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The Devil’s Guard
The Devil’s Guard
The Devil’s Guard
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The Devil’s Guard

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Talbot Mundi „The Devil’s Guard” is a little intertwined and is definitely the source of another novel about Jimgrim „Nine Unknown”. The character of Jimgrim is a transposed image of Munzi from the Algan Quatermaine Haggar. In this mysterious story, he is looking for a hidden mysterious country of Shamballa, encountering good and evil characters in his occult incidents.
Release dateMar 14, 2018
The Devil’s Guard

Talbot Mundy

Born in London in 1879, Talbot Mundy (1879-1940) was an American based author popular in the adventure fiction genre. Mundy was a well-traveled man, residing in multiple different countries in his lifetime. After being raised in London, Mundy first moved to British India, where he worked as a reporter. Then, he switched professions, moving to East Africa to become an ivory poacher. Finally, in 1909, Mundy moved to New York, where he began his literary career. First publishing short stories, Mundy became known for writing tales based on places that he traveled. After becoming an American citizen, Mundy joined the Christian science religious movement, which prompted him to move to Jerusalem. There he founded and established the first newspaper in the city to be published primarily in the English language. By the time of his death in 1940, Mundy had rose to fame as a best-selling author, and left behind a prolific legacy that influenced the work of many other notable writers.

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    The Devil’s Guard - Talbot Mundy


    CHAPTER I. Chullunder ghose shoots shrewdly with the other barrel of his gun.

    We remark upon the slowness of the snail and of the tortoise, but the processes of evolution are incomparably more slow, so that they escape our observation altogether. None the less, we are evolving, although few of us as we suppose. For supposition is the fumes of decomposing vanity–the instrument by which the Devil’s Guard beclouds that road on which we are ascending, lest we see too much and so imagine ourselves gods before the devil in us is evaporated.

    –from The Book Of The Sayings Of Tsiang Samdup

    I FIND myself wondering why I should go to the trouble to write what few men will believe. Why do we try to leave records behind us? Why not wait until I meet old friends again on the bank beyond the river, when we can compare notes and laugh at the amateur drama we all combined to spoil with such enthusiasm! Frankly, I don’t know. The impulse is to set down an account of this adventure, in spite of the uncertainty that it will ever reach the United States.

    I am writing in a draughty cave, in a temperature that numbs fingers, freezes ink at intervals and makes concentration on the task extremely difficult to a man unused to writing anything but field reports on mines and ordinary business letters. The sheets of this manuscript are fluttering under the stones I have to use as paper-weights; my feet are nearly frozen in a fur bag filled with yak-dung; I am filthy from weeks without washing, and extremely sore from bruises, as well as suffering from what I think is indigestion, due to bad food. Moreover, Jimgrim is not here. He has a clearer brain than mine, a better memory and clearer judgment of essentials. I must tell the story to the best of my recollection without the advantage of comparing notes with him.

    Jimgrim–born James Schuyler Grim, but known as Jimgrim all over the Near East, Arabia, parts of Africa, and from Dera Isfail Khan to Sikkim –has served in the Intelligence Departments of at least five nations, always reserving United States citizenship. He speaks a dozen languages so fluently that he can pass himself off as a native; and since he was old enough to build a fire and skin a rabbit the very midst of danger has been his goal, just as most folk spend their lives looking for safety and comfort. When he is what other men would reckon safe, the sheer discomfort of it bores him.

    He is the best friend a man could have, the least talkative, the most considerate; and he seems to have no personal ambition–which, I suppose, is why the world rewarded him with colonelcies that he did not seek and opportunities for self-advancement that he never used. Jimgrim could have had anything he cared to ask for in the way of an administrative post; and, funnily enough, the one thing that he always wanted was denied him. From his youth he wished to be an actor. That he is one of exceeding merit, is beyond dispute; but, except for occasional amateur performances behind the lines of armies, he has never set foot on the stage.

    He looks as if he were half-Cherokee, although I believe there is only a trace of red man in his ancestry. He has a smile that begins faintly at the corners of his eyes, hesitates there as if to make sure none will be offended by it, and then spreads until his whole face lights with humor, making you realize that he has understood your weakness and compared it with his own. If you have any self-respect at all you can’t pick quarrels with a man who takes that view of life; the more he laughs at you, the more you warm toward him, since he is laughing at himself as well as you.

