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Bottom Feeder
Bottom Feeder
Bottom Feeder
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Bottom Feeder

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Deena Hopping, a Pennsylvanian divorcee, finally has a home again, a rental, but it's new and she is rebuilding her life. Yet there is something about the basement that troubles her besides the fact that her landlord lives in the basement. When women begin to disappear she suspects her landlord. Researching the history of the town, she learns that there were many mysterious disappearances throughout its history. When the police finally put an end to her landlord's reign of terror, she thinks all is well. But the real horror is hidden deeper in the earth, below the basement, a being of evil that will destroy the entire town if that's what it takes to feed its appetite...
Release dateFeb 1, 2013
Bottom Feeder

Matt Cole

Matt Cole was born in Oberlin, Ohio and grew up in Central Florida. Most of his heroes growing up as a boy rode horses and saved damsels in distress. They wore white hats and shot six guns. He is the author of over twenty published books. He currently teaches English at several higher education institutes and universities. 

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    Bottom Feeder - Matt Cole


    The voice was still fresh in his head telling him to bring more people…or food.

    He had struggled to ignore the voice.

    The voice would not shut up!

    Crying, he continued with his plan.

    The New Year was not even an hour old, stood tranquil and cold, the moon brilliant. Against the horizon the mountain peaks endured white, isolated, and unreal. Here in the lower forest moonlight sifted through the teeming treetops to sparkle on the diamond points of frost that shattered under the rubber wheels of the bicycle. There was no other sound; the world was freezing to death. Riding hunched in the seat, the man guided the bike with his knees. Once he came to a narrow dirt road, the man checked the bike and listened, his breath like smoke. There was neither sight nor sound of life, man and bicycle went on, across the road; into the forest again, like sailors on an endless sea.

    He came to a rail fence stopping the bike. The man alighted laboriously, then with wooden-fingered gauge leaned the bicycle to a nearby sapling and from the front basket he removed a bulky sack. Climbing the fence, he walked vigilantly to the edge of the timber, halting in the black shadows of a pine tree to look over the clearing ahead, bone-white and lifeless as the surface of the moon. Beyond the field was a house, backed by a shed and other buildings, then after a long, wary inspection, the man moved into the opening with the sack. A dog rushed, barking, from the porch of the house and the man stood still, making soft, friendly sounds; the dog circled downwind for his scent, ceased barking, and came up with the apologetic tail. The man rubbed its ears and spoke in howls. He liked dogs.

    The man went on with the dog trotting beside him. The house was hushed, listless, part of the macabre night world. Against the kitchen wall was a woodshed and the man stepped into it, one shadow obscuring in another. His cold fingers were all thumbs; he worked in the dark, but it was the straightforward thing he had to do. The dog waited outside the shed in the moonlight, now and then moving its tail in a buoyant, friendly manner. A jug gurgled and the harsh smell of gasoline made the dog sneeze. In the shed a match flared and a fire began to glow merrily. Quickening now, the man emerged, returning the way he had come, the dog trotting beside him across the frosted field, over the fence, into the forest as far as the bike.

    For a extended moment the man stood there, looking back in the direction of the house, absently fumbling for a cigarette, but it was too cold for smoking, and with fingers of ice he pushed the pack back under his coat, but so awkwardly that it fell to the ground. The man mounted the bike, riding away; the dog returned to its bed on the porch, and for a while the world was vacant and silent again.

    After a timeless interval, light flourished in the shed, slowly at first, then with a gusty rush that brought the dog off the porch, barking alarm. No more tentacles reaching out of the darkness touching him or his family or slime. They were all gone, but so too was the evil. Inside the house a child stirred and murmured without waking. Not that he could wake completely.

    Part One: The Basement

    Chapter 1

    Deena Hopping drained her coffee mug. Sugar and honey coagulated the residue and she thought she felt an instant lift from all the glucose, caffeine, and sweeteners she’d added to the drink.

    Why don’t you add some coffee to your sugar? asked Arlene Balleza.

