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What He Wants
What He Wants
What He Wants
Ebook331 pages6 hours

What He Wants

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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“Open the door.” I cringed at the harsh demand passing through my lips, and couldn’t blame her for slapping her hands onto her hips and refusing my request.

My gaze fell to the deep V that putting her hands on her hips had caused. Plenty of smooth, creamy flesh was revealed, but I wanted to see it all. My dick had a one-track mind when it came to Daisy and what he wanted, jerking strongly behind my zipper.

“Do you want to rephrase that?” she scowled.

F**k, I liked her fire. But I wasn’t about to turn all syrupy and say please. She should have known better. “Open the door, babe, or I’ll open it for you and I guarantee you won’t like how I go about it.”

She weighed my words, as if trying to decide if I’d follow up my threat. “Nice, Big John.” She reached up and turned the lock. “I told you to leave me alone. I don’t want you here.”

I yanked the door open and stepped inside. “I don’t care what you want.” My nostrils flared, taking in the enticing scent that trailed behind her as she moved away. I wanted to lick whatever the hell it was off her body. “You’re coming back to the club with me.”

She paused and turned back around to face me, disbelief on her face. “No. I’m not connected to you or the club in any way, so I’ll stay right here where I’m safe.”

I snorted. “Safe, babe? Do you know how easy I could have broken through that glass door? And I bet the back door to this place isn’t any better, unless you had it replaced when you moved in.” Her deflated expression revealed that she hadn’t. “Get dressed and pack some shit.”

She held her ground stubbornly. “Why? Because your club is on lockdown? That means nothing to me. You can’t come in here and tell me what to do. You’re nothing to me.”

Christ, that hurt. I forced myself not to move, not to reach out and just make her do what I wanted. I didn’t expect her to understand, our worlds were different. She was a civilian, lived by the rules and laws that society dictated. We did, too, in a way, but our rules and laws were dictated by the members of the MC. We voted on what worked for our club, we had each other’s backs and stood together as a team. We didn’t get the law involved in club trouble because we took care of shit on our own. It was the way most hardcore MC’s worked.

“You’re stubborn, woman,” I growled. “And I don’t have time for this shit.” I bent at the waist, caught her in the belly with my shoulder, and swept her off her feet. I heard her outraged humph as I continued to the back where I knew the stairs led to the second story.

“Put me down!” Daisy screamed, beating her little fists against my back as I easily carried her upstairs. “This is crazy, Big John! I’m not going with you and there’s nothing you can do about it!”

That’s what she thought. If I had to drag her ass back to the club the way she was dressed I would. I opened her door and plowed through the room, following the layout of her apartment until I reached her bedroom.

Put me down!” she demanded angrily, wiggling wildly against me.

I dropped her down onto her bed. She bounced a few times before coming to rest on her backside, robe parted and exposing a lot more of her tempting flesh. The sash was still around her waist, the material settling between her legs just enough to keep the sight of her sex from my eyes. In spite of that my mouth watered, visualizing what it would look like. Was it shaved bare, revealing how pink and plump it was? I had to get my mind back on the issue at hand.

“I hate you!” she hissed, breathing heavily.

“No, you don’t. You hate what I did to you.” We both knew that we were talking about the night of the Christmas party. “I did it for your own good.”

PublisherTory Richards
Release dateApr 20, 2017
What He Wants

Tory Richards

Most of my books are available in paperback on Amazon.Tory Richards is an Amazon bestselling author in the categories of erotic romance and romantic suspense who writes smut with a plot. Born in Maine, she's lived most of her life in Florida where she grew up, married, and raised a daughter. She's now retired and spends her time with family and friends, traveling, and writing. Her romances are sexually charged and filled with suspense and some humor.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    mc romance at the best. He's Big John enforcer and lover but he's about to find his one in Daisy salon owner. She's divorced from an abusive guy and starting over but finds love with him

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What He Wants - Tory Richards

What He Wants

Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2017 Tory Richards

All Rights Reserved.

