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The Origins of Right to Work: Antilabor Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Chicago
The Origins of Right to Work: Antilabor Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Chicago
The Origins of Right to Work: Antilabor Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Chicago
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The Origins of Right to Work: Antilabor Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Chicago

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"Right to work" states weaken collective bargaining rights and limit the ability of unions to effectively advocate on behalf of workers. As more and more states consider enacting right-to-work laws, observers trace the contemporary attack on organized labor to the 1980s and the Reagan era. In The Origins of Right to Work, however, Cedric de Leon contends that this antagonism began a century earlier with the northern victory in the U.S. Civil War, when the political establishment revised the English common-law doctrine of conspiracy to equate collective bargaining with the enslavement of free white men.

In doing so, de Leon connects past and present, raising critical questions that address pressing social issues. Drawing on the changing relationship between political parties and workers in nineteenth-century Chicago, de Leon concludes that if workers’ collective rights are to be preserved in a global economy, workers must chart a course of political independence and overcome long-standing racial and ethnic divisions.

PublisherILR Press
Release dateMay 21, 2015
The Origins of Right to Work: Antilabor Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Chicago

Nancy Isenberg

Nancy Isenberg is the Mary Frances Barnard Chair in History at the University of Tulsa.

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    The Origins of Right to Work - Nancy Isenberg



    Antilabor Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Chicago

    Cedric de Leon




    For my sisters and brothers in GEO and LEO,

    Locals 3550 and 6244, American Federation of Teachers Michigan



    1. Tracing the Origins of Right to Work

    2. The Critique of Wage Dependency, 1828–1844

    3. The Political Crisis over Slavery and the Rise of Free Labor, 1844–1860

    4. The War Years, or the Triumphs and Reversals of Free Labor Ideology, 1861–1865

    5. Antilabor Democracy and the Working Class, 1865–1887






    As a graduate student of sociology at the University of Michigan, I spent as much time organizing on behalf of my union as I did writing my dissertation. In 1998, when I arrived in Ann Arbor, I immediately joined the graduate assistants’ steering committee, and by 2001, I had become local union president. Instead of taking a tenure-track job in San Diego when I graduated in 2004, I took a lecturer position in my department and became lead organizer of the lecturers’ union. Throughout my time in Ann Arbor, Michigan, teachers went on strike and either fought their employer to a draw or won resounding victories. Of course, I knew that globalization had badly weakened Michigan workers, especially in the auto industry, but my own experience had been that the labor movement remained defiant and strong.

    I should have known better. By 2011, conservatives were blaming my fellow teachers for a financial crisis which, as far as I knew, had begun with the predatory lending practices and credit default swaps of Wall Street. Then the unthinkable happened: Michigan, the cradle of the modern U.S. labor movement, joined the ranks of mainly southern right to work states, where workers receive the benefits of union contracts without having to pay the dues or fees that support the daily operation of unions. By the winter of 2012, workers in other union strongholds like Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin had come under similar attack.

    This might not have been so surprising to me had I been on the ground, but in 2007 I left Michigan for my first tenure-track job at Providence College, where I focused on getting sociologists to take the study of political parties seriously. The shock of this monumental setback, however, stirred in me the impulse to return to my labor roots and the central claim of my dissertation, which was that the United States emerged from the crucible of the Civil War as an antilabor democracy, one that undermined the right of workers to bargain collectively with their employers.

    The parallels between that time and ours were inescapable. My sense of security in leaving behind a strong labor movement reminded me of the promise of the northern victory in the Civil War which, for nineteenth-century American workers, was the prospect of land out West and an escape from wage dependency in the nation’s cities. The splash of cold water to my face recalled the rude awakening that these same workers must have felt as they realized that they would not become independent farmers and instead remain in industrial servitude. Finally, the fact that the current raft of right to work legislation was passed in states where the Republican Party controlled all branches of government was a stark reminder that the postbellum political establishment was responsible for one of the most brutally repressive moments in American labor history.

    This book argues that the current generation of workers and trade unionists, like other generations before it, has come face-to-face with a long-standing inheritance: a democracy—born in the epic fire of civil war—that safeguards the individual worker’s right to access the American Dream while simultaneously denying a collective route to its fulfillment. In this, the present work makes two major contributions. First, while other scholars emphasize the role of social classes, unions, and the law in shaping this critical moment in American history, I emphasize the changing relationship between political parties and workers. Second, if observers of neoliberalism often trace the contemporary attack on organized labor to the Thatcher and Reagan era, I contend that its modern ancestry goes back to the postbellum order, when the political establishment revised the English common law doctrine of conspiracy to equate collective bargaining with the enslavement of free white men. Consequently, my claims are also at variance with accounts which hold that America’s well-deserved reputation for antilabor politics originated at the turn of the twentieth century or shortly thereafter.

