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Kids Joke Book.
Kids Joke Book.
Kids Joke Book.
Ebook74 pages19 minutes

Kids Joke Book.

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About this ebook

Kids Joke Book. Hundreds of funny jokes for kids,
Great for those long car journeys and parties,
Laughter is the best medicine,

PublisherKerry Butters
Release dateAug 13, 2017
Kids Joke Book.

Kerry Butters

Kerry lives in Newcastle Under Lyme in Stoke on Trent- England, with his two dogs Molly and Tasha. He likes reading and writing books about ghosts and American ghost towns, History and real life events, he also likes taking pictures and making videos.Receive notifications of his new releases! Simply visit his profile page at Smashwords and click the button labeled "Subscribe to Author Alerts". When he releases a new book, you will receive an alert, and click the favorite button. Thanks.

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    Book preview

    Kids Joke Book. - Kerry Butters

    Animal Jokes.

    Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?

    A: A bull-dozer.

    Q: How do you fit more pigs on your farm?

    A: Build a sty-scraper!

    Q: What did the farmer call the cow that had no milk?

    A: An udder failure. Q:

    Why do gorillas have big nostrils?

    A: Because they have big fingers!

    Q: What do you get from a pampered cow?

    A: Spoiled milk.

    Q: Why are teddy bears never hungry?

    A: They are always stuffed!

    Q: Why do fish live in salt water?

    A: Because pepper makes them sneeze!

    Q: What do you get from a pampered cow?

    A: Spoiled milk.

    Q: Where do polar bears vote?

    A: The North Poll

    Q: What did the judge say when the skunk walked in the court room?

    A: Odor in the court!

    Q: What sound do porcupines make when they kiss?

    A: Ouch!

    Q: Why did the snake cross the road?

    A: To get to the other ssssssside!

    Q: Why are fish so smart?

    A: Because they live in schools.

    Q: What do you call a cow that won't give milk?

    A: A milk dud!

    Q: When is a well dressed lion like a weed?

    A: When he's a dandelion (dandy lion)

    Q: How does a lion greet the other animals in the field?

    A: Pleased to eat you.

    Q: What happened when the lion ate the comedian?

    A: He felt funny!

    Q: What fish only swims at night?

    A: A starfish!

    Q: Why is a fish easy to weigh?

    A: Because it has its own scales!

    Q: What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn?

    A: An eggroll! Q:

    Why didn't the chicken cross the road?

    A: Because there was a KFC on the other side!

    Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

    A: To show everyone he wasn't chicken!

    Q: Why did the lion spit out the clown?

    A: Because he tasted funny!

    Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?

    A: To prove he wasn't chicken!

    Q: What animals are on legal documents?

    A: Seals!

    Q: What do

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