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The House of Mirth
The House of Mirth
The House of Mirth
Ebook452 pages13 hours

The House of Mirth

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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"The House of Mirth" is Edith Wharton's classic and tragic portrayal of Lily Bart, an intelligent New York socialite during the Victorian era, who seeks to secure a husband and a place in upper class society. Central to the theme of the novel is how the Victorian era offered women relatively few other alternatives to achieve upward social and economic mobility than through marriage. A classic depiction of a bygone era, "The House of Mirth" is one of Wharton finest literary achievements.
Release dateJan 1, 2010

Edith Wharton

Edith Newbold Jones (nombre de soltera de Edith Wharton) nació en Nueva York en 1862, en el seno de una rica familia del mundo financiero. Con ella pasó parte de su infancia viajando por Europa, y, de vuelta a Nueva York, fue educada por institutrices. A los veinticinco años se casó con Edward Robbins Wharton, un graduado de Harvard doce años mayor. El conflicto entre sus inquietudes artísticas y literarias y el papel que tenía asignado como dama de la alta sociedad fue causa de contrariedades y de una grave depresión, pero también fuente de inspiración. En 1878 había publicado privadamente un volumen de poesías, y en 1897 un libro de decoración contra la estética victoriana, The Decoration of Houses (en colaboración con el arquitecto Ogden Codman), pero hasta 1902 no se atrevió con la que habría de ser su primera novela, The Valley of Decision, y no sería realmente reconocida hasta la segunda, La casa de la alegría (1905). A ésta siguieron, entre otras, The Fruit of the Tree (1907), Ethan Frome (1911; ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. XCV), El arrecife (1912; ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. LXI), Las costumbres nacionales (1913; ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR, núm. XXXVIII ), La edad de la inocencia (1920), por la que recibió el premio Pulitzer, y Los niños (1928; ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. LXXV), además de un gran número de relatos. En 1910 se estableció en París, y tres años después se divorciaría de su marido. Su contribución a la causa aliada en la Primera Guerra Mundial le valió la Legión de Honor. Murió en 1937 en Pavillon Colombe, su casa en Saint-Brice-sous-Fôret.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting from a historical perspective and at moments still contains relevant observations about the shallow and materialistic lives of wealthy Americans. The social manners and high sentimentality might be dull for most contemporary readers, but it still retains value.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I don't love anything that smells too much like Victorian literature. This was pretty close, but I enjoyed the inversion of the tale- how the young woman falls from social prominence, overplays her hand, and then chooses to live with the consequences. It's not tragedy in the classical sense, but Lily is a tragic character. Her combination of determination and lack of self-awareness keep the engine of the novel running.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My first Wharton, and I can see why so many people love her. The writing is excellent, the social commentary is strong, and the female characters especially in this book feel authentic. I found myself equal parts annoyed by and enamored of Lily. Her movements within ‘society’ as an independent woman, and her fall from that society, make for a compelling story. Lily Bart will stay with me for a long time. So many feels.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Gads, what a depressing book. One hundred years does make a difference in literary tastes and what passes, I suppose, for a morality tale. This book was, to my memory, strongly reminiscent of Theodor Dreiser.Still, as a Guttenberg Project digitized book, the price was right!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Fish, guests and now wordy novels with obnoxious heroines really do start to stink after three days. Or possibly three chapters - I loved the first fifty or so pages of The House of Mirth but then Lily Bart and the storyline got stuck in a loop, and I found myself dropping off to sleep after struggling through a couple of pages. At work, on the bus, at home - finishing Edith Wharton's novel was a trial, but I was determined. The final few chapters made up for the soporific effect of the bulk of the book, however.My main problem, aside from the fact that Wharton should have contented herself with a short story or a novella, was with Lily Bart, the distinctly unloveable heroine with an inflated opinion of herself (or with the author's inflated opinion of herself). At twenty-nine, a woman of Lily's age and situation would have been labelled a spinster and left on the shelf, but because of her glowing, ethereal, exquisite, etc. beauty, descriptions of which must pad out over half of the novel, Lily still considers herself a 'marriageable girl' in the market for the richest husband she can find. Lily also considers herself to be some sort of princess, when in fact she is little more than a leech who maintains her delusional lifestyle by befriending/flirting with the social elite/nouveau riche of New York. She is a horrific snob without the means or intelligence of an Emma Woodhouse, a calculating gold digger without the deviousness or brass neck of a Becky Sharp, and a stunning beauty without the charm of a Lady Blakeney. Lily Bart is a useless, heartless, fading bauble, who continually sabotages her own ambition to be a rich man's wife, whether by design or cowardice.She has a fear of being poor and 'dingy', and has become 'dependent on ease and luxury', whatever the cost. Lily's sympathisers, like Lawrence and cousin Gerty, blame Lily's upbringing and insist that 'she can't help it', which also irritated me. I couldn't stand her, and was infinitely satisfied by the way her story played out.That said, Edith Wharton does have a way with words, if nothing else - sort of an American Jane Austen, but lacking the same slyness in her social commentary. 'A girl must, a man may if he chooses', Lily opines to her ill-fated suitor, Lawrence Selden. And Wharton's shrewd observation that 'inner vanity is generally in proportion to the outer self-deprecation' is very true. I also love the poetic descriptions that Wharton employs, as with Lily's aunt, Mrs Peniston: 'She had always been a looker-on at life, and her mind resembled one of those little mirrors which her Dutch ancestors were accustomed to affix to their upper windows, so that from the depths of an impenetrable domesticity they might see what was happening in the street'.A cleverly written, though drawn out novel about a woman who blames everyone else for her own mistakes and failures, and thinks a pretty face should be enough to carry her through life. If I can't even admire or sympathise with the central character, then it's no wonder that I could barely maintain consciousness!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wharton was an extraordinary sociologist specializing in her own class: the rich. Page 53 is unbelievably smart and beautifully tailored. We are in the world of Balzac thematically and James stylistically. I had difficulty entering the story because of her reliance on summary. The most exquisite parts were these descriptions which while placed erratically nonetheless showed you that despite the intellect and the judgement and the constant assessment, Wharton loved the dilated moments where the narrative paused and we were allowed to see where we were..and Wharton could it turns out paint with light. It was almost a hundred and fifty pages before I found myself hooked. The men are all weak and while they survive because they have a clearer understanding of the transactional nature of the world, they offer little. The exception is Selden and I have to say that the problem with both Wharton's scenes with him as well as her handling of the confrontation with Trenor are so obscured and indirectly dealt with that I was never sure what was going on. I know she couldn't talk about sex but it all felt so unclear. The book is dated because of what was written only a few years later namely Joyce but as a 19th century aesthetic it is a remarkably, and one feels true picture of America in that time.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The House of Mirth is a “novel of manners” or a novel which focuses on social customs, often the customs surrounding marriage (think Jane Austen, for example). This particular novel focuses on high society in New York during the early 1900′s, a setting very familiar to the author, and was intended to highlight what she saw as the complete lack of anything worthwhile in that society. However, as the forward to my version pointed out, what still draws people to this book today is mostly the character of Lily Bart. Throughout the book we follow Lily’s attempts to marry for money, culminating in her fall from society when she is accused of being a man’s mistress.The author’s writing style, as well as her subject matter, reminded me of Jane Austen. Perhaps it’s simply something about older books, but I found the writing unusually formal. This definitely wasn’t something that kept me from enjoying the writing though. I was still drawn into the plot, able to visualize the locations and feel for the characters. The only part of the writing I didn’t like was the attention to social details required to understand all the plot points. Especially at the beginning, I sometimes felt sure I was missing something! This is a problem not with the author’s writing (since she wrote for her contemporaries) but a problem of book version. And my book version (the penguin classics version pictured above), had unnecessary footnotes describing locations and a few useful word definitions but provided little social context.The characters were definitely intriguing, in part because their motivations were so entirely different from anything in my experience. I was always curious about what they might do next! What at the end kept me from liking this book more was that I often didn’t like what they did next. I think I might have been able to like Lily even though she wanted to marry for money if she’d just seriously gone for it. Instead, her indecision ended up depriving her of a marriage for money or a marriage for love. Even worse, things frequently almost worked out and some little twist of fate caused everything to go wrong. Situations like that, where simple chance ruins everything, are one of my pet peeves in movies and books. They’re just too frustrating! In this case, the book was good enough to keep me reading past all of the bits where things almost worked out in hopes it would get better. But when it ended on the same note, with a so very nearly happy ending, it left me feeling dissatisfied with the whole book. If you’re ok with unhappy endings and don’t share my hatred for cruel twists of fate, the book was well written enough that I’d recommend it much more highly.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Materialistic NY society in the fin de siecle literally crushes Lily Bart to death under the weight of its code. There is no possibility for a young single woman to have a life of her own, an honorable occupation, or a visible means of support.She exists only as a marital prospect, and that only for a short decade, during which time a single slight misstep can spell utter ruin of reputation and prospects. If after that time, she remains unmarried, her desperation is neither pitied nor remedied but used as an indictment against her.Lily Bart, motherless and dependent on her aunt, exists only as a fortune hunter restricted to finding herself a husband attached to the purse. But fortunes attract fortunes, and Lily has none of her own, only expensive tastes. One misstep is followed by another and another. Disastrous financial decisions, a naivete concerning Gus Treanor, her friend, Judy’s husband who “invests” her meager savings on the basis of vague speculator tips, a manipulated indebtedness to Mr. Rosedale, a man who is despised by a society riddled with racism against his Jewishness, and her own misplaced effort to protect her friend Laurence Selden from the humiliating evidence of undestroyed letters from a married woman with whom he had a liason combine to effect Lily’s ruin.In an effort to escape her downward spiral she accepts an invitation from Bertha Dorset to join her and her husband, George, on a cruise of Europe aboard their yacht only to be accused by Bertha of adultery with George in order to hide her own affair with Nate Silverton. Again, she tries to shield Selden. But it is too much and Lily, having been disinherited by her aunt has nowhere to go but down.Wharton’s “novel of manners” written a century and a half after Austen’s novels on that subject and moved to the US shows a society just as perversely aligned against maidens of a certain age. The environment of both NYC and Bath is akin to a tank filled with patrolling fish – some of whom are sharks, some of whom are bait.