The Globalist Playbook: Humanity Is Awakening
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The Globalist Playbook: Humanity Is Awakening
by Author: Siobhan Grace
A tsunami of truth and revelation is sweeping the nation and indeed the entire planet. This book whittles away the layers of deceit and charade that people en masse have absorbed as truth. It takes the reader on a journey where there is no turning back. Your mind will be opened to the underlying realities of the world we live in and the forces really in charge of the governments and mega-industries of the planet.
As more people become aware of the injustices around them and begin to question, they need seek no further as the answers are found in this step by step unfolding of critically important material. The author organizes complex topics into a logical sequence of events that help to make sense of the confusion. This book contains information that we should have all received in school and as you proceed through the chapters, the world around you begins to finally make sense.
The Globalist Playbook: Humanity Is Awakening is shockingly informative but with calm and common-sense delivery. It brings hope with awareness to a rapidly changing world.
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The Globalist Playbook - Siobhan Grace
Text Copyclaim-Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved
Waking Up
Ring the Alarm
A tsunami of truth and revelation is sweeping our land and indeed the entire planet. From the origins of our existence to our global enslavement, whistle blowers, insiders, truth tellers, and professionals from all paths of life are disclosing and revealing the jaw dropping realities of our world that the majority of us do not get to hear about. Information is spreading like a wildfire, and it cannot be tamed. It needs to annihilate the old paradigms that have kept humanity in a state of disempowerment and mental slavery for thousands of years. And that’s exactly what is taking place right now. Concepts and institutions that we are born into and ruled by, are busting at the seams making way for new actualities to come into existence and take their place. The amount of information available is endless thanks to people working independently and in collaboration to shed light on the darkness that obscures our collective sight. They’ve been doing a tremendous job in their service to humankind by speaking out and sharing profound knowledge with the world. We are so fortunate to be living in the midst of an information explosion for we now have an adequate amount of knowledge to comprehend the bigger picture of who and what we really are, where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going. No longer will we be manipulated to live in ignorance for humanity is expanding its individual and collective understanding about our world and more importantly, ourselves.
We begin by actively questioning and investigating the consensus realities we adhere to on a daily basis. The stories told by our powers that be, which we base our lives on, are long overdue for examination and assessment by the public at large. Government, Banking, Economics, State Education, and Religion are just some examples of the current world order that most of us had no hand in consciously creating but nonetheless, our lives, our thoughts, and our beliefs are based on and revolve around these very institutions. The time has come to pay closer attention, to rely on our own intelligence and embrace our innate ability to discern whether or not these institutions have a place in our existence anymore. Do they support humanity or hold us back? Are they representative of what we really want or are they simply ways by which we can be controlled? Are we truly free men and women in America or have we been manipulated into just thinking we are? Answering these questions requires a look at some facts, evidence, and history. The hidden knowledge, the deeply significant realities have not and will not become known to us through the nightly news, high school texts books, our churches or other institutions that provide us with what we assume to be valid information.
The very basic process of research, investigation, and discovery has uncovered the truth regarding some of our most basic assumptions; coming to know these truths will profoundly change the way we view our selves, the world, and life in general. When we seek to understand our surroundings and environments in the broad sense, we come to realize that we operate under deeply ingrained paradigms and concepts that we were born into and programmed to live by. When we take a step back and look at the finer details of the bigger picture we can recognize what we unwittingly uphold. These moments of realization are momentous. With each revelation we become more conscious—from here we can start asking the right questions, discover more truth, and make better more enlightened decisions and choices as a result. The information surfacing for us to finally see has the capacity to launch our individual and collective consciousness into new ways of living and being.
For example, up until around the turn of the century we assumed that our genes controlled our destiny on this planet. You were born with certain genetics, these genes were set in stone and they determined your biology. Now we know from the science of Epigenetics, that DNA blueprints passed down through genes are not set in stone at birth. In fact, genes alone do not determine our earthly destinies for us. Nutrition, stress, emotions, and environmental influences can modify our genes at a measurable, physical level. We are all modifying our DNA on a regular basis just by doing things we naturally do like eat, think, feel, and observe only, we haven’t known that. Now that we do know, we can do it consciously—we can be aware of what kind of information our DNA is receiving from us. Not only can we re-program our DNA, but these upgrades, downgrades, and modifications of all kinds can be passed on to future generations [Reik and Walter 2001; Surani 2001; 2005 Bruce, Lipton].
Literally everything we do, say, feel, and think directly influences our genetics. However, our ability to affect physicality is not just limited to our genes. Pioneering quantum physicist David Bohm uncovered through his scientific work that We are all linked by a fabric of unseen connections. This fabric is constantly changing and evolving. This field is directly structured and influenced by our behavior and by our understanding
[David, Bohm 1917-1992; Shift Report 2008]. This field and everything in it, is influenced by each and every one of us. And what a breakthrough this discovery is—this means that in expanding our understanding and changing our perceptions and behaviors, we can consciously modify our surroundings, circumstances, and conditions; even our physical DNA. Simply put, we affect reality and we cannot escape that responsibility, no matter how much I or anyone else would sometimes like to.