    Arlene broke into a smile and reddened. She had the kind of moist, velvety skin that blushed easily. She must have been extremely attractive when she was younger, maybe striking; but she was in her early fifties now and carried an extra forty pounds that tarnished her features and made her nose too insignificant for her face. Nevertheless, her eyes were astonishing anyway. They were intense, clear green, fringed with luscious, black lashes, and her hair was so gold, you’d never get from any bottle. It would have been lovely, too, but was done up into a wiry halo that made her face look even larger.

    I like my coffee sweet, she said proudly. I mean it keeps me going. You know it gives me energy.

    They went to the front window that looked out on a few acres of brownish meadow ringed with trees. In the distance were a couple of begrimed white boxes on stilts, under an old pine.

    Those dirty boxes? Arlene asked.

    Deena nodded and her smile widened, showing small, even teeth. No, you don’t have to give me a hand with those.

    I’d love to—it’s no trouble. Arlene meant it.

    Deena said, As long as it’s not a bother to you.

    Well…no…I’m kidding, it’s fine. Arlene tried to sound humorous.

    Deena turned away from the window.

    Then I suppose we should get started on them, she said.

    I suppose we should. Arlene looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. It had an expensive porcelain face with hand-painted birds. Everything in the house was very modern and had the look of having been collected over the years since Deena had left college, not bought in time passed down from generation to generation. It was the look Arlene was quickly becoming a fan of in the homes she did, but this was genuine.

    The kitchen table on which they had just had coffee, for instance, had just been assembled earlier that very morning.

    Deena suddenly felt good.

    Arlene Balleza was red-faced, overweight, maybe a little goofy, and her clothes were abysmal: her sweater was a Pepto-Bismol-pink that only added to her moist, red look; her Capri pants pulled across her backside and were far too short, so the cuffs flapped around like bell bottoms.

    Bell bottoms!

    But her taste was good when it came to the house; she seemed rather shy, uncertain about herself, and affable, and it did not hurt that she had money.

    You sure? Deena asked, picking up her notepad and a permanent marker.

    C’mon, let’s get this over with, Arlene replied as she led Deena through the large, sunny, state-of-the-art kitchen, to an old-fashioned slatted wooden door. The stairs look worse than they truly are, she announced with her hand on the knob, but they’re sound. We’ve been assured and the landlord even allowed us to have them checked. Then she opened the door, and Deena smelled mold and sour dirt mixed with a heavy, sickish-sweet odor of rot, decay, and what she imagined death would smell like. Deena expected the stench to be hot as well but was surprised to discover it came up the stairs on a draft of cool air.

    Good… Lord, Deena nearly said. Yet it was wrong to use the Lord’s name in vain in front of Arlene Balleza, who’d been a very devout Christian woman and regular church goer.

    Grief, Deena finished lamely and Arlene turned an even deeper shade of red.

    You may hear and find the occasional mouse or two, Arlene said miserably. They get in and die no matter what we do to stop them. They breed so quickly and can get into the tiniest of spaces. Perhaps I’ll keep looking for a better exterminator…

    That would be nice, Arlene.

    Well, if you’re anything like me…then you must be deathly afraid of creatures like mice. Arlene flicked the switch next to the door and bulbs in old metal cups came on; they weren’t very bright at all, making pools of light down a rickety-looking flight of stairs even more frightful.

    Arlene’s eyes fluttered like the wings of a nervous moth and Deena thought, she hates it down here, she is nearly petrified, and felt a tug of empathy for the heavyset woman next to her.

    Don’t you worry, Arlene, Deena said gently. We don’t have to go down there if you don’t want to.

    Oh, I don’t mind, really, Arlene replied weakly. The smell is typical of basements in the north. How long have you been living in the south? A few years? Well, you probably just don’t remember how awful basements can smell.

    Didn’t it say in the ad that the landlord was going to rent the basement out separately anyway?

    Well…yes, that is the deal. In fact, you may be right; perhaps we shouldn’t even go down there. The landlord, Mr. Marsden, was adamant that I be sure to advise prospective renters that the basement was not part of the agreement. Arlene sounded terrified yet relieved.

    Then that settles that; we can get working on the rest of the house, Deena said.

    That would be best, Arlene added as she tried to sound like she had been looking forward to going into the basement, and they closed the door.

    Is there a second entrance outside that leads into the basement? Deena asked.

    Yes, of course.

    Then do you think Mr. Marsden would mind if I installed a lock on this door? Deena questioned politely.

