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The Aspern Papers
The Aspern Papers
The Aspern Papers
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The Aspern Papers

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How Far Would You Go Just To Nurture Your Obsession?

“That was originally what I had loved him for: that at a period when our native land was nude and crude and provincial, when the famous 'atmosphere' it is supposed to lack was not even missed, when literature was lonely there and art and form almost impossible, he had found the means to live and write like one of the first; to be free and general and not at all afraid; to feel, understand, and express everything.” - Henry James, The Aspern Papers

An anonymous narrator arrives in Venice to retrieve Jeffrey Aspern’s - an American poet and his idol - love letters. There he finds Juliana Bordereau and his aging niece who may or may not have the letters in question. To convince Juliana, the narrator tries to seduce the niece, Miss Tita but is he willing to pay the price?

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    Release dateSep 16, 2015

    Henry James

    «No había nada que James hiciera como un inglés, ni tampoco como un norteamericano –ha escrito Gore Vidal -. Él mismo era su gran realidad, un nuevo mundo, una tierra incógnita cuyo mapa tardaría el resto de sus días en trazar para todos nosotros.» Henry James nació en Nueva York en 1843, en el seno de una rica y culta familia de origen irlandés. Recibió una educación ecléctica y cosmopolita, que se desarrolló en gran parte en Europa¬. En 1875, se estableció en Inglaterra, después de publicar en Estados Unidos sus primeros relatos. El conflicto entre la cultura europea y la norteamericana está en el centro de muchas de sus obras, desde sus primera novelas, Roderick Hudson (1875), Washington Square (1880; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. CXII) o El americano (1876-1877; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XXXIII; ALBA MINUS núm.), hasta El Eco (1888; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LI; ALBA MINUS núm.) o La otra casa (1896; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LXIV) y la trilogía que culmina su carrera: Las alas de la paloma (1902), Los embajadores (1903) y La copa dorada (1904; ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. II). Maestro de la novela breve y el relato, algunos de sus logros más celebrados se cuentan entre este género: Los papeles de Aspern (1888; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. CVII; ALBA MINUS núm. ), Otra vuelta de tuerca (1898), En la jaula (1898; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. III; ALBA MINUS núm. 40), Los periódicos (1903; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XVIII) o las narraciones reunidas en Lo más selecto (ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. XXVII). Fue asimismo un brillante crítico y teórico, como atestiguan los textos reunidos en La imaginación literaria (ALBA PENSAMIENTO/CLÁSICOS núm. 8). Nacionalizado británico, murió en Londres en 1916.

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    Rating: 3.803278831693989 out of 5 stars

