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A Quiet Place
A Quiet Place
A Quiet Place
Ebook231 pages3 hours

A Quiet Place

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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"A master crime writer . . . Seicho Matsumoto's thrillers dissect Japanese society."The New York Times Book Review

"A stellar psychological thriller with a surprising and immensely satisfying resolution that flows naturally from the book’s complex characterizations.Readers will agree that Matsumoto (19091992) deserves his reputation as Japan’s Georges Simenon.-Publishers Weekly.

While on a business trip to Kobe, Tsuneo Asai receives the news that his wife Eiko has died of a heart attack. Eiko had a heart condition so the news of her death wasn’t totally unexpected. But the circumstances of her demise left Tsuneo, a softly-spoken government bureaucrat, perplexed. How did it come about that his wifewho was shy and withdrawn, and only left their house twice a week to go to haiku meetingsended up dead in a small shop in a shady Tokyo neighborhood?

When Tsuneo goes to apologize to the boutique owner for the trouble caused by his wife’s death he discovers the villa Tachibana near by, a house known to be a meeting place for secret lovers. As he digs deeper into his wife's recent past, he must eventually conclude that she led a double life...

Seicho Matsumoto was Japan's most successful thriller writer. His first detective novel, Points and Lines, sold over a million copies in Japan. Vessel of Sand, published in English as Inspector Imanishi Investigates in 1989, sold over four million copies and became a movie box-office hit.

Release dateJul 25, 2016
A Quiet Place

Seicho Matsumoto

Seicho Matsumoto (1909-1982) was Japan's most successful mystery writer. His first detective novel, Points and Lines, sold over a million copies in Japan. Vessel of Sand, published in English as Inspector Imanishi Investigates in1989, sold over four million copies and became a movie box-office hit.

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Rating: 3.6567164119402986 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This compelling mystery comes from another time and place -- Japan in the 1970's -- but the unfamiliar environment adds to the book's power. Mr. Asai, a mid-level bureaucrat, learns that his wife has died of a sudden heart attack. But she died in an unfamiliar neighborhood, under less than clear-cut circumstances. Asai becomes obsessed with the circumstances of her death, starts his own investigation and eventually hires detectives to learn more. In time, he develops a theory of what happened and why, and that is when the real mystery begins. The tone of the book is cool and formal, but Asai is a compelling character, and the suspense grows as the story progresses. Comparisons to Simenon are apt, even though the central character here is not a policeman -- far from it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is an intriguing Japanese psychological thriller. Perhaps, thriller is not quite the right word, but it's the story of the psychological dissolution of a man after the death of his wife.Tsuneo Asai is an upper mid-level civil servant away on a business trip when he receives word that his wife Eiko has died suddenly. Eiko suffered from a heart condition, so her death is not entirely unexpected. However, after Tsuneo returns home and learns more about the circumstances of her death, he becomes suspicious. At the time Eiko suffered her purported heart attack, she was in a strange part of the city where to Tsuneo's knowledge she had never been and had no reason to visit. He wonders why his wife was in that area, why, with her heart condition she was walking uphill, and what sort of secret life she may have been leading.This is a book with complex characters who think and act within the confines of Japanese cultural expectations. Tsuneo's pursuit of the truth about Eiko's death becomes an all-consuming obsession, and we follow him along the dark paths he travels after he discovers his wife's secrets.Recommended.3 1/2 stars
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A bit mixed on this book. It started out slowly but was pretty interesting - weirdly, I found the super-polite business and social exchanges really interesting. It was fairly obvious early on that the dude was going a bit nuts but initially I did question if maybe I wasn’t suspending disbelief enough to go along with the narrator. No, I wasn’t. So I wasn’t surprised with the path this took. Though I did think it would escalate a little slower. I was thinking Asai would break into Kubo’s house first.

    But after the inevitable happened, the book took a bit of a turn for me. At first, I felt a bit tense and actually sharing the protagonist’s anxiety. But after a bit, I got bored and started counting remaining pages to see how quickly it would be over. It’s a bit ironic then that I found the conclusion a bit sudden. But I suppose it was the same as the first part - I expected one more, more moderate, step of escalation before the inevitable and it was a bit more jarring to not get it at the end.

    Oh well. A quick but decent read. I’m not sorry to have read it but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it unless you’ve got a day or two to kill or a particular fondness for Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart".

Book preview

A Quiet Place - Seicho Matsumoto


Tsuneo Asai was on a business trip to the Kansai region when he heard the news.

Around 8.30 in the evening, he was having dinner and drinks in the banquet room of a high-class restaurant with businessmen from the food processing industry. Asai was a section chief in the Staple Food Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. He’d arrived in Kobe the day before, accompanying the ministry’s brand-new director general on a tour of inspection. It had only been a month since Director-General Shiraishi had been promoted from a different department, and he wasn’t very familiar with the practicalities of the job as yet. For the past couple of days, he and Asai had been visiting canning facilities and ham-processing plants in the Osaka–Kobe area, and were off to Hiroshima the next day. This evening they were enjoying the hospitality of some of the local business owners.

