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Patriots Handbook
Patriots Handbook
Patriots Handbook
Ebook323 pages2 hours

Patriots Handbook

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About this ebook

As disdain grows for the workings of Washington, patriots across the country have gathered in "tea parties," harkening back to the nation’s roots in 1773 when "No taxation without representation" was the motto.

Americans again feel overly taxed by rulers who don’t listen, and the tea parties have grown into a movement comprised of deeply concerned Americans who have never previously participated in any demonstration. With this comes a renewed interest in our unique history as a nation, and Patriots Handbook offers just that. For those interested in actually reading the founding documents and learning about what the Founding Fathers had to say, Patriots Handbook offers our nation’s founding documents, along with inspiring quotes and excerpts about the glorious history of our great nation.
Release dateJul 15, 2010
Patriots Handbook

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    Book preview

    Patriots Handbook - Beverly A. Potter

    Preface by Mimi Steel

    America Needs You

    America was founded on principles, a creed—ideas about freedom, human dignity, and social responsibility—making it unique among nations. With the Constitution the Founders established a government based on federalism where power is shared between the national and state governments. Our power-sharing form of government is the opposite of centralized governments, such as those in England and France, where the national government maintains total power. Checks and balances were built into our governmental structure to guard against the accumulation of too much power in one branch of government. The Founders wanted to make sure that power was kept close to the We the People, preferably at the local level. When the checks and balances are defused so that any one branch, such as the Executive, or one governmental level, such as the federal government, accumulates too much power, tyranny is not far behind.

    It is upon We the People to be vigilant.

    Under federalism, each State is sovereign with its own constitution, but all provisions of State constitutions must comply with the U.S. Constitution. For example, a State constitution cannot deny accused criminals the right to a trial by jury, as assured by the 6th Amendment to the Constitution. Similarly, national and state governments are granted certain exclusive powers and share other powers.

    This balance between the National and State governments ought to be dwelt on with peculiar attention, as it is of the utmost importance. It forms a double security to the people. If one encroaches on their rights they will find a powerful protection in the other. Indeed, they will both be prevented from overpassing their constitutional limits by a certain rivalship, which will ever subsist between them.

    --Alexander Hamilton New York Ratifying Convention, 1788

    Unfortunately, many Americans don’t understand the Constitution and how it protects us from governmental over-reaching by mandating what the government may not do to the people. By contrast, the old Soviet Union Constitution spelled out what the government must do for the people. As our Founders well knew, it is upon We the People to be vigilant. Government strives to govern. That’s just what it does. Government strives to accumulate more and more power so as to extend its governing reach. Left unchecked, government will grow and grow; as it does liberty declines. Our government has been growing for many decades and that expansion has accelerated to taking over private businesses, such as the auto industry, enacting more and more regulations on free enterprise, and ever more regulations that impose upon our private lives and free choices. In the process our liberty is being threatened.

    Government expansion will not stop on its own. We the People must act to preserve our free society. Sadly, many Americans are politically illiterate and don’t understand the dangers to our freedom. We are Americans! It can ‘it happened here! But it can and will happen if We the People do not step up and take back America—because government will always take as much power and control as it is permitted to take.

    America’s motto is E pluribus Unum, which translates Out of many, one or Many uniting into one. As Benjamin Franklin emphasized, Unite or Die. In recent times, power mongers have used race, language, politics, citizenship, and class to divide Americans into hostile balkanized groups to build their power base—just the opposite of what America is about. America became the greatest, wealthiest nation in history because people from all over the world came to her shores, worked hard, and assumed American values—many uniting into one. When people resist assimilation and cling to their old culture, they are divided. Divided people tend to stick with their own kind and to develop animosities towards those who are different. George Washington understood this when he said, United we stand; divided we fall.


    Many Americans are politically illiterate, yet their votes count as much as literate votes. Politicians know that an uninformed public is easy to sway and direct their campaigns towards apathetic and ignorant voters who outnumber the informed. So demagogues always win as We the People are effectively deprived of the right to self-government.

    The 912 Project is a non-partisan, non-political grassroots movement dedicated to restoring America to its founding principles. The 912 groups educate people in America’s founding principles and then encourage them to get involved in local politics and work to keep our representative accountable to us—We the People.

    The number 912 has two meanings. First, 912 reminds us of 9-12, the day after the horrific attacks on September 11, 2001. On September 12, 2001 we were not obsessed with Red states, Blue states or political parties. We were Americans! We united and we stood together to protect the greatest nation, our nation—the United States of America. The 9-12 Project is a non-political movement aiming to bring us back to the place we were on September 12 when we were pulling together and proud to be Americans!

    Second, 912 reminds us of the 9 principles and 12 values that underscored the founding of our nation and have been the bedrock upon which America has stood for over 200 years.