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I like Wharton's writing and think I would have enjoyed this one more except for the current times. The story is about the endeavors of a beautiful young woman to stay in the social circles her birth entitles her to, but her increasing impoverishment makes more and more difficult. I admired the heroine Lily Bart in her efforts to "keep up" while sabotaging her marriage prospects out of a personal sense of honor and secret abhorrence for her useless life. However, I had little sympathy for her or her troubles or her friends. The troubles of the idle rich seem trite and boring...which I think was Wharton's point, but didn't make for compelling reading.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    At first this novel seemed to be an American version of Vanity Fair, only not as good. I found Lily to be a bit annoying which I never thought about Becky Sharpe. As the story proceeded, I realized that despite some similarities with Thackeray's work, The House of Mirth was its own story. Unfortunately, although my sympathy for Lily grew, she remained on the whole irritating.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    ** spoiler alert ** This novel follows primarily a young socialite named Lily Bart as she slowly ruins her life, dropping from the most beloved of country dinner visitors to a working class girl with an addiction to a sleep aid. Although many call this a love story, I think this would be classified as a love story in only the loosest sense, and in the great tradition of novels like Gone with the Wind and Wuthering Heights. If anyone's actually in love, it's rarely if ever admitted and certainly not happy.When I began this book, without the slightest hint of what it might be about other than having previously read another of Wharton's works Ethan Frome, I assumed from the first chapter that the story would be a drawn out account of the changing of Lily's morals as she realizes that, obviously, Lawrence Selden (the pseudo "romantic interest") is the one for her, blah, blah, blah. As it turns out, Lily's morals change very little throughout the book, and her high standards of living combined with her strong moral fiber almost always ruin things for her. Why can't she just marry Selden and maintain her place in the social order and actually go a step up in her living conditions, if not achieving the wealth of which she dreams? Standards. Why can't she get over herself and marry Rosedale who will give her said wealth, even though she quite dislikes him? Standards. She simply can't be pleased. She won't marry for love and she won't marry for money - she's content to settle into old maidhood waiting for the perfect Mr. Right to come along. Meanwhile, her morals generally screw her over too. She has to stand by Bertha Dorset when she cheats! She can't use the love letters she found against her to regain her place and society and Rosedale's hand! She can't confess her undying love for Selden! But she's perfectly cool getting into various shady dealings with the Gormers, Mrs. Hatch and the chloral. Good God, Lily. She can't seem to decide what she wants and refuses to make the right decision throughout the book.Although I found Lily to be in character throughout, I found so many of her decisions frustratingly stupid and unambitious (combined with her thoroughly ambitious personality) that I found it hard to love Lily as much as I would have otherwise. So many times, salvation was within reach. Actually, she didn't even have to reach for it. All she had to do was say the word and be whisked away from her depressing and anticlimactic end...but nope. Her standards/morals always got in the way.Although I found the novel frustrating, slow and confusing (Wharton referred to characters exclusively by their first or last names for pages on end and then would spontaneously end, plus freaking everyone is related which is hard to remember) I did enjoy it. I would say it was really more of a 3.5 than a 3, a meh+ versus just a meh... But I also wouldn't quite say I "liked" it. I'm certainly glad I read it, but I'm also glad it's over.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Joy's review: Beautiful young woman only cares for society, but does not manage to marry well and she comes undone... I did this as an audio book. I'd never read any Edith Wharton and felt I should give her a go. But I found myself wishing I was reading, if only so I could skim and skip the dull bits. And there were plenty of dull bits. Kept my interest just enough to keep going to see how it would turn out, but overall, I thought it was pretty dull.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The House of Mirth was the selection for my book club this month. Maybe because it is on the classics shelf, my first thought was that this would be another delightful 'parasol' book. You know, the type where all the characters seem to enjoy 'taking a turn around the parlor.' How big were the parlors back then?? The House of Mirth is a timeless classic about social climbing and the status of women. Our discussion of this book lasted several hours and was not just idle speculation about women's lives during the fin de siecle in New York City, but the choices women have today. Edith Wharton's writing style is amazing. Members of my bookclub even had favorite quotes from the book saved to discuss (usually we focus on the food more than quotes from the book). If you are looking to pick up a classic that will lead to a great discussion, then this is it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Moving and profoundly sad. Such a beautiful story written by a master of the English language. I cannot believe I waited so long to read this wonderful book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I must be too obtuse a male for this kind of novel. The heroine has made a career out of looking out for a rich husband, because she was raised just for an ornamental role in New York high society of the late 19th century. At the same time, the manipulation, hypocrisy and connivance is so intense and folded back into itself that it becomes very hard to understand what people's real motives are. The author assumes that the reader is aware with these conventions and can read between the lines. The reader that can't (like me), will feel disoriented and alientated (I fear that, as time goes by, ever more people will be bewildered by the non-sequiturs and seemingly illogical behaviour, mainly of the main character). As a so-called satire of high society, I found it smug and sanctimonious. Its general statements about human nature are at times nonsensical, at worst stupid. I will have to study Jane Austen's books a bit better to understand why exactly I feel one female author's take on the social conventions of her era remains a classic, and this one will fade into oblivion, as far as I am concerned.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Excellent...Edith's words are enchanting....the story resonates with me....
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ms. Wharton gives us Lily Bart, a young woman whose beauty has been her entree into a world of rich society in whch she cannot afford to live. She contemplates marrying a rich man who bores her but cannot keep from sabotaging her half-hearted efforts. Lily makes mistakes, and we see the noose of her fate tightening inextricably. Wharton does a nice job with the society characters, showing us the qualities that both attract and repel Lily. I found two other characters of greater interest: Lily's cousin Gerty, who lives a poor but honest life and longs to entice Lily away form her obsession with money; and Lawrence Selden, a bachelor who can move in various circles but shows Lily different ways of thinking and in effect acts as her conscience. The most finely drawn character is Lily herself; we see her motivations, her hesitations, her hope and despair. Her final choice to act honorably rather than accept a path into society seems inevitable based on how she has been developed throughout the novel.The style of the novel is unexceptional, reflecting the slow pace prevalent at the turn of the century, but with some nice phrases and imagery. The novel requires some patience but rewards it nicely.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this! It is the first book I have read by this author and having read this, I shall definitely be reading more of her work. My sympathy for Lily grew throughout the book and though she was annoying at the start, I grew to like her as the story progressed. I didn't mind that the book had a sad ending - in fact that made the book all the more poignant.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Quite brilliant. I always love Edith Wharton's heroines and Lily was no exception. It's a great character and social study of a woman who has expensive tastes and can't break into the world she feels she belongs to because of lack of money. It's made clear throughout (and more towards the end with the appearance of an unlikely ally) that she probably would have been happier had she settled for a middle-class life. I don't know if I agree with that seeing as I don't think it would have suited her personality and cultured leanings and she would have ended up frustrated, not to mention that having lived in relative luxury growing up she can't bear not to be comfortable. I can see that opinions on Lily could be vastly different but I for one understood every move and mistake she made, she's drawn very carefully and the continuity in this regard is excellent.
    It's a crushing book, beautifully written with sharp characterization and I somehow identified with Lily, to the point when I can say this has made me look at my own life in a different way. It can be life-changing. I never expected this novel to resonate so much with me but that's what great literature is all about. Perhaps it's even the one book I needed right now. Five stars for sure.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    2000, Blackstone Audiobooks, Read by Anna FieldsLily Bart, bred to be ornamental, has known only comfort and luxury. When her family is ruined, she is keenly aware that she must marry money in order to maintain her position in 1890s New York’s elite society: “The only way to not think about money is to have a great deal of it." (Bk 1, Ch 6) And there are no shortage of suitors: Lawrence Selden, Percy Gryce, Simon Rosedale. But she dithers, seemingly wanting the impossible: Selden, whom she loves, is not wealthy enough; and while Gryce and Rosedale are plenty wealthy, she cares not a thing for either of them. Indeed, what might life be like married to Percy Gryce, that droning millionaire and “portentous little ass”:“She had been bored all the afternoon by Percy Gryce … but she could not ignore him on the morrow, she must follow up her success, must submit to more boredom, must be ready with fresh compliances and adaptabilities, and all on the bare chance that he might ultimately decide to do her the honour of boring her for life.” (Bk 1, Ch 3)Lily’s hesitation, coupled with a series of other social missteps and foolish decisions, sets in motion her descent of the social ladder. But it is Bertha Dorset, the novel’s antagonist, who ensures Lily’s expulsion from society. A nasty, manipulative woman, Bertha invites Lily on a Mediterranean cruise; but her motives are despicable. An unsuspecting Lily walks right into her deception, and Bertha uses her money and influence to bar Lily permanently from society. Wharton’s protagonist pathetically becomes one “so evidently the victim of the civilization which had produced her, that the links of her bracelet seemed like manacles chaining her to her fate.” (Bk 1, Ch 1)The House of Mirth is highly recommended. While I did not enjoy it as much as The Age of Innocence, I love to read about late 1800s New York Society, particularly as written about by Wharton – elite, ostentatious, frivolous, narrow-minded, vicious – and fascinating. Expectedly, prose and characterization are brilliant. And Anna Fields did a lovely job of narration in this audiobook edition.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I *heart* this...even though it makes my heart hurt. Wow. Portrayal of a young woman, Lily Bart, navigating high society New York circa 1903 without the benefit of a supportive family to guide her or the financial means to support the lifestyle. When you are raised only to be decoration and you realize your own uselessness and inability to establish means to independent living, what do you do when you've waived all the options that have come your way?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fabulous novel. Feminist-lit before it was possible for a woman to really write fem-lit. Lily Bart is such an intricate, tragic character. You can't help from being completely swept away by her.

