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Crazy About Love
Crazy About Love
Crazy About Love
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Crazy About Love

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“Love hurts more than hate.”

- Michael Todd

Crazy About Love: A Crazy Ink Anthology

It takes all kinds of love, and sometimes crazy, to pull at the heart strings and finally stick. Because love and hate are senseless things, sometimes it takes getting through the hurt to get to the finish line. Other times, it’s easy.

Six authors, six stories with varying degrees of love and hate and one common theme – exploring the crazy emotion called love.

What makes your heart sing? Do you believe in love at first sight? How much pain is too much, even for the romantic heart? And, what would you be willing to sacrifice for your one true love?

With something for everyone, Crazy About Love is sure to make you laugh, smile and even cry as we venture together into that crazy thing called love…

PublisherCrazy Ink
Release dateFeb 6, 2018
Crazy About Love

Erin Lee

Erin Lee lives in Queensland, Australia and has been working with children for over 25 years. She has worked in both long day care and primary school settings and has a passion for inclusive education and helping all children find joy in learning. Erin has three children of her own and says they have helped contribute ideas and themes towards her quirky writing style. Her experience working in the classroom has motivated her to write books that bring joy to little readers, but also resource educators to help teach fundamental skills to children, such as being safe, respectful learners.

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    Book preview

    Crazy About Love - Erin Lee

    For all those who believe true love can come in all forms, shapes, and sizes and knows no boundaries.

    May you love crazy hard,

    long and true.

    A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on one another...


    Tattooed Fate

    Chapter One

    Josh tilted his head sideways to watch intently as the girl who was currently trying to seduce me swayed her hips from side to side on her way to the bar. Once she was out of view, Josh slapped my arm and turned to stare at me in disbelief. Man, what the hell is your problem? That girl is so fucking hot that I’m having trouble restraining myself from taking her on the bar. He glanced back towards the spot where she had just disappeared and pounded the table with his fist for emphasis.

    Well, don’t let me stop you. I raised my glass and tossed my head back as the bitter tasting beer ran down my throat. She’s definitely not my type.

    Josh scoffed. Since when do you have a type?

    I shrugged, dragging my finger over the condensation on my mug.

    Wow. Please don’t tell me this is about Claire, because if it is then you seriously need to build a freaking bridge and get over it. You’re acting like a chick.

    I didn’t say it was about her.

    He shook his head, eyeing me suspiciously from across the table. Even blind men could see that you’re not over her. You haven’t brought any girls back to the house since she dumped you. I love you like a brother man, but seriously, it’s time to move on. It’s been three months. She’s probably out there screwing some other guy right now and you’re here whining like a baby.

    She isn’t like that, man.

    Well, either way I’m sure she’s moved on by now.

    Maybe she has, and maybe she hasn’t. What we had was good. She’ll realize that sooner or later.

    Josh chuckled, shaking his head at my words. "You’re an idiot. She must have really had you whipped if you can’t even attempt to move on. She dumped you man. And she waited until Christmas break of your senior year in college. I say screw her."

    My fists clenched at his words. I know what she did. I didn’t need him reminding me about it like I wasn’t there. I can move on whenever I want. If there’s one thing I’m not, that’s whipped.

    Sure man, whatever you say. He rolled his eyes and took a swig of his beer. What are you going to do if you two never make up? Then what? Are you going to mope around for the rest of your life? Never have sex again and take a vow of celibacy? What are you going to do about that big ass Claire tattoo you have on your chest?

    I rolled my eyes and tried to hold back the smirk that threatened to show itself. We already made up. She just doesn’t think that we’re ready to get back together yet.

    So you’re friends again? Josh ran his hand over his buzzed hair. I haven’t seen you two together. His tone was accusatory, but I ignored it.

    Something like that. We just don’t want to give people the wrong impression. I took another swig of my beer before clunking the nearly empty glass back onto the wooden table.

