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Sub Rosa
Sub Rosa
Sub Rosa
Ebook363 pages7 hours

Sub Rosa

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In this stunning, Lambda Literary Award-winning debut novel, Amber Dawn subverts the classic hero's quest adventure to create a dark post-feminist vision. Sub Rosa's reluctant heroine is a teenaged runaway named "Little"; she stumbles upon an underground society of ghosts and magicians, missing girls and would-be johns: a place called Sub Rosa. Not long after she is initiated into this family of magical prostitutes, Little is called upon to lead them through a maze of feral darkness: a calling burdened with grotesque enemies, strange allies, and memories from a foggy past. Sub Rosa is a beautiful, gutsy, fantastical allegory of our times.

Release dateSep 7, 2010
Sub Rosa

Amber Dawn

Amber lives in West Central Texas. She has been writing in one form or another for well over twenty years. To her, writing has always been a passion, not a job. Amber is a mother of two wonderful children. She has one granddaughter one grandson and a second granddaughter on the way.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    (Reprinted from the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography [cclapcenter.com]. I am the original author of this essay, as well as the owner of CCLaP; it is not being reprinted illegally.)For the record, I want it noted that I wanted very much to like Amber Dawn's Sub Rosa; it not only comes recommended by my old '90s writing buddy Michelle Tea, but Daniel Casey even asked to re-run my resulting write-up at his Gently Read Literature, a great litmag that I love having the chance to support. Ah, but then I actually read the book, and realized that it's an only so-so academic/transgressive radical-feminist fairytale, much in the style of Kathy Acker or Lynn Breedlove but not with any of their verve, wit or exuberance for life. Although I wouldn't call it actively bad, I unfortunately find myself with not much to say after reading it besides, "Oh, ho-hum, another one of those books, I see;" and that's a shame, given its pedigree and people's interest. It comes just slightly recommended today.Out of 10: 7.1
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Gay City Staff Pick: This book combines a tale of sex work with some other worldly magic for a story that dazzles.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm not sure if this review even communicates anything; it might be less a review than a reaction.If one of Michelle Tea's San Francisco novels met Wlliam Vollmann's The Royal Family in a dive bar bathroom, engaged in a hazy, drug-fueled hook-up neither remembered the next day, but both felt pretty good about, and got pregnant, the resulting child/novel would be Sub Rosa. It's dark, funny, skeezy, feminist, gross, beautiful, smart, dream-like, yet absolutely true. Our narrator begins the book couch surfing in exchange for handjobs & from there, well, things can only get different. She finds happiness in a magical part of San Francisco, Sub Rosa. I won't spoil it any more, just say this: If Snow White or Cinderella ever turned tricks, they wouldn't survive an instant in Sub Rosa, but I bet half of Sub Rosa's inhabitants think they are fairy tale princesses and in Sub Rosa they kind of are.

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Sub Rosa - Amber Dawn


Amber Dawn




Copyright © 2010 by Amber Dawn

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical—without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may use brief excerpts in a review, or in the case of photocopying in Canada, a licence from Access Copyright.


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The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the British Columbia Arts Council for its publishing program, and the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program and the Government of British Columbia through the Book Publishing Tax Credit Program for its publishing activities.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to persons either living or deceased is purely coincidental.

Book design by Shyla Seller

Editing by Susan Safyan

Cover art by Amy Alice Thompson

Printed and bound in Canada on 100% PCW recycled paper

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication:

Dawn, Amber, 1974-

        Sub Rosa / Amber Dawn.

ISBN 978-1-55152-361-3

        I. Title.

PS8607.A9598S92 2010     C813’.6     C2010-900741-7


































Wholehearted thanks to:

The hard-working and gutsy team at Arsenal Pulp Press— Brian Lam, Robert Ballantyne, Susan Safyan, Shyla Seller, and Janice Beley

My mentors at the Creative Writing Department at the University of British Columbia—Rhea Tregebov, Meryn Cadell, Annabel Lyon, and Maureen Medved

The many genius friends and colleagues who offered support—Elizabeth Bachinsky, Michelle Tea, Hiromi Goto, Zena Sharman, Michael V. Smith, Amanda Lamarche, Matt Rader, Zoya Harris, Rob Weston, Catharine Chen, Chris Labonte, Bethanne Grabham, Pat Rose, Carmen Dodds, and C.J. Rowe

The cover artist, Amy Alice Thompson

And Rika Moorhouse, to whom this book is dedicated


A horseshoe-shaped fountain spills its luck in the city centre.