Published by Tory Richards

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, and is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Editor Alisha Corsi

Cover Artist Ramona Lockwood

Tory Richards: http://www.toryrichards.com

Email: toryrichards60@gmail.com

‘Author’s note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.’



One year ago

I clutched the sheet beneath me as if it were a lifeline, silent sobs wracking my body as pain and betrayal lanced through me like a spear. I wouldn’t give Paul the satisfaction of knowing that he was degrading me, that he didn’t even have to touch me to hurt me. But he was touching me right now, like a brutal, hate-filled maniac. Holding me face down on what used to be our bed, fucking me without concern for the physical and emotional damage he was inflicting on me.

Tears leaked out of my eyes, soaking the bed beneath me. My body jarred violently with his every thrust as he fucked me without mercy, like an animal who’d lost control and only cared about causing damage. So full of hate. It might not have been a violation in his eyes, but it was rape to me. It didn’t matter that we’d once been married. We’d been legally divorced for two weeks now, and still he thought he had control over me, over my actions.

Over my life.

You’re mine, bitch, he grunted while slamming his cock into my ass. A divorce means nothing. You’ll always be mine, Daisy. And if I get so much as a hint that you’re fucking someone else I’ll kill you both.

Threats, always the same threats. And I knew they weren’t hollow. He meant every word that he uttered. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to will myself somewhere else, but the violence of his pounding brought what he was doing to me right back to the moment. God, I hated him. And I hated myself for being weak against him. I bit into my bottom lip to keep from responding to his threats. I already knew that Paul liked inflicting pain, and any verbal comments from me would just fuel the fire.

What’s wrong, bitch? The hands clutching my hips dug into me, causing pain. You want my cock in your mouth again, is that it? His laugh sounded demonic. You should never have refused me, you fat cow, you should never have thought a divorce would keep me from you. I’m the only man willing to fuck your fat ass, so you might as well accept it.

No! No! I swore to myself. I’d never accept it. Never accept him. There were better men out there, men who’d love me for who I was, who would protect me from men like him, someone who only knew how to take and take and maim and ruin while he was doing it. How could I have ever thought that I loved him? In the beginning it had been good, so good. He’d been caring and attentive, all the way up until he’d put the ring on my finger.

Then I’d become a possession. Something he owned, like one of his cars.

I tasted blood and didn’t care. It was minor compared to the beating I’d taken right before Paul had ripped my clothes off of me and forced me to my knees. He’d forced me to do all the things that I’d loved doing in the beginning. But as time had gone on, he’d changed, slowly becoming the monster that was rutting behind me now. And then I’d discovered the drugs he’d been using, and realized why he’d changed. I’d made the mistake of confronting him, and that had been the first time he’d snapped and beaten me unconscious.

A hand in my hair snapped my neck back until I could barely breathe. His grunts turned louder, his breathing heavier, and I knew he was about to come. His sound of release made me sick. I felt his cock swell inside me, and then hot poison was filling up my rectum. As his convulsions died down, he gradually released my hair and pulled out of me.

Take that, bitch. He gave me a shove, which sent me flying further up the bed. I collapsed, thankful that it was over. A divorce means nothing, you got that? I refused to answer him, letting the tears fall silently. I’ll be back tomorrow. Try to make yourself presentable by then. I could feel his gaze moving over me."

Tomorrow? It would have been our sixth anniversary. I wondered if Paul was aware of that. Well, I had a gift for him. I didn’t plan on being there when he came back. I’d divorced him to get away from him, from his control and unpredictability. I was tired of walking around on eggshells whenever he was near. There was no way I was going to let him continue to be in my life. I was stronger than that. I was better. Today was the last day Paul was going to touch me, the last time I was going to let his toxic presence near me.

He hadn’t broken me.

His movements revealed that he was getting dressed. I just lay there, bruised and trembling, but not defeated. When Paul was gone, I’d pick myself up as I’d done many times before, get a scolding shower to wash away his touch, tend to my cut lip, and pack only what I couldn’t live without. Then I’d leave without a backward glance. The divorce settlement had put a lot of money into my personal account, so I could get whatever I needed once I reached my destination.