The evening was starting to wind down. Shiraishi, who was three years Asai’s senior, was sitting across from the chairman of the Food Manufacturers’ Association. The two men were discussing golf. The director general was known for his low handicap. In addition, he was an expert at shogi – Japanese chess – and Go, and a legend within the ministry for his mah-jong skills. Asai was at his side, sipping sake, pretending to be absorbed in his boss’s story. He believed that listening faithfully to one’s manager’s idle chit-chat was a mark of respect. Shiraishi’s voice was getting louder, oiled by the whisky he was drinking. He’d made director general by the age of forty-five – a rapid rise through the ranks. Unlike Asai, Shiraishi had graduated from the law department of the elite Tokyo University, and was a favourite of the vice-minister, leader of one of the ministry’s main political factions.

In advance of the personnel change, Asai had approached the manufacturers to warn them that the incoming director general was only planning a two-year – well, maybe as little as a year and a half – temporary stop-over in the post before transferring back into one of the ministry’s mainstream departments, and wouldn’t be putting much effort into the job.

He won’t be at all familiar with the business side of things, Asai explained. But don’t worry; he’ll rely on me for everything. Leave him to me. Now, it’s possible he might try to pull off some sort of impressive stunt to draw more attention to himself, but I’ll be right there as a guide. I’ll be able to rein him in, don’t you worry.

The manufacturers, anxious to gain their government certification, were all too happy to defer to Asai’s veteran experience. Asai had developed a pretty cosy relationship with them, but he never let it show while Director-General Shiraishi was around. Shiraishi had spent his free time at Tokyo University brushing up on his Go, shogi, mah-jong and golf; Asai, the kid from a poor family who’d struggled to graduate from a small private university and work his way up through the civil service ranks, was an entirely different species.

There were also about twenty geishas in attendance; the life and soul of the party knelt on a cushion across from the director general. It turned out that she was a golfer too, and she’d joined in their conversation about scores. The party was starting to wind down, and her placement directly opposite Shiraishi looked suspiciously like the work of the vice-chairman of the local Association of Food Manufacturers, Mr Yagishita. At least that was what Asai reckoned. Yagishita was a big name in the ham- and sausage-manufacturing business. A little while earlier, Asai had seen him carefully observing the director general’s reaction to the geisha. He must have now got up from his spot by the chairman and come around to whisper in Asai’s ear.

But it wasn’t Yagishita who was whispering in his ear. It was one of the waitresses.

There’s a telephone call for you from Tokyo.

Asai didn’t get up right away. It would be disrespectful to the director general for him to rush off. He picked up his cup of sake from the table and took a sip. Still feigning interest in his boss’s golfing tale, he wondered what could be so important for someone to call him this late. He’d been on all kinds of business trips, but his wife, Eiko, practically never called him. And she was his only family member. Whenever Asai went off on a long trip, she would invite her younger sister to stay and keep her company. This was a five-day trip, so Asai’s sister-in-law ought to be there. He could think of no reason for Eiko to need to get in touch with him. He’d been out during the day, of course, but what could possibly be so urgent for her to call the restaurant?

After about a minute, Asai rose slowly from his floor cushion. His boss was facing away from him, in conversation with the chairman. The geisha glanced his way, but quickly turned her attention back to the director general. Around twenty-seven or -eight, round-cheeked, she was definitely Shiraishi’s type.

Outside the party room, Asai followed the waitress along the corridor, around two corners to a glass-doored telephone booth. The receiver was off the hook.

Hello, it’s me, he began, but there was no one on the other end. His heart began to beat harder. He could hear other voices in the background, too faint to make out the words, but there was definitely some sort of commotion. Close by, he thought he could hear a woman sobbing. He recognized it as the voice of his sister-in-law, Miyako. That was why there had been no response – Miyako was in tears.

Miyako! What’s the matter? There was a slight tremor in his voice. He realized that something must have happened to Eiko for her not to come to the phone in person.


Asai couldn’t really follow the rest. Miyako was so emotional it was hard to tell whether she was laughing or crying.

Then he thought he made out the word dead.

What? he asked. What did you say?

Eiko’s dead.

Dead? Are you sure?

A waitress passed by in the corridor outside the glass booth. The door was tightly closed, and she didn’t even glance at him.


Miyako’s speech was distorted by a huge wave of sobbing.

Just over four hours ago.

