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Joey Parker Movement
Joey Parker Movement
Joey Parker Movement
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Joey Parker Movement

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Read in more than 100 countries, JoeyParkerMovement.com forgoes snark, judgment, and tabloid-style gossip in favor of generating positive celebrity content, including coverage of celebrities’ charitable and philanthropic pursuits. In this offering, founder Joey Parker channels that positivity and sense of optimism as he seeks to give today’s youth a new and positive perspective on life, drawing on his own experiences and struggles. Among the topics he discusses are coming out in a conservative town, politics, and what it takes to find and make a positive name for oneself in the modern world. With endorsements and contributions from the likes of Paris Hilton, civil rights activist Justin Mikita, Def Jam cofounder Russell Simmons, actors Ian Somerhalder, Denise Richards, and Lisa Rinna, and Real Housewives of New York star Aviva Drescher, The Joey Parker Movement looks to make a difference in the lives of its readers.
Release dateApr 8, 2014
Joey Parker Movement

Joey Parker

Joey Parker is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Joey Parker Movement, which focuses on creating positive celebrity content while interviewing high-profile celebrities. He is also a contributing writer for the MTV Act blog and TheDailyLove.com. He lives in Idaho.

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    Joey Parker Movement - Joey Parker

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    The Joey Parker Movement

    Against All Odds

    Foreword by Paris Hilton

    Joey Parker

    Copyright © 2014 by Joey Parker

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior return permission of the publisher.

    The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    First trade paperback edition: April 2014

    For information on subsidiary rights, please contact the publisher at

    rights@jollyfishpress.com. To schedule the author for an event, please write us at publicity@jollyfishpress.com.

    For information, please write Jolly Fish Press at PO Box 1773, Provo, UT 84603-1773, or visit us at www.jollyfishpress.com.

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN 978-1-939967-40-4

    This book is dedicated to my beautiful mother, the epitome of a strong and brave woman. She has taught me some of life’s greatest lessons. I am lucky to have such a beautiful soul in my life who supports and loves me for who I am.


    I have never been so excited to share a project with the world. This book has taken more than a year to complete, and after many late nights I am so proud of every page. For a few years now I have had the desire to write a book in hopes to inspire and empower others to live their best life. After realizing that a publishing company called Jolly Fish Press was following me on Twitter, I pitched my idea for this book. It was a risk and I didn’t think anything would come of it, so I was both surprised and elated when Jolly Fish Press expressed interest and I signed my first publishing contract. The Joey Parker Movement: Against All Odds takes you on a journey through the trials and successes of my life, which have made me a little wiser along the way.

    I have asked some of my celebrity friends or connections to chime in and add their perspectives on the issues addressed in this book. So with each chapter you will not only hear from me but also an array of Hollywood’s finest. I hope the multiplicity of voices will make each chapter unique and leave you even more inspired.

    I want to thank all the celebrities and public figures who took the time to write for this book. There aren’t words to express how much it means to me. Thank you Paris Hilton for opening the book; your support means so much to me. You are the perfect person to begin the book and will inspire so many with your eloquent piece. Ian Somerhalder—you are truly one of a kind, and I can’t wait to see what you do next with the Ian Somerhalder Foundation. Denise Richards, my fellow Aquarius and animal defender—there are so many reasons why I admire you and value our friendship. You have the biggest heart, you are a fabulous mother, a talented actress, and you have been a great friend to me through some tough times. For that, I am forever grateful. Lisa Rinna—with your bubbly and bright personality, it’s clear why the world loves you so much. You add so much light to this world and you have supported me from the beginning. Thank you for writing your beautiful piece for my book. Russell Simmons—you are someone I have admired for many years. From the businesses you have created to your best-selling books, you are a mogul that has molded pop-culture for the better. Along with thanking Russell, I have to thank his assistant Simone Reyes, whom I have loved getting to know over the years. The work you do for animals is simply amazing. To Dina Manzo, Howard Bragman, The Guncles, Justin Mikita, Mike Manning, Samantha Yanks, Kristin Cavallari, Aviva Drescher, Monique Coleman, Jake Whetter, Ophira Edut, and Lea Black—you have each contributed the most beautiful pieces. Every time I read what you have written you bring a smile to my face. I faced many tough times while writing this book, but when I reflect on the pieces you each wrote, I am reignited with so much inspiration within me. To my family, friends, Twitter family, and anyone else who has helped me emotionally, physically, or intellectually along this journey, I thank you and appreciate you for the beautiful people you are. And to the people who doubted my ability to write a book—well, thank you, too!