The first seat of the Number 9 bus is perpetually occupied by an old lady, who watches her days pass through a moving window.

Each April there’s an infant twister of cherry blossoms—if I’m picturing it right—on the corner of 2nd and Main. Commuters are greeted by the pink swirl as they ascend the subway stairs.

If I concentrate long enough, I can see streets worked over all day by traffic. But whenever there’s a lull, those streets turn into corridors for the view: a beach I should have gone to more often. I can picture the so-called dodgy blocks with connect-the-dot trails of bloodstains and happy-coloured revitalize the neighbourhood campaign banners hanging from streetlamps. Lately, I can picture them pretty darn well.

And maybe, just maybe, I can see a house where I once lived. Not a storybook house; no glowing windows in the winter night, no doves nesting on the roof. It’s a stucco bungalow. Red paint has given up on the front steps and is peeling into flakes. Moss dots the old shingles. The narrow yard is crowded with vegetables—tomatoes grow in chicken-wire cages, green beans climb a chainlink fence.

I used to think these places had nothing to do with me. They were unsolicited scenery, the backdrop to other people’s lives. Now I would give anything just to stand on those faded front steps and look through the tattered screen door at who or what is inside. I am about to give everything for it.

Everything is a place called Sub Rosa. I don’t have a perfect word to describe it, so I’ll call this place a street. No other street intersects it. No map will lead you there. No one has directions committed to memory. Sub Rosa is above memory. Or rather, below it. It’s amnesic. Visitors aren’t exactly sure how they find their way there. They are guided only by the belief that they are entitled to a little fulfillment. They leave knowing only that they are somehow better than when they arrived. Most visitors are men—what we on Sub Rosa call live ones. They drive off in their well-kept cars with glazed grins on their faces. I’m jealous—not of their money to spend, but jealous that, for them, going home is a simple matter of turning down the correct lane.

I’ve been on Sub Rosa so long I can’t remember where home is anymore. How long is long? I can’t remember that, either. There’s nothing wrong with me, so I’ve been told. The past is a burden Sub Rosa won’t bear. Its energy is spent on being Neverland. A fairytale place with a steady rotation of happy endings.

Sub Rosa has been described in so many ways, I won’t bother trying to sum it up. No testimony of mine could capture it. If you’ve ever overheard someone dreamily sermoning about true happiness, they were probably talking about Sub Rosa. A Sub Rosa sunrise is never spoiled by smog or storm. Wind won’t blow strong enough to ruin a hairdo. The air gently conveys itself along the street; always clean, always warm. Water for drinking is sweet; water for bathing, soft.

On Sub Rosa we eat diner fineness—gravy-soaked and heavily salted meals—as much and as often as we want. There are no stomach aches on Sub Rosa. Nobody is ever sick or injured or ugly or unloved. Sub Rosa wants you. It wants anyone, no matter how back-broken and bitter you are when you arrive.

It’s turned me into a true beauty, the kind that’s crafted, laboured over, a beauty that city folk endlessly fantasize about.

My trips to the city are rare and always chaperoned. City ills are kept out of Sub Rosa. Hardship is our myth, our campfire story; it’s a ghost that quietly haunts us but rarely materializes. There is a longstanding ban on television and radio. A newspaper is like a virus on Sub Rosa, its tales of trauma are venom. Yes, I’m afraid of the city. Even though the city is largely fuzzy memory, I fear it. All the forgotten details have been filled in with horror stories. And some of the parts I do remember aren’t always picturesque.

The last memory I have of the city is the Legion Pub. I was a girl about to fall—reckless on a slew of free drinks, beer and bourbon mostly, and dancing on a table at the back of the room.

My sugar daddy du jour was Nino, though there wasn’t much sugar to him. Not much sugar could be found in his shag-carpeted, linoleum-floored apartment, either. But I was used to sofa hopping and beer for breakfast back then.