She’d been dead for more than four hours, and he was only just hearing about it? When he left for his trip he’d made sure to write down his schedule and the telephone numbers of the hotels he’d be staying at. Miyako would have called the hotel and been given the number of the restaurant. She should have called him here right away. There must have been an accident – that would have caused a delay. And it couldn’t have happened at home – she must have died elsewhere, otherwise Miyako would have called him immediately. But if they’d taken her to hospital, surely someone would have called to let him know.

Was it a traffic accident? he asked.

It’s me. Eiko’s father was on the line. No, not a traffic accident.

So his father-in-law had already arrived from the suburbs.

She had a heart attack. It was very sudden.

Asai’s seventy-year-old father-in-law sounded shaken. He couldn’t stop coughing.

She was walking in the street, was suddenly overcome with pain, and collapsed in a nearby shop. The owner called Miyako and she got a taxi straight there, but it was already too late.

Did the shopkeeper call an ambulance?

Asai was struggling to keep his emotions under control.

No, she didn’t. There was a private clinic about two hundred yards away, so she got the doctor to come right over, but Eiko’s heart had already stopped beating.

Eiko had a weak heart. She’d already suffered a mild heart attack two years ago.

Where is she now?

They brought her back to the house about an hour ago. Miyako called your hotel to find out where you were.

He could still hear Miyako weeping, and what sounded like his brother-in-law in the background, too.

So what train will you be coming back on? Eiko’s father asked.

There won’t be any more bullet trains this evening. I’ll fly back if I can make it to the airport in time. Otherwise it’ll be the overnight train that gets into Tokyo in the morning.

We’ll all be waiting. I just can’t believe it. It’s such a shock. You should…

His father-in-law had been going to tell him to try to stay calm and come home, but his voice petered out. It was almost as if the pain of causing trouble for his son-in-law was harder to deal with than the death of his daughter.

Asai left the telephone booth and called over one of the waitresses.

Can I make it to the airport to catch a Tokyo flight tonight?

The waitress folded back the violet-coloured sleeve of her kimono and looked at her wristwatch.

It’s almost ten past nine now. The last flight is at nine thirty, so I doubt it.

The restaurant was used to hosting customers from the capital, so they knew the flight times by heart.

Do you need to get back right away?

Yes. What about an express train?

There’s one leaving from Sannomiya at quarter past ten. It gets into Tokyo around 9.30 in the morning.

I’ll get that one. Could you call me a cab?

For one person?

Yes, just me. It’s an emergency.

As he headed back towards the restaurant, he decided he’d ask Vice-Chairman Yagishita of the Food Manufacturers’ Association to take care of Shiraishi. There was no way he could ask the ministry to send a replacement. His boss was going to have to complete the last two days of the tour of inspection by himself. For a man who liked to appear grand and dignified it would be insufferable not to have an assistant on a job like this. Perhaps he should ask for someone from the Hiroshima branch office… But if it wasn’t someone from headquarters, well, it wouldn’t be respectful to either the director general or the businessmen…

Not even the shock of losing his wife could completely distract Asai from work matters.

When he returned to the banquet room, they’d reached the final, rice course. His manager was busily eating a bowl of ochazuke rice with sea bream and green tea. The round-cheeked geisha was still attending to him. She watched Asai bow to Shiraishi and reseat himself before offering him the choice of ochazuke or plain steamed rice.

Asai had been gone quite a long time, and as he looked at his boss’s profile he detected a look of displeasure. He sat and fiddled with his hot rice bowl, wondering how best to approach the subject. He didn’t really have time to waste; Miyako’s weeping still echoed in his ears.

He carefully placed the bowl of untouched ochazuke on the table, pushed himself up to a kneeling position and shuffled a little closer to the director general.

Mr Shiraishi, sir, he said in a low voice, I am very sorry to have to tell you —

His boss inclined his head almost imperceptibly in Asai’s direction.

I’m hoping to keep this private from the rest of the party…

Things were not quite as lively as when the alcohol had been served earlier, but the party was still in full swing.

Anyhow, I just received a phone call from my home in Tokyo. It seems my wife passed away unexpectedly.

Shiraishi didn’t appear to have heard properly, and leaned in a little closer, a puzzled expression on his face.

A heart attack. A few hours ago.

This time, the director general understood. His eyes widened and he hurriedly placed his rice bowl on the table. His gaze darted quickly around the room before settling on Asai’s face.

Really? Well, I’m— His voice had taken on an appropriately sombre tone.

It’s true, I’m afraid, Asai added, in barely more than a murmur. I just heard it from my father- and sister-in-law.

Was she in poor health, then, your wife? asked his boss, adjusting his own voice to Asai’s level.

No, sir, she was in good health. She had a sudden heart attack while out walking, and collapsed in a nearby shop. She died on the spot, apparently.

Well, that’s, er…

As Asai had asked him to keep the news from the rest of the party, Shiraishi lowered his head slightly. His earlier look of irritation had quickly turned to a mixture of sympathy and unease.