Wherever that was.

Chapter 1

Big John

Oh, my God, Big John, harder! Harder!

I stared down at the skinny white ass shaking against me as I plowed hard into her pussy. I wasn’t even certain what club whore I had in my bed, and I didn’t give a fuck as long as I got off. If she got off during the process, too, then more power to her. I knew that made me sound like a selfish prick, but life in the club had made me that way. Hell, it had made all the brothers that way.

I’m going to come! the girl wailed, and I had to wonder about the veracity of her comment. For all I knew, she was faking it. Her pussy was wet, but I hadn’t taken the time to play with her clit. Then I felt her fingers tickling my balls and realized that she’d probably been playing with herself.

The added stimulation to my balls did the trick, and I slammed into her one last time, grunting out my release in the condom.

Oh, God! You’re the best, Big John! she was still playing with her clit.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out of her, ripping off the condom to take care of it. I flushed it down the toilet, always had since one of the other sweetbutts had trapped a brother by using his spunk to get pregnant. I didn’t want to worry about that shit. I never intended to tie myself down to one woman, much less have a kid. That world wasn’t for me. Besides, I was too fucking old to be thinking about forever after.

I lived in the moment. Never knew when someone like me would meet my maker. As club enforcer, my life was filled with chaos and danger, and though I was the one who usually did the killing, it wasn’t lost on me that I could one day be on the receiving end of a bullet. In fact, I expected it. Couldn’t escape the reaper forever, not the way I lived my life. I protected the club, my brothers, and their families, in that order.

I heard the woman get off in the other room while I was taking a piss, and then turned to catch my reflection in the mirror. Shit, I looked like a fucking hermit. I didn’t mind my hair long, but my beard was bushy and halfway down my chest. With the holidays coming up, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to trim it up a little. A new salon had just opened down the road, right before the town limits of Solon. According to the sign on the road, they were unisex.

Big John.

I turned to the woman who’d paused in the bathroom door’s threshold, posing like a centerfold pinup girl. I finally recalled that her name was Lucy, and she was one of the newer club girls. She’d replaced Marnie after Marnie had attacked Allie, Rock’s old lady, and had been killed by a prospect. That was a prime example of why a brother shouldn’t single out any of the girls. Rock had made the mistake of choosing Marnie as his main fuck, and she’d let it go to her head.

I was sure that Lucy thought that she was sexy, but she was too pale, too skinny, and had raccoon eyes that complimented the snarls in her bushy hair. Right then she was twirling a lock of her hair around her finger, biting down on her bottom lip with a gleam in her eyes that said that she’d like to go another round. I let my gaze travel from her large tits--which I had to admit were nice down to her wet snatch, feeling nothing, which was usually the norm for me after I’d come so fucking hard.

I glanced down at my deflated dick. Not happening.

She giggled and stepped further into the bathroom. I bet I could change his mind. The next thing I knew she was cupping my balls. I know how you like it. And you know how much I like your big cock.

I released a deep breath. Yeah, I was big, twelve inches big, and I wasn’t just long. The girth and massive shape of my dick went with the rest of my huge body. It was how I’d gotten my name. I’d just been patched in and was celebrating by making my way through the club girls, and then some. More than one had left my room swearing that they’d never had a cock as big. A few hadn’t been able to take it. Before the end of the night, the name Big John had filtered throughout the clubhouse, and the name had stuck.

Get the fuck out, I said, ignoring her pout. I pulled away and went back into my bedroom. I’m done for the night. I didn’t have time to coddle her, and besides, club girls knew the score.

As I slipped into my jeans I heard her heavy sigh, and then the door close behind her as she left. Thank fuck. I didn’t like dealing with women when they whined and wanted something that I couldn’t give them. If I’d fucked her again she might have taken that as a sign that I liked her more than the others, it wasn’t uncommon, and I’d learned a long time ago not to play favorites. Women were nothing but vessels for my over-sized dick. I fucked who I wanted, when I wanted, and made sure to spread myself out to the five club whores equally.

