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Historic Maritime Maps
Historic Maritime Maps
Historic Maritime Maps
Ebook302 pages1 hour

Historic Maritime Maps

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This book presents a selection of oceanic charts dating from the 13th to the 17th century. Though to us they may appear rudimentary, they bear excellent witness to the achievements of the early European navigators, and to their determination to explore the very ends of the Earth. What the charts may lack in geographical accuracy they undoubtedly make up for in charm. And of course they are priceless historical records. Recounting the epic voyages of maritime exploration, from Erik the Red to Robert Peary, author Donald Wigal leads us on an exciting journey from Terra Incognita to the World As We Know It.
Release dateFeb 12, 2022
Historic Maritime Maps

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    Historic Maritime Maps - Donald Wigal

    The Artist’s Studio, c. 1665. Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675). Oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.




    Maps, even those dating from centuries ago, influence our daily lives. They are one of the things that are part of our daily environment. Throughout history, besides its utilitarian function, every single map symbolises the period of time in which it was created. We are often reminded of the romance of antique maritime maps as we see them displayed in museums, or reproductions of them framed on the walls of private houses or institutions.

    In a Vermeer painting a map may be seen telling a story-within-a-story (see illustration). In plays and films maps typically set the period. In fiction they may be called on to remind the reader of a world beyond the story’s setting. In Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, for example:

    Had you followed Captain Ahab down into his cabin… you would have seen him go to a locker in the transom, and bringing out a large wrinkled roll of yellowish sea charts, spread them before him on his screwed-down table. Then seating himself before it, you would have seen him intently study the various lines and shading which there met his eye; and with slow but steady pencil trace additional courses over spaces that before were blank. At intervals, he would refer to piles of old logbooks beside him, wherein were set down the seasons and places in which, on various former voyages of various ships, Sperm Whales had been captured or seen.[1]

    A map indicates not only the location of places, it can also help us see the world as did the people of its day. Each map is therefore a priceless snapshot in the on-going album of humankind. This is especially true with antique maps, by which we can see the world through the eyes of our forebears.

    While the map-maker’s vision might later prove to be inadequate, maybe even incorrect, the unique truth it expresses tells a story that might not be revealed in any other way (see illustration).

    It may well be said that each map-maker effectively traveled in his mind vicariously not only to the envisioned places but also to the future. Each was sure, along with the aging Pimen in the play Boris Godunov, that

    A day will come when some laborious monk will bring to light my zealous, nameless toil, kindle, as I, his lamp, and from the parchment shaking the dust of ages, will transcribe my chronicles.[2]

    One such laborious monk was the fifteenth-century mapmaker Fra Mauro. He was certainly responsible for bringing to light the work of several other map-makers. By doing so he helped make the transition from the Dark Ages to the beginning of the modern era (c. 1450).

    Mauro was part of the the generation that was at work during the very focus of these significant times, over thirty years before the famous voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World in 1492.


    Mauro probably went largely unnoticed in his monastery on an island within the Laguna Veneta (the lagoon that surrounds Venice). But his new map was destined to demand attention. It was large and round – which was unusual – almost 2 metres (6 feet) in diameter, yet still very definitely a map and not a global representation. It also included exceptional detail.

    For the Asian part of the map Mauro took his data from the writings of Marco Polo. The rest was based on Ptolemy or his own contemporary sea-faring charts.

    Mauro’s extraordinary work was completed in 1459. That was the time when the plainchant sung in his monastery – like the plainchant sung in many contemporary monasteries – might well have been changing to the more harmonic presentations of such innovating musicians as Guillaume Dufay (c.1400–1474).

    Soon polyphonic masses began to anticipate the elaborate styles of the High Renaissance of 1500. In that innovative environment, Mauro may have wondered that if the singing of even the sacred texts of the liturgy were being freed of their over-simplicity, whether the Church’s representations of the Earth might likewise be given a new and meaningful dimension.

    Mauro’s map did just that. By orienting his map to the south, rather than to the east, he broke with the Church’s tradition. He no longer showed Jerusalem as the center of the world (see illustration). Cartographer Alan G. Hodgkiss observes that ‘Indeed, Fra Mauro’s map can be said to mark the end of theologically-based map-making and the beginning of an era of scientific cartography.’[3]

    Only sixty years after Mauro’s map was completed, Martin Luther stood his ground against Rome. And in turn that was seventy years before Copernicus published his Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies.

    More than a century and a half later Galileo would confront the Church with the shattering news that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

    This was a restless time for the Roman Catholic Church that liked to retain control and preserve tradition. Also in transition was the Earth itself, as after all its surface was being discovered. Its face was also becoming more clearly defined with each new exploration and subsequent map revision.

