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Bad Things 3
Bad Things 3
Bad Things 3
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Bad Things 3

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With Keantay's bribe looming over her head, Jah'miya is left in a relatively difficult position: give him what he wants or Richmond will hear about everything she's been doing to get him out of prison. What else can she do but comply? But a dangerous idea would not only free her from Keantay's blackmail, but would also set her and Killion up for life. But she knows she can't pull this kind of job off alone. Thankfully, her friends Janiqua and Kizzie are all too eager to help. Can Jah'miya pull this off and start her new life alone? Or will she compromise everything she's worked for and risk going to jail? Little does she know she'll end up with more blood on her hands than she's prepared for.

PublisherBre Simone
Release dateMar 26, 2018
Bad Things 3

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    Book preview

    Bad Things 3 - Bre Simone

    Chapter One

    This was supposed to have been an easy hustle: get enough cash to hire a lawyer and get Richmond out of prison. No one would have been the wiser about her endeavors, and she could have continued her happy life with Richmond at her side, eventually getting married. She thought her plans had minimal risks involved, that the worst that could happen was someone stiffing her out of her pay.

    But everything’s now blown out of the boundaries of risk management: she’s no closer to getting the money she needs, she hasn’t talked to Richmond in over a week, and now his best friend is extorting her for sex. If it was anyone else, it wouldn’t bother her so much, but knowing Keantay’s personality, she doesn’t know if she can rely on his promises or not. Whether he’ll keep his word on not telling Richmond about her activities, or that he won’t spin some story about her seducing him into her bed. He’s conniving and ruthless, and he had never liked her from the start. Sabotaging her relationship with Richmond was probably something he’d been trying to plan for a very long time.

    Probably not the Richmond getting arrested part. The last thing Keantay would want is to lose his best friend to prison, and Jah’miya’s sure that if he’d known exactly what Richmond had been getting up to, he would have been there to cover his back.

    ... and yet, he had known in some respect, or else he wouldn’t have tried to keep everything a secret from her.

    She needs to think of a way to get back at him and get him off her back at the same time—without caving in to his demands or letting those pictures get circulated.

    Those pictures... Jah’miya knows where he lives, and if she can break into his place, make it look like a robbery, and smash his shit, then maybe he’d have nothing else to bribe her with.

    But there’s still the case of the thumb drive. He wouldn’t leave that in his apartment of all places, and stealing it off his person didn’t seem at all feasible, not with his penchant for paranoia and carrying a gun with him everywhere he went.

    Jah’miya’s head starts to spin, trying to keep everything together, and she can’t tell if she’s more pissed off at Keantay or at herself for getting into this situation to begin with. There had been less cumbersome routes for her to take in all of this, options that may have taken longer but still would have gotten her what she needed.

    Instead, she’d chosen the easy way, resorting to methods she thought she’d given up a long time ago. Hustling for that long, however, had become second nature to her, and even if she’d put aside the hobby for a decade or even more, it’s really hard for old habits to die.

    Killion stirs in her lap, and she starts rocking him back to sleep again. With Patricia out getting groceries, Jah’miya has no one to talk to. Not that she’d confide in her babysitter and tell her everything that had happened today. She’s just glad that she hadn’t picked up on her mood when she walked through the door earlier.

    It’s bad enough that she’d had to go through Keantay showing up at Patricia’s place, asking for Jah’miya. For her to find out that he’s also trying to blackmail her, it would send Patricia over the edge, and Jah’miya doesn’t need any more difficult situations to get out of.

    She’s stirred from her thoughts when she hears her door open and Patricia walks back in, bags of groceries in each arm. Jah’miya masks her worry with a placid smile and moves the sleeping Killion up onto her shoulder.

    Sorry to ask you to do this. My feet’ve been killing me all day at work. With one free arm, she helps to put the groceries away in their respective cupboards.

    That’s why I got you some Epsom salts. After all that dancing you did last night, your feet’re bound to be swollen and sore. Just give ‘em a good soak for twenty minutes. It should help. Patricia blindly hands her the large bottle of salts, which Jah’miya takes.

    You’re a lifesaver, Patricia. Thanks. Jah’miya reads over the instructions on the back, desperate to get a soak going on right now.

    Damn right, and you’re not paying me enough for that. Patricia gives her a smarmy smirk over her shoulder, a sign that she’s only joking, and offers to take Killion from her so that the rest of the groceries can be put away.

    After the bags have been emptied, Jah’miya grabs a small basin she uses to wash Killion’s socks, pours some warm water in, and dumps in some of the salts. She almost sneezes at the scent as she peels off her pantyhose and sticks her feet into the water. A sigh of relief escapes her on feeling the salty water going to work on the aches of her arches and toes. Why she didn’t think of this sooner...

    You think I’m doing right by Killion? Going through all this? Jah’miya asks, rubbing at a knot in the back of her neck.

    Every kid should have his father growing up. You don’t want him following in Richmond’s footsteps, do you?

    "That’s not fair, Patricia. I had both my parents growing up, and that didn’t make a lick of difference." It was their lack of attention and affection that had turned Jah’miya to becoming a banger, not their absence.

    Looking at the sleeping Killion, Jah’miya wonders if she is giving him the right amount of attention, whether he feels loved by his parents. Sure, she wishes she could be around more often to take care of him instead of being out and working all the time, but she’s doing it for all three of them. Not because she wants to get away from them.

    But will he see it that way once he’s old enough to understand? Or will his teenaged rebellion years spin her acts into being ignored and having no time for him? Only time will tell, and she has no way of knowing when it would be too late to make sure he knows that she’s working so hard and gone all the time for the family. She can only do her best for now and hope that it all works out in the end.

    True, but you learned from it. Figured out what you wanted out of life. Sure, everything’s sort of broken right now, but you’re doing what you can to bring the pieces back together. It’s not how I would’ve gone about it, but I’m not judging. You do you. On Killion’s stirring, Patricia busied herself with fussing over him to get away from the awkwardness of the conversation. It wasn’t like Jah’miya had ever taken her advice before.

    Jah’miya’s mouth drew into a thin line. Despite Patricia stating that she isn’t judging, that’s exactly what it feels like. Her choices may not be the best, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and she’d been positive that this would have been the easiest and fastest way to get the money she needs.

    You okay to take care of Killion again tonight? Jah’miya finally breaks the silence, having grown bored at staring at her soaking feet.

    Like you gotta ask. I might as well live here from now on. Patricia sits the now-awake Killion on her lap and smooths the wrinkles from his shirt.

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