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Social Technologies: Creating Value Through Connections
Social Technologies: Creating Value Through Connections
Social Technologies: Creating Value Through Connections
Ebook210 pages2 hours

Social Technologies: Creating Value Through Connections

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About this ebook

Having a presence on social media is not sufficient to create a value. Building deeper relationship with your customers and employees will enable you to create value.
In this book, S Darling Explores:
•The ways in which social technologies can create value
•the history of social technologies
•the sources of their power
•the potential benefits of using social technology
•the risks of using social technology and how to manage the risks
•social media strategy
•their impact on our lives and business
Gain an understanding of social technologies, the potential benefits and risks and how they can be used to create value. Social technologies are great tools for communication and collaboration. Key insight derived from these tools could be used to solve difficult problems, improve productivity and create better products and services. Learn how some companies have used this tool to their benefit.

PublisherS Darling
Release dateNov 11, 2017
Social Technologies: Creating Value Through Connections

S Darling

S. DARLING has an MSc in Business Information Systems, experience in managing data and providing management information systems.

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    Social Technologies - S Darling

    Social Technologies:

    Creating Value Through Connections



    Copyright © [2017] by [S DARLING]

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover designed by BMP


    To Barbara and Justicia.Jay, who changed my view on life, and inspired me to reach new heights.

    This book is for everyone, because social technologies has made us

    all publishers. We can publish, share and consume content on social media

    Table of Content




    Chapter1: The rise of social media

    Chapter2: The economics of the Internet

    Chapter 3: Product Development

    Chapter 4: Customer Care

    Chapter 5: Operations and Distribution

    Chapter 6: Marketing and Sales

    Chapter 7: Business Support

    Chapter 8: Risks

    Chapter 9: Creating Strategy

    Chapter 10: The Consumer’s Journey

    Chapter 11: The Future of Social Technologies

    Chapter 12: Sources of Value

    About the Author


    I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all the people who saw me through this book; to all those who provided support and offered me advice. This book would not have been possible without your support.

    Social Technology


    Social Technology, ubiquitous, easily accessible to all, transparent yet a two edge sword, which carries both benefits and risks. Research shows that it delivers significant benefits to business and carries some risks, however, the benefits outweighs the risks and if the risks are carefully managed, it will be a very useful tool for business.

    Today, as prospective consumers use more digital channels more than ever to research products, get company information, research prices, listen to word of mouth and recommendations from consumers like themselves before purchasing products, more and more businesses have realized that social technology or social media is a vital tool for their success. More than 70 percent of businesses operating around the world are now active on social media according to a survey by KPMG of more than 1,800 managers and 2,000 employees of organizations in ten major markets around the world.

    Day by day the number of people using social media continue to grow. According to statista.com in 2011, there were 1.2 billion social media users. That increased to 2.34 billion in 2016 and it is estimated that there will be about 2.95 billion users around the globe by 2020, up from 2.34 billion in 2016. Furthermore, Facebook has over 1.94 billion monthly active users, Twitter also reported 317million worldwide monthly users in 2016. Over 2 billion internet users are using social networking and these figures are expected to grow as mobile usage and mobile social networks increasingly becomes popular. This is an incredible opportunity for businesses to gain access to a wider market to sell their products.

    Social technology is a consumer focused tool. Businesses can communicate directly with their consumers and consumers can also communicate directly with businesses and with each other to share information. Businesses can leverage this power to market their products to a wide audience on social media. Businesses can also collect unadulterated information about consumers as they interact with them and gain more insight about their behavior and preference and also use the data and feedback to innovate and improve their products and strategy. It is cost effective, because it is cheap to setup and reduces the cost of marketing to a large population as it allows wider access to consumers and relies on word of mouth to spread the message.

    Before social technology, people were on the receiving end of a company’s actions, but now, as more and more people use their computers and mobile devices to connect with friends, post their opinions and engage in conversations on social media, the tables have turned. Consumers now have more power and influence over businesses more than ever. They can influence a business positively or negatively by posting their opinions, sharing their experiences about a product or company with so many people instantly and at the same time. The very nature of social technology empowers them and facilitate their actions. It is immediate, transparent, public and highly accessible by many people. It is therefore important for businesses to understand the power of social technology so that they can use it for their benefit.

    Although 70% of organizations worldwide are on social media, not all organizations see the potential of social media. Some organizations view social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram as a networking site for teenagers with irrelevant content and are slow to adopt this important business tool. Companies that have realized the potential and invested early to harness the power of social media have reaped immense benefits, in some cases have had returns as high as 20 to 1, increased market share and are more likely to be market leaders. A video promotion of OMO (a liquid detergent) by Unilever on social media increase sales by 194 percent in just four weeks in Brazil. Meanwhile, those who are doubtful of this technology and afraid to take risk have seen their brand and reputation destroyed during disputes with customers.

    Not only is social technology an important communication tool, but it also has the ability to transform the different functions of an organization including customer service, sales, marketing, recruitment, customer insight and IT, and its impact can be felt on the entire value chain.

    Clearly, there is little time to waste as many of the world’s most innovative organizations are leveraging social technology to create competitive advantages. Social technology is here to stay. Those that adapt and innovate quickly could gain significant competitive advantage. Unfortunately, those who do not adapt will find it difficult to survive the competition because competitors will quickly fill the gap and potentially, they could also see their brand and reputation damaged by dispute and critical comments that can go viral.

    It is not enough to join social media and create a web page. Preparation, planning and a strategy are essential for success. It is also important that social technology is embedded in all business operations as it affects every functional area. Developing a robust social media strategy, which is align with the overall business goals with appropriate metrics and embedding it in all functional areas will ensure organizational success.

