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Forever Nights
Forever Nights
Forever Nights
Ebook342 pages4 hours

Forever Nights

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One more easy job, life coach and empath Jamie Donovan promises herself. Then she’ll take a well-earned break from her booming business to properly grieve the loss of her mother and pull herself together. When that job turns out to be an ambush intervention for Las Vegas heiress Layla DeGrasso, all bets are off. But Layla isn’t Jamie’s biggest problem on her new job. That honor goes to her client’s hot as hell bodyguard, Axel. Damn those abs.
Axel Frasier is finally free from the Army and is trying to make a name for his fledgling network security firm. When he lands a promising contract at Lush, Victor DeGrasso’s crown jewel on the Vegas strip, a few quiet weeks of system analysis beckon. But a twist of events force him back into the role of bodyguard, one he swore he’d never play again. It wouldn’t be so bad if he could only keep his head on straight around his clients’ distracting life coach.
Jamie needs to move past the baggage her mother has saddled her with, while keeping Layla on track. Axel can’t afford to be distracted by lust and doesn’t trust the lure of more. Neither is ready for true love, but the nights in Las Vegas are long and lonely...

PublisherEva Moore
Release dateJun 27, 2017
Forever Nights

Eva Moore

As a young woman, Eva Moore loved nothing more than to dive between the pages of a romance and lose herself in the story. They were perfect for avoiding midterms and report cards. She even met her husband while reading a book. About the time the second baby came along though, she found she had little time for diving into anything but laundry. Missing her stories desperately, she began to make up her own. The stories she played with in her mind while she washed dishes and changed diapers eventually made their way onto the page, and she was hooked. Eva now lives in Silicon Valley, after moving around the world and back, with her college sweetheart, her three gorgeous girls, and two Shih Tzus who think they are cats. She can be found most nights hiding in her closet/office, scribbling away, and loves to hear from the outside world. Please visit her at www.4evamoore.com.

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    Forever Nights - Eva Moore


    Heat. Movement. Escape. Jamie craved release. Her mind wouldn’t click off. Thoughts of work and family plagued her, but not for long. The bright lights of Las Vegas still illumined the darkness as she walked confidently into the club. The first rays of dawn were not far away, but she would take what she needed before they called her back to reality. Surveying the room, she chose her partner carefully. She approached with confidence, and the chase began. After a slow build-up, she was desperate for more. More heat. More movement. More quiet space in her head. She chased what she craved with ruthless enthusiasm.

    The pounding beat thudded through her body, mirroring the racing of her heart. Heat built within, a hot flush burning her skin. The rhythm was incessant, grinding. Jamie was caught. It’s not enough. It will never be enough. She shut down the negative voice in her head and gave her body over to the moment, the movement. It would be enough for now.

    She sprinted towards her release. Freedom beckoned. All she had to do was reach for it. She bore down, racing for the finish. Muscles screaming, sweat streaming, she panted for breath as she reached her peak, finally satisfied.

    When the treadmill kicked into cool down mode after her five-mile hills challenge, she sucked a deep breath down into her heaving lungs. Keeping her legs moving, she came back down from the high of that final sprint.

    For some, the gym was a chore, a duty, or an ego stroke. For Jamie, it was a sanctuary. When she ran or lifted, she clicked her mind off. No duties, no clients, no emotions or intuition. As a life coach, she was committed to being available to her clients. As an empath, she required alone time to recharge her emotional batteries. It was difficult to find balance between the two extremes. Thanks to a few real life makeover segments on Ellen that had gone viral, she was a household name. Fame made it even more difficult to find the time for herself. The exhaustion a brutal workout provided helped her maintain control.

    It also helped her ignore her recent sexual drought. If she got herself tired enough, she could almost forget that it had been a year since a man had touched her without an ulterior motive. And a hell of a year it had been. Between her skyrocketing fame and the death of her mother, she was reeling. She was ready for a well-earned break, as soon as this last contract was finished.

    She wiped down her treadmill and turned to tackle the free weights when a startled squeal escaped from her lips. He’d come in silently. She hadn’t noticed his presence in the hotel gym, but he had to have seen her. There was no avoiding him now. After a second glance, she wasn’t altogether sure she wanted to. She might be okay with her drought, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate watching a hot summer storm through the window.