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    • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
      The first person narration leaves the reader in questionable company as the main character unswervingly but increasingly recklessly seeks the object of his passion (the papers of famed poet, Aspern, that provides the title). The self-justification and maneuvers of the narrator, as well as the dialogue that leaves us feeling neither person was understanding the other, is expertly drawn. You can see why James is considered a master.
    • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
      This is a novella of 130 pages, set in 1880's Venice. Our protagonist is a writer and critic who studies among other things the works of Jeffrey Aspern, a famous deceased American poet. He is on the trail of Aspern's undiscovered papers, which he believes to be in possession of one of his more obscure past lovers, who now at an advanced age is infirm and confined to a secluded dusty Venetian palazzo. The story tells of our hero's efforts to inveigle his way into the household of the elderly lady in order to gain possession of the papers. It is a story of obsession, tension, and psychology. Henry James is a fine writer who not only knows how to write good prose, but also how to pace a story and tell a good tale.
    • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
      When a literary editor discovers that the Juliana who inspired long-dead poet Jeffrey Aspern is still living in Venice and may have letters and other papers relating to the poet, he schemes to get access to the papers. He meets the woman and her niece under an assumed name and insinuates himself into their lives. Soon he's involved in a battle of wits with the old woman as he attempts to get her to disclose the existence and location of the poet's papers without revealing his true identity to her. To what lengths will he go to gain his prize?The novella is said to have been inspired by an incident concerning Claire Clairmont, Byron's mistress who long outlived him and who was believed to have papers related to the dead poet. The story suggests that celebrity journalism has a long history, and only the methods have changed. It also provides a snapshot of expatriate life in late 19th century Europe. The unnamed literary editor serves as the first person narrator, and I enjoyed hearing the story read by Adrian Cronauer.
    • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
      I really liked this one. Having never read any Henry James before, I figured it was best to start out with a novella, just to see if I would like the writing style. Not only did I like the writing style, I really enjoyed the calm, serene manner in which the story unfolds in that wonderful Italian city, Venice. James does a first rate job communicating the experience of Venice as a warm, delightful one to behold while at the same time shrouding the elderly Miss Bordereau and her spinster niece, Tina under a darkened veil of mystery. The story has no jarring elements to it. Instead, it has a beautiful fluidity to it that made me want to curl up in a chair and just let the story wash over me. Keeping in mind that the story was written well over 100 years ago, the increasingly unscrupulous behavior of our narrator would probably not even cause an eyebrow to be raised today but James does a great job conveying how inappropriate our narrator's thoughts and actions are, making me resent his almost single-minded mission to inveigle his way into the Misses Bordereau's home and lives. It wasn't until the very end before I realized what a wonderful game of cat and mouse has played out in this story. This story is praised as being a brilliant work of psychological fiction, and I believe it is exactly that. A perfect introduction to Henry James' works, for me anyways, and I am now quite happy to add him to my list of classic authors I am slowly working my way through.
    • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
      I just re-read Henry James' novella the "Aspern Papers," again a second time after thirty years. It was first recommended to me in about 1985 by Jean van Heijenoort, Leon Trotsky's secretary and, after the murder, his archivist, as the best depiction of an archivist's passion for finding the papers of a "great man." Even the first time around I certainly appreciated the fine description of a collector's monomania. I've seen archivists turn themselves inside out to ingratiate themselves with the "keeper of the flame" in hopes of scoring the spoils, and at time resorting to flattery, lies, deceptions, phoney friendship, and non-existent jobs. Looking at a small miniature painting of Aspern, the narrator thinks that it is not very well painted, but talking with the old lady, Juliana,the owner of the painting, he praises it highly, and then learns that it was painted by her father. The narrator's relief that he avoided a misstep by avoiding the truth is almost palpable. I've seen this kind of hypocrisy in action many times. Re-reading the story at leisure, I realize that the story is about much more, all about the treacherous moral ground that a biographer or really any historian treads, invading private lives and exposing them to the world. Who has the moral right to do such a thing? James was writing just as emerging technology enabled newspaper photographers to print photos without the permission of the subjects and expose unsuspecting people to the uncaring scrutiny of the masses. James himself was secretive about his private life and his many intense friendships with women as well as men as he roamed Europe. He knew the terrain. The act of publishing is a violation of privacy as Juliana, the owner of the letters accuses the narrator:"Ah you publishing scoundrel!" The narrator is willing to lie, cheat and steal to see the content of the great poet Aspern's private love letters. The narrator knows to keep his own privacy: his real name is not revealed and not even the fictitious name he uses to gain entrance to Juliana's Venetian Palazzo. So he is definitely immoral. But there is more. From start to finish, the unnamed biographer makes snide gratuitous comments denigrating women, particularly Juliana's niece Miss Tina: "It was impossible to allow too much for her simplicity." It's up to the reader to decide what actually causes his defeat. There is an ironic, self-aware soap opera technique at work in the novella, with a cliff hanger or shocker at the end of each chapter, a relic I suppose of the way the book was serialized in its initial publication over several months in "The Atlantic." Chapter two ends in a parody of the serial style: "My emotion keeping me silent she spoke first, and the remark she made was exactly the most unexpected." Chapter ends. This understated self-aware humor is a sheer delight. He wrote under the spell of Florence and Venice, the initial impetus being an ancient English resident in Florence with letters of Byron and Shelley. He shifted the scene from Florence to Venice with all that eerie Venetian light and crumbling grandeur. And he shifted the subject from a fine English poet to a non-existent American, knowing well there never was an American poet in 1820 of the same stature as Byron. Ironic wishful thinking here.There is clear foreshadowing, this is not a spoiler it's early in the story, that the papers turn to ashes...but the tension is in why and how....I love it...but then I'm an archivist. Then in a case of life imitating art, some years after writing the story one of his close friends, Constance Fenimore Woolson, the great niece of Fenimore Cooper, committed suicide, jumping out of the window of her Venetian apartment. Earlier James and Fenimore had shared the same cook and shared meals every night in Florence for weeks. It's known that she had wanted a closer relationship, rather like Miss Tina and the narrator. After her suicide, James ingratiated himself with her family by spending weeks sorting her papers. And her letters from James disappeared along with most of hers to him. Anita Feferman wrote a fine biography of my friend Jean van Heijenoort entitled "Politics, Logic and Love," but she published it after Jean's death. Privacy in legal terms is supposed to end at death. Editing his stories and his own papers, James ensured his privacy and his fame way into the future.
    • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
      This story began at an excruciatingly slow pace and then improved as it went along. Basically, this is a tale of greed in several forms and the battle between it and higher principles. Quite derogatory towards women if you ask me. The problem is that is is really well written.
    • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
      The Aspern Papers is an outstanding novella, not quite as spine tingling as The Turn of the Screw, but still it manages to build suspense around a simple plot of a literary critic masquerading as a lodger in the attempt to get the letters that a famous American poet, Jeffrey Aspern, wrote to an older woman living in an old palace in Venice with her niece. The novel beautifully describes the three main characters--with Venice as a beautifully described fourth character lurking not too far in the background.