    Read it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was another book from my 1001 Books to Read Before You Die list, & I can see WHY it became such a sensation in it's day, & why it endures as a classic tale today. Lily is an example of the upper echelon of the class system in early New York. She was trained to do absolutely nothing but be decorative & was brought up to do nothing but marry well. Lily has a few character flaws, which prevent her from doing the thing she was brought up to do, especially since she was raised by a relatively stingy rich aunt after her parents died when she was young. As her life reaches 29, then 30, she falls out of favor with the high society crowd, & is invariably pushed down a rung in the ladder each time till she hits rock bottom after her aunt's death & she was disinherited in favor of another cousin. Lily is at heart not a bad person, she just makes bad choices. If she had married Selden when she had the opportunity, her life would have been richer in SO many more ways than simply financially.....sad ending, but not altogether unexpected..
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    An abandoned read. Why must the woman always be the victim? Couldn't stand it; Couldn't finish it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My heart was broken! Beautifully written! Personally i think it is better than 'The age of innocence', but Scoress made a better film than Terence Davies.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Found Lily's sense of honor and personal code admirable but strange that it did not extend to those ordinary people around her who made a life of luxury and indolence. But then maybe I'm looking at it from a 21st century perspective
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As I read this tale of tragedy and the upper classes, I wondered who I most resembled in character: Seldon, who offers his love to Lily Bart, but is too afraid to commit to it, or Rosedale, whose love for Lily could save her but is yet unwanted. I have in mind a friend of sometimes tragic countenance who fits Miss Bart's character so perfectly that it worries me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Definitely not "mirthful," this downer of a classic is a social commentary and primer on manners of the wealthy-elite community during the turn-of-the-century Gilded Age. It is the story of Lily Bart, a poor girl, who does her best to fit into the closed and cruel society of the rich New York aristocracy. Money and greed become the center of her universe as she spends and gambles away whatever she has. She is beautiful and witty, so she is surrounded by suiters, both single and married. She forms what she understands to be a business partnership with one of the married admirers, and the relationship leads to her downfall when she is accused of having an affair with him. Deeply in debt and even deeper in depression, she struggles to stay afloat, even turning to Laudanum to help her sleep. Her descent is heartbreaking and disturbing, but her revelations are deeply moving. This melodrama is a fantastic reading experience, and I highly recommend it to all.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “A runaway bestseller on publication in 1905, The house of mirth is a brilliant romantic novel of manners.” The story of twenty-nine year old Lily Bart, a single woman who lives on the edge of New York high society, is entertaining and stimulating on many levels. Lily is aware of how few options are available to her-life as a lonely single woman, marriage for love without money, or marriage for money. Lily dreads the first two-she loathes what she calls the “dingy” lifestyle of those who are not rich. But Miss Bart’s repeated sabotaging of her own opportunities to marry rich suggest that Lily, for all her self-absorption and need for comfort, is a deeper and more thoughtful woman than many of her contemporaries.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Possibly my favorite book ever. As a young, single woman I never felt as close to any character in any book as I did to Lily Bart despite our widely differing circumstances. This resonated with me far more than any "chick lit" ever could. Edith Wharton is the queen and quite frankly kicks the shit out of her old pal Henry James as far as writing characters is concerned.

