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I Will be Back
I Will be Back
I Will be Back
Ebook232 pages1 hour

I Will be Back

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About this ebook

In the fourth installment of the "Stories of the Unexplained and Supernatural", a series focusing on true hauntings and spiritual visitors, stories of the unexplained, the strange and the unbelievable with many bizarre photos too. Also visions I have in the middle of the night and many spirit visitors who call on me in the early hours to pass a message through me to their loved ones or friends. I named this book, “I will be back” because that is exactly what it’s about, we can and do come back if we want to, if we are needed by a loved one once we have passed over or if we have unfinished business. All the stories are true to the best of my knowledge and all of the photos of any ghosts or spirits are real without being doctored in any way, except for enlarging for better viewing. This is not a book of horror stories, murders and monsters but one of visitors from the spirit world, some nice, some not so nice.

Release dateOct 2, 2017
I Will be Back


I am at this moment 65 years old. I still work in a fantastic job and love it. However my big love is contacting with the spirit world, talking to those who have passed over. My first book tells it all really so I do not want to put too much here and spoil your read.I have at present no reason to stop working, though in my spare time I write about my spiritual experiences and visitations from the other side, which happen on a regular basis. I seem to be a magnet for ghosts and spiritual beings. Most nights someone in spirit visits my bedroom trying to attract my attention or trying to tell me something that I need to pass on to someone else.What I have learned over the last 25 years has turned me into a very different person, I do believe there is a God, and I now know 100% there is life after death, I have seen them. I have lost a lot of my family over the years, wife and brother included, but what I have learned about dying and where we go and how easy it is for those loved ones to get in touch has changed my views totally.Oh how far I have travelled from my days of drinking smoking clubbing and girls. I will tell you that being able to contact those in the spirit world is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. If you want to know more about true hauntings, visions I have had, ghosts and things that go bump in the night, this book tells everything I went through to be where I am now and believe me it was a tough old journey. Also true stories of others in a similar situation as myself. These stories have never been printed before, the photos of real spirits have never been seen. If you get scared easily this book may well give you some sleepless nights.My second book, "A Walk on Spirit Street" is out now. Again a book crammed with true stories and photos of real hauntings and spiritual visitors. Over 18s only. My face book name is, `Spookybooks` should you want a peek at my Face book page.

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    I Will be Back - Spooks


    Over 18s only

    My place of work

    Welcome to my fourth book of true stories about visits from the spirit world, strange photos of real ghosts never seen before, and spiritual visions I have had in the middle of the night. I’ve had the most exciting 12 months at my desk writing this book. Although I may never be a millionaire, it matters not, it’s what I love to do and I enjoy getting the word out there to newcomers who want to know more about the other side, being the spirit world.

    How time flies when you’re writing, it only seems like yesterday I started my first ever book There’s a ghost in my house. Nothing has changed as far as I am concerned regarding what I write about or how I put my books together.

    My books are written in what I call laymen’s terms, very simple and easy for anyone to understand, especially newcomers who will find it easy to understand and follow and although some may find them child like in the way they are written, that was the way I intended it to be. When anyone wants to start to learn about spiritual matters, the last thing you want to read are words and phrases that make absolutely no sense what so ever without a dictionary, we are not all academics. My books are still I guess in a way books of learning; so I hope I have made them simple enough to encourage new believers to take that next step.

    I was only educated in a little mining village in Co Durham in the 1950’s and 60’s, so you can imagine just what it’s like trying to read a book written in a way that makes me lose interest. I simply put the book down and never read it again. I’m no professor, graduate, nor was I ever top of the class, my schooling saw to that. But it just goes to show you don’t need a degree to write your own books, providing you know what you’re talking about.

    My books are all about true hauntings and spiritual visitors, stories of the unexplained, the strange and the unbelievable with many bizarre photos too. Also visions I have in the middle of the night and many spirit visitors who call on me in the early hours to pass a message through me to their loved ones or friends. I named this book, I will be back because that is exactly what it’s about, we can and do come back if we want to, if we are needed by a loved one once we have passed over or if we have unfinished business. Some come back just to torment everyone in what we may call a haunting or worse a poltergeist. Others will come back to help us grieve, give us spiritual help when we are ill or spiritual guidance if we are in need of their help. Their spirit can and often does stay with us up to and beyond their funeral to help us get through the grieving process, they then move over to the spirit world to sleep and then prepare for their next life’s journey. I know the hurt we have to endure after a loss as I have been there myself. But that fact of knowing they have not gone very far from us is so comforting to us all. All the stories are true to the best of my knowledge and all of the photos of any ghosts or spirits are real without being doctored in any way, except for enlarging for better viewing. This is not a book of horror stories, murders and monsters but one of visitors from the spirit world, some nice, some not so nice.