    Businesses also face overcoming technical, IT, data, HR challenges and other risks in order to succeed. For example, to gain insight and a better understanding of consumer behavior, businesses will have to gather data (unstructured) about consumers as they interact with them. Integrating huge unstructured data with company structured data, understanding the context in which comments are made and extracting themes and sentiments can be challenging. Also integrating social technology to all business functions. IT security and loss of sensitive information is another challenge. HR is faced with providing guidance to employees as they interact with consumers on social media sites and also recruiting employees for new roles created by social technology. Businesses also face data protection issues, regulation and are concern with reduced productivity due to employee spending time on social media sites.

    In future, as more tools and guidelines become available to businesses to help them overcome some of these challenges, more businesses will confidently join social media and will be able to leverage its power to deliver better products and services for consumers and also reap better rewards. Those that adapt and innovate quickly will gain significant competitive advantage.

    Chapter 1

    The rise of social media usage

    Social media use worldwide is on a rise. The increase in penetration worldwide is partly driven by technology and worldwide usage of smartphones and mobile devices.

    The number of users worldwide is projected to reach 2.95 billion by 2020 (statista.com), which is about a third of the entire world population. Majority of increase in users expected to come from China and India by 2020. North America has the highest penetration rate with 60 percent of the population with a social media account. The global average mobile network penetration rate is estimated to be about 34 percent. Facebook is the leading social networking site with 1.94 billion monthly active users worldwide. Global internet users spend about 109 minutes per day on social networks. Worldwide revenue from social media increase from 14.3 billion euros (2013) to 26.9 in 2016 and is projected to rise to 39 billion euros according to statista.com. So what is social media and why this continuous expanding trend?

    What is social technology/social media or social network?

    Social technology, social media or social network may be described as an application that enables people to interact socially and in the process create, enhance and exchange content. It enables mobile and web-based technologies to create interactive platforms where individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss and modify user-generated content. This includes all online and network-based tools, web 2.0 technology, systems and environments designed to enable collaboration, social interaction and information sharing among individuals or groups via the internet.

    Social media allows people to form online communities where participants have access to content and the ability to create, add and change content. For example, through social networking sites like Facebook, people can form groups, interact with each other, chat, share, recommend items and give their opinion about a service or product. They can also add or delete content, endorse a product by voting or liking or disliking a content. Anyone within the group have access to the content and communication and can share the content.

    Social media is not a new thing, people have been providing recommendations and opinions to friends and acquaintances for years through face-to-face discussions or telephone, letters and e-mails. Also, human beings have been networking in different ways for a long time. They have formed social affiliations and institutions such as public and private clubs, alumni, churches and lodges and have used communication tools such as the telephone, postal systems and telegraphs.

    Social Media in the 16th Century - How Martin Luther’s theses went viral

    In the 16th century, Tetzel, a Dominican friar was selling indulgence to raise money to fund Pope Leo X’s reconstruction of St Peter's Basilica. He asked the people to use their money to fund the project to ensure their dead relatives were not stuck in purgatory. Tetzel's slogan was As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, so the soul from purgatory springs.

    Annoyed by the commercialization of the doctrine of indulgences by Johann Tetzel, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences on the church door (then a notice board) in Wittenberg on October 31st 1517. His aim was to invite people to an open debate to discuss some of these issues.

    Within few weeks, the printed editions of the theses in the form of pamphlets and broadsheets appeared simultaneously in Leipzig, Nuremberg and Basel, paid for by Luther's friends to whom he had sent copies. Luther’s strategy was to pass the written pamphlet to a friendly printer without given them any money and then wait for the message to spread through the network of printing centres across Germany. His supporters discussed and recommended the pamphlets to their friends, booksellers promoted it, travelling merchants, traders and preachers carried copies to other towns. The printing press was a new form of media for Luther and his supporters to express their views and also spread the message. Luther was able to gain support for his views and also encouraged debate about current issues through the print.

    Parallels can be drawn between the printing press and social media today.

    Each technology significantly improved the way we communicate with each other. Through debate and discussions in both media, people are able to present their views and discuss issues. Each innovation also changed the way we acquire and disseminate knowledge. Knowledge was acquired and disseminated through the media and social connection. During Luther era, people read the different views through the back and forth exchanges between Luther and his opponents. Both media enabled messages to reach wider audiences and enabled people to read the views of others.

    The printing press during Luther’s era was a decentralised system like today’s social media. Participants were responsible for distribution and deciding which messages to popularize through sharing and recommendation. A popular pamphlet would spread quickly without its author's involvement through the recommendations of friends.

    As with Likes and retweets today, the number of reprints serves as an indicator of a given item's popularity. Luther's pamphlets were the most sought after printed material of that time, so many copies were sold. His first pamphlet written in German, the Sermon on Indulgences and Grace, was reprinted 14 times in the year 1518 alone, in print runs of at least 1,000 copies each time.

    As with direct communication with users, the printing press gave Luther and his opponent an opportunity to debate topics of interest. Tetzel, the indulgence-seller, was one of the first to respond to Luther in print, with his own collection of theses. Sylvester Mazzolini defended the pope against Luther in his Dialogue Against The Presumptuous Theses of Martin Luther. Like social media, the audience had the opportunity to see both sides of the arguments.

    Like today’s social media, people were able to follow and discuss the back-and-forth exchanges of views, in which each author quoted his opponent's words in order to dispute them in the press.

    Although the printing press played an important role in getting the message across to the public, many scholars argued that it was not the printing press itself

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