    I don’t see why not…but I’d better run it by him first, okay?

    The smell of mold, sour dirt, and carrion still lingered in Deena’s nostrils, and she suddenly thought, something is not right down there.

    * * * *

    Don’t forget to stock up on the sugar for your coffee, Arlene said. She held up a near empty container of the sweetener. You still have a lot of unpacking to finish.

    Thanks for everything, Arlene, Deena called back.

    I’ll get back over in a few days or so and give you a hand, okay? Arlene said.

    Okay…that would be nice. But hopefully I’ll be done by tomorrow. You have really out done yourself this time. This place is exactly what I was looking for. Arlene was blushing again. Her blood pressure must be stratospheric, Deena thought, as she made her way out the front door and down the marble steps from the front porch that led to a marble path across the lawn.

    Arlene climbed behind the wheel of a four-year-old Mercedes that she was already talking of trading in on a current version, then waved to Deena, who waved back from the sidewalk that ran in front of the rental house she had begun to move into.

    * * * *

    Not right! Deena thought as she laid out the window treatments she was planning to install in the living room. Her mind went back to the smell coming from the basement. Despite Arlene’s reminder that all basements smelled bad, Deena was not convinced. She was glad not to have to go down there.

    Later, at the local restaurant Deena tried to relax after a long day of unpacking and making ready her new rental house. She found a friend, Willard Swader, to join her for dinner.

    How much are you paying? Willard asked. It would have sounded rude from anyone else, but anyone who knew Willard knew he loved to talk about money, no matter the person or situation.

    Two thousand a month, Deena replied.

    Goodness gracious, Deena! Willard exclaimed.

    I know it sounds like a lot…

    Because it is a lot. That was Maggie, Willard’s wife. Worth even more than he was and prone to more gossip than anyone in Strafford. Combined, the two had an estimated fortune between them that was rumored to be in excess of one hundred million dollars, Deena thought. Twelve hundred a month was not a lot to them.

    But, Deena pushed on with all the firmness she could muster, they’ve already rebuilt the house using all the modern advancements, making the house very green. It is truly lovely and amazing.

    Lovely and amazing? Willard asked wryly.

    The house had been a concern among the town for years before the fire destroyed it. It had been the eye sore, the armpit of the town, and the scourge of every neighbor.

    Well, it does look so much nicer than it did before, Maggie conceded.

    It would have been hard pressed to have it look worse, Willard joked. I suppose since all the enhancements have been made it is worth what you’re paying per month; just be careful. Something ’bout that house that unnerves me.

    Don’t frighten the girl, Willard, Maggie scolded. Don’t you listen to this silly old man, Deena, dear? The house is lovely and we’re glad that you will be so close. You must come over for dinner one night.

    Certainly, that would be nice, Deena replied. What unnerves you about the house, Mr. Swader?

    It is the basement, more than the house itself, Willard Swader shot back.

    He’s just being silly, Deena, really, Maggie offered, giving her husband a look of daggers.

    The basement, why? What about the basement bothers you, Mr. Swader? Deena pressed.

    Call me Willard, please. It’s nothing, I spoke out of turn, Willard said, trying to move to another subject.

    Do you know why Mr. Marsden, my landlord, is renting the basement out separately from the house?

    Willard and Maggie Swader exchanged looks. Maybe he needs the extra income, Willard answered.

    What aren’t you telling me?

    Nothing dear. The house was just so darned ugly before the fire. And over the years the local kids claimed that the house was haunted. You know how children can be. But now that it has been rebuilt I’m sure all of those stories will disappear; right, Willard?

    Of course.

    The couple stood to leave and Maggie excused herself and was off. Before Willard could leave Deena grabbed his shirt sleeve.

    Mr. Swader…I mean Willard, what is the real story about the basement?

    Strange things have been claimed to go on in that basement, Willard said. What is truly strange is how the entire house was burnt to the ground, yet the basement was not touched by the fire.

    You mean the original basement was not destroyed?

    Exactly, not even with smoke damage.

    How is that possible?

    I don’t know. Just be careful. And the reason for not renting it out is that Mr. Marsden himself uses that basement for God knows what, Willard explained. It was checked out after the fire and as they were rebuilding the house, but nothing was discovered down there.

