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Shrouded Witness
Shrouded Witness
Shrouded Witness
Ebook146 pages2 hours

Shrouded Witness

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About this ebook

Peter Lachmere, a freelance video journalist learns about a nameless organization with members acting as observers of various societal strata and infrastructures. At great personal risk, they capture observations against the official narrative of the various diverse countries on the planet of Wolyraf. Soon, Peter becomes engulfed in an unexpected role observing the observers of this shadowy organization. He interviews these Witnesses with their features cloaked and voices masked. The conversations range from friendly to outright hostility.
Along the way, the reader experiences a sociological and historiographic framework enveloped in a science fiction tale. this explores the healthy and dysfunctional aspects of multiple societies of this dynamic imaginary planet. As he progresses, Peter's "investigation" makes him uneasy about his relationship with this group hiding in the fringes of this planet. Will he make it to the end in this truly unique story?

Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Reporter
Chapter 3: First Interview: Laila
Chapter 4: Area of Study: The Governing
Chapter 5: Related Stories: The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Waverly.
Chapter 6: Second Interview: Willard
Chapter 7: Area of Study: The Governed
Chapter 8: Related Stories: Real Change
Chapter 9: Reflection 1: Prevailing Fictions and Truths
Chapter 10: Third Interview: Elias
Chapter 11: Area of Study: The Management
Chapter 12: Related Stories: Newbie
Chapter 13: Fourth Interview: Taneira
Chapter 14: Area of Study: The Workers
Chapter 15: Related Stories: Rant.
Chapter 16: Related Stories: Empowerment.
Chapter 17: Fifth Interview Jerry Brooklyn 2
Chapter 18: Area of Study: Entertainment and The Media
Chapter 19: Related Stories: Hot News Item
Chapter 20: Sixth Interview -- Saiotua
Chapter 21: Area of Study: Infrastructure
Chapter 22: Related Stories: Skyway 301
Chapter 23: Reflection 2: The Great Doubt and Vacation
Chapter 24: Seventh Interview: Unknown Minister
Chapter 25: Area of Study: Religion and Education
Chapter 26: Related Stories: Warrior High
Chapter 27: Related Stories: One Size Fits All
Chapter 28: Eighth Interview: Lucinda
Chapter 29: Area of Study: Leisure & Spectacle Creators
Chapter 30: Related Stories: Vacations Should Not be Mandatory
Chapter 31: Related Stories: Spectacle
Chapter 32: Ninth Interview:faceless
Chapter 33: Area of Study: Compliance & Rebellion
Chapter 34: Related Stories: Sanitized.
Chapter 35: Related Stories: Evicted.
Chapter 36: Tenth Interview - The Dentist
Chapter 37: Area of Study: Society
Chapter 38: Related Stories: The Country of Joy
Chapter 39: Reflection 3: The Future

Release dateNov 5, 2016
Shrouded Witness

Hallett German

Hallett German is a fiction and technical subject author on various aspects of IT. His works of fiction cross multiple genres including children, young adult, dysfunctional corporate mysteries/fantasies, historical fiction, and steampunk. His books offer a unique and original ride into other worlds and lives.

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    Book preview

    Shrouded Witness - Hallett German

    Chapter 0: Introduction

    C. Wright Mills, sociologist, told his students frequently to Think Big. He lived by his words while looking intently at American society in his now classic books such as The Power Elite and The Sociological Imagination.

    Herodotus was the first to tell the world’s story in his only work, the Histories.

    Howard Zinn was a radical historian that studied society from its edges by looking at social movements and treatment of minorities. His classic work is A People's History of the United States.

    The father of sociology, Ibn Khaldun documented many of the ideas behind social and political theories considered conventional wisdom today. These include social conflict and cohesion, factors leading to gain and loss of power, and the idea of the business cycle. Most of them can be found in his pioneering work, Muqaddimah.

    These authors and others inspired and laid the groundwork for this book. What follows is a non-academic study using broad brush strokes. It attempts to perform a multi-level examination of life on a very dynamic fictional planet. Each page is a combination of the disciplines of sociology, economics, historiography, and more. The approach that follows is unlike any fictional work written to date.

    The book has a bare semblance of a story arc. At great risk and in opposition to the official planet-wide narrative, a nameless organization sends Witnesses to observe what is truly happening on their world. While attempting to unearth the secrets of this organization, a reporter is tasked to interview the Witnesses at undisclosed locations while they are masked and their voices altered.

    The book is broken ten social themes. Each theme is comprised of at least three chapters:

    - The initial interview with the Witness on their life story which may or may not be true based on their desire to protect their identity.

    - After an off-story break, the interview continues discussing why they chose their study area and their high-level conclusions reached during their observations.

    - To reinforce the contents of these reports and make them relatable, one or more stories are presented for each theme.

    So in a sense it is ten different books in one. Note that each theme lightly builds on the previous ones until reaching a holistic conclusion.

    Because of this approach, the book does not have to be read sequentially. (Although the two interview chapters for a theme go together.) Pick a chapter(s) and see if it resonates with you. Reflect and then read something else.

    I encourage each of you to explore what is happening in the world, understand where it has been, and learn where this planet is heading.


    Parts of some chapters were written on various Amtrak or MTA train rides. This includes

    * The Introduction and opening chapters (1-3).

    * The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Waverly was written as a standalone short story during late 2015. It is discussed in https://hallettgermanfiction.ml/the-mother-of-all-writing-crises-disruptive-fiction/,

    * Spectacle

    * Jerry Brooklyn & The Media

    * Part of the Future

    * Compliance & Resistance chapters

    Vacations should not be mandatory, the Society Area of Study, and the Country of Joy were all written in part or in total while on vacation.

    The interview chapters were written in order. But the story chapters were not.

