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Game Changer
Game Changer
Game Changer
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Game Changer

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About this ebook

"Never judge a book by the cover..." and never assume "Gamers waste time." While the dichotomy between the non-gamer's perception and the gamer's reality is always a good topic at the dinner table or among friends, how many people really look into their myths and misconceptions? In "Game Changer" you're introduced to a world where games not only rule, but have practical applications for everyday life.

Delve into a new frontier where gamers and their games are changing the face of the planet through education, entertainment, and social media. Take a broader spectrum look at the way gamers are able to "think outside the conventional box" to expand their technological and social skills. Ever wonder why someone who is a known gamer is walking out of the interview smiling a mile wide? The hiring official most likely looked into their skill sets of technology, being able to thinking quickly for new solutions, the ability to work outside the box and still get the job done in a team environment, may be all they needed for the hiring manager to say "yes" to them.

"Game Changer" takes you through the ever changing world around us, explaining how games are shaping everything from science and medicine to engineering and autism, and the way non-gamers may want to take another look at the cover of the gamer's book.

PublisherAralyn Kraft
Release dateFeb 18, 2016
Game Changer

Aralyn Kraft

Gaming, hiking, skating, reading, writing, music, martial arts, and taking long walks by the beach at sunset, playing guitar or synthesizer, thunderstorms and rainy weather, desert sunrises and sand between my toes, and the best part... I love Halloween! I get to wear my creepy all white contact lenses. Mwuahahaha! So you'd like to know a little about me? Pull up a comfy chair and relax a bit. I respond to questions about my knowledge base in export compliance and gaming as well as any book I've wrote or am writing, so feel free to leave questions or emails and I will get to them the best I can. Everything listed above is true. I love all of it and more. My background currently is in export compliance and gaming; what an odd mix. My certifications in both EAR and ITAR accompany years of logistics in the field of science. It was interesting growing up. I never knew all the people who came to our house wasn't another brother or sister but my sibling's friends. They all came to get their haircut by mom, long talks and advice from dad, and either breakfast or dinner consisted of at least 4-13 people at any given time that weren't related to us. Aralyn Kraft is my pen name and chosen as my alter ego. Hey, what's one more identity to add to an already large family? My passion for writing stems from my mom's love of reading to me when I was young. While I loved hearing the stories, I always imagined different endings or the 'what would happen if' got plugged in somewhere along the lines. Motto: It's all good if I can keep waking up on the right side of the dirt. If I can't, then let me be the best zombie or funnest ghost ever! Dog moment: "Best day ever!" with everything. Cat moment: "Ohhh that patch of sun feels good." all year round. Bird moment: "Oh look, shiny!" tweet! as I write. Hmm...I was suppose to be doing something. Wonder what it was?

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    Book preview

    Game Changer - Aralyn Kraft


    Chapter 1 Get to know your newbs from your noobs.

    Chapter 2 If only I were the Science Guy!

    Chapter 3 Social Media and Letting Go

    Chapter 4 Trollin’... Trollin’... Trollin’ down the river!

    Chapter 5 Practice, practice, practice! You already knew that.

    Chapter 6 What does that even mean?

    Chapter 7 Obesity and laziness

    Chapter 8 Here’s a map to find your way back.

    Chapter 9 Serving up Vanilla

    Chapter 10 The Non-Gamer’s Perceptions, and Gamer’s Reality.

    Game Changer - MMORPG IRL: How to gain the gamer’s edge


    Ask yourself if you have ever said, or heard, any of the following, or a variation: Games are for children, Gamers are just stupid, Games cause obesity, Those people have no life, It (gaming) is too violent, All they do is teach bad habits, There is no value in them (games), educational or otherwise,What a waste of time and money, They have no idea what's going on in the world around them.

    How can an individual or a society as a whole gain something positive from such a negative stigma? How does gaming translate across the board for everyone in real life from time, investments, money, economics, sociology, and gainful employment? Isn’t gaming just a waste of all of those things? If you wanted to be honest with yourself, will you ever get back all the hours of television you’ve sat watching over the years? But you’ve learned from some of it, haven’t you?)

    This book is going to lead you through the science and interviews of how gamers become better achievers in real world situations. How they can adapt more quickly and easily to ever changing scenarios by thinking analytically, more rapidly - regardless of if they’re familiar with the issue or not. How can you benefit from these civil habits in the workplace, home and school?

    From the perspective of a game player, I will show how gaming can and does take the edge off a stressful day. How analytic mechanics is nurtured and how we use social media for entertainment and learning tools. How we get things done in record time that affect science. How do we find balance finding that job we want and getting ahead without losing focus on what matters to us - education, having a social life outside of work, entertainment? We will find the path on how to break the nasty stigmas placed on games and the people who play them. I will introduce you to how games break international social barriers. How online communities teach one other social, analytical, and economic acceptance. Ask yourself, what can you gain from this personally?

    The non-gamers who come from all walks of life will find the information in these pages insightful, informative, and yes helpful in achieving a better and sometimes more creative path. The best part of reading this book will be coming away with the feeling as though gaming may hold the key to unlocking your inner potentials.

    If you are like most people, you have come to believe reading certain words like proven and scientific to be catch phrases or perhaps see them as selling tactics. Or coined phrases like you too can benefit from automatically put you on medium to high alert. I won’t promise fame and fortune, that’s on you. As for proven and scientific, I can, at least, introduce you to that world and hopefully give you a better understanding of our world.

    Are you an introvert who would like to be more socially accepted even though people are scary and drive your energy level down? Or are you someone who would like to learn how to become a supervisor or manager. If you are a supervisor or manager already, find out how to brush up on your communication skills? Would you like to get a satisfactory feeling that accomplishments are not out of reach? Find that way of inspiring others around you.

    The information contained in these pages are backed by renown people in their fields with science and interviews from them. Each chapter will bring insight into the gaming community and media structure. Also, this content may serve to help translate gaming to real-world applications.

    You are ready to start turning the pages of this book now and get the most out of the things you really want, including more game time.

    Chapter 1

    Get to know your newbs from your noobs.

    Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill-will. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    In a deep resonating voice you hear: We.are.gamerrrsss! We.are.maaannnyyy!

    If this is being heard in your head to the voice of Mephistopheles’ son Blackheart (from: Ghost Rider), kudos! But, you are giving us much more credit than we deserve. It is not a chant. It is not a secret code. It is not evil incarnate come to wreak havoc and steal souls, but speaking to some people, you would think it is.


    Gamers have been given a bad rap as well as the games they have immersed themselves in for decades. One of the early games I remember being fond of is called Adventure. First introduced back in 1976, this game featured Dungeons & Dragons content. While it was an interactive roll playing module and considered one of the best of its kind on the market at that time, it was a boxed board game which came with its own dice and relied on you, the player, to skillfully use your imagination. Defeating trolls, dragons, and going on widely varied quests all wrapped in a story line set by the dungeon master, made for a great tabletop game. Other games such as the Zork (1978) series ran on the computer with a text-based graphical user interface (GUI). This game has the memorable tag line: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue. which can be found today leaving their lasting impression on t-shirts and memorabilia. Then the inevitable happened and the computers upgraded. The processor became faster. The graphics card, in conjunction with better motherboards, grew in capacity; and hard drives expanded the storage capacity from megabytes to gigabytes. With the ever changing and growing technology came a long list of games to keep up with supply and demand of the times. Since then, a myriad of games have risen. Games like Monkey Island which released in

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