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Beelzebub Speaks
Beelzebub Speaks
Beelzebub Speaks
Ebook204 pages6 hours

Beelzebub Speaks

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About this ebook

There comes a time in every civilization where the forces of goods and progressive thinking have to face the forces of ignorance, evil and tyranny.
What becomes of the later generations depends on what is done there and then in that place at that time.
Find out if you may have taken part when these two forces went head to head.
Indifference is no longer an option.

Release dateJan 12, 2018
Beelzebub Speaks

Claire Manning

A Canadian writer, born in Quebec, Claire started her writing adventure in 2013 - It is never too late to reach a goal!, she thought. It was part of her bucket list to at least write one. The book was Terra Cotta, the future of mankind, one possible scenario since reedited and published as: Terra U.N.der Attack, a possible Scenario.Since her first publication, Claire has written several genres such as Science-Fiction, Fiction, Adventure, Thriller and Fantasy. She has created several book trailers for her books.She has recently published all her English books and some of her latest French version in paperback.The reactions and comments by those who have read her books are very positive. As she writes first in English and translates her stories in French, she reaches a wider audience. She has always made sure that the concept of the story remains the same in French. Claire is fluent in both languages.Claire is the author of the Best Seller, The Buddha Board, The Art of Letting Go.Happy Reading!

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    Book preview

    Beelzebub Speaks - Claire Manning

    Chapter 1

    The Dawn of It All

    The full moon was sharing the sky with thousands of stars. Walking toward a gigantic old oak tree near the top of a small hill was a lonely alchemist wizard. He made his way to the tree with the help of carved light cane emitting a pale soft blue color. He was dressed in a dark blue and white robe. Under his tall hat, his long brown hair and his beard were blowing at every caress of the light wind. Both hair and beard were nearly touching the ground. They were so long; one could easily tell that he had probably never cut them throughout his whole life. He pulled a large thick big book from his shoulder pouch. The book was covered in black leather elegantly engraved with flames and a partially blooming red rose beneath them. He placed his cane on the ground and slowly went down on his knees to deposit the book at the foot of the oak tree trunk. It was the last time he heard the familiar wood burning like crackling sounds from the book.

    - Your legacy has to be passed on to someone else. Somebody will have to find you and discover what is bound within your cover. I have to leave you to your own faith... Goodbye my dear friend.

    Picking his cane up from the ground and lifting his long robe, so he could regain his footing, he took a last glance at the book and walked away. The wizard never returned to the location. He was never seen around the oak tree or anywhere else ever after. This was his second and last visit to this site and to the world of man.

    His name was Thomas. He had a very enigmatic persona. He might have been one of the last remaining alchemist wizards who had existed during the Middle Ages era or even before that time as one of the possible medieval ancestors of chemistry. But no one knew for sure. He had been the protector of the book for a very long time. The book contained information said to be centuries old. From an unsubstantiated legend, it had been given by a being not of Earth. His name was Beelzebub.

    The content of the book was not of human origin.

    Chapter 2

    The Book

    Once upon a time, there was a book that had a very compelling power. Only the chosen ones could open it to view and read its contents. Every time the pure of hearts opened it, everything surrounding it was transformed into a very futuristic world.

    To their great amazement, appeared a mystifying world in their presence. While the landscape looked as natural as the one of Earth, with trees, rivers, oceans, mountains with ice caps, etc., everything else was built of pure blue crystal. All the buildings and sky scrapers shone under the sun. The place was meant to be peaceful and all the people living in this world were friendly.

    They had apparently lived in this world for many millennia and were the direct metaphorical offspring’s of Beelzebub. They were very advanced in technology and sciences. Beelzebub was not the devil some civilizations portrayed him as being, quite the contrary in fact.

    He had helped create a civilization that possessed all the technology and scientific knowledge. They knew everything the spectrum of all the past, present and future universes and multiverse could give. They were way beyond the time of research and discovery. Their mind was set on a path that no one else in the universe had attained.

    They were the only ones to know it all. Always and never didn’t exist for them. They were in a completely different concept of time.