Every night we’d come to the Legion; Nino through the front door and me hopping over the back patio fence, rust rubbing its colour onto my jeans as I’d scramble over. Nino once said that I wouldn’t have to jump the fence anymore, that he’d get me fake ID and then we’d hit all the uptown clubs. He told me we wouldn’t wait in line-ups, or pay cover, and bartenders would make all our drinks doubles just because he was Nino. He said all this around day two of me staying with him, back when I was his petite sidekick, the strange runaway he’d discovered, like an unknown species, near the Steelworkers’ Memorial Bridge. For a stretch, he used to show me off to the regulars, get them all laughing at the cute fucking way I screamed or swore, spilled beer, and started fights with the pinball machine. Where do you come from, girl? Nino would shout so that everyone in the bar heard his question. I found her under a goddamn bridge like a stinking old mattress or a sack of drowned kittens. He always summed up the story with, And I took her home and cleaned her up, and now look at her.

But after I’d been with him for eighteen straight days he stopped asking me where I’d come from. He stopped asking me anything at all. I was not much more to him than a stain on his shirt, something that was already there, which he carelessly continued to wear.

I started seeking new sponsorship at the Legion. You’d think there I’d have easily secured a new man, a lonely type whose standards had slipped down to the unwashed floor. I was low rent, which is exactly what they could afford. No one made me any offers. If those losers could see me now—the angel I’ve become—they’d line up just for a look.

No one noticed sweet fuck-all around there, anyway. There was a constant bar fight, a cycle of sucker-punch champs and men down, a woman always crying to the unoccupied chair next to her. These, and any other actions, were absorbed into the Legion’s slow motion. The air in there was a murmuring haze. The carpet was sticky because it didn’t want you to move too fast or too far.

I figured I’d be better off trying to keep my place as Nino’s sidekick. It was old hat, as far as I can remember, for me to hang on until the end got worse than ugly. And I thought Nino needed me, or at least he needed someone around. Couldn’t stand being alone, Nino. He knew half the people at the Legion like family. After last call he’d gather anyone who’d come with him. Come, barflies and hooches, come, he’d call. We’d cram into a taxi to Nino’s for a game of poker and the bottomless bottle of J.D. always kept under the kitchen sink.

I had assumed my customary role of drink nurse, circling behind the scenes with a bottle, topping up. I learned that some men have poker faces, but no one has a poker back. Hairs can stand shifty on the nape of a neck. Spines lean a little to the left or the right. Nino’s shoulder blades nearly touched, gathering the fabric of his T-shirt, when he was bluffing. It didn’t matter to me who won, as long as Nino was too drunk at the end of the night to kick up a fuss. If he went on a tilt I’d hit his glass every few minutes.

The waitress from the Legion kept offering to teach me how to play, but I refused to sit at the table. A woman should be able to hold her own at cards, she said, holding her hand up for me to see, tapping black diamonds with her lopsided French-manicured fingernails. I’d only splash her glass when I poured her another.

I’m not sure why this mean little scene made me as happy as I believe it did. I liked when there were four or five players hunched around the dented pine table and the ante remained sane: fives and tens; twenties were whistled at. Mainly, Nino took the pot in those games, especially when the waitress dealt. She had a false shuffle and was sweet for him. No one caught on to this except me. The waitress was slick; she juggled the cards like a vaudeville act, too quickly for most drunkards to see. Plus this crew was too macho to suspect a woman of being better than they were.

When the table was packed with men, the waitress lay low. When six or seven or ten players sat in, things of value went missing: watches were tossed into the pile, a ring was twisted from an index finger. On day fourteen of my stay, my second Saturday at chez Nino, he lost his thirty-inch television. It used to be the only object on the north wall; its staccato blue light overtook the whole room. A big man named Short Stack pulled a belly buster straight in the last game of the evening. I remember his lip curled from the weight of the TV as he carried it to the elevator. I expected the room to look empty afterwards. Instead, there was this rectangular space, highlighted by lack of carpet stain or yellowed wall, which took up as much room as the TV itself did. When I saw that spot, I thought, Good, Nino will need me around for company more than ever.

I couldn’t have been more wrong. The TV was our liaison, our mutual friend, without whom we had nothing in common. Our daytimes were spent sitting and conversing with the TV. All of our inside jokes and personalized buddy-buddy expressions were nothing but commentary on talk shows and televised sports.

