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Expectations and demands in the changing contemporary workplace are driven by emergent technologies. Ubiquitous in nature, they are designed to enhance human and organization potential. These technologies provide access to information and connection at all times. They are increasingly reliant on human relationships and connection. BE-ing one’s best self in each interaction amidst distraction and health-related issues challenge presence. Wellness and mindfulness in the contemporary workplace relate to individual health as well as productivity and engagement. The study examines the affordances of wearable technologies (wearables) in correlation to presence of mind in the workplace. Wellness wearables with functions related to potential causes of presenteeism (lost productivity from hindered presence) were used in this study. The findings are applicable for design, human resources and organization development professionals, and scholars. This study provides insight into potential interventions to meet the demands of the contemporary workplace through emerging technologies.

This edition of the original 2016 dissertation is a slightly modified version to conform with readability on various devices.

Release dateOct 2, 2017

Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste

Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste is a behavioral scientist who works with the human relationship with technologies and innovations that enhance ability to be one’s best. She combines 25 years experience in social technologies and social strategy for organizations with research in presenteeism, wearable wellbeing tech development and user experience design. She is the bestselling author of Digital Self Mastery. She connects individuals with solutions that seamlessly fit their needs and user experience, corporate wellbeing providers with innovative solutions that match their employees needs and innovators with insight into human and organization behavior that impact their solutions ability to succeed. A scholar, practitioner, connector and global citizen, Heidi lives by the motto: Knowledge is Power, Sharing is Powerful.

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    Book preview

    BE-ing@Work - Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste







    Introduction to the Study





    Conceptual Framework

    Research Question

    Limitations and Assumptions



    Design Thinking and Behavior

    Presence in the Workplace

    Social Technologies

    Chapter 2 Summary



    Research Design

    The Pilot

    Data Analysis

    Chapter 3 Summary



    Quantitative Results from MAAS

    Quantitative results for optimal presence

    Findings from Qualitative Measures

    Chapter 4 Summary





    Future Research



    Can I Ask You For A Favor?

    About The Author






    Wearables And Presence Of Mind  In The Workplace


    Heidi Forbes Öste, PhD


    Copyright ©2017 Heidi Forbes Öste, PhD

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    Mill Valley, CA Boston, MA & Malmö, Sweden

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    BE-ING @WORK - First Edition 2017

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    ASIN:   B074T36G64 (Amazon Kindle)

    ISBN:  1977886019  (Createspace)

    ISBN: 13:   978-1977886019   (Createspace)

    ISBN:  978-1-64136-773-8  (Ingram Spark) PAPERBACK

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    ISBN:  9781370687695  (Smashwords)

    ASIN: B0721PP3KV





    Mill Valley, CA Boston, MA & Malmö, Sweden


    Expectations and demands in the changing contemporary workplace are driven by emergent technologies. Ubiquitous in nature, they are designed to enhance human and organization potential. These technologies provide access to information and connection at all times. They are increasingly reliant on human relationships and connection. BE-ing one’s best self in each interaction amidst distraction and health-related issues challenge presence. Wellness and mindfulness in the contemporary workplace relate to individual health as well as productivity and engagement. The study examines the affordances of wearable technologies (wearables) in correlation to presence of mind in the workplace. Wellness wearables with functions related to potential causes of presenteeism (lost productivity from hindered presence) were used in this study. The findings are applicable for design, human resources and organization development professionals, and scholars. This study provides insight into potential interventions to meet the demands of the contemporary workplace through emerging technologies.

    Key words: wearables, presence, presenteeism, productivity, sociomateriality, human computer interaction (HCI), social strategy, wearable technology, engagement, social technology, cognitive enhancement, workplace wellness, well-being, UX design


    The path to this dissertation was both circuitous and often pulsing in pace. It was enriched by the contribution and support of many individuals along the way. Whether our paths crossed intentionally or by happenstance, my resulting work and I are the better for it. Numerous walk and talks, chats, Facebook messages, and video calls across the ocean gave me the strength and will to persevere. It is clear to me that I could not have done this alone.