    Opening up about such personal parts of my life has been a strange yet rewarding experience. While it makes me a little uncomfortable knowing the world will soon know so much about me, I am willing to share myself in this book if it helps just one person who reads it. And I hope that by including a touch of my inner madness I can make you laugh as well as inspire you to live your best life, starting today.


    by Paris Hilton

    Iwas extremely honored when Joey reached out and asked me to write an opening to be included in The Joey Parker Movement. From the moment I started reading his work, I was amazed by Joey’s ability to open up and be completely honest in a positive and touching way.

    It’s refreshing to hear someone so young speak about the importance of creating happiness for yourself, while also helping those around you to be happy. Those are things I have always lived by; I believe in living every single day to the fullest, because we only get one chance. Sometimes life gets rough and you just want the day to be over, but Joey helps to remind us that every morning you wake up is a blessing and a chance to start over.

    Like Joey, I have always been very passionate about charity work, especially with children. It is truly inspirational to read Joey’s tweets and blogs about doing small things to help charities and those struggling all over the world. He shows people of all ages how easy it is to give back, and he is a wonderful example of how helping others can change your perspective, your attitude, and your life.

    I’m so glad that Joey came into my life and that I am able to be a part of his. I have no doubt that he is on the path to doing great things for the world, and I am positive that this book will help spread genuine joy to those who read it.

    Thank you, Joey, for being an inspiration and a lifelong friend.

    All my love,

    Paris Hilton

    The Joey Parker Movement

    Against All Odds

    Foreword by Paris Hilton

    Joey Parker

    Provo, Utah

    1. Life Isn’t All Rainbows and Unicorns!

    I believe in living every single day to the fullest, because we only get one chance.

    —Paris Hilton, entrepreneur, actress, model, singer, designer, DJ, brand, empire

    Right now, I am sunbathing on the magical white sand beaches of Dubai with a glass of tantalizing Ramona Pinot Grigio watching the . . . okay, I’m lying, but HEY that does sound divine, right? As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in one of my favorite coffee shops, in which I spend much of my time. Staying focused is often a challenge of mine, and I find coffee shops the most effective places for me to get work done. Of course, there’s always the perk of people-watching, which is always fascinating. It’s a hot summer’s day in Idaho, and I’m thinking, I must be nuts writing a book while going to school and trying to maintain a social life all at the same time. But on second thought, if not now, when?

    You might be wondering who the heck I am. No, I am no celebutante; I’m just someone who wants to see you succeed. Someone who—even though we may have never met—believes in you and your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. And it’s not just a bunch of sparkly, cliché words I’m saying to make you feel good about yourself; I really believe that you have the ability to do something magnificent with your lives. I guess you could say it’s the Aquarius in me.

    My name is Joey Parker. I am a man of many titles—a proud directioner (ZAYN IS MY FAVE), coffee addict, recent college grad, and more importantly an entrepreneur and budding entertainment journalist. But what qualifies me most is that I am human just like you, filled with an abundant, complex set of emotions which are often lost in this chaotic world. As a human, I am faced with challenges that either mold me into a stronger person or set me back on my path.

    Such is life.

    As hard as it can be, at least we can turn to each other to work through what life throws at us. We have to make the best of it. Life deals us cards that need to be played; the challenge is figuring out the best approach. That’s what I am here for.

