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Dark Fates Collections
Dark Fates Collections
Dark Fates Collections
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Dark Fates Collections

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About this ebook

Dark Fates Collections is three books wrapped up in one, Dark Fates, Dark Fates-Madness, and NewsWorthy, with an extra story at the end about Karma Shay.

Dark Fates short stories-Wrong Number, Dwarfs Eve, Tavern Cat, Ghostly Wanderings, The Devil in Disguise, Te Amo, Shadow Man, Karma

Dark Fates-Madness short stories-One Way Ticket, Teen Spirit, Calla Crossing, Zack’s Promise

NewsWorthy short stories-The Snake in the Cereal, The Fire in the Mountains, The Man with the Bugs, Cannabis Cannibalism -vs- The West Nile Virus, Bats, Cats, and Wildlife

Karma Shay-Nighttime is my time. That’s when all of the bad boys and girls come out to play. I’m a player too. The thing? I can’t be touched. But I can make life miserable for the not so lucky.

PublisherLynn Thompson
Release dateSep 12, 2016
Dark Fates Collections

Lynn Thompson

Lynn Thompson’s place is in the Land of Enchantment, where the sky is turquoise blue, the fires rage, and there is rain and/or snow without a cloud in the sky.Lynn lives with her husband, son, dog, cat, and a tank full of fish. In her spare time she loves to hike, camp, read and write fiction.She has a degree in graphic arts and web design, but doesn’t have a specific genre that she writes her books in. She has two novels out: Blake-A Montana Dayton Novel and Sterling-A Montana Dayton Novel. She also has two short stories books out: Dark Fates and News Worthy.

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    Dark Fates Collections - Lynn Thompson

    Dark Fates Collections


    Lynn Thompson



    Lynn Thompson on Smashwords

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    All rights reserved

    Copyright 2016 by Lynn Thompson


    Join Lynn’s Newsletter for upcoming books


    Dark Fates

    Wrong Number, Dwarfs Eve, The Tavern Cat, Ghostly Wanderings, The Devil in Disguise, Te Amo, Shadow Man, Karma

    Dark Fates-Madness

    A One Way Ticket, Teen Spirit, Calla Crossing, Zack's Promise

    News Worthy

    The Snake in the Cereal, The Fire in the Mountains, The Man with the Bugs, Cannabis Cannibalism -vs- The West Nile Virus, Bats, Cats and Wildlife

    Karma Shay

    About the Author

    Join Lynn’s mailing list for upcoming releases www.lynnthompsonbooks.com

    Dark Fates

    Wrong Number

    Valerie sank deeper and deeper into sleep. Her last thought was a great night’s sleep is exactly what I need.

    She sighed and snuggled into her blankets. She remembered floating then falling further into the nothingness until a dark void consumed her.

    A strange entity started crawling toward her from underneath her bed. Her breathing quickened, chills pricked up her back to the top of her head. She could only see the outline of the form that wouldn’t stay out of her dreams. She didn’t want to see anymore. She didn’t want to know what it was.

    No! Not Again! I need to sleep! Valerie yelled into the darkness. She yanked herself out of her dream. A sickly sucking sensation overwhelmed her right before she opened her eyes. She blinked, took a calming breath and willed her heart to slow down. A tear rolled down her cheek.

    I haven't had hardly any sleep in the last month she thought as she watched her husband

    snoring soundly on the other side of the bed. She inwardly screamed. The temptation to start taking sleeping pills again flooded her. But the pills didn’t help. They didn’t get rid of her nightmares. They just made it harder for her to wake herself up.

    Stupid Dreams! Stupid insomnia! She screamed in her head over and over, attempting to stay awake, while she continued to watch her husband sleep. She wanted so badly to close her eyes and drop back into never-land, but she didn't want to have the nightmare again. Every night this black hole called to her when she closed her eyes. Every night she would pull herself out of it before that thing would show itself. Then she would stare at the ceiling until morning.