Book preview

The House of Mirth - Edith Wharton



A Digireads.com Book

Digireads.com Publishing

Print ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-2977-5

Ebook ISBN 13: 978-1-59674-389-2

This edition copyright © 2011

Please visit www.digireads.com



































Selden paused in surprise. In the afternoon rush of the Grand Central Station his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart.

It was a Monday in early September, and he was returning to his work from a hurried dip into the country; but what was Miss Bart doing in town at that season? If she had appeared to be catching a train, he might have inferred that he had come on her in the act of transition between one and another of the country-houses which disputed her presence after the close of the Newport season; but her desultory air perplexed him. She stood apart from the crowd, letting it drift by her to the platform or the street, and wearing an air of irresolution which might, as he surmised, be the mask of a very definite purpose. It struck him at once that she was waiting for some one, but he hardly knew why the idea arrested him. There was nothing new about Lily Bart, yet he could never see her without a faint movement of interest: it was characteristic of her that she always roused speculation, that her simplest acts seemed the result of far-reaching intentions.

An impulse of curiosity made him turn out of his direct line to the door, and stroll past her. He knew that if she did not wish to be seen she would contrive to elude him; and it amused him to think of putting her skill to the test.

Mr. Selden—what good luck!

She came forward smiling, eager almost, in her resolve to intercept him. One or two persons, in brushing past them, lingered to look; for Miss Bart was a figure to arrest even the suburban traveller rushing to his last train.

Selden had never seen her more radiant. Her vivid head, relieved against the dull tints of the crowd, made her more conspicuous than in a ball-room, and under her dark hat and veil she regained the girlish smoothness, the purity of tint, that she was beginning to lose after eleven years of late hours and indefatigable dancing. Was it really eleven years, Selden found himself wondering, and had she indeed reached the nine-and-twentieth birthday with which her rivals credited her?

What luck! she repeated. How nice of you to come to my rescue!

He responded joyfully that to do so was his mission in life, and asked what form the rescue was to take.

Oh, almost any—even to sitting on a bench and talking to me. One sits out a cotillion—why not sit out a train? It isn't a bit hotter here than in Mrs. Van Osburgh's conservatory—and some of the women are not a bit uglier.

She broke off, laughing, to explain that she had come up to town from Tuxedo, on her way to the Gus Trenors' at Bellomont, and had missed the three-fifteen train to Rhinebeck. "

And there isn't another till half-past five. She consulted the little jewelled watch among her laces. Just two hours to wait. And I don't know what to do with myself. My maid came up this morning to do some shopping for me, and was to go on to Bellomont at one o'clock, and my aunt's house is closed, and I don't know a soul in town. She glanced plaintively about the station. It IS hotter than Mrs. Van Osburgh's, after all. If you can spare the time, do take me somewhere for a breath of air."

He declared himself entirely at her disposal: the adventure struck him as diverting. As a spectator, he had always enjoyed Lily Bart; and his course lay so far out of her orbit that it amused him to be drawn for a moment into the sudden intimacy which her proposal implied.