    I was raised in the odd-looking state of Idaho (you know, the one that looks a bit like a pan), and no, I did not grow up on a farm. Often, when I travel, people will spark the usual airport small talk by asking where I am from, and whenever I say, Idaho, the rest of our conversation usually goes somewhat like this:

    Oh, I love Ohio! The Midwest is so beautiful.

    So sorry, not Ohio, but Idaho, I kindly reply.

    Oh, is that not in the Midwest? Puzzled.

    Nope, I say as I hand them a detailed map and give a short lesson in U.S. geography. I’m not sure why it’s that hard to memorize where our fifty states are, but clearly Idaho is among the first that people forget.

    The truth is, Idaho is quite the unique place to grow up. As a liberal kid, growing up in such a conservative culture was a challenge to say the least. But I wouldn’t change it one bit. I am sure many of you can relate.

    Life is a wild journey, and each day is a new opportunity for us to paint our colorful futures. Whether you live in the slums of Mumbai or the hills of Hollywood, you are here for a reason, and this is your chance to take control. Your life is yours to live, so live it!

    Recently, I was watching Lady Gaga in an interview with Oprah. Halfway through the interview I had an ‘a-ha’ moment. The two were discussing Gaga’s foundation, ‘Born This Way,’ and began talking about Jamey Rodemeyer, a fourteen-year-old boy from Williamsville, New York, who committed suicide after being constantly bullied. He made many videos online sharing his experience and his love for Lady Gaga. That part of the interview got me thinking.

    I know I may just be a guy from a small town in Idaho, but I really believe my higher purpose is to use my experience to help others get through theirs. I want this book to not only inspire the youth of America, but help them be proud of who they are. I knew it was time for me to share my story. Vulnerable youth desperately need a voice, and through the efforts of people like Lady Gaga, we are commencing an amazing new movement; I am inspired by such a movement and I want to do something similar. I want to help. So many are trapped in silence. I hope this book lands in their hands and helps them find their voice.

    The Joey Parker Movement is a reflection of what I would have wanted to read growing up. Life’s obstacles are inevitable, but together we can get through them. Growing up, there are so many topics that we shy away from, but are so crucial to understand and talk about. There have been plenty of times in my life when I was just downright confused and lost. Each one of us fights our own personal battles, and we should never judge another unless we have walked in their shoes. Sounds cheesy, I get it, but I truly mean it.

    Life is Crazy with a capital C. While we can only wish we were living life in the fab lane like Brad and Angelina—sadly—that really isn’t a reality for many of us. Shocking, I know. Life is also short and there is no reason why you shouldn’t be living your best. My life has been an amazing journey thus far, and I am only twenty-two. I think deep down I must be an old soul, because I am always wanting to share my random bits of wisdom with everyone.

    Every day, my task as a writer is to keep stories flowing on my website and to inform my audience. Each blog post is an article focused on a celebrity. Along with my daily articles, I mix in high-profile celebrity interviews. The important thing is that each post and interview is infused with positivity. I feel it is important to highlight the good that Hollywood has to offer.

    I want this book to reflect that same positivity. There are so many self-help books out there about how to live a positive life—I know—but this book is not your cliché self-help guide. Along with offering helpful lessons, this book is meant to entertain and give reassurance. As we go through life we are never given a handbook (I mean how amazing would that be, right?). We have our ups and downs, and that is A-okay. Life is about growth and evolving into the people we are meant and born to be.

    Audrey Hepburn said it best: The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters. The happier we are the more love we will attract in our world. In our day and age, the pressure we all face is amped up a bit, causing many to feel that they aren’t good enough. In a country that is fascinated with pop-culture and the celebrity lifestyle, it is easy to get lost in some not-so-positive messages. Like, visit your nearest grocery store right now and check out the magazine stands. You most likely will see some sort of headline that reads, Jennifer Aniston pregnant and alone, or something along those lines. We often get so caught up in having to look or be a certain way (How many times have you felt like you need to be a size zero to be happy?), but it’s important to take a step back and embrace yourself for who you are.

