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The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire (20th Anniversary Edition)
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire (20th Anniversary Edition)
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire (20th Anniversary Edition)
Ebook237 pages3 hours

The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire (20th Anniversary Edition)

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About this ebook

The mark of a true classic is that it becomes more relevant with the passage of time Twenty years ago, David Deida wrote The Way of the Superior Man share lessons on “how a man can grow spiritually while passionately tussling with the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire,” Today, men of all ages continue to struggle with these universal challenges, and the practical insights found in this book will help each one of us to give the gifts we were born to give.

“It is time to evolve beyond the macho jerk ideal, all spine and no heart,” writes David Deida “It is also time to evolve beyond the sensitive and caring wimp ideal, all heart and no spine ” Including an all-new introduction by the author, The Way of the Superior Man invites a new generation of men to participate in the full expression of consciousness and love in the infinite openness of the present moment.

PublisherSounds True
Release dateFeb 1, 2017
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire (20th Anniversary Edition)

David Deida

Acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative teachers of our time, bestselling author David Deida continues to revolutionize the way that men and women grow spiritually and sexually. His ten books are published in more than twenty-five languages worldwide and are required reading in university, church, and spiritual center courses. His workshops on a radically practical spirituality have been hailed as among the most original and authentic contributions to the field of self-development currently available. He is a founding member of Integral Institute, and has taught and conducted research at the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine, University of California-Santa Cruz, San Jose State University, Lexington Institute in Boston, and Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France. Some of his recent books include Blue Truth, The Enlightened Sex Manual, The Way of the Superior Man, and Instant Enlightenment.

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Reviews for The Way of the Superior Man

Rating: 4.046511630232557 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be an amazing book that provides true insights into men's and women's behaviors. It guides men to have better relationships and maintain balance in life. The book is down to earth, blunt, and honest, addressing things we often choose to ignore. However, there are some detractors who criticize the author's retreat work and the culture promoted in the book. Overall, it is a great read for any man trying to be their best selves.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Gives you true insights into men's and women's behaviors and how both should flow their muscular and feminine energy into the relationships. In easy words, the book guides men to have better relationships with their women and have a purpose in their life, and how to maintain balance in life and polarity with their women.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book incredible information with the potential to change your life
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Don't waste your time...his "insights" are bunk. Out there! Tried reading it objectively, but once you know, you know. Detractors from his "work" say the retreat work he did was abusive. From open relationship to using "sexual" therapy with people that need breakthroughs. Nope! The everyone F*!( everyone's wife culture is not helpful. The ONLY chapter worth reading was the one on purpose. The rest is rubbish.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book. I will recommend it to my male friends!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great read for any man trying to be they’re best selves.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I like this book because it's down to earth and very blunt and honest about things we already know, but choose to ignore.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Somehow feels much ''less'' useful now that I'm married.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The book has some interesting truths to tell, however most of it is too magic, fantastic or vague to be useful. I didn't really know what he was actually talking about most of the time. I'd rather read a more science based book.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have read this book at least half a dozen times. Along with Tony Robbins, David Deida had a profound impact on effecting positive change in my life. The core concept of the book is simple, align your life's energies with your true mission, cut through the bullshit and stop trying to be something you're not. It's a wake up call in the face a of modern movement to align the sexes as if they were the same. The Way of the Superior Man shows that being a man is still a manly endeavor, but it's not some bullshit 1950's caricature. "Live with an open heart, even when it hurts" probably wasn't your granddad's worldview. At the same time, "Live as if your father were dead" wasn't either. The core of the book is how to figure out who you really are and who you want to be, and align your life around that purpose. It's quite a challenge, and quite a challenging book. The writing style is simple, but the lifestyle is challenging. If you think men and women are the same, this book is not for you. If you think one is better than the other, this book is not for you. If you understand that masculine and feminine are different, and that that difference moves the world like the tides, and you're willing to stand and face the challenge of challenging yourself to both excellence and love, this book will be worth its weight in gold.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A simple, profound guide to what many of us *boys*, feel is missing in our lives.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    I know of no one who writes more interestingly, more intelligently, or more liberatingly than Deida on the subject of energy, sex, life, love and living it to its fullest in every single passionately way possible.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Generally, when engaging with the concepts of masculine and feminine, I tend to highlight the similarities as opposed to the differences. So often I see difference used to stereotype and degrade others.But maybe there are times when the differences are worth exploring too.For David Deida, the masculine is everything eternal, and the feminine is the ever-changing. I’ve been reading a lot of other texts that have been talking of such subjects recently [J. G. Bennett, Joseph Campbell]. I can see how this can be a useful frame some of the time.I find Deida somewhat annoying. He read the book aloud in my audio edition, and he places emphasis on everything!I wasn’t particularly into this book, but I can think of a handful of friends that would probably love it.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a book that I highly recommend to my female friends who are having difficulties with their mates. David empowers men with this book and he has an incredible in depth understanding of male and female psychology and what men really need to grow in order to throw off their mother complex and be the kind of men they were meant to be. He also explains to men where they should draw the line when with women who have failed to mature themselves into a deeply loving relationship that has room for both male and female ways of relating to the world.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida



Today, two decades after this book was first published, The Way of the Superior Man is more relevant than ever. New styles of sexual expression are emerging as old roles for men and women are rapidly dissolving. In this new world, women are taking the lead. Men, no longer the sole breadwinner or the most purpose-driven member of the household, are rediscovering their worth, both in the world and in relationship.

When a man’s value is no longer measured by what he does, by his finances or social standing, how does he determine his worth?

In our new world, a man’s presence—his depth of awareness—is his most valuable asset.

A man’s worth can be found in his depth of being. A shallow man, easily perturbed and swayed, is worth less to his woman and his world than a man whose presence is deeply sourced. A profound and steady gaze conveys truth more than furtive eyes. Full, even breathing is trusted more than shallow, jittery gasps. A man grounded in the unfathomable mystery of life, in touch with death’s vastness—rather than merely flitting from one busy surface activity to another—is sourced in his depth.

The Way of the Superior Man is the way of deep gaze, breath, and purpose. It cannot be faked. Right now, you are knowing who you are at depth or you are avoiding it. You are relaxing and embodying your soul’s purpose on earth or you are resisting your calling. You are cultivating a steady yes toward this moment, even in the midst of death’s ever-present mystery, or you are afraid to feel all and live as unknowable openness.

Fear is lack of trust in now. Fear is saying no to some aspect of the present moment. The Way of the Superior Man is the way of cultivating total trust in the reality that is living you right now. However vast it may be, reality is happening now, and it includes you. Feel what is, as it is, without resisting the boundless whole. Feeling all, saying yes to the entire now, you will know who you are. You will know yourself as the awake fullness of this entire moment, the very force of being.

Identified with money or accomplishments, a man feels weak when he compares himself to others who have more. But when he knows himself to be self-radiant awareness, conscious and lit up, awakening as man, he blooms in perfect harmony with the immense energy of reality. The infinite force of now is his power and his presence.

The Way of the Superior Man is to realize your true strength by knowing who you are at depth, right now. You learn to feel into awareness fully, so you know yourself as conscious presence. You grow to trust the alive fullness of this moment, appearing spontaneously as you and your experience. Your capacity to embody this profound force of presence in your gaze, breath, and action determines your perceived value, sexually and financially. Your woman and your world long for the authentic power of your awakened heart offered through your whole body.

May your deepest gifts overflow in The Way of the Superior Man.


Originally, I wrote The Way of the Superior Man as a practical guide for men and their intimate lovers. I wanted to share with readers the lessons I had learned in life—specifically, how a man can grow spiritually while passionately tussling with the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire.

Now, years later, after sharing this work with thousands of men and women, straight and gay, single and coupled, I can confirm that the lessons presented in these chapters really produce results. And in today’s world of rapid sexual and spiritual evolution—and thus confusion—these lessons may be more relevant than ever.

One of the more important lessons is this: as evolving human beings, we can learn that mastery is an important phase to accomplish and pass through in this school of life where we are learning to love more artfully.

Through the way described in this book, I have learned to love a woman into light, earn as much money as I want doing what I love to do, and master the arts of sexual loving. You can, too.

And then you will open to your next lessons, made possible by your real growth, just as you have achieved and outgrown all of your interests up until now.

What you loved as a child is less interesting to you now as an adult. And what occupies your attention now will cease to sooner or later. This growth is both natural and good. We are designed to outgrow everything—including our desire to experience and improve the realms of money, sex, and intimacy.