    Grim and I were in Darjeeling with our backs against the porch of a hotel from which the whole range of the Himalayas could be seen, on one of those rare days of autumn when there was neither rain nor mist. The peak of Kanchenjunga stood up sharp and glittering against a turquoise sky. In our ears was the roar of the Ranjit River. In the distance, almost straight in front of us and looking, in that clear air, scarcely fifty miles away, was the outline of the frontier of Tibet.

    We had returned, about a week before, from Assam, where I had gone to report on some oil indications. Grim, who made the trip with me, had amused himself by making Nepalis, Lepchas, Sikkimese and Bhutanis believe he was a Tibetan in disguise; and on the other hand, when he had met some old Tibetan pilgrims returning from India toward the Tse-tang Pass he had convinced them he was born in Sikkim. I have seen him play the same game frequently in Arab countries, using the dialect of one tribe to disguise from another such discrepancies of accent as might otherwise betray him.

    We were not, I remember, talking. Grim is a man with whom you can sit for hours on end, saying nothing, enjoying his company. Our eyes were on that splendid panorama, neither of us at the moment guessing that our destiny would lead us across it and up to the roof of the world (but not back again). We cannot now go back to the friends we knew and the world we have left behind; but, being at a loose end, we had been discussing, that morning, whether or not we should visit some friends in California.

    It was Grim who spoke first, rolling a cigarette and setting his feet on the veranda rail, framing Kanchenjunga between them as if he were squinting at the mountain through a V-sight.

    What next? he asked.

    I did not know. I was sick of business. Grim cares nothing about money, and I had made all I shall ever need; yet we were neither of us in the least disposed to loaf. Neither he nor I have any relatives who matter, we are both unmarried, we agree in loathing politics, and we are both verging on middle age–at that period of life, that is to say, when a man’s real usefulness ought to begin. If a man hasn’t acquired judgment and stability at forty-nine, he had better grow fat and keep out of the way.

    I knew Grim had been into Tibet. He was with Younghusband’s* expedition, when he got himself into disfavor by ignoring the military problems he was there ostensibly to help clear up, and studying exclusively those apparently insignificant odds and ends, that, he maintains, are the guts of things. I did not even guess that he was thinking about Tibet while he stared between his feet at Kanchenjunga.

    Before I could answer him there came and sat beside us a small smart Englishman by the name of Dudley Tyne–not a man we knew well, nor knew very much about except that he was popular, reputed dangerous, and in some vague way connected with the Secretariat. He knew how to be tactfully agreeable, but the tact was almost overdone, with the result that one fell on guard against him, though without any definite sense of dislike. We invited him to drink, and for five or six minutes he talked about the mountain range that filled the whole horizon.

    He used considerable subtlety in reaching his objective, which was information about Elmer Rait, an American of Columbus, Ohio, with whom I went to school, and with whom I was for several years in partnership until I decided it was not worthwhile to try to continue to get along with him. The things a man says don’t matter much; it is the way he feels toward yourself and others, that makes him friend or not. Elmer Rait and I talked the same language, but thought from entirely opposed angles, and I came at last to the conclusion that he was rotten at the core, although he never did anything liable to get him into prison.

    However, that was personal opinion. It was no excuse for telling tales against Rait, so I answered Mr. Tyne extremely guardedly, obliging him to disclose his reasons for so many questions.

    Rait is in Tibet, he told me at last. Our government has signed a treaty with Tibet. We recognize their right to keep strangers out of their country, and we’ve agreed to close the frontier. Rait has slipped through, which makes it awkward.

    Grim was listening, his eyes still fixed on Kanchenjunga. I noticed that he took his feet down off the rail, but he threw away his cigarette and rolled another as if the conversation didn’t interest him much.