Well, you’d better get back to Tokyo straight away. He issued the order in a low voice.

Oh, thank you, sir. I’m terribly sorry that I won’t be able to be of service to you any longer on this trip.

Oh, please. Don’t worry about it. Well… He checked his watch. There won’t be any more flights tonight.


Are there any trains?

I heard from the restaurant staff that there’ll be an overnight train at 10.15.

Well, that doesn’t give you very much time. I’ll be fine. You’d better get on your way.

Thank you very much. I’m so sorry for all the inconvenience I’m causing you.

No, don’t be. It’s nothing at all.

The food-processing reps were eating and drinking as normal, but they were throwing the occasional glance in the direction of the two men speaking in whispers. The geisha had taken her cue to leave, and was quietly chatting with one of her fellow entertainers.

I’m very sorry about this.

I’ll come and pay my respects to your family once I’m back in Tokyo.

Oh no, sir, that’s not necessary… Well, I appreciate it. I know how busy you are.

Anyway, you’d better get going. After you’re gone, I’ll find the right moment to explain to everybody.

Oh no, sir. Please don’t trouble yourself. I’ll call Vice-Chairman Yagishita out into the hallway, and explain the situation to him. I’ll get him to tell the others.

Oh, all right then.

The director general accepted without hesitation. He looked decidedly relieved not to have to perform such an unpleasant task himself.

About the rest of the tour, sir. For the Hiroshima inspections, shall I ask the director of the General Affairs division at the local office to accompany you? If that’s acceptable to you, I can ask Yagishita to arrange it.

Please don’t worry about all that. I’ll manage just fine.

But if we don’t sort it out right away —

Never mind. Just get on your way. You still have to go and pick up your things from the hotel, don’t you?

Oh, yes… Well, I suppose I’d better take my leave.

Now everyone had noticed that something was going on. Thirty pairs of eyes followed Asai as he got to his feet. He shot Yagishita a look and hurried out into the corridor. Yagishita followed right behind.

The vice-chairman was astounded to hear Asai’s story. To save time, the two of them talked on their way towards the exit.

I thought it was a bit strange, all that whispering between you and the director general, but I never imagined it could be anything so awful. I don’t know what to say.

Yagishita lowered his balding head and bowed deeply to Asai.

Thanks. It was a complete shock.

It must have been. Like a bad dream, I suppose. When I tell everyone I reckon they’ll all be pretty shocked too.

I didn’t think it appropriate for me to announce it during dinner, but could you find the right moment and let everyone know?

Of course I will, don’t you worry. But Mr Asai, there was no need to hold back. We’ve all known you for years! You should feel at home here.

I’m sorry – I do have one more request. After I leave, the director general will be travelling by himself. I don’t suppose you could suggest someone to look after him? It’s too late to get anyone from the ministry, but tomorrow morning could you give the Hiroshima office a call and get the director of General Affairs to meet him at the station and stay with him for the rest of the trip?

Got it. But you really shouldn’t be worrying about work at a time like this.

There was pity in Yagishita’s voice.

No, no. It’s fine. It’s my job, after all. I have to hand over the reins in a responsible manner. I can’t be seen to get distracted by personal matters.

But your wife has passed away. It’s completely different.

I suppose so. But I still have to make a distinction between personal and professional matters. After I leave, the director general is going to be all alone, and that’s not going to make him look good at all.

Yeah, well, I suppose you’re right, but —

Anyway, could you do that for me?

Sure. No problem. Have a safe trip home!

Asai stopped walking for a moment and leaned to whisper in Yagishita’s ear.

What do you think about the girl sitting across from Mr Shiraishi? Do you think anything’s going to come of that?

Yagishita looked stunned. Apparently, when it came to his bosses, nothing escaped Asai’s attention.

Mr Asai. You’re not worrying yourself about that sort of thing at a time like this, are you?

It wasn’t until much later that Asai finally began to recover from the shock. Rattled around by the movement of the overnight train, he lay awake and began to think. Where had Eiko been when she’d had the heart attack? He’d forgotten to ask.


Following Eiko’s funeral, Asai observed the seventh-day Buddhist memorial service, but once that was over the house felt empty. It’d be a long time before everyone would get together again. There’d be the next memorial on the first anniversary of her death, but Asai wasn’t sure how many of Eiko’s relatives were likely to turn up. He and Eiko had no children, so it felt as if the family line had ended with her death.

Asai and Eiko’s marriage had lasted seven years. They’d married a year after Asai’s first wife had passed away. He’d been thirty-five, and she eight years his junior. At twenty-seven, it was Eiko’s first marriage. The matchmaker told him that she’d been very picky early on about who she’d accept a marriage proposal from,

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