    Chapter 10 was influenced on seeing an exhibit of Utagawa Hiroshige. He was one of the inspirations for Vincent Van Gogh.

    Snippets of Chapters 3 and 14 were written in 2015 well before this book was even conceived.

    Chapter 1: Prologue

    The end of the holiday season was coming up. And that meant six periods of extreme cold topped by constant snow and ice. It was one of my last opportunities for some time to trek to the nearby peak and gaze silently into the nighttime sky. After a short walk, I reached my destination. Once there, I could see our nearby moon, Esollo-2.5a, our three suns, and some distant stars. Our lunar neighbor, devoid of any minerals or valuable resources, was mostly uninhabited except for a lonely defense outpost.

    I never tire of this view and looking up at something larger than myself. Whoa! Tonight provided the glorious sight of a sizable spacecraft’s fiery tail. This is such a welcoming thing to see. For my home is at one of the remote edges of the Universe. Those closer to the center sneer and look down on us. They label us with such negative terms such as backwater, savage, primitive, and bumpkins. But the artificially made planet of Wolyraf is not like that at all. If one only took the time to look further. Those that investigate its realms will find a healthy, thriving planet filled with interesting places to visit. Our last census showed that we had a total population of 250 million.

    If looking from Esollo-2.5a, our only moon, you would be enchanted with the panoramic view. Our green-colored planet is comprised of 125 countries. Each lives under their own flag, promotes their own culture, and supports their own unique type of government. My planetary co-inhabitants live in structures circling around the planet and filling our skies, stretched across our planet’s surface, and immersed in our seas. Any time spent here will show that our inhabitants have a life rich in activities, culture, and emotions. I have seen the wide range of behaviors including triumph, conflict, and just getting by. Although, there is an occasional skirmish, most of us seem to get along well enough.

    While staring up, I think about how things have changed. Maybe it was last week, twenty years ago, or a full century back. But somehow and somewhere, the official narrative of Wolyraf had become suspect. All that is published and displayed was manipulated, artificial, and completely spoon-fed. And the complacent public accepts whatever they hear while life goes on.

    But not everyone embraces what they are told, heard, or watched. They do not state their objections publically in fear of retribution and loss of life. Compelled to do something, a small group met once in secret. I forget when, we started an organization with no name or leadership. There is one person that acts as an informal secretary loosely keeping track of things. We meet only in cases of dire emergency and are mostly lone islands of activity isolated from each other.

    We call members of the group WITNESSES because we capture as much as we can on what is really happening. Secretly, we hope that one day, the world will be ready to learn the true events and circumstances surrounding it.

    Somehow, The Powers That Are found out about us Witnesses. And once discovered, sought actively to purge our non-visible existence to the sidelines. For fear of keeping the truth secret can be a powerful motivator for those in power.

    As a result, many of the best Witnesses are lost or disappeared forever over the years. And now, it was just a few of us in the shadows. For the sake of self-preservation, we stay mostly ignorant of each other’s activities. However, we are very much aware that each of us is keeping the almost long forgotten practice of insurrectionary historiography alive. For just capturing information counter to what is broadcasted to each home every day is a radical act. What each of us capture independently is uploaded to a clandestine and heavily encrypted site called The Knowledge Lawn. We must never reveal its existence even on the threat on death. Because this is our legacy and greatest hope. I have been told that there are a few members independently organizing and editing what is in the Lawn. On very rare occasions, we make snippets of our treasure hoard available publicly to educate and change the social order.

    The world feels threatened by our daily exposure of their lies. They will never stop in trying to eradicate and punish us. But due to our uncoordinated individual efforts to counter this, they will not be successful. After all, how can you find a group without a name, lacking any leadership, and barely acknowledging each other? You can’t!

    This story is told about some of our brave Witnesses that each day go beyond expectations risking their lives to capture what is really happening around them.

    Chapter 2: Reporter

    Peter Lachmere here. Been a freelance reporter for fifteen years and darn proud about it too. I work mostly for an independent video journal with a small but passionate following. We also have been smart enough to stay out of inquisitive eye of the government. It is a good life. And I love diving into investigations.

    From the time, I hear rumors about something. But can’t quite get a good bearing on it. There are people called Witnesses. From the shadows, they capture live what they think is the truth of what is happening in our troubled world.

    As an independent reporter, it would be a great scoop to know their story and what drives them so hard to do this. I try to follow up on the few leads that I have about them that have not dried up. And after striking out and getting blank stares, I struck pay dirt. But not in the usual manner.

    One day, I was snatched and kidnapped. Next thing I know, I am bound and gagged in a room with no illumination. Just left alone like this. It went on for hours. Maybe days. There was no way of knowing. Then someone started to talk to me. I jumped in my chair. Where did they come from? I did not hear them come in. And then I was ungagged and untied.

    This was not to be a friendly encounter. The sexless, unseen voice spoke in a mocking and taunting manner. So little Petey envisions himself on an award-winning quest seeking out that elusive major journalist prize. Then he can work at a ‘legitimate’ media outlet. So commendable. Desperate for any success, you cling to the false hope that capturing any story that will turn your career and life dramatically around. That’s beyond pitiful my dear friend.

    However, your timing is good and we may help you win that unattainable and illusory prize. We have decided that we need a neutral third-party to capture part of our activities. We want others to see the hardships of what our little group goes through in capturing the truth out there. So in sense, you will be our historian. But only for three years. Because after that point, one way or another it will be over. Once leaving, you may write up what you have seen. Note that nearly none of it may be true anyway.

    "There are some ground rules that you must accept, else your stay with us abruptly ends. To begin with, at no time in the remainder of your life will you put our little group in danger. People will talk to you with aliases and stories made up for the occasion. There will be some element of truth to it. How much you have to decide. After the encounter, all you will have

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