I was never going to find a woman to settle down with, because I wouldn’t give one a chance.

I went out to the clubroom to find Hawk and Rock at the bar bullshitting. There was no question that the brothers were close. Hell, the three of us were. I may not have been a patched member for as long as they had been, but I’d proven myself and worked my way through the club like a fucking cyclone. I’d known going in that I wouldn’t be content with a soldier status, I’d wanted a more significant role, and becoming the club enforcer suited me. With my background and skill set I was right where I wanted to be. I liked inflicting pain on the fuckers who deserved it.

I liked pain.

Hey, brother.

I gave Rock a chin lift. What’s up? I plopped my ass down on the seat next to him.

Hawk was the one who answered. Too fucking much, he growled with a smile on his face. And I like it that way.

I agreed. Peace was good, but war was what we lived for. Keeping our town safe, keeping our families safe. Shit in the club could go south at any time, and we knew that it was the little shit that kept us on our toes, that kept us primed and ready to protect what was ours. It hadn’t been that long since Rock, his woman, and his son had been threatened, and we’d had to destroy another MC to save them.

You look like shit, brother.

I laughed at Rock’s assessment. Since he had an old lady now, he--fuck, he and Hawk both--took the time to keep their hair trimmed and the scruff on their faces short. Don’t know why, I just blew away one of the sweetbutts’.

Yeah, Lucy just came prancing through here practically naked, looking used and mumbling something about your big dick, Hawk joked.

I shrugged. Hey, when you have it… I trailed off, leaving the rest to their imagination. Beer, I said, making eye contact with Joanne.

We need to find you a woman. That will domesticate your ass.

I glared at Hawk. He was my president, but some topics were off limits, even for him. I just had a woman, I snarled, taking the beer Joanne handed out to me and guzzling down half of it. When I was done, I slammed the bottle down onto the bar top. And I don’t need to be domesticated. Fuck, no. That was for other brothers who were tired of free pussy and variety. It made me wonder. Don’t you brothers get tired of going home to the same pussy every night?

Both men shook their heads in unison. Hell, no, brother, Rock admitted without hesitation. Not when I have the sweetest woman in the whole fucking world waiting for me at home. It’s different when you meet that special someone. She ruins it for all others with her− He paused, and gave a snort. Listen to me sounding like a fucking therapist.

Hawk and I both chuckled.

Seriously, Hawk began, rubbing the bottom half of his jaw. It’s different, good different. It’s like their pussies have magic or something, making you crave only theirs. Trust me, your time will come, and when it does you’d be smart to embrace it. There’s nothing like it.

I didn’t even hesitate, because I knew that something like that was not for me. No thank you. I didn’t need or want a woman that I couldn’t live without.

I didn’t want that.

I did need my beard trimmed, though.

Either one of you been down to the new salon?

Some of the brothers have, said there was a real looker down there who made it obvious that she’d like to take a walk on the wild side.

I snorted. Translation: she wanted to fuck a biker. Some women who weren’t associated with MC’s had no clue what we were about. All they knew were the rumors they heard, and that they wanted an adventure. All they saw was leather and bikes and they wanted a taste. I wouldn’t have been surprised if her ass hadn’t already been tapped by a brother. It didn’t matter to me, if she was that eager I was willing to bet she’d go with whoever showed interest. I was game. Variety and all that.

You could use some cleaning up, brother, Hawk said with a grin. What with the holiday party coming up and everything.

Yeah, the club’s old ladies were planning a big party that was going to take over the front of the bar and the restaurant for a whole fucking night.

Unless you want to play Santa Clause, Rock joked. A dirty Santa Clause.

I snorted.

You thinkin’ about going for a trim?

I gave Hawk a knowing grin. Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m thinking. We both knew that if I went down there, a trim was the last thing I’d be going for. New pussy tasted like heaven, especially before it got all used up. And she sounded eager and willing. I’d know the minute I walked through the door who she was, too. My size and cut would draw her gaze like a fucking magnet.