    It was empty?

    No, there was some furniture and the sort…but…something didn’t seem right to those who went down there…

    Willard Swader! Come on and leave that poor girl alone, Maggie yelled from the front door of the restaurant.

    Be careful, Willard said before leaving.

    Willard Swader was respected, handsome, educated, not like Arlene, who had never completed college for all of her money. People listened to Willard, but Arlene was enjoyable to be around.


    * * * *

    It wasn’t long, only a few weeks, that Deena had the house looking lived in. The trees outside were budding out and the lawns started to green up; she had finished unpacking. The cleaning had commenced next, so her days were spent washing windows and mopping floors, hanging the last of the drapes and wallpaper, placing the area rugs and hanging her pictures on the walls.

    I’m finally done, Deena called down the stairs. Come and see for yourself.

    Arlene had made a promise not to look until it was completely done and she’d kept it. Now she went upstairs, head bowed so she wouldn’t see until she got to the top and could get the full effect.

    She stepped up on the pale mauve carpet and raised her head for the first time.

    Oh, Deena!

    So, you like it?

    Like it! I’m amazed and jealous. She’d never imagined this once foreboding house could look so warm and familiar. The floors were mostly wood and, like the stairs, some had been covered slightly in fine carpets or area rugs.

    Deena inhaled, nostrils flaring. Smell anything?

    Incense, and is that apple pie? You’re cooking now? Arlene gasped.

    Heavens no, I have candles, and as you noticed, incense burning throughout the house.

    The smell from the basement that bad?

    No, actually I don’t even smell it. And to make sure I don’t I have been burning candles.

    I hope you don’t burn the new house down in the meanwhile... Arlene joked then realized it was not funny.

    I knew you could make this place a home. It is truly lovely what you have done with it. If you had seen the old house you would be more shocked too.

    Thank you for finding me this place. I knew you were the right person to call when I decided to move back to Strafford. Thanks, Arlene.

    We’re all glad you’re back, Deena. You just put that bum, Joseph, behind you and start anew just like this house. If you can make your life look as good as you have this house you should be landing yourself a millionaire husband in a few weeks.

    Oh, I’m not at all ready to begin dating again...

    I can’t say that I blame you there. You know, now that you have finished the house, perhaps you can find your way down to church on Sunday. Ummm...what do you think? I know some single, Christian men who wouldn’t mind meeting you.

    I may attend church, but again I’m not ready to start dating right now.

    Arlene walked slowly around the house, looking at perfectly matched furniture and rugs, and the window treatments that were weighted at the hems so they wouldn’t billow when the new windows were opened. She took in the perfect join of the walls and ceilings, and the wood floors that were the softest tan she had ever seen in any house.

    The place suits you, Deena. You have done an amazing job. You should be an interior designer. You could make a decent living doing that, Arlene said in hopes that Deena would be inspired to come and work for her.

    Maybe later, Arlene. I have enough on my plate currently and sufficient money in the bank to start that writing career I’ve always wanted.

    Please don’t tell me you actually want to write those ghastly romance novels that cheapen the very existence of women, Arlene said in shock.

    There is good money in romance novels, Deena replied. But, no, I am working on something more serious right now.

    Oh, you have to let me read your work sometime.

    When I am confident it isn’t awful, then perhaps I will.

    Well, if you write as well as you decorate I’m sure whatever you write will be first rate and a bestseller.

    Deena smiled and blushed. Thank you, Arlene.

    Arlene came back to the middle of the floor, in the living room, and turned a full circle. Then trying to ignore the hair-raising prickle she’d always gotten looking at the basement door, which was visible from the living room, she swiftly said a prayer.

    The house is wonderful, Arlene said. I wouldn’t change a thing. It was a lie and silently she wondered if Deena could tell.

    * * * *

    Deena wrote Arlene a check for the next month’s rent, having already paid the deposit, first and last month’s rent in advance, and handed it over. Arlene thanked her, folded the check smartly, tucking it into her purse, wondering what it would be like for a recently divorced and employed woman to write checks in the multiple thousands without thinking about it.

    Remember to mention me to your friends if they need a real estate agent, and be kind, Arlene said with a smile.