    Sure you don’t. She’s probably out sleeping with another guy right this second while you’re here turning down a girl that’s basically serving you her fucking pussy on a plate.

    I shook my head. Claire’s not like that man.

    Still, you’re single and turning down sex. There has to be something wrong with you.

    Maybe I’m just not interested in waking up tomorrow morning to find little red bumps on my junk.

    Josh cracked a smile. That thought has never stopped me.

    Well it should.

    Josh opened his mouth to reply, but just then the overpowering smell of flower-scented perfume returned to the table, causing his lips to twist into a smirk as he turned on the charm. He turned to face the girl whose name I couldn’t be bothered to remember and gestured for her to sit next to him. She happily obliged and set two apple martinis down on the table in front of her as she slid into the booth.

    With a flip of her head, she tossed her pale blonde bangs out of her eyes and smirked. So, what did you boys talk about while I was gone? Her voice was unnaturally whiny and I suddenly had the urge to bash my head against the table.

    Nothing really. Just about how amazing you look in that dress.

    She giggled, her cheeks turning bright pink as she focused her brown eyes on Josh. Really? You guys are just too sweet.

    I nodded my head in agreement. Yeah, we are, aren’t we? Just the sweetest. I can’t believe you’re not getting a cavity from just sitting with us. The sarcasm in my voice was obvious but she didn’t seem to notice it.

    Flipping her hair to the side, she flashed me a smile and shrugged. Maybe I am, she said suggestively.

    Josh choked back a laugh at the grimace that crossed onto my face. Tossing his arm over her shoulder, he said, Ignore him Naomi, he was just leaving anyway.

    Naomi! That’s what her name was.

    He is? She asked. The disappointment on her face was obvious.

    I nodded in agreement before grabbing my drink and chugging the rest of it down. Yeah, I have to get home. As if on cue, my phone buzzed on the table with a message that made me want to leave even faster than I had moments before. My wife’s been calling nonstop. I bet she needs help putting the twins to sleep. As I stood from the table I had to hold back my laughter at the way her face fell. I tossed a few bills onto the table to cover my drinks. It was nice meeting you Naomi. Night bro.

    Josh smirked up at me as he bumped his fist against mine. Tell the kids Uncle Joshy said good night.

    I nodded, smiling at his words. I will.

    As I walked away, the last words I heard were from Naomi as she turned towards Josh and said, Do you know what Naomi spells backwards?

    I moan. As I made my way out of the bar, I actually laughed my first real laugh in a long time.


    As I pulled into the driveway of the townhouse that Josh, our friend AJ, and I shared, I noticed a dark figure standing at the top of the staircase that led to the front door.

    A deep sigh broke free from my chest as I shut the engine off before running a hand through my hair. My heart was racing a bit at what I knew was about to happen, and although I knew it was wrong, I wouldn’t stop it even if I had the chance.

    I opened my car door, letting it slam shut, which caught the attention of my visitor. As a distraction from my thoughts, I swung my keys around on my lanyard as I made my way up the steps to the front door.

    The distraction didn’t work too well; my heart pounded harder with every step I took.

    Hey, I greeted, walking past her and unlocking the door. I had known she was planning on making the hour and a half trip from her school to mine, but seeing her still excited me. When she texted me at the bar saying that she was close, it was hard to contain the excitement and keep Josh from guessing what was going on.

    Claire cleared her throat. Hey, was the only thing she said before she swept past me and into the house. Her raven hair was down and curled, framing her face perfectly. I tried not to notice, but it was nearly impossible. She was breathtaking without even trying.

    I followed her inside, closing the door behind me and locking it. I flipped the hall light on, finally dismissing the darkness that had surrounded us just moments before. What brings you here? I joked, trying to lighten the mood. I leaned against the wall, my eyes meeting hers.

    Claire raised an eyebrow at me. Are you seriously asking that, as if you don’t know?

    A smirk slipped onto my lips. Maybe I don’t know, I offered, amused by the way she rolled her eyes at my response.

