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Red Reign
Red Reign
Red Reign
Ebook161 pages3 hours

Red Reign

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In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past nine… - Ludwig Bemelmans

Regin Sigurd is dead. But someone is telling his story. Only thing is, they’re telling it from the end and working their way back to the beginning.

Regin was a very successful oil executive. In fact he rose to the position of CEO in one of the largest oil refining corporations in the world - Anzu Inc. Named after its founder Anzu Buer.

First his wife and daughter were killed during a terrorist attack. Months later, Regin is dead. Is this coincidence or could there be a thread that attaches these two seemingly random events.

And then there’s that incident in Beirut, where nine hundred and thirty men died.

Release dateDec 4, 2016
Red Reign

Jason Blacker

Jason Blacker was born in Cape Town but spent most of his first 18 years in Johannesburg. When not grinding his fingers down to stubs at the keyboard he enjoys drinking tea, calisthenics and running. Currently he lives in Canada.  Under his own name he writes hard boiled as well as cozy mysteries, action adventure, thrillers, literary fiction and anything else that tickles his muse. Jason Blacker also writes poetry and daily haikus at his haiku blog.  You can find his haikus and other poetry at his website www.haiqueue.com.  For FREE books and to stay up to date and learn about new releases be sure to visit www.jasonblacker.com where you can find more information about his writing and upcoming projects.  If you enjoy space opera in the tradition of Star Trek then take a look at Jason Blacker’s pen name “Sylynt Storme”. It is under the name Sylynt Storme where you can find both sci-fi and vampire fiction written by Jason Blacker.  “Star Sails” is the space opera series and “The Misgivings of the Vampire Lucius Lafayette” is his vampire series.

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    Red Reign - Jason Blacker

    For my wife and son – You are the reasons

    The End

    I want to tell a story that’s important to me. I hope by the end of me telling it it’ll be important to you too. I’m going to tell it from the end and work my way back to the beginning. Maybe that way when you’re thinking about starting out on a course you might choose better than they did here. Maybe if I tell it this way you’ll hear it better and things just might change. This isn’t an easy story for me to tell and you’ll figure out why at the end. I don’t want to give too much away right from the start. You’ve got to follow me all the way back to the beginning for this to make sense. And I’ll reward you for your time. I’ll see to that.

    But just so you know where we are let me explain it to you. We’re in a holding cell here in a New York Police precinct. There’s a guy sitting by himself off to one corner. If you’re looking at the cell he’s to your right. His legs are straight out in front of him. Looks awkward and uncomfortable. But he doesn’t seem to mind. You see he’s taken this shirt he was wearing. A nice white oxford. Expensive. You can tell by the quality of the cloth. It’s thick but soft. He’s not wearing the oxford how you’re supposed to. He’s wrapped it around his neck tight. And he tied it to one of the bars. Really tight. And his head is swollen and puffy and going plum purple. It’s not a pretty site. He’s been dead less than five minutes. He did this to himself and he didn’t struggle. Well that’s a bit of a lie. He struggled involuntarily as the body does when it’s dying. But he didn’t claw at the shirt. There are no scratches on his neck. You could have a look if you wanted to. But I wouldn’t encourage that. Take my word for it. His eyes are bulged out like white squash balls. He liked that game. He liked playing squash. You can tell that too by his trim physique. He’s wearing a white tank top as an undershirt. Some circles call it a wife beater. But it’s nothing like that. He loved his wife. He loved his family. We’ll get to that in a minute. That was part of the problem. Part of the problem as to why he’s lying here his head cocked at a crooked angle like a dog does when they’re trying to figure something out. This fellow’s done figuring now. He’d done too much. Maybe the wrong kind and this is also why he got to be here like this. As a specimen for me to mention. And I don’t mean any disrespect when I say it like that. He wouldn’t mind. He wants his story told. He doesn’t want other folks to go through this.