Maybe it was the loss of his TV that had made Nino give in to the waitress. They stumbled into his bedroom after cards, and I listened from the living room sofa to her sounding like a whole pack of hunting dogs through the thin walls. After, she wandered naked until she found the washroom and peed with the door open. I watched her through half-opened eyes, pretending to be asleep. I couldn’t help peeking; I was awestruck by how she moved through the apartment just like normal, like she didn’t notice she had no clothes on. Even the dimpled flesh on her thighs trembled at the brazenly heavy steps she took. I knew this thundering drunken nude was a threat to my tenancy. There was only one thing to do:

It was two p.m.—a decent hour, I thought, for a barfly to wake. I came at him without a shirt. I couldn’t make myself remove any more clothes than that; the only time I used to pull my pants down was when I peed. Nino squinted at me as I located his penis under the sheets and coaxed it into an erection. You ever wonder what this would be like? I said, taking his half-chub in my mouth. His hands, like a freak storm, were suddenly all over. Luckily my trusty unicorn belt buckle gave him some trouble and he settled for the tangle of my bra, digging at my nipples like they were coins fallen in the cracks of a sofa. I wasn’t doing much better with the blowjob, gagging and drooling as I worked. I gave up too soon and simply held my mouth open to let Nino pump himself in and out until he finished. The best I could do was keep my lips curled over my teeth to avoid scratching him. I spit his semen on his stomach with a retch.

No post-coital affections. We went straight into our routine: staring at the space where the TV once was, him making phone calls that sounded like the same sound bite looped: Is that fucking right? When did this happen? Not if I have something to say about it. I grabbed the bottle of Windex and sprayed anything inanimate. I remember wiping behind the toilet bowl and feeling like I was earning my keep. We didn’t say much to each other. He didn’t even look at me except for when he asked me, How long have you been staying here? I’d seen that look before. It would only be a day or two before he showed me the door.

My last night at the Legion, otherwise known as the night I was saved, I took my first drink to relax, my second for courage, and on my third I shot my mouth off. I pronounced myself a virgin for all the lowlifes to hear. Sure, I had sung (and swallowed) for my supper, but my pussy had remained unspoiled. That explains the shitty blowjob, I imagined Nino thinking as his crooked grin widened, then, Not for long. A booze-chugging virgin would be just the thing to perk him up; maybe it perked him up too much. He stopped flashing smiles at the waitress and small-talking the men lined up at the bar. Suddenly, I had all his attention. I slipped between pool players or fit myself among the bar stools for a breather, and Nino was there with another drink. He kept pulling me back to our seats, sandwiching me between himself and his pretty friend with the missing front teeth, his hand rooting around under the table for the fly of my jeans. I wanna dance sexy for you, I slurred and wriggled away from them, climbing onto a table.

I was now far enough from Nino for him not to usher me into a cab or a bathroom stall. Him and Teeth had lined up another round for me. I saw the tall slender glass of whatever-the-piss was on tap and a tumbler of Jim Beam squatting next to it on the table; beer because it was cheap and bourbon because I’d been putting on a good show flinching when I swallowed it. I got my ratings up again, no denying that. Nino and Teeth leaned into each other, mirroring my drinks-in-waiting: Teeth the tall glass, golden, a smooth swallow, and Nino short, thick, and mean. The triangular scar along the bridge of his nose was a mate to the chip in the whiskey glass. They probably discussed the precise dimensions of my virgin pussy.

In between them and me was a gathering of half-interested onlookers, a few men pounding their fists on tabletops. Most stood around muttering at each other. Their eyes were glassy, like I was a TV set they were watching, and not even a ball game but a crappy re-run. I called out "Whoop whoop," but got only a couple of weak parrot-calls in reply. I wanted a bar brawl over me—that was my exit plan. I was a prisoner inciting a riot so that I might escape Alcatraz. Why didn’t I just walk out the front door? It never occurred to me.

I swung my hips around like I unscrewed at the waist. There was a guy with a Trans-Am baseball cap and a red flannel shirt who I hoped would make a move for me, but he walked over to Nino and gave him a congratulatory punch on the arm. Then the pair at the pool table turned in creepy unison and gave Nino the thumbs up. Someone shouted, Nino’s got a ripe cherry. Apparently, Nino had made his claim on my virginity bar-wide news. I wouldn’t have put it past him to have had wagers going with a handful of the other barflies; Ten bucks says I pop her tonight; twenty I take it right here in the bar. Any notion I might have had to give in to him was long gone. I wasn’t going to be thrown down on some table like a mismatched hand of clubs and hearts. But how to get out of the game?