      The narrator is in many ways very unsympathetic, in that he is lying to his hostess and even pretending to be in love with the hostesses niece just to get his hands on papers they do not want to deliver. But he is also obsessed, serving the higher purpose of the poet Jeffrey Aspern, and also fully honest and transparent with himself about his motives and his means.

      The older woman, who is believed to have had an affair with the famous poet in her youth, is in some ways even more interesting--cagey, mercenary, but also deeply private and protective of her legacy.

      And then there's her niece, an elderly spinster who is portrayed as naive, loyal to her aunt, but also intrigued and excited about the new stranger who moves in with them.

      All three of these characters are increasingly intertwined as the tension builds to a well constructed conclusion.
    • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
      The Aspern Papers is a novella by Henry James that was originally published in 1888. This work is based on the true story about a famous poet’s private papers being held by his muse. In this piece the nameless narrator, an American literary scholar, goes to Venice to find Juliana Bordereau, an old lover of Jeffrey Aspern, a famous but deceased American poet. Pretending to have an interest in Miss Bordereau’s spinster niece, Tita, he suggests that he should lodge with them at their villa in the hopes of getting his hands on the personal letters and papers left by Jeffrey Aspern.James has created a very interesting story from this situation since it is such a short story, I don’t want to give too many plot details away. But as the obsessed narrator works his deception and manipulates the lonely and sensitive Tita, we are wondering exactly what he will do in order to get the documents. At the same time, one does have to consider the narrator’s opinion – that Juliana has a moral responsibility to share this celebrated poet’s work with his admirers.I really enjoyed The Aspern Papers and in particular was very satisfied by how the author ended this story. I have now read three of Henry James’ novellas and have liked all of them, so it is probably time that I tackled one of his full length novels.
    • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
      Der namen- und alterslose Erzähler dieser Geschichte reist aus Amerika nach Venedig, weil er erfahren hat, dass die ehemalige Geliebte des von ihm angebeteten (fiktiven) Dichters Jeffrey Aspern - der selbst schon seit vielen Jahrzehnten tot ist - noch lebt und - so vermutet er - zahlreiche Briefe und weitere Schätze des Dichters hütet. Der Wunsch des Erzählers, diese Schriften in seinen Besitz zu bringen und für seine literarischen Forschungen zu analysieren, wird zur Besessenheit. Also mietet er sich unter Verschleierung seiner Identität in dem alten Palast in Venedig, in dem die alte Dame und ihre Nichte sehr zurückgezogen leben, als Untermieter ein. Zwischen den drei Personen entwickelt sich ein zunehmend spannendes Katz- und Maus-Spiel um diese Papiere, das Henry James auf gewohnt hohem literarischem Niveau beschreibt.