You look hungry all of a sudden.

I nodded. Yeah, getting tired of the same pussy here at the club. It’s not as satisfying as it used to be. The thought of dipping my dick into something not so used up is pulling me toward a shave.

They both snorted. I finished my beer and got to my feet. Guess I’ll go check it out now. Got nothing else to do.

The ride to the salon didn’t take long. The small two-story house was situated a little over halfway toward town. Someone had converted the lower half of the A-frame wooden structure into a salon, while it was rumored that one of the girls who owned the house lived in the upstairs apartment. I’d ridden past there during the night to see lights on upstairs, so I knew that was true.

Three girls looked in my direction when I opened the door, and I knew who the bitch was the second I saw her. She was wearing skin tight black spandex, the material stretched tight over her lower body, revealing a camel toe that looked damned uncomfortable. The tube top was just as outrageous, exposed by the opened half jacket she was wearing over it. Short blond hair was streaked with purple, framing a heavily made-up face that was smiling a welcome. I had to admit that she was beautiful, and she knew it, too.

She immediately began strutting my way, and I couldn’t help but think how uncomfortable her camel toe had to be. Unless that was how she got off. Can I help you?

I, not we, which told me that she wasn’t part of the team. She singled herself out as being more important than the others. Her husky tone was intended to be suggestive, and there was an eagerness in her dark brown eyes that promised she’d make my day if I let her.

I glanced briefly at the other two women. Both non-descript, obviously there to showcase the talents of the blonde bimbo. There was no competition between them and her. They were there to work, and nothing else. Their expressions were slightly fearful as they took me in. I knew they’d seen some of my brothers, but my bulk and six-foot five-inch height overwhelmed most men. Dressed all in black, my blonde hair and beard both out of control, I must have looked menacing to them.

I don’t know, I finally said, looking her up and down. I came here to get a haircut.

Blondie giggled, halting directly in front of me, and I was engulfed by the strong perfume that she was wearing. I didn’t care for that shit, and I guessed that my dick was of the same mind, because he hadn’t even twitched into awareness.

I assure you that I can do anything you want done.

Jasmine, did you send in the new order?

I glanced behind Blondie to see a curtain open. The woman who stepped through was a fucking goddess. She had shining, jet black hair piled into a messy, sexy bun. I couldn’t see her face because it was tilted downward, but her curves were fucking hot. The opposite of the skinny sweetbutt I’d just fucked at the club, this woman had full, womanly curves, the kind I could shape with my hands. Her tits were large, the buttons on the white silky blouse she was wearing were straining to hold them in. The material was sheer enough to expose the lacy bra beneath.

She was wearing a black skirt that clung to her hips and tapered down to her knees, leaving the rest of her gorgeous legs bare. Come-fuck-me heels and a few pieces of jewelry completed her outfit. She was glancing down at the tablet in her hands, but the second she glanced up, our gazes clashed. And I mean collided. Hard. Intense. Powerful. In an instant I could tell that this woman had been hurt, the pain was there in the vibrant green of her eyes. She was hiding something, protecting herself. She was on guard. She looked like she was ready to turn and run away.

Even while something else, something stronger, held her frozen with interest.

As I digested my ungrounded thoughts, I took in that her face was as stunning as the rest of her. She was flawless. Little makeup complimented her natural, sun-kissed skin and the rose color of her high cheek bones. There was a slight slant to her eyes that gave her an exotic look that sent heat surging through my blood. I didn’t like it, not one little bit. But my dick did, and I had little control over his awakening. Fuck, right there in front of them all he was stiffening and making his preferences known.

We wanted this woman.

I had half a mind to swing around, leave, and never come back.

I sent it in this morning, Jasmine said, turning to address her. Should be here in about a week. She turned back to me, putting the seductive smile back onto her face. I was about to give this big, gorgeous hunk a haircut.

The goddess nodded, pulling her gaze away from mine.

Right, big guy? Jasmine questioned, looking up at me.