    My life is full of people who believe in the same as I do, also full of love and light from the spiritual realms. It is most nights I have a message or a visitor from the other side. They are not all bad, in fact 99% are good, but you do on occasions pick up a very negative energy which will make you a little apprehensive. You just know, it’s a feeling you get when you have a bad one. It’s a little like being near a person in real life who is nasty, drunk, or on drugs, all you want to do is move away from them and get rid; it is just the same in spirit. There are horrible spirits who want to hurt and scare you, and do a good job of that sometimes. I will talk about the nasty side of the spirit world in this book. If you have not yet read my other three books it is highly recommended that you do so as to get a feel of who I am and where I’m coming from. My last three books are called, ‘There’s a ghost in my house-A walk on spirit street- Ashes to Ashes and back’. But If you are of a nervous disposition or scare easily, just be prepared for a sleepless night. The stories are things that have happened to me, my friends or people who I associate with through my life. I have also had stories and photos emailed to me from round the world, thank you to everyone who has sent in a story or a photo. Please remember the photo must be your own work or from someone who has given you their permission to use the photo. It is illegal to take other people’s work from the internet or any other form without their specific permission. This also includes downloading the photos from this book as they are all copy written. There are some photos of real ghosts that may be a little disturbing for some people, please be advised. Some photos may need to be viewed in a darker room away from the bright sunlight.

    Ok, when you are seated we’ll begin.

    I want to say Sorry

    There’s a pub I used to frequent where there was a young man who also drank there, he was called Ian. (Not real name) Ian sadly had been beaten by the evils of drink and could not in any way stop, not that he wanted to. Constantly through the day from morning till night he would drink bottles of strong cider and then go into the pub and have about 6 pints of Guinness, he always laughed and said,

    This is my dinner.

    I did at one time say to another friend Is there nothing we can do to help him? I was told that he does not want to be helped, and if he is in that state of mind there’s nothing we or anyone else can do because he won’t listen and doesn’t want help as he sees no problem. Ian sadly took a turn for the worse and was rushed into hospital finding out later that the doctors had found cancer as well as much fluid that needed to be drained from his insides. How awful for him to be going through cancer as well as his drink problem. This became a regular thing; a visit to the hospital with cancer treatment and to have the fluid drained from his body because of his heavy drinking. His internal organs were giving up slowly but surely. It got to the point where he had small problems with his bodily functions and was asked to stop coming into the pub because of this; things were just getting worse for him. But being an alcoholic this did not deter him from drinking as he soon found another pub not too far away. My good friend is a nurse and told me that Ian’s days were numbered because of the swollen stomach, the fluid and his colour shows that his kidneys were failing; this is now a one way-street to the grave; sadly Ian died about a month later. He really was the nicest man you could wish to meet, and very intelligent. He was also an ex-marine who had fought for his country in many foreign lands and had some great tales to tell; sadly homelessness and turning to drink is rife for many veterans.

    With the funeral over and Ian gone you would think that would be the last we heard from him-no way; Ian had other plans and had something he wanted to say from the spirit world. The only way he could do this was through me, even though Ian always told me that everything I said about ghosts and spirits was a load of rubbish when we talked about ghosts, every time he’d say It’s a load of rubbish.

    It was early in the morning around 2AM to 3AM. I was shown in a vision in my mind, just like a vivid dream but I was awake at the time; it was two members of staff from the local pub he used to drink in. They were very drunk; the bar manager was one of them who fell over banging her head on their parked car. They were going to drive it drunk but then got a sober friend to drive instead. Many people were driving passed watching this incident and thinking; look at this load of drunks. The connection was the two members of staff from his local, the falling over and banging their head as Ian did this a lot, the passing cars as the pub is on a main road and very busy and he had trouble crossing the road when it was busy and he was drunk. These are all the connections that Ian wanted me to see and work out just who it was and

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