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    The Aspern Papers - Henry James

    The Aspern Papers


    Henry James

    Xist Publishing


    ISBN: 978-1-68195-189-8

    This edition published in 2015 by Xist Publishing

    PO Box 61593

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    The Aspern Papers/ Henry James

    ISBN 978-1-68195-189-8











    I had taken Mrs. Prest into my confidence; in truth without her I should have made but little advance, for the fruitful idea in the whole business dropped from her friendly lips. It was she who invented the short cut, who severed the Gordian knot. It is not supposed to be the nature of women to rise as a general thing to the largest and most liberal view—I mean of a practical scheme; but it has struck me that they sometimes throw off a bold conception—such as a man would not have risen to—with singular serenity. Simply ask them to take you in on the footing of a lodger—I don't think that unaided I should have risen to that. I was beating about the bush, trying to be ingenious, wondering by what combination of arts I might become an acquaintance, when she offered this happy suggestion that the way to become an acquaintance was first to become an inmate. Her actual knowledge of the Misses Bordereau was scarcely larger than mine, and indeed I had brought with me from England some definite facts which were new to her. Their name had been mixed up ages before with one of the greatest names of the century, and they lived now in Venice in obscurity, on very small means, unvisited, unapproachable, in a dilapidated old palace on an out-of-the-way canal: this was the substance of my friend's impression of them. She herself had been established in Venice for fifteen years and had done a great deal of good there; but the circle of her benevolence did not include the two shy, mysterious and, as it was somehow supposed, scarcely respectable Americans (they were believed to have lost in their long exile all national quality, besides having had, as their name implied, some French strain in their origin), who asked no favors and desired no attention. In the early years of her residence she had made an attempt to see them, but this had been successful only as regards the little one, as Mrs. Prest called the niece; though in reality as I afterward learned she was considerably the bigger of the two. She had heard Miss Bordereau was ill and had a suspicion that she was in want; and she had gone to the house to offer assistance, so that if there were suffering (and American suffering), she should at least not have it on her conscience. The little one received her in the great cold, tarnished Venetian sala, the central hall of the house, paved with marble and roofed with dim crossbeams, and did not even ask her to sit down. This was not encouraging for me, who wished to sit so fast, and I remarked as much to Mrs. Prest. She however replied with profundity, Ah, but there's all the difference: I went to confer a favor and you will go to ask one. If they are proud you will be on the right side. And she offered to show me their house to begin with—to row me thither in her gondola. I let her know that I had already been to look at it half a dozen times; but I accepted her invitation, for it charmed me to hover about the place. I had made my way to it the day after my arrival in Venice (it had been described to me in advance by the friend in England to whom I owed definite information as to their possession of the papers), and I had besieged it with my eyes while I considered my plan of campaign. Jeffrey Aspern had never been in it that I knew of; but some note of his voice seemed to abide there by a roundabout implication, a faint reverberation.

    Mrs. Prest knew nothing about the papers, but she was interested in my curiosity, as she was always interested in the joys and sorrows of her friends. As we went, however, in her gondola, gliding there under the sociable hood with the bright Venetian picture framed on either side by the movable window, I could see that she was amused by my infatuation, the way my interest in the papers had become a fixed idea. One would think you expected to find in them the answer to the riddle of the universe, she said; and I denied the impeachment only by replying that if I had to choose between that precious solution and a bundle of Jeffrey Aspern's letters I knew indeed which would appear to me the greater boon. She pretended to make light of his genius, and I took no pains to defend him. One doesn't defend one's god: one's god is in himself a defense. Besides, today, after his long comparative obscuration, he hangs high in the heaven of our literature, for all the world to see; he is a part of the light by which we walk. The most I said was that he was no doubt not a woman's poet: to which she rejoined aptly enough that he had been at least Miss Bordereau's. The strange thing had been for me to discover in England that she was still alive: it was as if I had been told Mrs. Siddons was, or Queen Caroline, or the famous Lady Hamilton, for it seemed to me that she belonged to a generation as extinct. Why, she must be tremendously old—at least a hundred, I had said; but on coming to consider dates I saw that it was not strictly necessary that she should have exceeded by very much the common span. Nonetheless she was very far advanced in life, and her relations with Jeffrey Aspern had occurred in her early womanhood. That is her excuse, said Mrs. Prest, half-sententiously and yet also somewhat as if she were ashamed of making a speech so little in the real tone of Venice. As if a woman needed an excuse for having loved the divine poet! He had been not only one of the most brilliant minds of his day (and in those years, when the century was young, there were, as everyone knows, many), but one of the most genial men and one of the handsomest.