    In what way are Rait’s movements supposed to concern me? I asked, expecting to be told that I would have to sign a promise not to try to cross the frontier–that being the Indian Government’s usual method with individuals whose exact intentions are unknown. All governments lock stable doors immediately after a horse has bolted. I would have signed such a promise without question, but fortunately it had no more entered the heads of Anglo-Indian officials than it had mine that I might venture across the border.

    I was told you quarreled with Rait some years ago. I thought you might not object to giving us information, Tyne suggested.

    I told him the exact truth; that I had none sufficiently recent to be of any use. It was seven years since I had seen or heard from Rait.

    He seems to know your whereabouts, Tyne answered. Our information is that he wrote to you from Lhasa, sending the letter by hand to someone in Darjeeling. Would you mind letting me see that letter?

    I told him I had not received it. His manners were irreproachable and he left us before long with the impression that he believed every word I said. As if to wipe away the least trace of official unpleasantness he begged us to join him at dinner that night at the club; and because we wished to show that we had not resented his questioning, Grim and I accepted. While we were at dinner with him both our rooms in the hotel were searched and every single document in our possession was gone through thoroughly. To make the raid look plausible a watch-and-chain, a little money and some odds and ends of jewelry were stolen–all of which the police recovered for us next day with an alacrity and lack of fuss that was beyond all praise, but left no doubt as to who had searched our papers.

    As we surveyed our upset luggage Grim looked at me and asked in the casual voice with which he hides emotion.

    Do you suppose Rait went to Tibet for his health? What about that? Like to look for him?

    I nodded. If memory serves, that was all the conferring we did as to whether or not we should follow Rait over the border. The very fact that his object in going was a mystery was enough to make us take the trail.

    Tyne had asked us again and again to suggest to him who might be the individual to whom Rait would direct a letter for delivery to me. We had not even tried to imagine who it might be. But now, as we looked at our clothes scattered over the floor, and realized that we had been invited out to dinner that the spies might search our rooms without risk of disturbance, we did some thinking, thought of the same man simultaneously and both spoke at once

    Chullunder Ghose!

    There was nobody else in Darjeeling whom Rait would dare to trust and who, at the same time, was known to Rait to have been more or less in my confidence. True, Grim and I had been in Darjeeling for several days since our return from Assam, and Chullunder Ghose had neither presented himself nor sent a messenger; but the fat babu,* supposing it was he who had received Rait’s letter, would be the last person on earth to betray its whereabouts to the authorities by any sort of hasty movement.

    Said Grim: If the babu has that letter, he has read it. Probably he hopes to keep its contents to himself.

    Nevertheless, we made no move until the day following, after the police had brought back our stolen trinkets. We did not even discuss the subject, but both pondered it, and both of us reached the same conclusion as to how best to avoid the incessant watchfulness of the ubiquitous Indian spies.


    It was Grim who voiced the suggestion uppermost in both our minds. Will Hancock is a reverend, possessed of weird ideas of heaven and hell and an entirely hospitable nature. He wears blue spectacles and runs a mission away across the Ranjit River, thirty miles beyond Darjeeling, breeding sturdy little ponies on the side, and writing commentaries on the Buddhist scriptures in his spare time. He has proved, to his own satisfaction, that all the Pali* manuscripts are forgeries; that the original Garden of Eden was in Ceylon; that the Afghans and Afridis are the ten lost tribes of Israel; that Alexander never crossed the Indus; and that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. He is a mild man in all except argument, an honest man in everything except debate, a genial, good-natured fellow until you mention any of the subjects and side-issues he has made his own. Behind his graying brown beard and heavily smoked glasses there is so obviously nothing except benevolence and bookish brains that not even the Intelligence Department keeps an eye on him.

    We can make it by sunset, said I.

    But we did not. It was nearly midnight when we rode up to the mission and awoke Will Hancock from a just man’s sleep by making a noise like a cat-and-dog fight, which he came out in pajamas to prevent. It took him about five minutes to unlock the iron gate under the archway, which would keep out almost anything except artillery (whereas the wall is hardly high enough to keep the knee-high convert-children in); but we rode in at last and were welcome, though we kept him out of bed beside a fragrant log fire in the mission dining-room until the dawn dyed Kanchenjunga’s summit gold and crimson and the brass bell summoned him to prayer.