    9 Principles

    1. America is good.

    2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.

    3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.

    4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.

    5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

    6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.

    7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

    8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

    9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

    12 Values












    Hard Work



    In the past when liberty was threatened, Patriots put on uniforms and went overseas to fight for our freedom.Today Patriots are fighting for freedom right here in the United States because the threats are coming from within. Our weapons are the truth and knowledge—not guns and bombs. Individuals in many towns across the United States have formed 912 organizations and chapters. The aim of these 912 groups is to get the public active in keeping elected officials accountable to voters and taxpayers—to We the People.

    The message of the 912 Project should resonate with all Americans who believe in the concepts of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, which is the heritage of our great nation. 912 is not about political parties; it is not about being a Republican or a Democrat. The 912 Project is about preserving individual liberty by educating Americans in our founding principles and values. 912 groups operate independently.There is no official leader or organizational structure. Everyone is a volunteer.

    There is much to do. 912 groups around the nation need help. Come pitch in with other Patriots to help save our Republic—America the Beautiful. If you agree with at least 7 out of the 9 Principles and if you live your life by the 12 Values, you are a 9-12er in your heart. I invite you to get involved in a 912 Project—or gather some like-minded folks and start a 912 Project in your area. America needs you! A Google search will bring up 912 groups across the nation—maybe there’s one near you. Please join us!

    —Mimi Steel Organizer San Francisco Bay Area 912 Project


    Mimi with Meco, Toes, and Old Glory

    Part One

    Shining City


    America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.

    —Ronald Reagan

    The American Dream

    The American Dream was coined in 1931 by James Truslow Adams to describe the belief that all citizens, regardless of rank, can create a better, richer, and happier life. There is a widespread determination by Americans to provide their children with a better upbringing than their parents were able to provide for them. It is a philosophy that with hard work, thrift, and determination, anyone can prosper and achieve success.

    The American Dream is an entitlement of certain principles of freedom, not of wealth. The American Dream is the promise of an opportunity to "pursue"—to have a real shot at developing your abilities and using them to create a better life—as you define it.

    The American Dream, that has lured tens of millions of all nations to our shores in the past century has not been a dream of material plenty, though that has doubtlessly counted heavily. It has been a dream of being able to grow to fullest development as a man and woman, unhampered by the barriers which had slowly been erected in the older civilizations, unrepressed by social orders which had developed for the benefit of classes rather than for the simple human being of any and every class.

    —James Truslow Adams The Epic of America



    American Exceptionalism

    America was founded on principles, a creed, a vision of what’s possible, making it unique among nations. Other nations found their identity and cohesion in ethnicity, geography, partisan ideology or cultural tradition. America, by contrast, was founded on ideas about freedom, about human dignity, about social responsibility. In the words of President Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address, America is a nation conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. In this view, being an American is inextricably connected with loving and defending freedom and equal opportunity.

    Because American culture emanates from chosen values it is distinct from other nations. America is a society founded on the almost unique belief that who your ancestors are is far less important than who you are. This is a monumentally important belief about the worth of the individual. American Exceptionalism is the claim that America and Americans are unique in the world in many important ways, and provides a beacon for hope and opportunity in the world, which Ronald Reagan described as the last best hope of man on earth.

    America is unique because it was founded on a creed—a vision of liberty for all.

    French political thinker and historian Alexis de Tocquerville coined the phrase American Exceptionalism in his 1880s book, Democracy in America.

    I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.

    —Alexis de Tocquerville Democracy in America

    Tocqueville identified five values crucial to America’s success as a democratic republic: (1) liberty (2) egalitarianism, (3) individualism, (4) populism and (5) laissez-faire. These concepts constitute what is known as the American Creed. Tocqueville understood these values as being reflective of the absence of feudal and hierarchical structures such as monarchies and aristocracies.

    Over the years American Exceptionalism has become an explanation for why and how American society succeeded. The United States was founded by men of conscience who came to the new world in order to practice their religious convictions in peace and freedom. It claims that a deliberate choice of freedom over tyranny is the central reason for why American society has been so successful.

    The very definition of the term implies that America is different. American Exceptionalists argue that what makes America different is the system of federalism and checks and balances to prevent any person, faction, region, or government organ from becoming too powerful and the accompanying distrust of concentrated power prevents the United States from suffering a tyranny of the majority.

    The United States of America, often described as a shining city on a hill and nicknamed the Land of Opportunity, has had less rigid social classes than other nations, and no system of nobility. You rise or fall on your achievement or your failure. That and economic opportunity, which is a result of the American individualist ideal, are the primary reasons why America has been the world’s most popular magnet to people from every culture. This is why, historically, America attracts individualists who want to be judged

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