    I will. This doesn’t mean that you will stop coming around, does it? Deena asked.

    Heaven’s no. I’m harder to get rid of than the flu.

    Good to hear.

    And...this is for you, Arlene announced, handing Deena a bag of pure sugar.

    Oh, wow, um...thank you, Deena said with true gratitude. She’d finished off the last bag of sugar a few days before and hadn’t had time to replenish it, and she vowed to hoard this one.

    Well, if there isn’t anything else, Arlene said, I have some paperwork to finish and another rental to show across town.

    Of course. Deena did her best to sound as if she meant it.

    Then we’ll meet for lunch, and you’ll come back to admire my latest efforts on writing the great American novel.

    Absolutely, Arlene lied. She was going to go straight to church and beg forgiveness for all of her white lies.

    Oh, before you go, Deena interjected rather harshly, startling Arlene.

    Yes, what’s on your mind?

    When will I get to meet Mr. Marsden?

    Arlene looked shocked and was at a loss for words.

    Deena took note.

    What’s wrong?

    Arlene’s grip on her purse tightened, her breath became shallow, and her heart beat quickened. Nothing—it’s that...well...um...Mr. Marsden moved back into the basement last week. I had thought for certain he would have said something to you. I’m guessing he didn’t.

    No, he didn’t.

    Deena walked Arlene to her car, watched her climb in, and shut the door for her. She waved goodbye to Arlene, who waved back, and then Deena headed back to the house.

    Deena was a little freaked out that Mr. Marsden had moved himself into the basement without her ever seeing or hearing him.

    * * * *

    Well, I never thought I’d set foot in this house, Willard Swader said.

    I’m glad you two came, Deena replied.

    Today, the grand unveiling, Maggie Swader noted.

    If you so desire, Deena mumbled.

    Of course, we desire. We’ve been waiting nearly thirty years to see the inside of this house, Maggie added.

    Oh...at least there’s no pressure then, huh? So you never set foot in this house before today?

    Not even a pinkie toe, Willard said and laughed.

    To be honest, we were scared of the place, Maggie said.

    But I thought you said those were just silly stories, Deena replied.

    They are, of course, Maggie admitted unconvincingly. And we’re both silly old fools. Now show us what you’ve done with the place.

    Deena stood up. All right, but don’t expect Better Homes and Gardens material.

    The three of them trooped across the living room into the kitchen as Deena hung back a few feet from the basement door, watching the older couple—hoping against hope that the strange sensation starting to run across her neck and down her arms was a relic of the old house and not indicative of the basement or house today. It felt much like what Deena had referred to as ghost pain, like when you could still feel a limb after it had been amputated.

    The couple ranged around, oohing and aahing at one feature or another as Willard went into the hall, then did an about face and came right back. Maggie opened the door to the bathroom; Willard took a peek inside the guest bedroom; he then went into the bathroom and flushed the toilet. To make sure it worked properly? Deena could only guess. Maggie ran her hands across the marble countertops in the kitchen and said, Gorgeous work.

    Willard tried out the couch, then called to Maggie, pointing to the new entertainment center with the fifty-two inch LCD flat panel television. Guess we’ll have the Super Bowl party here.

    Sure, sounds great, Deena said.

    No one said anything for a few minutes. A little later, less than five minutes, Deena thought the couple was back at the basement door in the kitchen.

    Always wondered what he does down there, Willard stated.

    I wouldn’t know, Deena said truthfully. I haven’t even met him yet.

    But he lives down there, doesn’t he? asked Maggie.

    Apparently, Deena said. I don’t know anything about Mr. Marsden.

    Don’t you think that is odd? Willard asked.

    I suppose he’s just a private person, Deena said, not wanting to get too much into her mysterious landlord’s behavior.

    Even so, Willard said finally, to Deena’s pleasure, walking away from the basement door.

    Silence again. Then Maggie, who had less patience than a kindergartener, said, You should be proud of what you have done with the place. It is fantastic.

    Has either of you heard from Arlene in the past few days? Deena questioned. She was supposed to be here today, too.

    Willard shrugged his shoulders while Maggie shook her head.

    It had been three days since Deena had seen or heard from Arlene.

    No one mentioned how creepy or spooky the house had been, or her mysterious

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