic you want), and for ease of research ability.

    I am an Investigative Journalist, a cryptographer and have been employed at the Pentagon and Fortune 500 Companies. I’m the author of close to 10 books. Enjoy this one!

    David Meade


    I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

    Thomas Jefferson

    3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)

    In 2013 the German Bundesbank demanded the repatriation of a large part of its gold reserves which were held abroad. By the year 2020, Germany wants half of its total physical gold reserves back in the Frankfurt vault. This includes a demand on the Federal Reserve for 300 tons. The Federal Reserve has not permitted an audit of its gold holdings as requested by the German government. The dollar is no longer a safe haven currency. This German demand for the gold, if immediately granted, would have in effect been a run on the Federal Reserve. This cannot be allowed to happen by insiders.

    To date there have been LIBOR (London Interbank interest rate) scandals, an energy price scandal and a credit default swap scandal. Do you really believe that the price of gold and silver are not artificially held down way, way below their true market values? How long can this continue? How can increasing demand by central banks and investors lead to a price which doesn’t escalate dramatically?

    This whole scenario is nonsensical. It’s an attempt to keep the global bond market stable, and this plan is failing. Whistleblowers tell us that manipulation is taking place. JP Morgan shorted 3.3 billion ounces of silver some years ago. These large investment houses are constantly sued for fraud, and in other countries for corruption. Do you really believe their forecasts?

    The Federal Reserve is clearly out of its depth. It’s the greatest hedge fund in history. Once gold breaks $2,000., the average investor will realize the Federal Reserve’s control is broken, and world traders could see $10,000. - $15,000. gold and $500 silver.

    Gold is the only true value of wealth. The elite buy it. There are in excess of 55 paper gold contracts to every 1 physical gold contract. That’s why it is important to buy gold - physical gold and silver. Even the producers around the world that spend up to the maximum – say $1,000 an ounce – to bring gold out of the ground will shortly see the price increase by a manifold amount, but their cost to produce will remain virtually the same. Thus the leverage of the gold stock investment. It could reach 10 or 15 to 1, or even more.

    Paper investments are just that – paper. Retirement funds are often held in paper. You’ll need a significant amount of your personal assets invested in precious metals to survive what is coming. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are good to hedge and move counter to the market with leverage. But you need core holdings in real assets.

    Fiat paper currency has gone down in country after country. Gerald Celente, in his Trends Journal, states that gold is being manipulated by the U.S. central bank and also by the European central bank. They rig the game buying bonds and treasuries. Celente says he buys precious metals, and he is not a speculator. They are for his retirement. He also says about the central governments: they are never going to solve this problem. It is unsolvable. The only solution is a major devaluation or crash, or a combination. Germany years ago experienced a hyperinflationary crash which left its currency worthless. It was transported in wheelbarrows.

    U.S. inflationary policy has accomplished much the same, but we’re not there yet. Still, $1 in 1913 compared to the current status of the dollar is an interesting comparison. It requires close to $24.00 to buy what that one dollar bought then. On the other hand, gold has increased from about $20. an ounce in 1913, to more than 60 times that rate in recent years. Which is the better investment?

    The Federal Reserve is so leveraged it is technically bankrupt, as we’ll discuss in the chapter about the U.S. Research Project. The U.S. is borrowing trillions annually to balance its budget. Read about the currency crash in Zimbabwe and you’ll get an education of what may happen right here. Zimbabwe faced 231 million percent hyperinflation and crashed its own currency.

    The dollar is no longer the petrodollar king. All oil transactions used to be carried out with the dollar. China now trades its own currency, the Yuan, for oil purchases. Russia is backing them. The former respect for the dollar as an international reserve currency simply no longer exists. China may stop buying U.S. debt entirely. China, Russia, Brazil, and South Africa have the largest gold and silver reserves in the world.

    Banks in the U.S. trade in derivatives, and that market is approaching $1000 Trillion dollars. Back at the last economic crisis it was only $500 Trillion. It just takes a small correction to crash this market. The interest on U.S. debt is now unsustainable. All the while there is betting going on through the derivatives market.

    Banks are in a peculiar position. They can borrow from the Fed at .25% and buy government-backed treasuries that pay a large multiple

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