    He sat on the resistance machine, gripping the foam covered handles back near his shoulders. Each outward press caused the muscles in his chest to swell with exertion. His sweat-damp white t-shirt did little to hide some serious pectorals. And his arms, good Lord, his arms. They stretched the sleeves of that t-shirt to the breaking point. She had the irrational desire to feel them wrapped around her.

    Another press drew her gaze further. The tendons in his hands and wrists clenched as he began to press the bars away from his chest. Those hands sparked a thousand instant fantasies in Jamie’s sex starved brain. He oozed danger, like a biker gripping the handlebars of a Harley. His short-cropped black hair read military or prison, and the beard spoke of rugged survival. Danger was the only clear thought Jamie could latch onto, as she nodded a quick hello and spun away to the free weights. How long had she been staring?

    She casually glanced at him in the wall-sized mirror, as she selected her ten-pound weights, and noticed that he was still steadfastly focused on his workout. He hadn’t even glanced her way. Damn. Either he had to be an asshole or gay. Either way, off her radar. She had work to do.

    There was a pampered Las Vegas princess waiting for her to wave her magic wand. That was unkind, but she couldn’t help it. Since she’d begun working with more and more celebrities, her tolerance for client whining had plummeted. She had little hope this one would be any different, and she hadn’t even met her yet. So Jamie would do what she needed to do to rebuild her reserves before she did. It was no good approaching a new client with weak walls.

    She ignored the hot guy in the gym right back as she laid down flat on the weight bench with her dumbbells and began working on her arms. The five-mile run had been a punishing prelude to her regular plan. She cycled from chest press, to a reclined butterfly, and through an inverted tricep curl, before beginning again. She forced her mind to clear, desperate to get back to her zen space. This was her one chance to try and build back her depleted reserves before starting her new job.

    But now her body was hyper-aware of the stranger’s, and every time he shifted to adjust the plates or latch a cable, her focus shattered. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the mirror, waiting to see what muscle he would pop out next.

    In the quiet intimacy of the gym at dawn, she spun fantasy after fantasy, harmless save for the fact that she kept getting distracted from her workout. She imagined riding behind him on a classic motorcycle, gripping those rock hard abs from behind for balance, flanking his tight hips with her thighs, straddling a vibrating seat. When he switched to standing forms, swinging and pulling the cable down and across his body, she mentally dressed him in a red and black flannel shirt and imagined being ravished in the woods by the lumberjack. His dark facial hair and bulging biceps worked their way into her scenarios.

    When he whipped up his t-shirt to wipe the sweat from his face, Jamie nearly dropped the weights on her head. If he was going to go around flashing bare abs like that, a girl could get hurt. She carefully replaced her weights in the appropriate spots on the rack and dutifully wiped down each handle with disinfectant. How am I supposed to cool down when there is that level of heat in the room?

    Her muscular mystery man coughed, pulling her gaze from his rippling lower abs back up to his now amused face. Caught ogling, she smiled and gave a self-deprecating shrug. Definitely gay. No straight man would laugh when he caught a woman salivating over his hip dents.


    I asked if you were done with the bench.

    Oh, good Lord! She hadn’t even heard him speak.

    Yes. I’m going to stretch out a few kinks over here. I’ll get out of your way.

    So you’re a very kinky girl? The humor and innuendo in his voice had her turning back around. She watched his eyes travel a path down her compact frame and back up again. The benefit of exercising for her sanity was that she’d maintained her gymnastic physique, with a few more mature curves thrown in. Thank God she’d picked matching workout gear.

    The kind you won’t take home to Mother. She unrolled her mat with a snap.

    Hmm, sexy, driven, and has knowledge of 80’s funk hits? Have dinner with me.

    Jamie laughed at his teasing, and moved to the end of her mat. She was gratified that he’d finally taken notice, but she fell back on her evasive maneuvers. Flirting was one thing. Following through was another.

    I’m afraid most of my dinners will be spent working. After all, that’s what she did. She buried herself in her clients’ personal lives, so she didn’t have time or energy left to worry about her own. Given her reaction to the bad boy across the room, maybe she’d buried herself for too long. She raised her hands to the sky before folding into a forward bend.

    Are you here on business?

    Yes, I am working for a client here in the hotel. She flowed into downward dog. From her upside down angle, she caught him staring at her ass. Maybe not gay? She lowered herself, holding her core tight into plank, before curving upwards into cobra pose. His gaze tracked to her breasts, crushed together by her sports bra and thrust forward by the pose. Definitely not gay. She folded her body back up into downward dog. Still, it made no difference. Gay or straight or anything in between, he was a pretty dream. One that had no chance of becoming a reality. He was way out of her league. She certainly wasn’t going to take his flirting seriously.