I never pulled my attention away from the other woman, whose name I still hadn’t learned. Her. I lifted my chin in the direction of the goddess, whose gaze cut back to me with something close to fear. She cuts my hair, no one else.

Jasmine’s eyes rounded at my demand, obviously surprised at my rejection of her. But−

I snapped my eyes to hers. No. One. Else. A minute of awkward silence followed. I didn’t give a fuck.

I-I’m sorry but I’m not here today, said the black-haired goddess. I raised a brow, because she was definitely there. Guessing my thoughts, she added, What I mean is that I’m off today. I only came down to check on an order.

So, she was the one who lived upstairs. Nice to know. And when are you here again? I knew that I was being a prick, but I always got what I wanted, and for some reason I wanted this woman.


I saw her swallow hard. I could just imagine the hitch in her breath and the quickening of her heart rate. She was afraid, I could sense it, but I could also sense that she was under the same fucking whatever-the-hell-it-was that I was. She was attracted to me, frightened by it, yet helpless to turn and walk away.

Not until Friday, she said in a too soft tone. Christ, we may as well have been alone. She ran the tip of her little tongue over her lip, and my dick punched forward.

I forced myself to relax, not realizing that I was all tensed up until then. I dipped my head. I’ll be back on Friday. What’s your name?

Daisy Mae Flowers.

I turned and got the hell out of there.

Chapter 2


Ohmygod! What had just happened? What had I just let happen? After the door closed behind the huge, Viking-like-man, I released a sigh of relief and met Jasmine’s slightly amused gaze. I’d acted as if the man had put some kind of spell over me. I hadn’t been able to look away, hadn’t been able to hold a thought like an intelligent woman, much less speak like one. His overwhelming presence had frightened the hell out of me, while at the same time something else had happened. My body had responded rapidly to his maleness, and not in a good way. And by that, I meant that I had responded with arousal.

Something about him had turned me on.

I didn’t want to be aroused, didn’t want to put myself in the position of being controlled and abused again. The man that had just left the salon was controlling. I doubted that anyone dared question him, or that he was ever refused something that he wanted. I just stared at Jasmine and shook my head in disbelief. I’d hired the beautiful ex-call girl for a reason, knowing that I was setting up shop in an area with a local MC. She was there to keep the men happy and away from the rest of us, and I didn’t care how she had to do it.

Okay, maybe the rest of us included two dumpy, slightly religious, middle-aged women and me, but I didn’t want to fight off any unwelcome advances. I was there to run a business, and I didn’t have time to waste on men who were more concerned with coming on to me than getting a haircut or a shave. I didn’t need or want a man, and Jasmine was there to run interference for me. She thrived on the attention.

Well, it’s certainly clear who he wants, Jasmine teased lightheartedly. You can’t accuse me of not trying.

I don’t understand what just happened, I admitted, totally confused.

It’s simple, honey, Betty said from where she was standing next to her station. Some men like a challenge.

And a little mystery, added Jackie. No offense, Jasmine, but you’re pretty obvious.

Jasmine shrugged with a smile. It’s why I’m here.

And you underestimate yourself, Betty said, her eyes on me. Look at yourself. You’re beautiful. Anyone with eyes in their head can see that. You think every horny man wants an easy woman? She glanced at Jasmine. No offense.

Jasmine laughed, we all did. The words ‘no offense’ came out at least several times a day. We were all as different as night and day, and yet we’d become fast friends. No one wanted to hurt Jasmine’s feelings, knowing what she used to be. Betty and Jackie were older women, working part-time shifts a couple of days a week. Both were married, church-going women, and seemed to share the same philosophy in life, one of caring and forgiveness. Neither treated Jasmine any differently for what she’d done in her past. Or future, for that matter, because she still used her body to win men over.

I wasn’t questioning their observations, I knew that I was okay in the looks department. The interested looks I got from men when I was in town, or when Jasmine happened to be off, backed that up. But the look that the bearded giant had given me had been thorough and intense, and words hadn’t been needed to know

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