    My first thought when I see many of these mags is, Are those even real people on the cover? No person’s skin is THAT smooth. It’s important to embrace what makes you different. Just because he or she may appear flawless on the cover of a magazine doesn’t make you any less beautiful. Trust me—I read these magazines also, but it’s important to note that these cover photos are crafted by a team of pros from make-up stylists to Photoshop specialists, so don’t fool yourself too much! Obviously, the amount of alteration varies for each cover, but you get what I am saying. I have seen many celebs in person, and I can confirm that even Victoria’s Secret models have some cellulite.

    We all face our own insecurities and shy away from our various flaws. It is time to embrace what makes you different. Own your uniqueness. Think about it, if everyone on this planet were the same, wouldn’t that be beyond boring?

    When you begin to fully love yourself for who you are, the hurtful words of others will no longer be a dagger to your heart. Put on your armor of love. Let go of trying to be like someone else because you will always fall short. Likewise, anyone else would necessarily fall short when trying to be like you. You weren’t born to be a copy. Rather, you were born to stand out and add your unique voice to the world. Stop wishing you had the flawless complexion of Nicole Kidman or a body like a Victoria’s Secret Angel. You are a work in progress like everyone else. As Kurt Cobain says, Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.

    This isn’t just a book for the youth of the world. This is also a book to help catapult anyone who needs a burst of inspiration in his or her life. With so much hate in the world, I hope to add a dose of love to yours. It’s time to declutter our minds from those fears we face daily, it’s time to finally reach within and face them head on. It’s time to say goodbye to our inner hot mess. Or at least tame it!

    Every day on our beautiful planet is a chance to head in the direction of our dreams. We have fabulous days, horrid days, sad days, lonely days, and that is perfectly fine and NORMAL. If we never have the bad how can we ever appreciate the good? Everything works out in the end, but we must first fight the rain to get to the rainbow, right? Nobody is perfect, not even Barbie Heidi Montag. (Can you believe she had ten plastic surgery procedures done at one time?) When we begin to realize that perfection is nonexistent, you will soon see so much more joy in your life.

    Struggle is inevitable; struggle is needed. In order to evolve as individuals, we must be willing to embrace challenges and not run from them. As Bethenny Frankel puts it, we need to come from a place of yes. This, to me, is an astounding way to live life. Such a positive mindset will result in positive results. If you keep telling yourself you can’t, well, then you won’t. You’ll get exactly what you set out for: nothing. But you already have all the magic within you to reach your wildest goals. Don’t believe me? Well, by the end of the book I hope you will think differently.

    If there is one thing I’ve learned thus far in life, it is to be unafraid to pave my own way. We must each create our own path and own it! But we still have to take life at the pace we feel most comfortable. So often we rush into things before we are fully ready to commit. I see this with my peers all the time. Many of them don’t take college seriously and maybe should have taken time off before investing so much money into school. There is nothing wrong with taking the time to figure out what you truly want to do.

    As a young kid, I remember being so nervous when I thought ahead into my future. The thought of sticking to one career for the rest of my life just freaked me out. I never really knew what I wanted to be, and because I am always trying to think a zillion steps ahead, I began to experience some major anxiety. I knew there was no way in hell I could work a monotonous day-to-day job. Me sitting in an office cubicle every day wasn’t going to fly. So many questions came into my head. When other kids were talking about becoming a fireman, teacher, and scientist, I felt such a burning desire within me to strive for something different. Although I couldn’t pinpoint what that was, I knew it would challenge the norm.

    The more you get out and explore the world, the easier you will figure out which direction you want to go. When I was in high school, I drove every week for about two months to Salt Lake City for the filming

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