    All work and no play make you a dull girl.

    Pick-up lines from the Shining? Does that usually work for you?

    Damn, 80’s funk AND classic horror movie references? Marry me.

    Wow, I knew Vegas was the wedding capital of the world, but I never thought it would happen to me. Her fake enthusiasm tossed a flicker of doubt into his eyes, and Jamie cracked up. You should see your face.

    At least tell me the name of my dream bride.

    Jamie Donovan. Life coach. She shook hands with people all day long, and still she was ill-prepared for the shocking heat that raced up her arm as his massive hand clasped hers. He stroked the pad of his thumb over the top of her hand, and she shivered. Those hands were even more potent than she’d imagined. Bad girl. Let go. The prudent voice in her head poked her to react, and she tried to shove it away.

    Axel Frasier. It is a pleasure to meet you. Something about the way the word pleasure rumbled in his throat sent a shiver of awareness down Jamie’s spine. You know what they say?

    Jamie raised an eyebrow as he shifted closer into her personal bubble, keeping her hand trapped in his. She drew in a stuttering breath as heat engulfed the rest of her. She hadn’t had this kind of reaction to a man since, well, ever. She took the bait, letting him invade her space, setting off a lightning chain reaction in her body.

    What do they say?

    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. His voice pitched lower, soothing velvet over her rioting nerves. I’m thinking we should make something happen.

    He raised a hand to push an escaped tendril of hair behind her ear, and trailed his hand down her jawbone in a move calculated to have her lift her chin, the perfect position to steal a kiss. She froze. A perfect stranger was going to kiss her, and she was not going to stop him. She never let a man get too close. She couldn’t afford to let just anyone past her shields, and yet this man was blowing past them effortlessly. Damn. Fear and survival instinct kicked in and she stepped back, feeling panicky. That was one thing she could thank her mother for. After years of being conditioned, she had automatic reflexes for this situation. She ducked back behind her fabled control. I can’t do this.

    I can’t do this. Her thoughts abruptly left her mouth without a filter. Yet another departure from her norm.

    Jamie stepped past him and snagged her workout towel. As she hid her face under the guise of wiping it, she hauled in a deep breath. The fact that the man could scramble her wits with a touch did not bode well for her equilibrium. Fun, flirty, but sarcastically aloof, where had that girl gone? How had he breached her barriers so quickly?

    She turned back to face him, packing her workout gear with shaking hands. Work. She was here for work, and she had her first meeting later that morning. She didn’t have time for sexy men who pushed past her boundaries. He stopped her exit with a light grip on her wrist.

    Don’t run off. I’m staying here at Lush for the next few weeks. If you change your mind about dinner or the quickie wedding, or hell, even just the honeymoon, I’m in Room 324.

    I’ll keep that in mind.

    Do. Women like you don’t come around often.

    I’ll bet women come around you all the time. When he grinned, she prayed she hadn’t spoken aloud. He still had her hand captured in his, and Jamie was content to remain caught. Focusing on his face up close, she tore her gaze from his dark chocolate brown eyes but made it no farther than his beautiful thick lips. She imagined those lips nibbling, nipping, teasing their way down her body, as she lay supine on her yoga mat. Best Savasana ever.

    I have to go now, or I won’t be able to. He broke the silence that was quickly filling with unspoken needs.

    Yeah, was all she could manage to squeak.

    I hope I run into you again, Jamie Donovan. He released her hand and walked out the door.

    Jamie glanced back at her mat with contempt and rolled it up. No amount of sun salutations could erase the kinks she had currently racing through her mind. That man was dangerous. She calculated that she had barely enough time for a cold shower, before she headed down to meet her client for the first time. She was going to need every second she could get to pull herself back together.


    Axel strode through the slick main floor casino at Lush, freshly showered and professional in his custom cut black suit and tie. By force of habit, he conducted a threat assessment as he strolled from one end of the casino to the other. Though he hadn’t been hired to check out the physical security, it never hurt to case the place before jumping in. Knowing the weak points in the physical system could point him to other weaknesses in their network.

    The flashing lights, the raucous cheers, and the cacophony of the demanding slot machines failed to capture his attention. He’d long ago learned to block any distractions. Lives had depended on it. Instead, his eyes were drawn to the details, counting cameras, assessing dealers and security personnel, watching how the waitresses worked the crowd.