    However much I am reminded of Civil War–era politicians and workers, the process of writing this book has been much more about the generosity of the living. Julia Adams and Nitsan Chorev helped me establish contact with Cornell University Press. Indeed, I might not have written this book had it not been for a compliment that Nitsan paid me during a visit to Brown back in April 2011. The support of my editor, Fran Benson, at Cornell ILR Press has been overwhelming from the start. I never thought that pitching a book could be so fun. Behind the scenes, my developmental editor, Cecelia Cancellaro, helped me from first contact to book contract and on to the submission of the draft manuscript. My friend and colleague, Melissa Wooten, a font of professional wisdom, introduced me to Cecelia.

    I want to thank the many fine scholars who have been supportive of my research from the beginning, especially Julia Adams, Lis Clemens, Diane Davis, Julian Go, Jeff Haydu, my adviser Howard Kimeldorf, Richard Lachmann, Isaac Martin, Mark Mizruchi, Jeff Paige, Kent Redding, Lynette Spillman, Mills Thornton, and the late Mayer Zald. For collaborating with me on our own distinctive approach to political parties, I owe a great intellectual debt to Manali Desai and Cihan Tuğal.

    My arguments are anchored in a case study of Chicago, which was home to the nineteenth century’s leading politicians and labor leaders, not least Stephen A. Douglas and Albert Parsons. For bringing Chicago to life, I must thank the staff of the University of Michigan Graduate Library, including the Joseph A. Labadie Collection, the Newberry Library, the University of Illinois Library, and the Chicago History Museum. I am especially indebted to John Hoffman, curator of the Illinois History and Lincoln Collections at the University of Illinois Library, and Lesley Martin, Debbie Vaughan, and Anne Marie Chase at the Chicago History Museum Research Center.

    Libraries were important at home, too. The Rochambeau Library, which is my local library, was an important source of friendship and political engagement. The Providence Atheneum furnished an inspiring alternative workspace. And Phillips Memorial Library at Providence College never once failed to supply me with the secondary materials I needed; Beatrice Pulliam was especially helpful.

    I finished this book while on post-tenure sabbatical. By supporting me through the years, my colleagues at Providence College made this burst of productivity possible in the first place. My wife, Emily Heaphy, generously endured a year of financial strain in the hope that I might eventually take a break (I did). The sociology department at Brown University provided me with the resources and time to complete the project. I am particularly grateful to Michael Kennedy for securing the visiting scholar position and to José Itzigsohn and Josh Pacewicz for making me feel so welcome. While at Brown I had the pleasure of working with several talented graduate students—Aisalkyn Botoeva, Diana Graizbord, Johnnie Lotesta, Michael Rodriguez-Muñiz, Yibing Shen, and Trina Vithayathil.

    Finally, the beating heart of this book is the fond memory of my sisters and brothers in GEO and LEO, Locals 3550 and 6244 of the American Federation of Teachers Michigan. Their steadfast loyalty to their students and each other is an inspiration to all of us who struggle for justice and democracy. This book is dedicated to them.



    On December 6, 2012, a Republican-controlled Michigan legislature passed right to work legislation, allowing workers in this longtime labor stronghold to receive the benefits of union contracts without having to pay the dues or comparable service fees that support the daily operation of unions. Amid mounting protests from thousands of union members outside the state capitol in Lansing, Republican governor Rick Snyder said that the law was about being pro-worker, about giving the freedom to choose who they associate with. Though right to work laws make it extremely difficult for unions to represent their members and secure strong contracts, Governor Snyder added, I support the unions in many regards; I support their right to organize. This has nothing to do with collective bargaining. I continue to be an advocate of collective bargaining in Michigan. State Senate majority leader Randy Richardville echoed Mr. Snyder’s sentiments. He said, I have long been a supporter of collective bargaining, but whether you support collective bargaining or not, it should be the worker’s freedom to choose whether or not he or she belongs to a union … what this ultimately comes down to is the individual worker (Skubick 2012).

    A century and a half earlier, in another midwestern town just three hours west of Lansing, Republican mayor and Chicago Tribune editor, Joseph Medill, spoke before throngs of Chicago workers striking for the eight-hour day. In a move of either astonishing faith in his fellow man or outright effrontery, Medill declared, Journeymen have the lawful right to combine by trades or unions and determine the conditions on which they will exchange their labor for wages, but they have no legal right to compel any outside worker to accept their conditions or to sell his labor only at their price, for that would be to destroy his personal freedom and liberty of action (Chicago Tribune, May 16, 1872, 4).