I closed my eyes and listened to the music. I could always tell when a song was older than me because it felt as if I was the only one outside of an inside joke, laughing along when I didn’t get what was funny. It made no difference that I had learned the words to Help or Stairway to Heaven or Hotel California; I was still outside. I wouldn’t be able to dance for much longer to those songs, getting soberer as I did. But if I climbed down from the table, it would only be to hear the jingle of loose change in Nino’s pants pocket, to taste metallic reflux in my mouth as he sat me back down in his lap. The worst part was, I suspected if I gave it up to him, it would only earn me another four days at best. In a month’s time, or less, no one at the Legion, including Nino, would even remember my name.

Somebody? I said out loud. Somebody see me.

And a man did appear. He pushed through the front door and slowly made his way around the room. Judging by his deliberate walk as he wove through the crowd without watching where he was going, he did seem to be coming for me. Wide shoulders. Square jaw. A bit of gold flashed on his left hand, another glint in one earlobe. Handsome, even with my dizzy vision. I lifted my shirt a little to reel him in. This stirred the onlookers. A half dozen more men stood up and gave halfhearted shouts. As soon as my stranger was beside me I collapsed into his arms. Let’s go, he said. Now.

I heard a name being called several times before I realized it was mine. Nino reached his arm out in front of him and grabbed at air; the table I had been dancing on was lying overturned on the floor. When I replay this memory, I always imagine looking back and knowing that it was the last time I’d see inside of the Legion, or any other hole-in-the-wall pub, that my world was about to change completely. But I truly had no idea what was going to happen next.

The stranger carried me through the front door; it bounced against the doorframe a few times before closing. My shirt remained hiked up as we drove down Park Street. He drove a shiny black Italian car that smelled of leather and perfume. I reclined my seat as far back as it would go and watched the street lamps streak by. My bra has daisies on it, I said a bit too loud. He glanced back at me as I reached beneath my unicorn belt. My panties do, too, I told him. Daisies.


I woke up smothered under a black bedspread. Only my arm had discovered the way out. I studied it dangling off the bed like it was a dismembered limb not my own, an alien object that had fallen through a tear in the sky. My hangover head was still falling. I began to untwist myself from the blanket and found that I was neither naked nor wearing my own clothes. A large white T-shirt stuck to my skin like I’d been sweating all night. My nipples showed through the fabric, and I covered myself again with the heavy spread. Across the room, on top of a long black lacquer dresser, my clothes were folded in a pile: jeans on the bottom, striped T-shirt, daisy print bra and underwear, and my belt rolled into a coil with the unicorn belt buckle facing me. Where are we? I asked it.

I always wore the unicorn. I slept in it. Sometimes I’d lay awake and press that belt buckle into me until it hurt, then I’d undo my pants to see little unicorn imprints left on my belly. I believe this was my home remedy for the teenage blues.

But I wasn’t blue in the stranger’s bed. Only my stomach was alarmed at the unfamiliar surroundings. It rumbled in a way that said no sudden movements. The bed I was in was enormous, with enough room for me to sweat, then inch over onto dry sheet and sweat again. I wondered if the sheets and pillowcases were silk, and I felt a bit guilty. There was nothing on the walls but a framed print of Muhammad Ali submerged in a pool of water. Ali stood upright like the bottom of the pool was any old corner of a gym. His gloves raised, boxing the water all around him. I couldn’t tell if the water was real or superimposed.

Morning came in through the blinds, cutting everything into ribbons. I made a couple of attempts to get up and failed, managing only to get one leg dangling ineffectually off the bed. The stranger’s voice was in the next room. All I could recall were his eyes, not his name, how we got here, or what we did. I wanted to call out to him, but how do you call a nameless pair of eyes? And besides, my voice was a whisper.

When he did appear his eyes were as brown as I remembered, pupils flecked with gold like beach pebbles. He offered me watered-down apple juice, raising his eyebrow at the meek sips I took from the glass. He laid the back of his hand on my forehead and sucked his teeth. You’ve got a fever, he said. You’re too young yet to be all that drink sick. A day’s rest will set you right again. I feigned a cough. Sank deeper into the bed. You got someplace to be? he asked. Where’s home? I shrugged my shoulders and he nodded back at me. You’re not on the back of a milk carton? No search parties dragging Moore Park Ravine for you?

Yeah right, I said.

Arsen, he told me. "Not a pseudonym de flava, my birth name." He burned for nine months in his mamma’s womb; she swore she was pregnant with a dragon. As a child he would break into the boarded-up, abandoned steel mill near his home and shout just to see if he could make flames shoot out of his mouth.