The Way of the Superior Man shows you how a man and his lover can learn the lessons necessary to grow to the next step—where the mind opens as feeling and the body is only light. There is a way to grow through these lessons, too, I’m told, but first things first.

Live completely. Know your deepest purpose. Give the gift you were born to give. Enjoy sex as a cosmic portal into love’s wonders. Serve your friends so they may grow. And, through the inevitable cycles of breathtaking success and gut-wrenching despair, when you have mastered and outgrown the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire, be willing to forget you were ever born.

Eventually—and I’m telling you in advance, just like I was told—the way of the superior man renders obsolete everything that can be known or experienced.

For now, start with what concerns you. I did. What my teachers and life required that I grow to understand—the path that worked for me as a man in a world of infinite possibilities—is offered in the chapters of this book. You will lay down your own path as you grow beyond your need to experience or know anything at all.

So, here’s my summation for a new preface: Stop waiting. Feel everything. Love achingly. Give impeccably. Let go.

Repeat with whatever remains, as long as you are moved to do so.


This book is a guide for a specific kind of newly evolving man. This man is unabashedly masculine—he is purposeful, confident, and directed, living his chosen way of life with deep integrity and humor—and he is sensitive, spontaneous, and spiritually alive, with a heart-commitment to discovering and living his deepest truth.

This kind of man is totally turned on by the feminine. He loves to take his woman sexually, to ravish her, but not in some old-style macho fashion. Rather, he wants to ravish her with so much love she is vanished, they both vanish, in the fullness of loving itself. He is dedicated to incarnating love on this earth, through his work and his sexuality, and he does so as a free man, bound neither by outer convention nor inner cowardice.

This newly evolving man is not a scared bully, posturing like some King Kong in charge of the universe. Nor is he a new age wimp, all spineless, smiley, and starry-eyed. He has embraced both his inner masculine and feminine, and he no longer holds onto either of them. He doesn’t need to be right all the time, nor does he need to be always safe, cooperative, and sharing, like an androgynous Mr. Nice Guy. He simply lives from his deepest core, fearlessly giving his gifts, feeling through the fleeting moment into the openness of existence, totally committed to magnifying love.

To help illuminate the purpose of The Way of the Superior Man, I will draw on a few principles of sexuality and spiritual growth which are developed in my book Intimate Communion.*

Until fairly recently, modern roles for men and women were fixed and separated. Men were supposed to go out and earn money. Women were supposed to stay home and take care of the kids. Men often manipulated their women through physical and financial dominance and threat. Women often manipulated their men through emotional and sexual strokes and stabs. The typical and extreme caricatures of this previous time are the macho jerk and the submissive housewife. If you are reading this book, you have probably outgrown this first stage of sexual identity. Or at least you can smile about it.

Next came (and is still coming) a stage in which men and women both sought to balance their inner masculine and feminine energies toward 50/50, becoming more like one another. For instance, in the United States in the 1960s, men began to emphasize their inner feminine. They learned to go with the flow. They let go of their rigid, one-dimensional masculine stance and embraced long hair, colorful clothes, nature, music, and a more carefree and sensual lifestyle, all means of embellishing or magnifying radiance, energy, and the abundant force of life—magnifying the feminine.

Meanwhile, many women were doing just the opposite. They were magnifying their inner masculine, which, at the level of human character, appears as direction, or clarity of purpose, and vision. Women gained financial and political independence. They strengthened their careers, focused more on personal long-term goals, went to school in increasing numbers for advanced degrees, and learned to be more assertive in their needs and desires.

Chances are, if you are reading this book, you are more balanced than your parents were. If you are a woman, you are probably more independent and assertive than your mother was. If you are a man, you are probably more emotionally expressive and open-minded than your father was. Or, at least such qualities seem acceptable to you, even if you don’t express them yourself. Remember, not that many years ago, a man who got his hair styled or a woman who wore a business suit was often considered suspect.

It was a good thing, as time progressed, for men to embrace their inner feminine and women to embrace their inner masculine. They became less fragmented and more whole in the process. They became less dependent on each other: men could, indeed, change diapers, and women were completely capable of emptying the mouse traps. Macho men became more loose and feeling. Submissive housewives became more independent and directed. In terms of social roles, men and women became more similar. This was an improvement for everyone.