    But tonight was different, her spirit craved sleep. Her body and mind needed slumber to rejuvenate. She couldn’t keep her eyes open. Her drowsiness took over and she drifted off back into the oblivion of the black foggy emptiness. She opened her eyes with a start and stared into the unknown, she pinched herself. She was still asleep. She tried desperately to wake herself up, to no avail. She was stuck in her nightmare.

    I've been trying to find you. A raspy voice whispered through her, around her.

    The outlined entity slithered up from under her bed, out of the darkness, until its skull was a couple of inches away from her face.

    Her heart froze even though her pulse quickened. Dread consumed her, kick-starting her heart. Panic spread through her system until she was shaking with anxiety. Blood rushed through her veins into her ears and head, blocking out her hearing for a moment. Time slowed down to an unbearable crawl.

    The skull had no flesh or meat on it, just a few strands of long wispy gray hair dangling from the back of its head. She looked into its empty eyes before noticing the hollow sockets where its nose belonged. Her gaze wandered to its clacking gray teeth, the curvature of its aged orange/yellow spine with disks jutting out at weird angles. Its shoulder blades bulged in an unnatural arc causing a loose connection between the blades and the arms. Both of its skeletal hands were splayed out on the edge of the bed like it was trying to hold itself up. Its fingers looked worn and warped. She glanced back up at its empty face. It stared back at her from blank eyes.

    I'm alright, it said.

    The odor emanating from between its partially separated jaws was noxious. She swallowed hard in an attempt to keep the bile rising in her throat down.

    I'm alright. You don’t need to worry about me anymore.

    The creature watched her for a few more moments, gave her a gruesome smile and slithered back underneath her bed.

    Valerie was speechless. Her nerves calmed down and her heartbeat returned to normal.

    Had she been worried about someone who had passed away? She racked her brain but couldn't think of anyone. The skeletal entity didn't seem familiar at all and had no spirit that she could tell. Why hadn't she asked its name?

    She held herself back from peeking under the bed and asking that question. She was frightened at what she would find, but at the same time not frightened at all. The feeling left her confused and indecisive. Exhausted from the ordeal, she closed her eyes and this time fell into a deep slumber.

    The next morning she woke to the sun shining through the curtains. She remembered every detail of the night before and knew in her heart it wasn't a dream. Someone-thing had literally tried to contact her. Who could it have been? Why didn't she ask its name? She had known so many people who had passed away in the last few years. More than she could count on both hands. But she didn't know this one.

    She thought about the creature for most of the day, coming up with no answers to the person the skull may have belonged to. She mentally shrugged. It must have been a wrong number.

    Dwarfs Eve

    "Aw, come on."

    I don't know about this Derrick.

    It will be fun, Derrick replied with a huge grin. Josh and Lydia are going with us too. Do it for me baby girl.

    You know how I feel about cemeteries.

    Fine, his smile faded a notch. Stay home if you want Amber, but I'm taking the last of the beer and we're going. You'll be missing out on a great night.

    Amber sighed, she never could say no to Derrick. Alright, I'll go, but you need to stay close to me.

    We all will. Lydia beamed over Amber's' shoulder.

    It's Halloween, a full moon, and I hear the cemetery is on an old Indian burial ground. Josh mused out loud, grabbing himself a beer. Besides it's only a half hour walk there and back.

    The cemetery is not on Indian burial ground, stop scaring her Josh. Lydia hooked her arm through Josh’s and turned to Amber, the land behind it is Indian land. That’s all.

    I'm not scared, Amber mockingly replied with a sardonic grin. That cemetery has bad energy. I can't believe you've never felt it.

    Stop being a downer, Josh chipped in, making quotes with his fingers. Full moon, Halloween, this will be fun.

    Derrick laughed and handed Amber a beer. I'll protect you, I promise.

    Yeah, whatever, Amber sighed and pulled on her jacket and gloves.