    The niece, according to Mrs. Prest, was not so old, and she risked the conjecture that she was only a grandniece. This was possible; I had nothing but my share in the very limited knowledge of my English fellow worshipper John Cumnor, who had never seen the couple. The world, as I say, had recognized Jeffrey Aspern, but Cumnor and I had recognized him most. The multitude, today, flocked to his temple, but of that temple he and I regarded ourselves as the ministers. We held, justly, as I think, that we had done more for his memory than anyone else, and we had done it by opening lights into his life. He had nothing to fear from us because he had nothing to fear from the truth, which alone at such a distance of time we could be interested in establishing. His early death had been the only dark spot in his life, unless the papers in Miss Bordereau's hands should perversely bring out others. There had been an impression about 1825 that he had treated her badly, just as there had been an impression that he had served, as the London populace says, several other ladies in the same way. Each of these cases Cumnor and I had been able to investigate, and we had never failed to acquit him conscientiously of shabby behavior. I judged him perhaps more indulgently than my friend; certainly, at any rate, it appeared to me that no man could have walked straighter in the given circumstances. These were almost always awkward. Half the women of his time, to speak liberally, had flung themselves at his head, and out of this pernicious fashion many complications, some of them grave, had not failed to arise. He was not a woman's poet, as I had said to Mrs. Prest, in the modern phase of his reputation; but the situation had been different when the man's own voice was mingled with his song. That voice, by every testimony, was one of the sweetest ever heard. Orpheus and the Maenads! was the exclamation that rose to my lips when I first turned over his correspondence. Almost all the Maenads were unreasonable, and many of them insupportable; it struck me in short that he was kinder, more considerate than, in his place (if I could imagine myself in such a place!) I should have been.

    It was certainly strange beyond all strangeness, and I shall not take up space with attempting to explain it, that whereas in all these other lines of research we had to deal with phantoms and dust, the mere echoes of echoes, the one living source of information that had lingered on into our time had been unheeded by us. Every one of Aspern's contemporaries had, according to our belief, passed away; we had not been able to look into a single pair of eyes into which his had looked or to feel a transmitted contact in any aged hand that his had touched. Most dead of all did poor Miss Bordereau appear, and yet she alone had survived. We exhausted in the course of months our wonder that we had not found her out sooner, and the substance of our explanation was that she had kept so quiet. The poor lady on the whole had had reason for doing so. But it was a revelation to us that it was possible to keep so quiet as that in the latter half of the nineteenth century—the age of newspapers and telegrams and photographs and interviewers. And she had taken no great trouble about it either: she had not hidden herself away in an undiscoverable hole; she had boldly settled down in a city of exhibition. The only secret of her safety that we could perceive was that Venice contained so many curiosities that were greater than she. And then accident had somehow favored her, as was shown for example in the fact that Mrs. Prest had never happened to mention her to me, though I had spent three weeks in Venice—under her nose, as it were—five years before. Mrs. Prest had not mentioned this much to anyone; she appeared almost to have forgotten she was there. Of course she had not the responsibilities of an editor. It was no explanation of the old woman's having eluded us to say that she lived abroad, for our researches had again and again taken us (not only by correspondence but by personal inquiry) to France, to Germany, to Italy, in which countries, not counting his important stay in England, so many of the too few years of Aspern's career were spent. We were glad to think at least that in all our publishings (some people consider I believe that we have overdone them), we had only touched in passing and in the most discreet manner on Miss Bordereau's connection. Oddly enough, even if we had had the material (and we often wondered what

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