Shall we go over to Sherry's for a cup of tea?

She smiled assentingly, and then made a slight grimace.

"So many people come up to town on a Monday—one is sure to meet a lot of bores. I'm as old as the hills, of course, and it ought not to make any difference; but if I'm old enough, you're not, she objected gaily. I'm dying for tea—but isn't there a quieter place?"

He answered her smile, which rested on him vividly. Her discretions interested him almost as much as her imprudences: he was so sure that both were part of the same carefully-elaborated plan. In judging Miss Bart, he had always made use of the argument from design.

The resources of New York are rather meagre, he said; but I'll find a hansom first, and then we'll invent something. He led her through the throng of returning holiday-makers, past sallow-faced girls in preposterous hats, and flat-chested women struggling with paper bundles and palm-leaf fans. Was it possible that she belonged to the same race? The dinginess, the crudity of this average section of womanhood made him feel how highly specialized she was.

A rapid shower had cooled the air, and clouds still hung refreshingly over the moist street.

How delicious! Let us walk a little, she said as they emerged from the station.

They turned into Madison Avenue and began to stroll northward. As she moved beside him, with her long light step, Selden was conscious of taking a luxurious pleasure in her nearness: in the modelling of her little ear, the crisp upward wave of her hair—was it ever so slightly brightened by art?—and the thick planting of her straight black lashes. Everything about her was at once vigorous and exquisite, at once strong and fine. He had a confused sense that she must have cost a great deal to make, that a great many dull and ugly people must, in some mysterious way, have been sacrificed to produce her. He was aware that the qualities distinguishing her from the herd of her sex were chiefly external: as though a fine glaze of beauty and fastidiousness had been applied to vulgar clay. Yet the analogy left him unsatisfied, for a coarse texture will not take a high finish; and was it not possible that the material was fine, but that circumstance had fashioned it into a futile shape?

As he reached this point in his speculations the sun came out, and her lifted parasol cut off his enjoyment. A moment or two later she paused with a sigh.

Oh, dear, I'm so hot and thirsty—and what a hideous place New York is! She looked despairingly up and down the dreary thoroughfare. Other cities put on their best clothes in summer, but New York seems to sit in its shirtsleeves. Her eyes wandered down one of the side-streets. Someone has had the humanity to plant a few trees over there. Let us go into the shade.

I am glad my street meets with your approval, said Selden as they turned the corner.

Your street? Do you live here?

She glanced with interest along the new brick and limestone house-fronts, fantastically varied in obedience to the American craving for novelty, but fresh and inviting with their awnings and flower-boxes.

"Ah, yes—to be sure: The Benedick. What a nice-looking building! I don't think I've ever seen it before. She looked across at the flat-house with its marble porch and pseudo-Georgian facade. Which are your windows? Those with the awnings down?"

On the top floor—yes.

And that nice little balcony is yours? How cool it looks up there!

He paused a moment. Come up and see, he suggested. I can give you a cup of tea in no time—and you won't meet any bores.

Her colour deepened—she still had the art of blushing at the right time—but she took the suggestion as lightly as it was made.

Why not? It's too tempting—I'll take the risk, she declared.

Oh, I'm not dangerous, he said in the same key. In truth, he had never liked her as well as at that moment. He knew she had accepted without afterthought: he could never be a factor in her calculations, and there was a surprise, a refreshment almost, in the spontaneity of her consent.

On the threshold he paused a moment, feeling for his latchkey.

There's no one here; but I have a servant who is supposed to come in the mornings, and it's just possible he may have put out the tea-things and provided some cake.

He ushered her into a slip of a hall hung with old prints. She noticed the letters and notes heaped on the table among his gloves and sticks; then she found herself in a small library, dark but cheerful, with its walls of books, a pleasantly faded Turkey rug, a littered desk and, as he had foretold, a tea-tray on a low table near the window. A breeze had sprung up, swaying inward the muslin curtains, and bringing a fresh scent of mignonette and petunias from the flower-box on the balcony.

Lily sank with a sigh into one of the shabby leather chairs.

How delicious to have a place like this all to one's self! What a miserable thing it is to be a woman. She leaned back in a luxury of discontent.

Selden was rummaging in a cupboard for the cake.

Even women, he said, have been known to enjoy the privileges of a flat.

Oh, governesses—or widows. But not girls—not poor, miserable, marriageable girls!

I even know a girl who lives in a flat.

She sat up in surprise. You do?

I do, he assured her, emerging from the cupboard with the sought-for cake.

Oh, I know—you mean Gerty Farish. She smiled a little unkindly. "But I said marriageable—and besides, she has a horrid little place, and no maid, and such queer things to eat. Her cook does the washing and the food tastes of soap. I should hate that, you know."

You shouldn't dine with her on wash-days, said Selden, cutting the cake.

They both laughed, and he knelt by the table to light the lamp under the kettle, while she measured out the tea into a little tea-pot of green glaze. As he watched her hand, polished as a bit of old ivory, with its slender pink nails, and the sapphire bracelet slipping over her wrist, he was struck with the irony of suggesting to her such a life as his cousin Gertrude Farish had chosen. She was so evidently the victim of the civilization which had produced her, that the links of her bracelet seemed like manacles chaining her to her fate.

She seemed to read his thought. It was horrid of me to say that of Gerty, she said with charming compunction. I forgot she was your cousin. But we're so different, you know: she likes being good, and I like being happy. And besides, she is free and I am not. If I were, I daresay I could manage to be happy even in her flat. It must be pure bliss to arrange the furniture just as one likes, and give all the horrors to the ash-man. If I could only do over my aunt's drawing-room I know I should be a better woman.

Is it so very bad? he asked sympathetically.

She smiled at him across the tea-pot which she was holding up to be filled.

That shows how seldom you come there. Why don't you come oftener?

When I do come, it's not to look at Mrs. Peniston's furniture.

Nonsense, she said. You don't come at all—and yet we get on so well when we meet.

Perhaps that's the reason, he answered promptly. I'm afraid I haven't any cream, you know—shall you mind a slice of lemon instead?

I shall like it better. She waited while he cut the lemon and dropped a thin disk into her cup. But that is not the reason, she insisted.

The reason for what?

For your never coming. She leaned forward with a shade of perplexity in her charming eyes. I wish I knew—I wish I could make you out. Of course I know there are men who don't like me—one can tell that at a glance. And there are others who are afraid of me: they think I want to marry them. She smiled up at him frankly. But I don't think you dislike me—and you can't possibly think I want to marry you.