    You’re probably wondering what the guy’s name is. I should give you that much if I’m going to ask you to come on this journey with me. This backwards tale. Not that knowing his name will make a difference but it might. It might make you feel it more. And if you can feel it more by the time we’re done. Then maybe it won’t happen again. His name is Regin Sigurd. Regin like the former president Reagan. Sigurd is as it sounds. He’s been in this cell by himself for about two hours now. If there had been company he might not have done this. And he certainly wouldn’t have succeeded. The guards come by every fifteen minutes. That might change after the public inquiry that will happen. But it’s nobody’s fault. You can’t stop people from killing themselves if they’re really intent. And he doesn’t want anyone blamed for this. He knows this lies squarely on his own shoulders. There’s been enough heartache already. Besides we’re at the end of this story. As we track back you’ll discover how much there’s been. Enough for an eternity on a planet as beautiful as ours. And he was thinking about that before he died. About this beautiful planet of ours. He was thinking about all this pain set amongst all this beauty. Like one red poppy squashed between white pages. That was the actual image in his mind before he took his life. Sad and beautiful at the same time isn’t it?

    His hands are like two long sausages lying limp from his shoulders. Like someone stuck them on there like putty. His hands are lying palms up fingers pointing the same direction as his legs. They look like ashtrays. Like what people did with gorillas’ hands before they knew better. Before we started understanding things better. Our role in the world maybe. But that’s another story. Regin’s ankles are sticking out of dark blue slacks. His feet forming a V between them. V for victory but there’s no real victor in this story. I’m telling you all of this because it all looks curious. Like it might not be real. If you could see it from where I am. Like an outside observer. You lose the emotional attachment to the event. I’m hoping we’ll find that together during this journey. We need to. Without empathy how can anything ever change? If it was always survival of the fittest. Or as Gandhi said an eye for an eye would leave the whole world blind. And he got that. Regin did. Just before he died. He understood that. The interconnectedness of everything. The butterfly’s wings causing the tsunami. He got that. But that was during his last moments. His last few breaths. Count them. Three. His last three breaths. The butterfly effect I think they call it. How everything matters. Even the smallest occurrences can change the universe forever. That’s powerful stuff. He got that then in his last breaths. But he didn’t reach further. He couldn’t see the result of that equation. That even he was flapping his butterfly wings as he ended his life. Things might have been different for him. For a whole bunch of people. This is what this story is about. This is why I’m hoping that by telling it the wrong way backwards maybe things will end up right next time.

    Let’s pause to think about things. Think about consequences. Choices. There are always choices. Did this guy make the right choice the best choice in strangling himself? I’ll ask you to be the judge of that by the end. But there were other choices. Always are. This is not for me to judge though I have opinions on it. I’ll try keeping them to myself but I can’t promise that. But I’m the narrator here of a deathly tale. That’s my first obligation and the one I’ll try do justice to. There are a lot of noises around here. At this police precinct. As I suppose there should be. But it’s quiet. It’s two thirty in the morning. Thursday morning. Not even a weekend. You can hear other inmates urinating and talking. More like murmuring. You can’t really make anything out. Not all the cells are full. Some are empty but most have at least two people in them. You can hear the guards. They’re probably really police officers come by every once in a while. But some of this stuff is new to me. And I don’t pretend to know it all. But as long as you get the gist I’ll be happy. I’m not trying to give an accurate account of the details. It’s the broad facts that are more important in this tale. So please forgive me some of these errors in advance. I don’t want you worrying about errors of detail. This is a story about people and tragedy. That’s the focus here. The people and their stories. Their intertwined and tangled webs. So you can hear the guards come by once in a while. Their boots thwacking on the tiled floors. It’s not so much ominous as welcoming really. Knowing that someone is coming by to check on your welfare. Even if they don’t give a damn about you you know it’s their public duty to do the right thing. And you can count on that. To a large degree anyway. And most of the cells can be seen on a video monitor in the office. But the one our fellow is in just happens not to be working. So that didn’t help. And even if it did they’re busy around here and not as vigilant at looking at the monitors as they could be.