    It wasn't like all cemeteries gave her the creeps. She'd been to plenty, but this one had rotten, evil, bad vibes. She'd rather be cremated and flushed down the toilet than be buried there.

    They walked in silence down to the cemetery gates, the full moon following them along the way.

    It's locked for the night, Josh hissed, shaking the bars.

    Aw, too bad, we should head back. Amber bit back her grin.

    I know a way! Lydia sang excitedly, grabbing Amber’s hand and pulling her around the corner.

    Wonderful, Amber thought sarcastically, hoping Lydia was wrong.

    Josh and Derrick laughed, following close behind them.

    You're awesome Lydia! Josh exclaimed when he saw the hole in the fence. He picked Lydia up off her feet and swung her around.

    Come on, Derrick said, excitement filling his voice. He swung Amber up into his arms and crossed the threshold.

    Amber’s skin pricked with goose-bumps as soon as Derrick set her down on the frozen cemetery dirt. The wind kicked up and leaves whirled around her. A creepy feeling twisted her stomach into knots. There's nothing here she told herself firmly, fisting her hands to keep them from shaking as a chill swept over her.

    Josh whooped, grabbed Lydia’s hand and ran with her towards the center of the graveyard.

    We need to stay on the pavement, Amber yelled as they rounded the bend.

    Leave them be, Derrick whispered in her ear before planting a kiss on her lips.

    Amber closed her eyes and snuggled into him for a hug. He wrapped his arms around her. Content, she glanced over his shoulder, little red eyes glared at her from beyond the gravestones. A dwarfed shadow moved behind a tree. She shuddered.

    They're here, She whispered.

    Derrick swiveled around and scoped out the area Amber’s eyes were glued on. I don't see anything.

    Amber grasped his arm. They're right there, behind the trees. We have to find the others and get out of here!

    Derrick’s hair stood up on the back of his neck. He laughed nervously. Okay, but only for you. Amber was petrified. He wrapped his arm around her shaking body, maybe coming here was a bad idea after all.

    She watched the glowing red eyes peering at them as they called out for their friends. Josh and Lydia didn't answer.

    Come on, Derrick whispered. A shudder racked his body, I'm feeling a little spooked. Let's find them.

    They headed for where their friends disappeared, peeking at the graves while they walked by. The moon was full and bright in the night sky, exaggerating every shadow of the landscape, making the cemetery look eerier than it should have.

    There they are. Amber tugged on Derrick’s sleeve to get him to follow. More red eyes glowed out at them from the darkness of the shadows. Derrick reluctantly stepped off the pavement right behind her.

    Amber bent down to where Josh and Lydia lay embracing on a grave, eyes opened wide.

    Above Josh and Lydia’s heads, a normally black granite gravestone flared with red and pulsed with life. Amber fell back landing solidly on the burial plot. A frigid wind blasted through her. Panic invaded her thoughts and movements. She blurrily gazed at her friends.

    Trying to compose herself she sat up again and checked Josh and Lydia’s pulse. There was none to be found and she didn’t see any trace of blood anywhere.

    They're cold. Like ice, Standing up she glanced at Derrick. All color had drained from his face, he hadn’t moved an inch.

    Come on, we need to hurry. Amber felt the last of her composure melting away and she didn’t want to have a mental breakdown in the cemetery.

    I… can't… move…, Derrick said out of stiff lips.

    She yanked on his hand. He was like a statue mounted in the ground. His fingers were frigid and freezing cold, way too similar to Josh and Lydia’s bodies to be a coincidence. She was afraid she would break them if she pulled too hard.

    Run… go… home… Run! He growled between clenched teeth.

    She released his hand. She wanted to bolt, but she didn't want to leave him.


    Tears slid from Amber’s eyes as she turned and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Disoriented from fear she raced over graves and dodged gravestones forgetting all about the safety the pavement afforded. The red eyeballs cast in shadows followed, closing the distance between

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