He toured me around his spacious one-bedroom apartment: the view of the city from the balcony; the marble tile on the kitchen floor; the Jacuzzi jets in the tub. Toro, his French bulldog, kept his big paw draped over his food bowl. There was a soapstone wolf howling on the coffee table, a leather three-piece sofa suite with very few scratch marks. And a bookshelf covered in framed photographs of aunties holding flowers in front of a church, wearing impossible hairdos at spring dances, and gathered around Arsen’s pregnant mother, rows of hands on her huge belly. Pictures of what must have been young cousins wearing home-sewn dresses on the porch steps of old brownstones. My favourite was of six-year-old Arsen—the closest somebody to a man in any of the photos—looking down at his birthday cake, his mouth puckered and ready to blow out the candles. There was only one book on the shelves, the Bible on the bottom shelf. As a boy, he told me, he sang in a gospel choir. What do you think of the place? he asked.

It was the best apartment I had ever seen. I wouldn’t last very long in a place like this, was what I thought of it. Arsen didn’t seem to mind me not answering him. He turned back to his photos, looking at them in a way I didn’t want to interrupt. I fixated on him the same as he did on his photos. I focused so intently he nearly disappeared, just breath and flesh beside me. I hoped that I would fall in love with him.

On our second morning, it was me who woke up first. He had insisted, again, on giving me the bed and was sleeping on the sofa. I snuck across the living room carpet on my hands and knees. Each time he stirred, I froze low to the carpet and held my breath. It must have taken me twenty minutes to get close to him; the whole time I was scolding myself for being such a little creep. It couldn’t be helped; I’d already convinced myself that he was everything. I curled up quietly beside the sofa and listened to the sound of his breath against the leather. His knee bent over the edge of the sofa, and I was so grateful to have just that small, naked part of him in clear view. I didn’t take my eyes off it until he woke and said, Come closer, little one. He reached for me with his eyes still closed. When I offered my hand he tucked it under him like a stuffed toy, close to his face, and fell back asleep. I knelt on the floor beside him as the pins-and-needles numbed my hand. I can take it, I thought. I’ll give all four limbs if he wants them.

We shared the breakfast he made: finger-like strips of toast rolled in cinnamon sugar, poached eggs, and ham steak. I’d only seen men cook on talk shows. I let each bite sit in my mouth, reciting a full mi-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i before I chewed, making the meal last. When he asked, Food’s going down alright today? I slumped over in the chair and held my gut, even though the nausea had stopped a full twenty-four hours before.

He drew me a bath, with bubbles. What he was doing with bubble bath I did not care. He posed in front of the medicine cabinet mirror and sang to me as I bathed, Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen … Gospel music was beyond me, but somehow he chose the one song I knew. … The trou-ah-ah-ble I’ve seen, but the Lord. He reached through the shower curtain, and I prepared for his touch, shifting so that his fingers would connect with my cheek first. But he was only passing me a razor. A fresh, pink plastic razor. And he didn’t even peek through the shower curtain as he passed it to me. I have shaving cream too, cocoa butter, anything you want. I leaned my head against the tiles and decided that was the moment I fell in love.

Telephone is right there, he told me several times, pointing out a cordless phone that seemed to follow me from room to room. It appeared on the coffee table, then on the dresser in the bedroom. It even made an appearance on the balcony. I never used it.

And when I lay in his bed he said, You can stop pretending to be drink sick and just stay because I want you to. He pulled the cover up to my chin, clicked off the light as he left, and I swear I felt each and every pore on my body open up like the mouths of baby birds, hungry. That, for real now, was the moment I fell in love.

On day three we did it all again; he cooked, he sang, he said sweet things to me. What he did not do was take me out, not even when he walked the dog. From the balcony I spied on him leading Toro along the thin strip of manicured grass in between the sidewalk and the road. Nino had taken me out; he made me a fixture in his day-to-day. That’s why I hung on so long with him; I didn’t conflict with his bar-trolling schedule. During my stay at Arsen’s, on the other hand, Arsen barely used the phone or left the apartment for any reason (apart from Toro’s walks). He must have had something or someone he was keeping me hidden from, I was sure of it. I gave the stint with him a realistic six-day maximum. I prayed for more.

Who was that calling your name at the bar? he asked from the other side of the bathroom door as I was changing into the dress he’d somehow procured for me during his dog walk. It was pretty if I pretended it wasn’t me wearing it. I only wore jeans then, boy-cut jeans.

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