    So there isn’t much time to tell this story so you’ll see I’ll tend to jump around some. Maybe ramble and come back on track. Telling this story from the present into the past also means it’ll be one long tale. It needs that. Honesty dictates I tell it to you directly as I know it. Straight from me to you. No worrying and being diluted by storytelling guidelines and conventions. I trust that’ll be okay. I figure I can tell it straight enough that you’ll follow along okay. I believe it because I need to. This story needs to reach you at a deeper level. Something else I should tell you about this man. He was married I told you that. Had a nineteen year old daughter. Her name was Frea but pronounced free. We’ll get to her and his wife a little later. They were all good people full of potential. Like all of us. But they weren’t bent. Weren’t mean spirited. Regin’s wife’s name was Moana.  This means wide expanse of water in Maori. Her parents were New Zealanders and loved the name. It suited her too. You’ll understand why as we go along. They were married twenty-five years to the day. Not to this day. This is the day he died. They were married twenty-five years to the day his wife and daughter died. Were murdered actually. But this is not a cozy mystery story. I’ll tell you who did it soon enough and why. This is about people and their stories. Not a whodunit. Anyway one step at a time. We’re still here with our fellow. With Regin. Even standing a couple of feet away from him you can smell it. The booze. He’s inebriated. That’s why he’s here. Well partly why he also crashed while driving home. Hit a young woman in her car when he blew a red light. He didn’t see it. The red light or her. He was tested at point two. Almost three times the legal limit. Funny thing is he’s not really a drinker. He’d hardly ever drink. Maybe on occasion a beer or wine. At most two but no more. And I don’t mean any disrespect when I say it’s funny. Because I mean in a tragic way. But you can probably tell.

    Her name was Adrasteia. Same age as Frea. Lovely girl. We’ll get to know more about her too. This is a tragedy. This whole tale of events just one big tragedy. But I want to leave you with hope. The hope that things can be different. If we see how they unraveled and get back to the beginning to the purity. We can do it better. Trust me. We can do it right. And by the time I tell you all this you’ll know why I’m so confident we can do it right. Why I believe in this potential. This human potential if you will. But I’m going to have to omit certain things. I mean I could keep telling this story to the end of eternity if we kept pulling at the thread. This fabric of life this universal blanket that all of us are tied to. If we unravel it long enough you’ll see it’ll unravel and catch us all along its length. This is the butterfly effect I was talking about earlier. Really it’s true. Take Adrasteia for example. We can explore that line and the effect her death had on her parents. Both of them still alive. You’re not supposed to bury your own children. So maybe the dad takes to drinking. Gets fired and starts beating on his wife. She takes up with another man her husband finds out and kills them both. I mean this could happen. Not to put the blame on our fellow in the cell. But we’ve got to understand the repercussions. Try and live a little more honestly and kindly. Give each other a leg up rather than a kick in the teeth. Now I could tell you what happens to Adrasteia’s parents. I’m privy to this now from where I am. I can see the whole universe unfolding into the future and then unfolding again and again. This is happening trillions upon trillions upon trillions of times a second. All because we’re constantly making choices and unraveling the future and then again in a different way as it all coincides as it all mushes up together like paint smeared on canvas. It’s beautiful really. A real sight to behold. The brilliance of it all. The majesty the omniscience of it. It’s hard to really describe as I look at it. Just pure brilliance and joy and peace and song and love and beauty and goodness all squashed up and unfolding like a beautiful fragrant flower in your hand. That maybe gives you an inkling of it all. That’s why I’m so adamant about understanding our choices. Trying to be better. Because from where I am it’s hugely important. It’s the very fabric of existence. The very song of the universe. It’s life or death really. And not just for us but for the whole spiritual plane.

    So as I was saying I could tell you about other people. About Adrasteia’s parents her boyfriend and what not. But that’d just make the story longer and it’ll be plenty long enough as it is. And I think it’ll also dilute the message the flavor of what I’m trying to tell. And I don’t want that. I want this story. This tale of lives of beautiful souls to tear open your heart so the bleeding rivers of pain can only be stanched by the gauze of universal kinship and love. I’m sorry to go on like this. But you have no idea how paramount this need is. Not for me. I’m just telling the tale. My life is over and I’m on the other side. But you who are living need fair warning. You need to not repeat the errors of us who have gone before. You can never be too full of kindness nor too empty of meanness. Honestly. That’s from the highest order. So Regin sits now. Just a shell. His body waiting to be given back to the earth. And the body should be given back to the earth. It should be wrapped up in muslin and he should be put in the earth and covered up and digested by the earth. The body is from earth and it should be returned there. The soul has already gone home. Back from where it came to journey on in different dimensions in different incarnations to grow to seek love and to connect ever closer to the whole. The body can also be burned with fire and scattered across the earth. That would be appropriate too. And our fellow here would want that. If you could ask him that. Of course you can’t but

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