No—I absolve you of that, he agreed.

Well, then——?

He had carried his cup to the fireplace, and stood leaning against the chimney-piece and looking down on her with an air of indolent amusement. The provocation in her eyes increased his amusement—he had not supposed she would waste her powder on such small game; but perhaps she was only keeping her hand in; or perhaps a girl of her type had no conversation but of the personal kind. At any rate, she was amazingly pretty, and he had asked her to tea and must live up to his obligations.

Well, then, he said with a plunge, "perhaps that's the reason."


The fact that you don't want to marry me. Perhaps I don't regard it as such a strong inducement to go and see you. He felt a slight shiver down his spine as he ventured this, but her laugh reassured him.

Dear Mr. Selden, that wasn't worthy of you. It's stupid of you to make love to me, and it isn't like you to be stupid. She leaned back, sipping her tea with an air so enchantingly judicial that, if they had been in her aunt's drawing-room, he might almost have tried to disprove her deduction.

Don't you see, she continued, that there are men enough to say pleasant things to me, and that what I want is a friend who won't be afraid to say disagreeable ones when I need them? Sometimes I have fancied you might be that friend—I don't know why, except that you are neither a prig nor a bounder, and that I shouldn't have to pretend with you or be on my guard against you. Her voice had dropped to a note of seriousness, and she sat gazing up at him with the troubled gravity of a child.

You don't know how much I need such a friend, she said. My aunt is full of copy-book axioms, but they were all meant to apply to conduct in the early fifties. I always feel that to live up to them would include wearing book-muslin with gigot sleeves. And the other women—my best friends—well, they use me or abuse me; but they don't care a straw what happens to me. I've been about too long—people are getting tired of me; they are beginning to say I ought to marry.

There was a moment's pause, during which Selden meditated one or two replies calculated to add a momentary zest to the situation; but he rejected them in favour of the simple question: Well, why don't you?

She coloured and laughed. "Ah, I see you are a friend after all, and that is one of the disagreeable things I was asking for."

It wasn't meant to be disagreeable, he returned amicably. Isn't marriage your vocation? Isn't it what you're all brought up for?

She sighed. I suppose so. What else is there?

Exactly. And so why not take the plunge and have it over?

She shrugged her shoulders. You speak as if I ought to marry the first man who came along.

I didn't mean to imply that you are as hard put to it as that. But there must be some one with the requisite qualifications.

She shook her head wearily. I threw away one or two good chances when I first came out—I suppose every girl does; and you know I am horribly poor—and very expensive. I must have a great deal of money.

Selden had turned to reach for a cigarette-box on the mantelpiece.

What's become of Dillworth? he asked.

Oh, his mother was frightened—she was afraid I should have all the family jewels reset. And she wanted me to promise that I wouldn't do over the drawing-room.

The very thing you are marrying for!

Exactly. So she packed him off to India.

Hard luck—but you can do better than Dillworth.

He offered the box, and she took out three or four cigarettes, putting one between her lips and slipping the others into a little gold case attached to her long pearl chain.

Have I time? Just a whiff, then. She leaned forward, holding the tip of her cigarette to his. As she did so, he noted, with a purely impersonal enjoyment, how evenly the black lashes were set in her smooth white lids, and how the purplish shade beneath them melted into the pure pallour of the cheek.

She began to saunter about the room, examining the bookshelves between the puffs of her cigarette-smoke. Some of the volumes had the ripe tints of good tooling and old morocco, and her eyes lingered on them caressingly, not with the appreciation of the expert, but with the pleasure in agreeable tones and textures that was one of her inmost susceptibilities. Suddenly her expression changed from desultory enjoyment to active conjecture, and she turned to Selden with a question.

You collect, don't you—you know about first editions and things?

As much as a man may who has no money to spend. Now and then I pick up something in the rubbish heap; and I go and look on at the big sales.

She had again addressed herself to the shelves, but her eyes now swept them inattentively, and he saw that she was preoccupied with a new idea.

And Americana—do you collect Americana?

Selden stared and laughed.

No, that's rather out of my line. I'm not really a collector, you see; I simply like to have good editions of the books I am fond of.

She made a slight grimace. And Americana are horribly dull, I suppose?

I should fancy so—except to the historian. But your real collector values a thing for its rarity. I don't suppose the buyers of Americana sit up reading them all night—old Jefferson Gryce certainly didn't.

She was listening with keen attention. And yet they fetch fabulous prices, don't they? It seems so odd to want to pay a lot for an ugly badly-printed book that one is never going to read! And I suppose most of the owners of Americana are not historians either?

No; very few of the historians can afford to buy them. They have to use those in the public libraries or in private collections. It seems to be the mere rarity that attracts the average collector.

He had seated himself on an arm of the chair near which she was standing, and she continued to question him, asking which were the rarest volumes, whether the Jefferson Gryce collection was really considered the finest in the world, and what was the largest price ever fetched by a single volume.

It was so pleasant to sit there looking up at her, as she lifted now one book and then another from the shelves, fluttering the pages between her fingers, while her drooping profile was outlined against the warm background of old bindings, that he talked on without pausing to wonder at her sudden interest in so unsuggestive a subject. But he could never be long with her without trying to find a reason for what she was doing, and as she replaced his first edition of La Bruyère and turned away from the bookcases, he began to ask himself what she had been driving at. Her next question was not of a nature to enlighten him. She paused before him with a smile which seemed at once designed to admit him to her familiarity, and to remind him of the restrictions it imposed.

Don't you ever mind, she asked suddenly, not being rich enough to buy all the books you want?

He followed her glance about the room, with its worn furniture and shabby walls.

Don't I just? Do you take me for a saint on a pillar?

And having to work—do you mind that?

Oh, the work itself is not so bad—I'm rather fond of the law.

No; but the being tied down: the routine—don't you ever want to get away, to see new places and people?

Horribly—especially when I see all my friends rushing to the steamer.

She drew a sympathetic breath. But do you mind enough—to marry to get out of it?

Selden broke into a laugh. God forbid! he declared.

She rose with a sigh, tossing her cigarette into the grate.

Ah, there's the difference—a girl must, a man may if he chooses. She surveyed him critically. Your coat's a little shabby—but who cares? It doesn't keep people from asking you to dine. If I were shabby no one would have me: a woman is asked out as much for her clothes as for herself. The clothes are the background, the frame, if you like: they don't make success, but they are a part of it. Who wants a dingy woman? We are expected to be pretty and well-dressed till we drop—and if we can't keep it up alone, we have to go into partnership.

Selden glanced at her with amusement: it was impossible, even with her lovely eyes imploring him, to take a sentimental view of her case.

