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Chicano Movement For Beginners
Chicano Movement For Beginners
Chicano Movement For Beginners
Ebook289 pages2 hours

Chicano Movement For Beginners

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

As the heyday of the Chicano Movement of the late 1960s to early 70s fades further into history and as more and more of its important figures pass on, so too does knowledge of its significance. Thus, Chicano Movement For Beginners is an important attempt to stave off historical amnesia. It seeks to shed light on the multifaceted civil rights struggle known as “El Movimiento” that galvanized the Mexican American community, from laborers to student activists, giving them not only a political voice to combat prejudice and inequality, but also a new sense of cultural awareness and ethnic pride.

Beyond commemorating the past, Chicano Movement For Beginners seeks to reaffirm the goals and spirit of the Chicano Movement for the simple reason that many of the critical issues Mexican American activists first brought to the nation’s attention then—educational disadvantage, endemic poverty, political exclusion, and social bias—remain as pervasive as ever almost half a century later.

PublisherFor Beginners
Release dateSep 13, 2016

Maceo Montoya

Maceo Montoya’s paintings, drawings, and prints have been featured in exhibitions and publications throughout the country as well as internationally. He has published three works of fiction, The Scoundrel and the Optimist (2010), The Deportation of Wopper Barraza (2014), and You Must Fight Them: A Novella and Stories (2015), as well as Letters to the Poet from His Brother (2014), a hybrid book combining images, prose poems, and essays. His most recent publication is Chicano Movement for Beginners, a work of graphic nonfiction. Montoya is an associate professor in the Chicana/o Studies Department at UC Davis. More information about his work can be found at www.maceomontoya.com.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you need a primer on any given topic, I encourage you to see if the For Beginners series has covered the topic. I've read several, and they've all been exactly what I wanted as an adult novice. This one, however, is exceptional even for this already excellent series. For one thing, it is written by a person who is a writer, a professor of Chicano studies, and the scion of a member of the movement. You couldn't ask for anyone more qualified to write this book. Despite his obvious personal ties to the movement, he still honestly presents some of the failings of El Movimiento along with its myriad efforts and accomplishments. Even better, as one would hope for a beginners book, Chicano Movement for Beginners provides numerous resources for those wishing to pursue the topic.In addition to recommending this for those with an interest in Mexican American or Latinx history, I would encourage anyone with an interest in having a fuller understanding of the diverse and rich history of this country to read this book.I received a complimentary copy of this book via a Goodreads giveaway. Many thanks to all involved in providing me with this opportunity.

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Chicano Movement For Beginners - Maceo Montoya


I grew up in a Chicano home, which is to say, my family considered the Chicano Movement to be very much alive, and its important events and leaders were mentioned with great frequency and seemingly at every opportunity. As a child in the 1980s and early '90s, I was exposed (often dragged) to countless political rallies and cultural events, and everyone else at these functions seemed to share the same base of knowledge about the Chicano Movement, not only why it was important and who was involved, but also why its goal to create a more just and equitable society continued to be relevant. So I have to admit that when I finally ventured off into the wider world, it was somewhat of a surprise to learn that whenever I mentioned the Chicano Movement, or even the word Chicano, most people didn't know what I was talking about.

As the heyday of the Chicano Movement, roughly 1965–1975, fades further into history, and as more and more of its important figures pass on, so too does knowledge of its significance. Thus, this book is a small attempt to stave off historical amnesia. It seeks to shed light on the multifaceted civil rights struggle that formed the Chicano Movement. Just as African Americans in the 1960s fought to end centuries of racism, discrimination, and injustice, so did Mexican Americans. From California to Texas and well into the Midwest and even the East Coast, young and old emerged from the shadows to demand their rightful place in American society. The Chicano Movement, also known as El Movimiento, galvanized the Mexican American community, from laborers to student activists, giving them not only a political voice to combat prejudice and inequality, but also a new sense of cultural awareness and ethnic pride.

Beyond commemorating the past, this book seeks to reaffirm the goals and spirit of the Chicano Movement for the simple reason that many of the critical issues Mexican American activists first brought to the nation's attention in the late 1960s and early '70s—educational disadvantage, endemic poverty, political exclusion, and social bias—remain as pervasive as ever almost a half-century later. As the Latino population in the United States continues to grow, not just in the Southwest but across the country, these issues will assume greater prominence in the national discourse. As this occurs, all Americans will be wise to take note of the spirit and legacy of the Chicano Movement, charting a way forward with a deeper understanding of its successes, its failures, its lessons, and its inspirations.

—Maceo Montoya




Odd as this may seem, if you remove existentialism from the above quote and replace it with Chicano you get a pretty good understanding of the term and its complicated place in Mexican American history. Armando Rendón, in his landmark 1970 book, Chicano Manifesto, wrote, I am Chicano. What it means to me may be different than what it means to you. More than two decades later, the Chicano poet and novelist Benjamin Alire Sáenz wrote, "There is no such thing as the Chicano voice: there are only Chicano and Chicana voices. To this day, the term Chicano" maintains its blurry edges, but it continues to reflect a meaningful way of thinking about the confluence of cultural and historical forces—in short, about life.