planets PD NASA.jpg Another long held assumption is that our scientists over the centuries were the first to ever discover our solar system and all the planets that inhabit it. But as we dig deeper into the earth, archeology continues to reveal hidden history from farther and farther back into time. Experts now know that our solar system was accurately mapped out and recorded by an ancient, high civilization known as the Sumerians. This civilization inhabited ancient Iraq some 5800 to 6000 years ago. These ancient peoples charted every planet in our solar system, named and described them in detail, including color, size, and unique planetary tilts. Interestingly, the Sumerians described the planets from the perspective of looking in, from outside the solar system; counting from the outer planets to the inner planets orbiting our sun. Evidently modern science is learning what the ancients already knew. Only within the past few centuries has our civilization discovered outer planets such as Uranus; found in 1781, Neptune; found in 1846, and Pluto; found in 1930. In 1977 the space probe Voyager 2 was launched into the outer realms of our solar system and our civilization saw these planets for the first time in our known history. Amazingly, the images sent back to earth were exactly as the Sumerians recorded in their 6,000 year old descriptions of our solar system, confirming that our modern day scientists are in reality, re-discovering the planets [1992; Phenomenon; The Lost Archives]. Talk about paradigm busting. The discovery that ancients had extensive knowledge of the cosmos; that they knew in detail then, about planets which we recently found ourselves suggests that our history is richer and more complex than we could have ever imagined.
A closer, more personal supposed fact is that the U.S. government here in America is still representative of the people. This is one of the more sensitive topics explored in this book. It’s unsettling to contemplate and downright hard to swallow, the various ways in which the government deliberately manipulates minds and hearts in order to further the self-serving agendas of the corrupt factions within it. From our slumber, we awaken to discover that we the people have unknowingly and unwittingly volunteered to become economic slaves to a so called elite ruling class
and right now we are in the midst of a countdown, a ticking economic-financial time bomb getting ready to blow. Simultaneously and not by coincidence we are on the verge of ushering in Global Government. As we will see in later chapters, the blueprints, plans, and even some mechanisms are already in place for an easy transition from a once free sovereign America, to an America where our laws no longer apply but are subordinate to International Law. Everything is in place for a world governmental structure, we have a global body that is growing in power, we have a situation whereby a global tax is imminent, the global army is operational, and a global currency is right around the corner
[2006 Joan Veon; One Nation Under Siege].
In 1974 former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateral Commission member, and Council on Foreign Relations member Richard Gardner published his article ‘The Hard Road to World Order’ in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs. In it he states that the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish far more than the old-fashioned frontal assault
[D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D.; A Chronological History of the New World Order]. Instead of using force to accomplish this goal of a ‘New World Order’, we are continuously lied to, manipulated, deliberately made confused and distracted. World Government has been at the very least, decades in the making but has been shrouded in secrecy. Those courageous enough to publicly expose the agendas of global government over the years have been subjected to ridicule, slander, and suppression. But it is no longer a secret, for the false powers that be are now openly discussing their New World Order as they lead us into it. We can no longer ignore the facts about the government and where they are taking the country. We need to open our eyes and see what is really in front of us—individually and collectively we’ve got to muster up the courage to assess the cold hard facts so that we have a clear understanding of what is really going on in our country and the world and just maybe, free our minds and ourselves in the process.
Let Freedom Reign
When I reflect on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, I find it impossible to not be deeply inspired by the wisdom and enlightenment these reveal to us. In these revolutionary documents is the key to a free nation on this covertly oppressed planet we call earth. If the human family has to have government in the manner that we do, then the concepts and power structure that the Bill of Rights and Constitution provides is the only form of government we should allow to be implemented.
Our Constitution—our tangible foundation, evolved out of necessity for the entire human race; in a world where civilizations have been dominated by the few for as far back as we can see, it is the prime example of a society that finally acknowledges liberty, freedom, and justice for all, as fundamentally important in the creation of law. It declares freedoms and makes clear what the American government can and cannot do in regards to those freedoms; the source of government power is derived directly from the governed, the people that inhabit the land. Through valid representation of the people, laws are to be literally based on these principles.
Our Declaration of Independence asserts the most basic, irrefutable truth; that we are all equal
—prejudices, circumstances, and experiences aside every human being is subject to being born, living life, and experiencing death. Not one person is exempt from this higher process of existence. There is no justification for oppressing, dominating, or controlling another; when we opt to control others we end up suffering for it. The endless manipulating and controlling of others, eventually leads to our emotional, mental, or physical demise. For one, it is simply impossible to control another indefinitely and further, that desire is based in our own uncertainties and insecurities. This false need to control another is the basic sickness of the tyrannical mind. Through our own personal growth and evolution we can free ourselves from the fear and anxieties that cause us to try and control the lives or experiences of others.
Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it
[H.G. Wells The New World Order; 1939].
Our ‘forefathers’ desired freedom so much so, that they were willing to die for it—not die just for their physical freedom, but also mental and emotional freedom, from being cunningly and cruelly abused and living in constant fear of injustices. The original Americans established a system of securing and protecting unalienable rights and it’s all stated in the Declaration of Independence but it’s necessary to point this out because it relates to what America is experiencing today. The war they fought in their hearts was a battle to re-claim an inherent deeper freedom and through laws, protect it from tyrants like King George the III and would be, power hungry, insecure dictators of the future.
Dying for freedom is something most of us have never had to contemplate. Can we today as a people of this land, imagine being in such a predicament where our only option left to retain our freedom, is to re-claim it and possibly die in doing so; reaching a crucial point in time where our rights have been slowly, quietly and illegally eroded at the hands of the very institution that is supposed to protect them? This is what the founding fathers were up against and when we inquire into the present day circumstances of our own situation here, at home, in America, we see that we are not far off from repeating our history. The parallels between the colonists’ plight and our own become most apparent when we look beyond mass media, beyond the governments versions of events and decipher the meaning