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Success in Focus: Practical tools to support your success today and tomorrow
Success in Focus: Practical tools to support your success today and tomorrow
Success in Focus: Practical tools to support your success today and tomorrow
Ebook210 pages2 hours

Success in Focus: Practical tools to support your success today and tomorrow

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About this ebook

DISCOVER HOW YOU CAN MAKE YOUR MIND WORK FOR YOU IN ANY SITUATION. Do you feel your choices are limited? Do your thoughts make you doubt your ability? Do you sometimes think that success is out of reach? Inspired by ground-breaking research and the latest neuro-science, Success in Focus provides powerful strategies to support success for a lifetime. Areas of focus include: knowing how to overcome challenges and exceed expectations, ‘letting go’ of anxiety and enjoying confidence, experiencing balance in your life, transforming good into excellent and enjoying success yourself and stimulating success in others. Success in Focus gives you the tools to make the changes you want to make. To be able to adapt the way you think, feel, or behave, to enable you to exceed expectations and be the person you truly are. You will discover practical strategies that can empower you not only to be successful, but also to feel successful.
Release dateFeb 28, 2017
Success in Focus: Practical tools to support your success today and tomorrow

Tamba Roy

Tamba Roy leads national conferences and local training events with his company Trident Solutions. Since 2007 he has shared practical strategies to inspire participants to enjoy greater success. His experience includes: Headteacher, University Lecturer, Leadership Coach, Professional Storyteller, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Motivational Speaker.

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    Success in Focus - Tamba Roy

    Success in Focus


    Tamba Roy

    Copyright © 2017 Tamba Roy

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    Tamba Roy is an experienced consultant and the founder of Trident Solutions. Trident Solutions provides innovative training events around the country to support success. His experience includes: Headteacher, Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Master NLP Coach and Motivational Speaker.


    Special thanks go to my wife Gail for all her support and encouragement.

    Also my appreciation goes to the many friends, colleagues, clients and conference participants, who have shared their insights and experiences to make this book possible.


    Success In Focus

    Which Tools When?

    The Drivers

    Brilliant Breathing

    Ready 4 Living Ladder

    My Choice Of Inner Voice

    Personal Power



    Seeing Success


    Personal Space

    The Jacket

    Change Your Mind

    Step Forward

    Enjoying Excellence

    Fab Future

    Eye Of The Storm

    D.a.r.e. To Succeed

    Quantum Questions




    Is this another book highlighting everything that is wrong with you? No. ‘Success in Focus’ offers a unique insight into the true potential that is already within you. The theme at the very core of this book is that success is within us and is always an option. I am saying that we are all inherently successful. Sadly, however, we often have layers of life experience that can make this statement appear a tad optimistic, or even downright ludicrous. In response to this, ‘Success in Focus’ provides fifteen practical tools to remove the layers that inhibit our success, and empower us to move towards becoming the person that we truly are.

    It is about giving YOU a range of tools to allow YOU to choose which changes YOU will make. This makes complete sense, because only you know what you need and how you are feeling. Coaching can certainly help, but in the end you are the one who makes things happen. The aim is to provide a toolkit of strategies that you can use, not only to be successful, but also to feel successful.

    For over thirty years I have worked to support exceptional learning, the creation of excellent habits, the development of resilience and the enjoyment of success. I am fascinated by the human capacity to learn, grow, evolve and exceed expectations. My passion for supporting sustainable change stems from my work as a teacher, a Headteacher, a Senior Lecturer and a consultant. In 2001 I was invited to Downing Street to support a ‘Learning from Success’ initiative. In 2006 I became a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and I now run Trident Solutions and lead performance coaching with individuals, as well as Success Training Events and Conferences.

    Typical success-related concerns from clients and conference participants are:

    ‘There’s no time to feel successful. There’s always the next thing to do.’ (Teacher)

    ‘I have too many responsibilities to even think about success. I just get on with it.’ (Parent)

    ‘We’re doing very well, but to be truthful I wouldn’t say I was that successful.’ (Company Director)

    ‘I don’t think about success. I just work hard to get through the day.’ (Finance Officer)

    ‘I can see success in others but not in me.’ (Retail Manager)

    ‘Others envy me because I enjoy my job and I keep myself fit, but I don’t feel successful.’ (Personal Trainer)

    ‘I think I’m just unlucky.’ (Student)

    So right from the outset, let me clarify what this book cannot do and what this book can do.

