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Blood & Wine
Blood & Wine
Blood & Wine
Ebook169 pages1 hour

Blood & Wine

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About this ebook

Miah Caprice is far away from her family--and their magical talents--on a dream Parisian vacation when she decides to take their protection into her own hands. The disastrous consequences could lead to her untimely demise.

Finn McKinnon knows pack comes first, followed by keeping close the secrets of werewolves. But when he discovers a gravely injured young woman in a Vampire’s lair, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to her.

Together they must destroy the Vampire who is searching for Caprice family secrets without losing sight of what has become the most important thing in the world--their love for one another.

Content Warning: Explicit love scenes, naughty language, and sexy magical secrets. Intended for mature audiences.

PublisherSelena Page
Release dateFeb 23, 2017
Blood & Wine

Selena Page

Selena Page is the author of the Caprice Chronicles, a paranormal romance series centered around a family of cursed witches and warlocks. Her heroes are hot, her heroines are sassy, and the spellbinding chemistry that results will blow your mind.A foodie, knitter and lover of daring bodice rippers, Selena writes from her beachfront home in Galveston, TX, and spends her spare time relaxing in the sand and playing in the waves with her viking husband and her three corgis by her side.

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    Blood & Wine - Selena Page

    All Miah wanted was sleep. Just a few hours of blessed silence and peace.

    The pain wouldn’t let her. The sharp, scream-inducing pain had ended days ago. Maybe weeks, but who’s counting? It had settled into a low, dull ache that seeped into every inch of her body. Blood trickled down her arms from the sores on her wrists where the manacles bit into raw flesh. She couldn’t put weight on her broken right leg, which made escape impossible, even if she had the energy to try and break out.

    She had tried. Goddess knew she had tried. For weeks, she battered herself against the iron chains like a sparrow; screaming, begging, pleading to be released. She threatened her captors with a slow death, before swearing to give them anything they wanted. All she wanted was to go home. But the Vampire needed her--he needed the information he thought she possessed, and he had grown addicted to the magical essence of her blood. Until she told him where Marbok had been buried and how to control the vicious ravenger her sister Carmina had bound, she would be his prisoner. And when he had what he wanted, he would kill her. If she was lucky.

    The fight was all gone. She still struggled when they came for her; it was an innate part of her nature. She writhed and fought, and every now and then, she got a good hit in. Those therapy sessions, as he liked to call them, were the worst.

    They always threatened to drug her, but they never did. She suspected, deep down, they wanted her to fight. They wanted to see the life and passion slowly draining out of her body. And surely, every time they drained her of blood--sometimes almost to the brink of death--the passion and will to survive died a little.

    He was coming. She could feel him, his presence settling deep into her bones, the raw wound on her neck tingling. She twisted against the manacles, feeling the fire lighting inside her belly. Maybe this time she could escape, maybe they hadn’t tightened them enough. Maybe she could break free. Maybe he would change his mind and let her go.

    Maybe, maybe, maybe.

    Terror and guilt warred inside her. If she hadn’t attempted a Seeking on her own in an unfamiliar city, she wouldn’t be in this situation. She would be home in New York and safely ensconced in her beloved library.

    She pushed against the chains, bracing with her broken leg and ripping a scream from her ragged throat. She tried to bite it back--he liked it when she screamed--but she couldn’t stop herself.

    He stood outside the door to her cell. His guest bedroom as he liked to refer to it. He stood silently, and she knew he was toying with her. Heightening her fear and anxiety before taking her again. He wanted more than just her blood; he wanted her fear and hate and anger. He wanted to devour her from the inside until she was nothing but a dried up husk.

    As the door swung open to reveal a tall, skeletal figure, Miah closed her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek. She had given up praying for salvation weeks ago. Now, she only prayed for death.

    Chapter 2

    Finn watched the cabin silently, his body motionless. He had been tracking this particular vampire for months, hunting down lackey after lackey and demanding information from them. It was a particularly nasty sort of creature; ancient and intelligent, with an unslakable lust for blood.

    This was not a normal situation for the pack. While they all despised the vampires, all-out war between the groups was unwise. Finn left the vampires in peace, as long as they were discreet about their feeding habits and left their victims alive. And as long as he didn’t come across one in a dark alley, of course. But this? A flat attack on one of their ancient monsters and his clutch? It was stupid and suicidal, even for him.

    He frowned deeply, shaking his head as he fingered the blade at his side. He had been watching this creature Thaddeus for months, learning his habits and murdering his people. The ancient vampire was crafty, a twisted and hideous shadow of a man. One of his lackeys had been stupid enough to attack a packmate, and the pack demanded retribution. She survived the attack, but would always bear scars from the creature, and he could not let it go without retaliation. Thaddeus would pay.

    Rory slipped silently through the trees, the handsome young werewolf wearing his usually cocky grin. Finn peered at him and growled low in his throat, communicating with his young packmate mentally, one of the gifts of being in a pack. The younger wolf tilted his head to bare his throat, before turning to gaze down at the cabin.

    Well? What did you find? Rory was their best tracker, damn near silent when he wanted to be. When he wasn’t annoying the hell out of the pack with his terrible jokes.

    Four vampires in there. Three human guards. A pile of dead bodies in the basement.


    He’s in there. Rory hesitated for a moment, shooting a look to Finn. There’s a girl.

    Finn quirked a brow and waited silently, allowing the young tracker to continue.

    Can’t be older than 20. They’ve got her locked up in there. From the looks of it…Christ almighty, poor thing has been in there for weeks.

    Finn blinked in surprise, his eyes drifting back to the cabin. Vampires rarely kept blood bags in their holes. They had the ability to feed without being detected, and many of them choose that route. Of course, some of them preferred to keep things old school, and destroy everything they touched. Of the four nests they’d found in the last three months, not a single one had a survivor.

    I see. The kindest thing would likely be to put the girl out of her misery.

    Rory flinched, but Finn knew he wouldn’t argue the point. His packmate had a soft spot for damsels in distress, and time had yet to make him into a hardened killer.

    Finn sighed, shaking his head. That could be his sister Elise in there, or any one of his other packmates. We’ll let Elise assess her. But I won’t let her suffer.

    It was the best he could offer. He wouldn’t make a promise he might not be able to keep, and he wouldn’t allow a child to languish under the pain of the bond.

    First things first. He would kill Thaddeus, and see the Vampire’s head on a pike. Remind the other vampires that they weren’t the only bloodthirsty creatures in the world.

    Chapter 3

    Something was different. She couldn’t quite place it, but the air around her felt heavy. The hair on her arms stood on end, and every joint in her body ached, begging for freedom.

    In the distance, she heard the deep howl of a wolf. The

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