    To be honest, he was also scanning for a sleek brunette with a body built for sin. He could still hear her sassy voice teasing him. A brief and scorching affair would be the perfect thing to fill his down time in Vegas. He hoped he’d have another chance to convince her. Nothing too serious, just some fun and stress relief. Yes, that’s how he’d frame it. He’d come on too strong before. Horny idiot.

    With a firm shake, he turned his thoughts back to the job at hand, before his body had a chance to join in the distraction. Jamie Donovan would have to wait. The job came first. He needed to focus on the penetration testing he’d been hired to do at Victor DeGrasso’s crown jewel, Lush, before he indulged in any extracurriculars. His reputation was riding on his performance here. He was ready to prove himself.

    It was a midweek morning but the crowd was decent. The innovative design of the newest casino on the strip allowed the floor manager to open or close screens to create the illusion that the room was always full, making the casino always feel vibrant and exciting. It also kept the reception area visible but relatively quiet.

    Once upon a time, those hidden areas would have sent his anxiety on high alert. Some habits were hard to break. But he’d moved on, hadn’t he? He’d gone from protecting dignitaries in war zones to protecting their network systems back home. He’d fought himself for control of his memories and had come out on top. There wasn’t anyone lurking behind those screens with an IED, no snipers on the casino balcony. No one was going to ambush him while he was tucked away with his computers in his hotel room. Everything was going to be fine. He shook his head and returned to prepping for his meeting. He had to nail this first impression.

    According to his research, Lush had turned above industry average profits since it had opened three months ago and showed no signs of slowing. It had become the new hot spot on the Strip and the competition lagged far behind. True to its name, everything about Lush was over the top in comfort, decadence, and indulgence. Everyone wanted to be a part of it.

    Satisfied that he’d made a thorough first pass, he introduced himself to the floor boss, who had a security guard escort him to a small door to the right of the reception desk. Though he’d checked in earlier that day, he had yet to meet his new employer. He rang the buzzer at the door below the keypad and finger scanner, and was greeted by another security officer who checked his ID and confirmed his appointment before leading him though a labyrinth of back hallways.

    Axel found himself in a small waiting room, outside what he presumed was Victor DeGrasso’s private office. A secretary sat at a stylish desk, manning the phone and a computer simultaneously. She nodded a hello, then gestured to the low slung black leather couch across the room. He sat and prepared to wait. After years in the Army, he knew how to take orders. True, he’d gotten out and started his own network security consulting business, but he knew who the boss was. He didn’t need to be in control of everything. Directing his own work would suffice.

    The door behind him opened, and Victor DeGrasso strode through. His dark hair slicked back from his forehead left his hard leathery face unframed. Upon seeing Axel, however, a smile cracked through his granite façade.

    Axel Frasier? Come in, come in. Right on time. He turned back into his office without waiting for a handshake, expecting to be obeyed. He sat back down behind his massive desk, again designed to assert authority. Axel began to wonder if the man had a complex.

    I’ve heard good things about you. I am eager to test your particular set of skills.

    I am eager to put them to work. Can you tell me more about the project?

    I know I was vague, but one never can be too careful. I am going to launch this new program to our VIP guests within the month, and it has to be absolutely secure from outside hacking attempts. The reputation I am building here at Lush demands nothing but the best.

    That is what you’ll get by the time I’m done, sir.

    I like your confidence. Let me take you to the security hub. You can give me your initial impressions, and I’ll explain what I need.

    Again, Victor DeGrasso rose and strode from the room, without waiting to see if Axel was following. Back into the maze of hallways, Axel lengthened his stride to keep up with the man who controlled four of the largest casinos in Las Vegas. He was a walking legend. Landing this job had been a miracle. Nailing this job would make his name in the network security field. Now that’d he’d begun working as an independent contractor, he needed the visibility. He couldn’t afford to screw this up. One mistake and all the blood, sweat, and hard earned cash he’d poured into his fledgling business would be wasted.

    DeGrasso swiped his badge to enter the surveillance suite, a large room with screens arrayed in a curved panel against one wall. The images were constantly flickering, changing to different angles. The number of feeds surpassed Axel’s estimate based on the floor cameras. Every inch of the hotel was being watched at all times, sometimes from multiple angles. Hallways, elevators, restaurants, loading docks, and of course close-ups of the casino floor flashed past, as five men dressed in the same security uniforms watched intently.