    Can this book change your life? No.

    Can this book provide insights and strategies that you can use to change your life? Yes.

    Can this book make you ‘normal’? No. There’s no such thing!

    Can this book help you to appreciate that you are unique and that you have more choices than you ever thought possible? Yes.

    Can this book give you ‘instant success’? No. This is the illusion of success!

    Can this book provide practical tools that you can use to support your success throughout your lifetime? Yes.

    ‘Success in Focus’ contains a unique set of tools in the form of practical activities that can be used within all aspects of life. Each chapter explores areas of support that can be related to home, education, retail, sport and office, but you will soon appreciate that there are no limitations to their possibilities.

    Areas of focus include:

    •being able to create successful habits

    •‘letting go’ of anxiety

    •feeling tenacious enough to apply exceptional effort

    •learning how to face challenges and deal with them skilfully

    •feeling more confident before an audition, exam or interview

    •exceeding expectations

    •learning how to reach a deeper level of relaxation

    •enjoying success ourselves and stimulating success in others

    Since 2007 I have been working as a consultant, supporting the success of adults and young people around the country. The strategies within this book are the result of countless interactions during one to one coaching, training events and conferences. I have used insights gained as a consultant and a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to create these fifteen original tools.

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They wanted to discover how exceptional individuals overcame barriers to experience success. They developed a highly successful strategy based on identifying patterns of behaviour that achieve outstanding results.

    The tools within this book aim to enable us to create powerful new habits that actually make the difference. Each of the tools is supported by an opportunity to visualise the outcome. In case this sounds a bit ‘group huggy’, it’s worth remembering that we use visualisation as a basic tool every day of our lives, each time we mentally rehearse a journey, a meeting, a night out. This ability is a fundamental human skill that allows us to ‘get a feel for’ what is to come and enable us to create a unique link between ourselves and our experience of success. Not only that, but brain imaging techniques have revealed that when you learn new things, or you use your imagination, it impacts upon your neural pathways. You actually alter the synaptic connections in your brain! This is referred to as ‘neuroplasticity’ – the ability of the brain to change as a result of new thoughts or experiences, and to retain these changes. An example of this brain-changing ability was highlighted by Michael Merzenich, a professor emeritus neuroscientist at the University of California. He trained seven small monkeys to use their fingers to locate food. Sweet treats were placed in various compartments, which were wide and shallow or narrow and deep. Initially the monkeys could only succeed with the wide shallow compartments, but over time they learned to do both easily. Brain scans revealed that there were changes to the somatosensory (touch) cortex which controls the movements of fingers. Their brains had ‘re-wired’ to other regions in order to increase the odds of finding food!

    Neuroplasticity has major implications for all of us, as it means that the ability to learn, grow and adapt never stops. The discovery of neuroplasticity, that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains, even into old age, is the most important breakthrough in our understanding of the brain in four hundred years’ (Norman Doidge PhD).

    However, this presents an important question. Do our daily thoughts help us to develop supportive neural pathways in the brain, or do they create beliefs and response patterns that sometimes limit our success? If it’s the latter, then this book aims to empower us to overcome these limitations and enjoy real success today and tomorrow.

    Format of each chapter

    Each of the fifteen tools are broken down into the following headings:

    •Objectives – The difference this tool could make.

    •Introduction – What it is and why it is important.

    •How to do it – A step by step guide.

    •Top tips – Supportive suggestions if required.

    •Embedding success – A suggested activity for gaining a deeper insight.

    •Home; Education; Retail; Sport; Office – Times when this tool might be particularly useful during work, rest and physical activity.

    •Barriers and solutions – Possible barriers and perspectives that can help to overcome them.

    •Extension activity – On the way to creating a powerful habit.

    •Something to consider – Latest research and key insights.


    The tools within this book can have a powerful effect on day-to-day challenges. I have deliberately designed these techniques to allow them to be used independently of, or alongside, other approaches. However, if you have any concerns whatsoever, or if you are already receiving coaching or medical treatment, please consult the appropriate professional first.

    Last but definitely not least – ENJOY these experiences. Reflect upon them and recognise key insights you will have. These tools are unlikely to be similar to anything you have experienced before. Relax into them, and allow each technique to become a unique ally that can support your success not just now, but for a lifetime.

    Which Tools When?

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