Many activists in the Chicano Movement pointed to an etymology of the word Chicano rooted in the clash between Spain and Mesoamerica, specifically the Spanish conquest of the Valle de Mexica and its people, the Mexicas (more commonly known as the Aztecs), in the 16th century. Mexica was pronounced Meshica, but lacking a letter equivalent, the Spaniards changed the sh to an x—hence Mexica, or México, or Mexicanos. Shicano was simply short for Meshicanos. For these early activists, then, the term Chicano served two purposes: it made a connection not only to their Mexican roots, but also to their indigenous past. Compare that to the term Hispanic, which many Chicanos rejected because it references only the connection to Spain, basically negating half an identity and history.

Historically, however, most Mexican Americans knew the word Chicano through its common usage, mainly as a derogatory label for Mexicans who had become gringofied, linguistically and culturally, when they immigrated to the United States. Pocho, literally meaning rotten fruit, was another common label. These terms indicated a people stuck in between, who were neither American nor Mexican, who could speak neither proper English nor proper Spanish, who had forgotten their Mexican culture as they adopted the values and attitudes of North American society—in essence, a lost people. Never to be truly American, lapsed as Mexicans, they were a people without a country.

But Mexican Americans also used the term Chicano to describe themselves, and usually in a lighthearted way, or as a term of endearment, maybe even as self-effacement. Doing so expressed awareness that they had not just departed from or forgotten their Mexican origins, but that they had actually become a unique community. When Mexican Americans began identifying as Chicanos, it was a form of self-affirmation; it reflected the consciousness that their experience living in between nations, histories, cultures, and languages was uniquely and wholly theirs. This is what gave birth to a sense of community, a people: los Chicanos.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, civil rights activists who called themselves Chicanos emphasized the fact that it was a name not given to them or placed on them by an outsider, but a name that they had chosen themselves. That choice reflected the Movimiento's greater goal of self-determination, standing up against and rejecting the Mexican American community's long-suffering history of racism, discrimination, disenfranchisement, and economic exploitation in the United States (more on that soon).


Let's say this is not a book but a dinner party where you invite all the key figures from the Chicano Movement to discuss their role in this tumultuous period. Unfortunately, the evening would already be off to a bad start. Why? Well, you couldn't possibly invite everyone, but you'd be expected to. One of the main currents of the Movimiento was to bring attention to all the struggles of the Mexican American community—whether those of a soldier in the Vietnam War, a field-worker in California, or a university student—and seeing them as one. And what is a dinner party if not an affair that includes a chosen few and excludes others?

But we get past that. Your dinner party must proceed, space is limited, and a guest list is in order. You definitely want to invite César Chávez, a national hero on par with other inspirational leaders whose faces have graced the cover of Time magazine, stamps, and countless posters in grade-school classrooms. Dinner with César alone would be intimidating, so you attempt to balance his saintly demeanor with that of his sister in nonviolence, the rabble-rouser Dolores Huerta.

The duo is first to arrive, and your dinner party and history lesson are solidly underway. Dolores leads the conversation, and soon you have a thorough understanding of the United Farm Workers (UFW) and their struggle against powerful and exploitative California growers. But you're surprised to learn that César never considered himself a Chicano leader; nor did most of his fellow farmworkers consider themselves Chicanos. But before you can ask him to explain, in walks a man who effusively announces that he is the cricket in the lion's ear, none other than Reies López Tijerina from New Mexico.

In the manner of a soapbox preacher, Reies launches into a long discourse on his efforts to reclaim the lands stripped away from the Indo-Hispano people of New Mexico following the Mexican-American War and the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (which granted the United States about half of Mexico's territory). Reies recounts in vivid detail his persecution at the hands of New Mexican authorities, but after a half-hour and no signs of stopping, you begin to worry that no one else will be able to get a word in edgewise. Reies is in the middle of his story about the ill-fated Tierra Amarilla courthouse raid of 1967 when he is interrupted by the arrival of Rodolfo Corky Gonzalez, who, by way of introduction, begins reciting his epic poem of Chicano identity, I am Joaquín.

When Corky finishes his fiery recitation, he announces, much to your consternation, that participants of the Chicano National Youth and Liberation Conference have followed him all the way from Denver, Colorado. As if on cue, in walks a group of boisterous young people, many of them with long hair and wearing ponchos and overalls. They quiet down only when you answer their calls for pens and paper so they can work on updating the goals of their so-called spiritual plan.

Just as you're about to make your way back to the dinner table, a young man introducing himself as José Angel Gutiérrez walks through the door accompanied by yet another large group, this one hailing from Crystal City, Texas. Carrying lawn signs and campaign buttons, they identify themselves as members of La Raza Unida Party. When you explain that there are not enough seats at the table, they make their way to the living room, where they find a telephone (the old rotary kind) and take turns calling potential voters.

With all the hubbub, you almost miss the arrival of a quiet, distinguished-looking man, a little older than most in attendance, who appears out of place. He introduces himself as the Los Angeles Times journalist Ruben Salazar. But before you can show him to the table, the front door opens and in walks a cadre of stern-faced young men and women, all dressed in khaki and brown. They stand at attention like soldiers in formation and bark out that they are the Brown Berets, defenders of the Chicano barrio.

The house is ready to burst, and you cringe as more commotion outside draws you to the window. You hear chants.

What's going on? you ask, afraid to open the door.

A participant of the youth conference informs you that the Chicana Caucus has organized a protest against your dinner party on account of the fact that so few women were invited. Soon the protesters make their way inside, and between their chants decrying patriarchy and demanding that their voices be heard, Corky reciting his poem again (upon request), the youth reading one platform after another, the pollsters making phone calls, and the general din of one explanation after another of this and that event, you

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