    These supreme beings had come into existence within the blueprint of Beelzebub’s image. They were the immortalized angels who knew everything that was to be known. There were no secrets or undiscovered subjects left to be unravelled. They were strong physically and spiritually and furthermore very bright and logical people.

    This entity named Beelzebub originated from the depths of space from the brightest star to have existed and still remaining the brightest of all to this day. It was the star named Sirius where he had built this civilization.

    Having accomplished what he aimed to with his civilization, Beelzebub identified another civilization that needed to gain the same knowledge and consciousness as his own. This civilization inhabited an immense galaxy and within it, there were billions of planets.

    He wanted to formulate his knowledge in such a way that it corresponded to something which could be comprehensible to humans. For this, he needed an exponent and he chose the young Thomas for the post. From his viewpoint, as he had observed Thomas for quite a while, he pronounced him as being worthy of trust.

    The young Thomas didn‘t choose to take this task. Beelzebub didn’t give him the option as he underlined the importance of getting this knowledge shared as quickly as possible with the ones he could trust and who were ready to embrace the knowledge he felt necessary to give in order for this civilization to regain its intellect power. Only the ones pure of hearts could decode the mystic information and receive its full benefit.

    Thomas was the first to gain Beelzebub‘s knowledge and became a transformed man. He was the most intelligent and conscious individual on the entire planet. He was no longer looking at his environment, his planet, the people, the animals or anything else the same way. He would no longer be able to look at these things the same way as he used to since his birth.

    His perspective had dramatically changed. He finally understood the reason why he was living on this planet.

    Chapter 3

    The Descent

    Young Thomas met Beelzebub under very strange circumstances. Coming out of his home after a long day of research and experimentation from his latest alchemical studies, he decided to take a walk under a night sky displaying a lot of shooting stars. This was one of his favourite displays to watch. It was the month where they came back to light the sky each year.

    Thomas left the main street to walk through a small alley paved with flattened rocks that had rows of oak trees on both sides. He illuminated the road with his light stick. It was his usual routine to take this alley to see the stars. As it was very late at night, there were not a lot of people around. Thomas had never been afraid to walk on his own; he never had anything that someone could desire to steal from him. He remained a solitary soul all his life, having never met his other half he wished he could share his life with.

    As he walked closer to the place he used to stand to look at the night sky, he encountered a being that he had never imagined seeing in his life - A very tall man who had two huge black wings on his back that he was slowly flipping as he descended in front of Thomas. All around him was a very bright glow of fire. His face denoted a mature man who impressively enough had no wrinkles on his face and on his forehead. However, his piercing wide black eyes owned the marks of having lived for a long time. Thomas felt that he could get into his head and know what he was thinking. His nose and mouth were ideally proportional to the rest of his face. He had a very muscular chest. He had shining curly black hair that fell over his shoulders.

    As he descended from the sky, his huge black wings almost covered the entirety of his body, leaving only his head and shoulders exposed. He was wearing a heavy platinum chain around his neck. The chain put on view the numbers 666. He revealed his trademark to Thomas.

    - Hi Thomas! Said Beelzebub.

    Thomas couldn’t make up his mind as to what was before him and what had just been said. He became very curious and reluctant at the same time to even attempt to reply. This was a very unusual sighting for him. This entity’s strong glow of fire was blinding him. Thomas had to hold his arm above his eyes afraid to lose his sight as the brightness was so strong.

    - Don’t be afraid. I am not what humans have always considered me to be. I am not evil and dangerous. I am Beelzebub. I am from Sirius, a star which is very distant from here. This is my second visit to your planet.

    - Beelzebub! You? You incarnated yourself as a human being? You are the embodiment of evil!

    - Vatare Satanos!!! Vatare Satanos!!! Thomas incanted the verse several times, begging to see the devil vanish hurriedly. Nothing happened after the frenzied prayerful supplication.

    Beelzebub silently looked at him for a moment, amused by Thomas implorations.

    - Ah...... Please, stop this nonsense. I know that you have been taught throughout your planet history that I am the Devil, the Satan, the Lucifer, the Evil Spirit, the Mischievous Sprite you should avoid at all costs as your future would become damned and consequently you would go directly to Hell.