    But you do. She crossed her arms over her chest and chewed at her bottom lip. I can’t be here all night this time.

    Have somewhere you need to be? I glanced at my watch. It was just hitting midnight.

    Maybe, she huffed. Then she added, Plus, I don’t want Amaya getting suspicious. Amaya was her roommate at school who had become one of Claire’s biggest excuses lately. The others were Josh and AJ. She couldn’t spend the night because she didn’t want any of them knowing she was still hooking up with me. Little did she know, Josh had no idea we were even still talking until I told him tonight.

    Her eyes squinted at me. So, shall we?

    Shall we what? I pressed, pushing myself away from the wall. I took a few steps closer to where she stood in the middle of the hallway so that I was close enough to reach out and touch her.

    She sighed. You know. Her eyes darted to the side as I moved closer to her. Close enough to smell the vanilla and lavender scent that always seemed to cling to her hair and permeate her clothing.

    Close enough to kiss her.

    I raised an eyebrow at her. Humor me? I questioned, my eyes darting to her lips. It had only been a few days since I’d felt her lips on mine, but even that had been long enough. Making the occasional drive up to her school was worth it in my book.

    Claire smiled, showing off her dimples. She rolled her bottom lip into her mouth, biting it gently as she leaned her body into mine. Her hands slid up my chest and over my shoulders, pulling me down to her. I want you, she whispered seductively against my lips, sending tingles down my spine.

    Well, I think we can arrange that, I responded.

    She nodded her head slowly before capturing my lips with hers.

    The kiss wasn’t sweet or gentle. Not at all. It was everything but that. If anything, it was needy and passionate, and a bit rough.

    My arms slipped around her body, holding her impossibly close to me. A breathy moan escaped my mouth as she slipped her hand into the waistband of my jeans. I wanted her so bad my body ached. Without breaking our kiss, I backed her against the wall. My room was only one floor up, but I wanted her now.

    Her tongue massaged mine, tasting strongly of minty gum. She was kissing me with everything she had, momentarily letting down the wall that she had built up between us over the last few months.

    I ran a hand through her hair, using the other to hold her body against mine.

    Nate, she whispered, tilting her head back against the wall. Let’s just do it here.

    She didn’t have to tell me twice. I wasted no time as I stripped her of her jeans. Tugging my waistband down, we began to do the one thing that our relationship consisted of now: sex.

    I hated it. The lack of the relationship, not the sex. The sex was great. That and the fact that I still loved her was probably the only reason I continued to do this. I liked being able to hold onto even the smallest piece of us.

    I loved her.

    Eventually she’d come around and realize that she loves me too.

    A small part of me knew that wasn’t true, but a larger part thought that it was.

    Maybe if I had listened to that small part of my conscience, the following events wouldn’t have happened the way that they did.

    Maybe I would have moved on from Claire and would not have tried to replace her.

    Maybe I wouldn’t have taken that stupid bet.

    But most of all, maybe if I had taken those four months to get over Claire, then I would have seen what was right in front of me even sooner.

    I guess I’ll never know.

    Chapter Two

    Josh leaned his head against his hands, letting a loud groan slip from his mouth. He was still wearing the same clothes from last night and had just gotten home about an hour ago. As soon as he came in, he made his way up to my room and woke me up. Somehow he managed to convince me to make him breakfast, saying that he had a terrible night and that the only thing making it worse was his pulsating headache from all the drinks he had.

    The egg in the pan I was holding sizzled as I pressed the spatula to it. Grease leapt from the pan as I scooped up the egg and placed it on a plate next to the bacon I had made. Once I was finished, I set the pan on the stove and turned it off.

    So, now that you have your breakfast, you can tell me about what happened last night, right? I questioned as I set a plate in front of his slumped over body. He was leaned so far onto the kitchen island that he was practically laid out on it.

    I took a seat on the stool across from him and reached for a piece of bacon from my plate. I wasn’t waking up early to make him breakfast and not make myself any. I’m

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