    Like what you see? Victor DeGrasso flashed a confident smile. From what Axel could see, DeGrasso had installed only the top of the line security systems in his newest gem.

    Yes, sir. You seem to have comprehensive coverage of all public and staff areas of the hotel. I would love to see the filter algorithm you’re using to scan all the data for win patterns and facial recognition.

    You’ve done your homework. That algorithm is proprietary, but we’ll see if I can’t get you a peek at it. After you’ve proven yourself, of course. Don’t discount the five men in this room, though. They are still catching things that the algorithm has missed. I prefer to expand my technology with a human backup, just in case. The algorithm is excellent at compiling win tallies and connecting them to faces, searching for the long cons. These gentlemen are focused on more immediate concerns.

    Table 24, dice in his pocket. One of the men muttered into his headset. On the screen Axel watched as the man hitting big at the craps table was taken into custody.

    The algorithm wouldn’t have caught that quickly enough. It’s a work in progress. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. My men on the ground are trained to handle any situation. They are my front line. Every member of my security team has some law enforcement or military background. Nobody messes with me in my house.

    No, sir. I aim to keep it that way.

    Mr. Frasier, you come highly recommended. Your former C.O., Hector Garcia, is highly valued in my organization. He said you know your way around networks blindfolded.

    Axel didn’t like to think of blindfolds, so he pushed the image aside.

    That I do, sir. I have a degree in Computer Science, and eight years in the Army, the last three as a cyber operations officer protecting our military’s digital infrastructure. But Mr. DeGrasso, I have a feeling you know all of that, or I wouldn’t be here.

    I also know you did military police security detail for the first five years of your service. DeGrasso chuckled at Axel’s raised eyebrows. The tingles on the back of his neck were shouting a warning. I am thorough. Don’t ever downplay your service, son. It’s the most honorable thing you can do for your country. Now, I heard you can hack any system. Why are you available to help me?

    I was ready for a change. Tired of living overseas, a cog in the wheel. Some friends convinced me that private contracting was the way to go, and here I am.

    I am happy to put your many skills to good use. Do a good job, and your name will be made. I’m happy to recommend reliable contractors, within the bounds of our non-disclosure, non-compete agreement, of course.

    Of course. Why don’t you tell me the specs of the job?

    I want you to break my security system, and put it back together again.

    The whole thing? From what I’ve seen, it’s working well.

    "The part you’ve seen has been tested in my other casinos. I had a blueprint for what worked and what needed improving. Lush is starting something new. We are offering in-room and limited high stakes gambling to our high rollers and VIP club members. Qualifying guests will be able to gamble in real time with a real dealer from the privacy of their suites, via video links contained on our proprietary system. They will be able to see and interact with the other members of the game, all from a special gaming portal. I want you to hack the portal. Your penetration testing should find any security weak points, and my internal team will fix them.

    I won’t open this to public trials until I am sure that my guests’ privacy and financial security can be guaranteed. We have the launch scheduled for a month from now. When I am confident the system is unbreakable, you will be amply rewarded, as we discussed.

    The small flat rate was not what his time was worth, but the royalty-based payout he’d negotiated and referrals would be. He needed this gamble to work. If he had a steady flow of capital, he could afford to be selective in accepting future clients.

    When do I start?

    As soon as you get cleared by the Nevada Gaming Commission.

    Already done.

    Then we’ll start bright and early tomorrow. I’ll brief you on the system in the morning. Take the night to enjoy the hotel and its amenities. I plan to keep you too busy to think straight for the next few weeks.

    Thank you, sir. I look forward to working with you.

    Dismissed, Axel followed his security escort to the HR office for his badges, but his mind was already racing ahead to the upcoming challenge. The adrenaline was flowing. The system he’d be testing was intriguing, and if he did a good job, he would be amply rewarded. Like a kid before game release day, he didn’t think he’d relax much until he started playing in the morning. This excitement and anticipation was what he’d been missing in his military service. Finally, here was a chance to push himself and make bank while doing it. And if he happened to run into one Jamie Donovan again, even better. He cracked his knuckles and stretched his fingers. This was going to be fun.


    Jamie pasted a bright smile on her face and rang the doorbell of the suite next to hers. She’d been told that she’d been given the room next door to Layla DeGrasso for convenience. She certainly hadn’t expected to be set up in a luxurious two-story suite that overlooked the pool, but she wasn’t

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