Ah, well, there must be plenty of capital on the look-out for such an investment. Perhaps you'll meet your fate tonight at the Trenors'.

She returned his look interrogatively.

I thought you might be going there—oh, not in that capacity! But there are to be a lot of your set—Gwen Van Osburgh, the Wetheralls, Lady Cressida Raith—and the George Dorsets.

She paused a moment before the last name, and shot a query through her lashes; but he remained imperturbable.

Mrs. Trenor asked me; but I can't get away till the end of the week; and those big parties bore me.

Ah, so they do me, she exclaimed.

Then why go?

It's part of the business—you forget! And besides, if I didn't, I should be playing bezique with my aunt at Richfield Springs.

That's almost as bad as marrying Dillworth, he agreed, and they both laughed for pure pleasure in their sudden intimacy.

She glanced at the clock.

Dear me! I must be off. It's after five.

She paused before the mantelpiece, studying herself in the mirror while she adjusted her veil. The attitude revealed the long slope of her slender sides, which gave a kind of wild-wood grace to her outline—as though she were a captured dryad subdued to the conventions of the drawing-room; and Selden reflected that it was the same streak of sylvan freedom in her nature that lent such savour to her artificiality.

He followed her across the room to the entrance-hall; but on the threshold she held out her hand with a gesture of leave-taking.

It's been delightful; and now you will have to return my visit.

But don't you want me to see you to the station?

No; good bye here, please.

She let her hand lie in his a moment, smiling up at him adorably.

Good bye, then—and good luck at Bellomont! he said, opening the door for her.

On the landing she paused to look about her. There were a thousand chances to one against her meeting anybody, but one could never tell, and she always paid for her rare indiscretions by a violent reaction of prudence. There was no one in sight, however, but a char-woman who was scrubbing the stairs. Her own stout person and its surrounding implements took up so much room that Lily, to pass her, had to gather up her skirts and brush against the wall. As she did so, the woman paused in her work and looked up curiously, resting her clenched red fists on the wet cloth she had just drawn from her pail. She had a broad sallow face, slightly pitted with small-pox, and thin straw-coloured hair through which her scalp shone unpleasantly.

I beg your pardon, said Lily, intending by her politeness to convey a criticism of the other's manner.

The woman, without answering, pushed her pail aside, and continued to stare as Miss Bart swept by with a murmur of silken linings. Lily felt herself flushing under the look. What did the creature suppose? Could one never do the simplest, the most harmless thing, without subjecting one's self to some odious conjecture? Half way down the next flight, she smiled to think that a char-woman's stare should so perturb her. The poor thing was probably dazzled by such an unwonted apparition. But were such apparitions unwonted on Selden's stairs? Miss Bart was not familiar with the moral code of bachelors' flat-houses, and her colour rose again as it occurred to her that the woman's persistent gaze implied a groping among past associations. But she put aside the thought with a smile at her own fears, and hastened downward, wondering if she should find a cab short of Fifth Avenue.

Under the Georgian porch she paused again, scanning the street for a hansom. None was in sight, but as she reached the sidewalk she ran against a small glossy-looking man with a gardenia in his coat, who raised his hat with a surprised exclamation.

"Miss Bart? Well—of all people! This is luck," he declared; and she caught a twinkle of amused curiosity between his screwed-up lids.

Oh, Mr. Rosedale—how are you? she said, perceiving that the irrepressible annoyance on her face was reflected in the sudden intimacy of his smile.

Mr. Rosedale stood scanning her with interest and approval. He was a plump rosy man of the blond Jewish type, with smart London clothes fitting him like upholstery, and small sidelong eyes which gave him the air of appraising people as if they were bric-a-brac. He glanced up interrogatively at the porch of the Benedick.

Been up to town for a little shopping, I suppose? he said, in a tone which had the familiarity of a touch.

Miss Bart shrank from it slightly, and then flung herself into precipitate explanations.

Yes—I came up to see my dress-maker. I am just on my way to catch the train to the Trenors'.

Ah—your dress-maker; just so, he said blandly. I didn't know there were any dress-makers in the Benedick.

The Benedick? She looked gently puzzled. Is that the name of this building?

Yes, that's the name: I believe it's an old word for bachelor, isn't it? I happen to own the building—that's the way I know. His smile deepened as he added with increasing assurance: But you must let me take you to the station. The Trenors are at Bellomont, of course? You've barely time to catch the five-forty. The dress-maker kept you waiting, I suppose.

Lily stiffened under the pleasantry.

Oh, thanks, she stammered; and at that moment her eye caught a hansom drifting down Madison Avenue, and she hailed it with a desperate gesture.

You're very kind; but I couldn't think of troubling you, she said, extending her hand to Mr. Rosedale; and heedless of his protestations, she sprang into the rescuing vehicle, and called out a breathless order to the driver.


In the hansom she leaned back with a sigh. Why must a girl pay so dearly for her least escape from routine? Why could one never do a natural thing without having to screen it behind a structure of artifice? She had yielded to a passing impulse in going to Lawrence Selden's rooms, and it was so seldom that she could allow herself the luxury of an impulse! This one, at any rate, was going to cost her rather more than she could afford. She was vexed to see that, in spite of so many years of vigilance, she had blundered twice within five minutes. That stupid story about her dress-maker was bad enough—it would have been so simple to tell Rosedale that she had been taking tea with Selden! The mere statement of the fact would have rendered it innocuous. But, after having let herself be surprised in a falsehood, it was doubly stupid to snub the witness of her discomfiture. If she had had the presence of mind to let Rosedale drive her to the station, the concession might have purchased his silence. He had his race's accuracy in the appraisal of values, and to be seen walking down the platform at the crowded afternoon hour in the company of Miss Lily Bart would have been money in his pocket, as he might himself have phrased it. He knew, of course, that there would be a large house-party at Bellomont, and the possibility of being taken for one of Mrs. Trenor's guests was doubtless included in his calculations. Mr. Rosedale was still at a stage in his social ascent when it was of importance to produce such impressions.