    Just twenty years before Mauro’s map – as if anticipating the need to get such forth-coming information to the world – Gutenberg (1400–1468) developed his revolutionary printing press. The first printed map in 1477 followed the first printed Bible in 1440. Both were documents that would support, in very distinct ways, the emergence of international humanism. As if to link early Church teaching to the Age of Exploration, Mauro’s large circular map was completed at about the same time that elsewhere Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was born. Also born at about that time were the future navigators John Cabot (1451–1498) and Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), and the future explorer Vasco da Gama (1460–1524).

    Mauro could not have foreseen that these young men would in a few years be the great explorers who would indeed bring to light the ‘zealous, nameless toil’ of his and other pioneering map-makers.

    Ten years after Mauro came to the end of his work, Machiavelli (1469–1527) was born: it was he who would eventually encourage the kind of creative effort in art and politics that Mauro and other innovators prefigured. His was the individualism soon to be personified in the great explorers.

    The Pisana Map, 1290. Unknown artist. Parchment, 50 x 105 cm. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. (Map 1)

    Arab Map Featuring Arabia as the Centre of the World, 10th century. Al-Istakhri. National Library, Cairo.

    World Map, after 1262. In Psalter Map Manuscript, London, Ms-Add 28681. The British Library, London.


    Before launching into the choppy sea of knowledge that is the on-going discovery of our planet, let us briefly apply the theme of exploration first to the historical origins of humankind. The first thing to note is that in many discplines scientists once thought the epoch in which our earliest ancestors appeared was the Pleistocene or Ice Age.

    In the late 1960s it was determined that the Pleistocene epoch began ‘only’ about 1.8 million years ago. For at least a century prior to that it was thought that the ‘Ice Age’ began several million years earlier. The academic juries may be out – as they nearly always are about such things – on how more modern studies will yet change the majority opinion.

    Enter Humankind

    We know that it was during the Ice Age that the extinction of certain mammals began – but at the same time humankind first appeared some 500,000 years ago. Also, with remarkable speed and thoroughness humankind evidently migrated to the American continents, undoubtedly at times traveling one way or another by sea as well as by land.

    Meanwhile, elsewhere on Earth other human cultures were evolving. As we skip forward 497 millennia – more or less – we see distinctive civilisations arise, such as prehistoric Greece in the Neolithic Age.

    By the early Iron Age (c. 800 BC to c. 500 BC) migrations by the Celts extended the use of iron into central and western Europe. We might again presume that the transition involved some sea travel, if not yet trans-oceanic voyages. Iron would of course play a vital part in the making of tools, nails, and equipment needed to build the ships that would spread the more technically advanced civilisations around the world.

    By the fifth and fourth centuries before Christ we see not only distinctive groups but also influential individuals, along with their works, who become known beyond their immediate circle of influence.

    In Greece, for example, great leaders arose who would significantly influence all aspects of subsequent generations. Among the many great thinkers of the era were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

    A pupil of Aristotle was later to become one of history’s greatest military leaders, the king of Macedonia, Alexander III. Although he would live for only thirty-three years, he was one of the few kings – along with Herod, the Roman-appointed king of Judea at the time of the birth of Jesus – to be called ‘the Great’.

    Atlas (Black Sea), 1313. Petrus Vesconte. Parchment, 48 x 40 cm. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. (Map 2)

    Atlas (Central Mediterranean Sea), 1313. Petrus Vesconte. Parchment, 48 x 40 cm. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. (Map 3)

    Atlas (Aegean Sea and Crete), 1313. Petrus Vesconte. Parchment, 48 x 40 cm. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. (Map 4)


    For centuries, map-making, shipbuilding and navigation used only simple mathematics (whole numbers and fractions) for the calculations required.

    The ancient Egyptians did not use symbols in their math, other than for real numbers; they did not use the abstract properties of numbers. However, problems such as we see in today’s introductory algebra textbooks were nonetheless posed as far back as 2000 years before Christ by the Babylonians and, indeed, by the Egyptians. The Greeks, through their use of geometry, discovered and used irrational numbers five centuries before Christ – irrational numbers are real numbers that have a nonrepeating decimal expansion.

    While they surely used mathematical principles, Ptolemy's twenty-six pioneering portolani were published eighty years before the appearance of the first book of algebra in around the year 250. Even four centuries before that, Chinese ships were built that were able to reach India, with or without maps.

    Obviously, exploration could achieve a great deal without a knowledge of advanced mathematics, but much more would be accomplished as greater mastery of time and space through mathematics evolved.

    Meanwhile, the development

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