But this 50/50 stage is only a second and intermediate stage of growth for men and women, not an endpoint. Side effects of this trend toward sexual similarity can be seen as a major cause of today’s unhappiness in intimacy. The trend toward 50/50 has resulted in economic and social equality, but also in sexual neutrality. Bank accounts are balancing while passions are fizzling out. Men are less macho while sex and violence continue to increase on TV and in the movies. Women are more in control of their economic destiny while they go in increasing numbers to therapists and doctors to cope with stress-related dis-ease. Why is this happening?

In my workshops and consultations I hear independent and successful women complaining that many of today’s men have become wimps, too weak and ambiguous to really trust. Sensitive and affectionate men are complaining that many of today’s women have become ballbusters, too hardened and emotionally guarded to fully embrace. Is this the ultimate expression of human sexual wisdom and evolution, or is there another step to take?

To answer these questions, we need to understand the nature of sexual passion and spiritual openness. Sexual attraction is based on sexual polarity, which is the force of passion that arcs between masculine and feminine poles. All natural forces flow between two poles. The North and South Poles of the Earth create a force of magnetism. The positive and negative poles of your electrical outlet or car battery create an electrical flow. In the same way, masculine and feminine poles between people create the flow of sexual feeling. This is sexual polarity.

This force of attraction, which flows between the two different poles of masculine and feminine, is the dynamism that often disappears in modern relationships. If you want real passion, you need a ravisher and a ravishee; otherwise, you just have two buddies who decide to rub genitals in bed.

Each of us, man or woman, possesses both inner masculine and inner feminine qualities. Men can wear earrings, tenderly hug each other, and dance ecstatically in the woods. Women can change the oil in the car, accumulate political and financial power, and box in the ring. Men can take care of their children. Women can fight for their country. We have proven these things. Just about anyone can animate either masculine or feminine energy in any particular moment. (Although they still might have a strong preference to do one or the other, which we will get to in a moment.)

The bottom line of today’s newly emerging 50/50, or second stage, relationship is this: If men and women are clinging to a politically correct sameness even in moments of intimacy, then sexual attraction disappears. I don’t mean just the desire for intercourse, but the juice of the entire relationship begins to dry up. The love may still be strong, the friendship may still be strong, but the sexual polarity fades, unless in moments of intimacy one partner is willing to play the masculine pole and one partner is willing to play the feminine. You have to animate the masculine and feminine differences if you want to play in the field of sexual passion.

This is true in homosexual as well as heterosexual relationships. Actually, the gay and lesbian community is acutely aware that sexual polarity is independent of gender. But you still need two poles for a passionate play of sexuality to persist in a relationship: masculine and feminine, top and bottom, butch and femme—whatever you want to call these reciprocal poles of sexual play.

It is up to you: You can have a loving friendship between two similars, but you need a more masculine and a more feminine partner in the moments when you want strong sexual polarity.

It doesn’t matter if both partners are men or both are women. It doesn’t matter if, in a heterosexual relationship, the man plays the feminine pole and the woman plays the masculine pole. It doesn’t matter if you change every day who plays the masculine pole and who plays the feminine pole. For sexual polarity, you need an energetic polarity, an attractive difference between masculine and feminine. You don’t need this difference for love, but you do need it for ongoing sexual passion.

For some people who have what I call a more balanced sexual essence, sexual polarity doesn’t really matter. They don’t really want much passion in intimacy. They don’t want a loving tussle full of sexual inspiration and innuendo. They would rather have a civilized friendship full of love and human sharing without the passionate ups and downs. And for these people, this book will be irrelevant, possibly even offensive.

This book is written specifically for people who have a more masculine sexual essence, and their lovers, who will have a more feminine sexual essence—since you always attract your sexual reciprocal. These people can’t help but be attracted into relationships based on difference, for better or for worse.

Your sexual essence is your sexual core. If you have a more masculine sexual essence, you would, of course, enjoy staying home and playing with the kids, but deep down, you are driven by a sense of mission. You may not know your mission, but unless you discover this deep purpose and live it fully, your life will feel empty at its core, even if your intimate relationship and family life are full of love.

If you have a more feminine sexual essence, your professional life may be incredibly successful, but your core won’t be fulfilled unless love is flowing fully in your family or intimate life.

The mission or the search for freedom is the priority of the

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