The provoking part was that Lily knew all this—knew how easy it would have been to silence him on the spot, and how difficult it might be to do so afterward. Mr. Simon Rosedale was a man who made it his business to know everything about every one, whose idea of showing himself to be at home in society was to display an inconvenient familiarity with the habits of those with whom he wished to be thought intimate. Lily was sure that within twenty-four hours the story of her visiting her dress-maker at the Benedick would be in active circulation among Mr. Rosedale's acquaintances. The worst of it was that she had always snubbed and ignored him. On his first appearance—when her improvident cousin, Jack Stepney, had obtained for him (in return for favours too easily guessed) a card to one of the vast impersonal Van Osburgh crushes—Rosedale, with that mixture of artistic sensibility and business astuteness which characterizes his race, had instantly gravitated toward Miss Bart. She understood his motives, for her own course was guided by as nice calculations. Training and experience had taught her to be hospitable to newcomers, since the most unpromising might be useful later on, and there were plenty of available oubliettes to swallow them if they were not. But some intuitive repugnance, getting the better of years of social discipline, had made her push Mr. Rosedale into his oubliette without a trial. He had left behind only the ripple of amusement which his speedy despatch had caused among her friends; and though later (to shift the metaphor) he reappeared lower down the stream, it was only in fleeting glimpses, with long submergences between.

Hitherto Lily had been undisturbed by scruples. In her little set Mr. Rosedale had been pronounced impossible, and Jack Stepney roundly snubbed for his attempt to pay his debts in dinner invitations. Even Mrs. Trenor, whose taste for variety had led her into some hazardous experiments, resisted Jack's attempts to disguise Mr. Rosedale as a novelty, and declared that he was the same little Jew who had been served up and rejected at the social board a dozen times within her memory; and while Judy Trenor was obdurate there was small chance of Mr. Rosedale's penetrating beyond the outer limbo of the Van Osburgh crushes. Jack gave up the contest with a laughing You'll see, and, sticking manfully to his guns, showed himself with Rosedale at the fashionable restaurants, in company with the personally vivid if socially obscure ladies who are available for such purposes. But the attempt had hitherto been vain, and as Rosedale undoubtedly paid for the dinners, the laugh remained with his debtor.

Mr. Rosedale, it will be seen, was thus far not a factor to be feared—unless one put one's self in his power. And this was precisely what Miss Bart had done. Her clumsy fib had let him see that she had something to conceal; and she was sure he had a score to settle with her. Something in his smile told her he had not forgotten. She turned from the thought with a little shiver, but it hung on her all the way to the station, and dogged her down the platform with the persistency of Mr. Rosedale himself.

She had just time to take her seat before the train started; but having arranged herself in her corner with the instinctive feeling for effect which never forsook her, she glanced about in the hope of seeing some other member of the Trenors' party. She wanted to get away from herself, and conversation was the only means of escape that she knew.

Her search was rewarded by the discovery of a very blond young man with a soft reddish beard, who, at the other end of the carriage, appeared to be dissembling himself behind an unfolded newspaper. Lily's eye brightened, and a faint smile relaxed the drawn lines of her mouth. She had known that Mr. Percy Gryce was to be at Bellomont, but she had not counted on the luck of having him to herself in the train; and the fact banished all perturbing thoughts of Mr. Rosedale. Perhaps, after all, the day was to end more favourably than it had begun.

She began to cut the pages of a novel, tranquilly studying her prey through downcast lashes while she organized a method of attack. Something in his attitude of conscious absorption told her that he was aware of her presence: no one had ever been quite so engrossed in an evening paper! She guessed that he was too shy to come up to her, and that she would have to devise some means of approach which should not appear to be an advance on her part. It amused her to think that any one as rich as Mr. Percy Gryce should be shy; but she was gifted with treasures of indulgence for such idiosyncrasies, and besides, his timidity might serve her purpose better than too much assurance. She had the art of giving self-confidence to the embarrassed, but she was not equally sure of being able to embarrass the self-confident.

She waited till the train had emerged from the tunnel and was racing between the ragged edges of the northern suburbs. Then, as it lowered its speed near Yonkers, she rose from her seat and drifted slowly down the carriage. As she passed Mr. Gryce, the train gave a lurch, and he was aware of a slender hand gripping the back of his chair. He rose with a start, his ingenuous face looking as though it had been dipped in crimson: even the reddish tint in his beard seemed to deepen. The train swayed again, almost flinging Miss Bart into his arms.

She steadied herself with a laugh and drew back; but he was enveloped in the scent of her dress, and his shoulder had felt her fugitive touch.

Oh, Mr. Gryce, is it you? I'm so sorry—I was trying to find the porter and get some tea.

She held out her hand as the train resumed its level rush, and they stood exchanging a few words in the aisle. Yes—he was going to Bellomont. He had heard she was to be of the party—he blushed again as he admitted it. And was he to be there for a whole week? How delightful!

But at this point one or two belated passengers from the last station forced their way into the carriage, and Lily had to retreat to her seat.

The chair next to mine is empty—do take it, she said over her shoulder; and Mr. Gryce, with considerable embarrassment, succeeded in effecting an exchange which enabled him to transport himself and his bags to her side.

Ah—and here is the porter, and perhaps we can have some tea.

She signalled to that official, and in a moment, with the ease that seemed to attend the fulfilment of all her wishes, a little table had been set up between the seats, and she had helped Mr. Gryce to bestow his encumbering properties beneath it.

When the tea came he watched her in silent fascination while her hands flitted above the tray, looking miraculously fine and slender in contrast to the coarse china and lumpy bread. It seemed wonderful to him that any one should perform with such careless ease the difficult task of making tea in public in a lurching train. He would never have dared to order it for himself, lest he should attract the notice of his fellow-passengers; but, secure in the shelter of her conspicuousness, he sipped the inky draught with a delicious sense of exhilaration.

Lily, with the flavour of Selden's caravan tea on her lips, had no great fancy to drown it in the railway brew which seemed such nectar to her companion; but, rightly judging that one of the charms of tea is the fact of drinking it together, she proceeded to give the last touch to Mr. Gryce's enjoyment by smiling at him across her lifted cup.

Is it quite right—I haven't made it too strong? she asked solicitously; and he replied with conviction that he had never tasted better tea.

I daresay it is true, she reflected; and her imagination was fired by the thought that Mr. Gryce, who might have sounded the depths of the most complex self-indulgence, was perhaps actually taking his first journey alone with a pretty woman.

It struck her as providential that she should be the instrument of his initiation. Some girls would not have known how to manage him. They would have over-emphasized the novelty of the adventure, trying to make him feel in it the zest of an escapade. But Lily's methods were more delicate. She remembered that her cousin Jack Stepney had once defined Mr. Gryce as the young man who had promised his mother never to go out in the rain without his overshoes; and acting on this hint, she resolved to impart a gently domestic air to the scene, in the hope that her companion, instead of feeling that he was doing something reckless or unusual, would merely be led to dwell on the advantage of always having a companion to make one's tea in the train.

But in spite of her efforts, conversation flagged after the tray had

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