    There are a few people who I must thank specifically, beginning with my committee. Dorothy Agger-Gupta, thank you for introducing me to Fielding and being there throughout my journey as my champion and my chair. Jean-Pierre Isbouts, your feedback and encouragement kept me thinking about the big picture and striving for my best. Fred Steier, introducing me to sociomateriality removed my myopic blinders and made the final version shine. Kerry Mitchell, as my student reader, you provided so much more than fresh eyes on my writing when I could no longer discern the flow from the muck. My external examiner, Dr. Charlyn Belluzzo thank you for your inspiration to present and validate soft topics that have hard implications on organizations’ well-being.

    To Virgin Pulse, Interaxon, Jawbone, Misfit, OhMiBod, BlueTens, Samsung, and Lumo Body Tech, thank you for your generosity in providing devices and support to participants for my study. To each of my study participants thank you for being curious enough to participate.

    A special thanks to my family and friends for your support during this, often tumultuous, journey. Mum, your undying confidence that I could do it helped me believe it too. My husband, Björn, and kids, Oskar and Hanna-Maria, I hope I have made you proud, despite many vacations interrupted. My girl posse, Caroline, Julie and Eliza, you are the best!  My cohort, the Green Lanterns, you were with me every step of the way. 

    Introduction to the Study

    The objective of this research was to explore the affordances of wellness wearable technology in correlation to the user’s sense of presence in the contemporary workplace: being conscious and aware in the moment. Affordances refer to indirect effects of the wearables and the study. Wearables is a category of technological devices that can be worn by an individual that track and/or deliver data to the wearer. Presence was observed from two perspectives: sense of self and self with others. The intent of this study was to explore methods and cutting edge tools that can respond to the challenge of focus, distraction, and engagement in the workplace.

    The contemporary workplace has many challenges that relate to health, wellness, and balance. Ubiquitous technologies provide both new opportunities and challenges to presence (Riva, Waterworth & Waterworth, 2004). The study focuses on presence in the workplace to explore the correlation to adoption of wearables. The potential is the ability to improve effectiveness and quality of interactions critical in a knowledge economy (Friedman & Friedman, 2015).

    The relationship with technology designed to augment capabilities or even change behaviors relies on more than function (Fogg, 2003; Wendel, 2014). Design elements from purpose, form, function, delivery, support, infrastructure, maintenance, and ease of use affect technology’s potential impact on presence, being in the moment. Access to immediate information and communication can be both helpful and a distraction (Lui & Wong, 2015; Rheingold & Weeks, 2012). The balance between enhancement and interruption is complex. This study explores both real and perceived affordances (Norman, 1999, 2009) of wearables in relation to presence. Design elements that impact one’s ability to be present are part of the human-technical relationship explored.

    Beyond profitability, the shift to purpose-driven strategies including people and planet is driving major changes in the workplace. From learning and development (Bingham & Conner, 2010, 2015) to leadership (George, Sims & Gergen, 2010; Li, 2010; Li & Solis, 2013) a deeper level of listening and higher sense of self-awareness is not only needed but also expected in contemporary human and organization systems. Return on relationships (Gummesson, 2004, Rubin, 2014) relies on presence to provide the value of the people to people connections. Social business strategies integrate social technologies into business and communications practices (Mishra & Evans, 2009: Kärkkäinen, Jussila & Väisänen, 2010). The new knowledge economy (Friedman & Friedman, 2015) presents both new opportunities but also challenges in a system based on trust in exchanges. Conscious business (Kofman, 2013) and social intelligence are considered the key success factors for the future (Goleman, 2006; Tan, Goleman & Kabat, 2014). They are critical components to understanding the human factors of business and leadership. Things get done because of people and the relationships between people.

    This study focused on potential interventions to improve presence as it applies in the contemporary workplace. With improved presence comes the ability to improve quality of interactions, building of trust, and in turn engagement and productivity. This aspect of presence extends outside of the workplace into institutions and personal interactions. The study explored how the user perceives their presence and changes to their presence before, during, and after the use of wearables. The research is made available to the developers for the benefit of improving design and understanding potential opportunities for future development. The research also provides insight to organizations concerned about presenteeism (Hemp, 2004; DeBeer, 2014), mindlessness (Langer, 1985, 1989, 2009), and improving implementation of social strategy.


    For the purpose of this study the following operational definitions are used:

    Affordances :  The material properties of an environment (i.e., design of device, or study) that affects the way in which people interact with it and themselves.


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