    Though separated by 140 years, the two sets of statements are based on the same premise. The spokesmen of the Republican Party, past and present, concede the right of workers to assemble and to set rules for their own organizations, but employ the rhetoric of liberty in ways that delegitimize the workers’ most effective strategies for improving their wages and working conditions. In each case, the weakening of workers’ collective power is justified as a safeguard to individual freedom. Governor Snyder speaks of the worker’s right to associate with whomever he or she likes, while Medill cautions against infringing on the individual worker’s personal freedom and liberty of action. Although free riders are often reviled for reaping all the benefits of the team’s efforts while doing none of the work, these appeals insist that the free rider is entitled to shirk his duty. They encourage workers to accept the higher wages and benefits that unions are able to negotiate relative to nonunion workplaces, while not contributing financially to house and staff the organization, advertise its objectives, and mobilize the rank-and-file behind a common list of demands. Beyond shrinking the operational budgets of labor organizations, the right to work dulls the urgency of collective action. If workers are unwilling to contribute dues, they are unlikely to put themselves out in other ways as well: they might choose not to sign a public petition, attend a rally, or walk a picket line. In sum, the right to work encourages wholesale divestment from the financial and organizational means through which unions can bring pressure to bear on recalcitrant employers and then frames the resulting power imbalance as the moral imperative of a free society.

    This book is about the bait-and-switch that has historically constrained American workers’ freedom under liberal capitalist democracy; enticed with the American Dream, they are simultaneously denied a collective route to fulfill its promise. I trace the present moment back to the time of Joseph Medill when employment relations were being rewritten in the context of slave emancipation. It was then that the United States became an antilabor democracy—one that, despite occasional assurances to the contrary, was hostile to the notion that workers possessed any rights beyond the ability to bargain one-on-one with their employers.

    This is not to say that American workers are forever doomed by history or that a more progressive future was somehow foreclosed by the end of the nineteenth century.¹ It is to say, rather, that workers have had, and must therefore always be prepared, to defend their hard-won collective rights in the face of a political and economic system that was set up to preserve only the right of individuals to negotiate the terms and conditions of their employment.

    That outcome was hardly preordained, for both antebellum politicians and workers were deeply critical of the individual wage contract, often calling it wage dependency or slavery, because it rendered white men subservient to a master class. This arrangement was less troubling when it was still possible for most workers to start their own businesses and become master craftsmen themselves, but political discourse shifted as workers became permanently mired in wage labor. The cost of doing business increased even as workers earned and saved less, thus putting a life of economic independence out of reach to all but the wealthiest merchants, manufacturers, and commercial farmers. Accordingly, during the Jacksonian era (1828–1844), the Democratic and opposition Whig parties often framed their competing economic policies as ones that would enable white men to escape wage dependency and become self-sufficient farmers. Between 1846 and 1861, as Americans colonized the land that would become the continental United States, the major parties fractured over whether slavery should be permitted in the new western territories. All factions agreed, however, that the goal of land policy should be to preserve a path to self-sufficiency for less affluent white men. Indeed, it was only in the years immediately after the Civil War that the wage contract became understood in mainstream political discourse as a safeguard to personal liberty. Politicians, in what became known as the doctrine of free contract, held that even the poorest white man was free, because no one could make him enter into a wage contract unless he agreed to the terms. Yet even then, it was the political establishment that espoused that view, while workers rejected it as a fancy reinterpretation of wage slavery.

    If free wage labor is the central feature of capitalism—its sine qua non as Marx, Weber, and countless others have argued—then the emerging industrial order had something less than the full-throated political support of antebellum actors. Accordingly, any adequate examination of workers’ place in the transition to liberal democracy must reconcile the persistent critique of wage dependency with the outpouring of support among Northern workers for the cause of free labor prior to and during the Civil War. The ensuing chapters address the following puzzle: Why did the critics of wage dependency reorganize in favor of liberal capitalist democracy only to reject it shortly thereafter? While other accounts (e.g., Hattam 1993; Stanley 1998) emphasize the importance of the law and social actors on the ground (e.g., classes, ethnic groups, voters), I argue that mass parties pressed formerly adversarial class and ethnic voting blocs into the service of liberal capitalist democracy and then incurred the wrath of immigrant workers when they abandoned the critique of wage dependency in favor the doctrine of free contract and its core implication, the right to work.

    Specifically, my answer unfolds in a narrative of the changing relationship between political parties and workers, for the key is to understand that while the critique of wage dependency persisted, its target changed through three phases of partisan struggle. In the Jacksonian era, the close relationship between Democrats and workers was built on that party’s populist critique of economic dependency, on the one hand, and the increasing inability of workers to escape such dependency, on the other. But in 1846 both the Democrats and the Whigs became internally divided over the question of slavery extension. The crisis shifted the terms of political debate away from the critique of wage dependency under capitalism toward a critique of dependency under slavery. Instead of arguing about the tyranny of banks and other economic institutions, parties and workers debated whether southern planters would monopolize western lands and thereby prevent workers from becoming independent farmers. In the North, the specter of a slave power conspiracy reshuffled the parties’ electoral bases, uniting previously antagonistic class and ethnic voting blocs (i.e., elites and nonelites; native-born and foreign-born) into a grand free labor coalition under the leadership of the Republican Party.