    -Have you ever had proof that Hell has ever existed? You know that in this hell you have been told of you would be everlastingly tortured; where tormenting bewildered ear-piercing screaming souls in pits of unimaginable scorching flames are burning on a nightmarish stage set with a large number of horned red angels picking and choosing some souls with their pitchforks enjoying their increased suffering?

    -This image of what hell looks like has been painted, drawn and distributed to so many of you has never existed. Heaven, Paradise with angels sitting on clouds with harp players welcoming you to a god to be judged belong to the same kind of nonsense by the way. All of this has always been the crop of the extremely abberated human imagination. At some point, it served its purpose to make people more sociable instead of going at each other’s throats. If only it had stopped there, I would have not mentioned this to you, but the consequences of these lies have tremendously and terribly influenced the course of your evolution.

    Thomas looked at him and paid a special attention as it unequivocally hit his basic faith. He was told that hell and heaven had never existed.

    -Do you know the real story of my veritable origin? I am not the evil serpent who tempted the first man and woman of your planet to eat the forbidden fruit described in your holy books.

    - It might be difficult for you to comprehend what I am about to say and it might even sound completely foolish, but I want to reveal something to you that humans need to get in order to progress, not only for now but for its future, if a decent one is ever possible.

    - What is it that you want to share? Why did you turn to me, challenged Thomas as he felt that this stranger showed a very superior and arrogant attitude that he didn’t like.

    - You are the chosen one. I know that I can trust you as you possess a pure heart. There is no one else here to whom I can reveal this information.

    Thomas was still holding one arm above his eyes finding great difficulty in focusing on who was in front of him as the light Beelzebub was emanating was blinding him.

    - Please follow me. We cannot stay here. There could be nosy people wanting to join us and I do not desire this to come about. You are the only one to whom I choose to hand over the information.

    Despite being reluctant and rather scared, still covering his eyes with his arm, Thomas followed the strange and magnificent Beelzebub. They walked through the same small alley paved with flattened rocks for a while, moving further from the city. They ended up at what Thomas could only describe as a strange looking house sitting in the middle of an open meadow. It was illuminated from the inside, giving a glimpse of what could be within.

    Beelzebub lifted his right arm half way to his shoulder and a door opened to let a platform descend to the ground.

    - Come in, I want to show you my transitory home I use while I travel.

    - I am not about to risk my life doing this. I do not know who you are and...

    This was very much understandable for Thomas. He was a man living during the Middle Ages era. The time span between the two of them had to be tremendous and unimaginable.

    - All right, what are you afraid of? Asked Beelzebub.

    - I am afraid of the unknown.

    - Well, this is exactly what holds your civilization from advancing and progressing. I call this the fatality of ignorance. Not choosing to know and not choosing to discover due to being afraid is what makes your society the way it is has been and will continue to be if nothing gets done to change it.

    - I am not one of them. I am an alchemist wizard and I experiment things and I discovered things.

    - That’s why I chose you. You are an exception. It takes a lot of courage and strength of mind for someone like you to carry on and persist to discover things despite several failed attempts. Unfortunately, the majority of your civilization doesn’t bother with these things. It is really unfortunate. Maybe it is set up this way so that they are not allowed to know. You are the one to see for yourself and make your own decisions based on what you observe. I am not here to impose my way of thinking on you. I am here only to give you something that you will not find anywhere else in the universe.

    - How can I trust you? Said Thomas.

    - You do not have to if you so wish. You are free to feel what you want. All I can say is that I am genuinely here for one purpose. Would you kindly follow me?

    Thomas accepted the invitation. He was still on his guard but after what Beelzebub had told him, he somehow felt that he could give it a try. He followed him and entered what he realized was a space vehicle of some kind.

    Chapter 4

    A New Reality

    Thomas entered the spaceship in awe and not a little shaken up by what he was seeing. All around him were smoothed walls with several features the nature of which Thomas couldn’t figure out.

    Beelzebub’s blinding light was immediately brought to an end as soon as he entered the ship. He was all of a sudden dressed in black leather pants and his huge black wings folded over his back. He was exposing his imposing muscular chest holding the heavy platinum chain. He underwent a transformation.

    Everything inside was made of what looked like a

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