    This is only half the answer, however, for while the first two phases explain why the critics of wage dependency came to the defense of free labor, antebellum politics do not explain why workers later rebelled against the very social order they helped to establish. This is where the third phase in the relationship between parties and workers comes into play—a phase during which Joseph Medill loomed large. Northern workers bought, and Republicans sold, the claim that barring slavery from the western territories would allow them to escape wage dependency in the nation’s cities. What workers did not—and could not—know is that the North’s triumph in the Civil War would be used to delegitimize collective bargaining.

    As labor unrest mounted during and immediately after the war, the major parties despaired of a strategy to settle the so-called labor question and return to issues like the tariff that once peaceably organized the terms of political debate. Eventually, both parties advanced a contractual vision of free society. In contrast to its previous incarnation as a slaveholding republic where some laborers were forced into the service of their masters, the republic—now formally without slavery—would protect the right of all workers to exchange their labor freely in a one-on-one negotiation with their employers. Workers, recognizing that the doctrine of free contract was merely a glorified version of wage dependency, were persuaded by trade unionists, socialists, and anarchists to reject the major parties’ appeal in favor of strikes, boycotts, independent third parties, and revolution.

    The political establishment responded by drawing a powerful implication from the doctrine of free contract, the right to work, and used it both as a rhetorical tool to mobilize those frightened by labor’s uprising and as a rationale for antilabor state violence. A trade union, politicians argued, coerced individual employers and workers into a collective agreement that was tantamount to the enslavement of free white men. Collective agreements prevented the individual’s right to work at whatever wage he wanted, while simultaneously prohibiting another individual, the employer, from paying that wage. Revising the English common law doctrine of labor conspiracy, postbellum political elites imposed a double standard on the modern employment relation. Though late nineteenth-century employers were incorporated increasingly as combinations like partnerships, corporations, and companies, the right to work framed the employer combination as a free rights-bearing individual, a corporate person, and the labor combination as a conspiracy in restraint of trade. Having constructed both trade unionism and the slave power as plots subversive of individual liberty, northern party leaders ordered the police and military to break strikes and eradicate the labor movement just as they did the Southern rebellion. Thus, the Northern victory in the war was prolabor to the degree that it ended the institution of slavery, but antilabor in the sense that it enabled political elites to forcibly subdue workers’ collective attempts to address economic inequality under capitalism.

    To bring these complex dynamics to life, I use the case of Chicago, Illinois from the beginning of the Jacksonian era in 1828 through the Gilded Age, ending with the infamous Haymarket Affair of 1886–1887. I weave the national and local contexts together by showing that factionalism among state and local parties disrupted coalitions of voting blocs in the electorate. I track ward-level electoral returns over time as well as the shifting rhetoric of party leaders and workers on the issue of wage dependency. The data suggest three things. First, the base of the Jacksonian Democratic Party was a coalition of immigrant (primarily German and Irish) majority-worker wards. Second, the Republican base during the political crisis over slavery was a coalition of German majority-worker and native-born middle-class to affluent wards. Finally, the industrial strife of the postbellum period alienated Chicago workers from the major parties, leading the former to establish revolutionary organizations and a Workingman’s Party. Throughout this period, the grist of Chicago politics was the discourse of dependency, but its character changed and its capacity to bind workers to the two-party system waned. When that happened, the political establishment used the right to work to justify and ultimately enact its repression of the labor movement.

    I extend the long-standing scholarly conversation on democratic transitions, American exceptionalism, and related dynamics, through a focus on political parties. Parties politicize and depoliticize—in theoretical parlance articulate and disarticulate—social divisions such as region, race, and class as they struggle for power and in the process occasionally remake the social order. In that capacity, parties may mobilize coalitions for and against democratic reform and incline or disincline communities toward certain types of social organization such as capitalism or socialism. Parties, however, are not omnipotent. When they fail to do the work of articulation or when their articulatory projects fall flat, the governed may withdraw their support, and political elites, in turn, may resort to violence to preserve the social order as they did in the postbellum era. Nor are party politics by any means the whole story. The economic, legal, and ethnoracial contexts of this period each played a role in inaugurating the right to work and the antilabor democracy that it justified. Adding the context of partisan struggle, however, enriches our knowledge of this critical moment in American history, for politicians interpreted, altered, and even directed these other areas of social life. What is missing from existing accounts, in short, is the rough-and-tumble world of party politics.

    Alternative Theories of Antilabor Democracy in the United States: First Order Implications

    In my critical overview of the literature, I distinguish between the first and second order implications of my argument. Although the act of bringing parties back in contributes to a wide range of research, not all of it bears directly on the relationship between labor and American democracy. By first order implications, then, I

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