    Will Hancock, who is much too shrewd not to have suspected us of mischief, sent his ponies to the hotel for our luggage and a messenger to bring Chullunder Ghose, thus throwing all suspicion off the scent, since nobody would dream of connecting Will with any intrigue more desperate than an assault on Shakespeare under the banner of Francis Bacon, sometime Earl of Verulam.

    We rewarded him by praising his clean mission work-shops, where an otherwise fortunate folk were being taught to shoulder Adam’s curse and to acquire expensive tastes for unsuitable objects. We submitted to hearing uncomfortably clean, uncomprehending children sing the Ten Commandments; and in the afternoon Grim played the chapel organ, rendering Nobody Knows How Dry I Am and Alexander’s Ragtime Band so wonderfully that Will Hancock thought they were from Handel. (He is no authority on music.)

    And in the evening came Chullunder Ghose, a sturdy-legged pony panting under him, three or four chins all grinning, a new heliotrope turban impudently poised on his enormous head, and a fat, sleek, pompous, half-ingratiating, half-truculent swagger, announcing the fact that he was glad to see us–not a doubt of that.

    Rammy sahib! And Jimgrim sahib! I am jolly well reborn! This babu might be father of twins, so proud I am at this summons, which is, doubtless, prelude to an offer of emolument! Oh yes, believe me, both yours very truly! Only name job and be done with it!

    Ungraciously, because we knew him and proposed to establish sound relationships at once, we tipped him off the pony and drove rather than led him into Hancock’s study, where the treatises on Francis Bacon and Mosaic miracles were heaped on chairs as well as on the desk and shelves. There was nowhere to sit except on the floor, so we arranged ourselves cross-legged in a triangle with the babu’s face toward the lamp so that we might read his artfully concealed emotions. Then I held out my hand.

    Give me Rait’s letter! I said abruptly.

    He shook hands, making believe he had not understood me.

    Rammy sahib, this is like old times, he said, heaving an enormous sigh. How tempus does jolly well fugit. Is your honor prosperous?

    He looked much too prosperous. He had been robbing some Americans, as all Darjeeling knew, and had not yet had time to lose the money by trying to treble or quadruple it.

    Rait’s letter! I repeated.

    He affected not to hear and began complimenting Jimgrim on his personal appearance:

    Like money in pocket to see you, sahib! Like sunrise on perpetual snow- peaks! This babu basks in your honor’s beatific presence!

    Rait’s letter! I said a third time, spanking a fist into my hand for emphasis.

    Sahib, I heard you first shot out of barrel. Silence means dissent –not knowing, can’t say–who is Rait?–What letter? –And besides, I brought no documents. How should I know why you sent for me?

    Have you read the letter? Grim asked. If so, tell us what was in it; bring the letter afterward.

    Chullunder Ghose rocked to and fro and scratched his stomach through the opening of an imported mauve and white-striped flannel shirt.

    Am all ears, he suggested. Suitable proposition might act on memory like water from a can on radish seeds. No knowing. Might do worse than try it.

    You want a blind promise? What do you take us for? asked Grim.

    Verity in all her nudity is priceless, said Chullunder Ghose. Nevertheless, am scoundrel personally and would sell same. Sealed bids will be answered very promptly.

    I’ll bid you a broken neck, I told him.

    You should take that bid to the police for registration, he retorted. This babu is incorruptible by anything but bribes. Am honest scoundrel, not contemptible skin-salvationist.

    How many people beside yourself have read the letter? Grim asked.

    Sahib, you have set accurate foot on cockroach of domestic infelicity. This babu’s wife of bosom is new fangled female who believes in ruling roost. Being virtuous mother of seven children, same being now grown up but not self-supporting–as this babu can testify on stacks of holy books of all religions–she is peevishly disposed toward secretiveness and keen on cash. Having been promised money by insidious stranger and believing, as your honors seem to do, that your humble servant had received mysterious letter from unknown correspondent, she proceeded to search all this babu’s garments–drawing blank as certainly as if she had bought ticket in Calcutta Sweep.

    For a while he chuckled silently, shaking his great stomach, until we grew impatient. Then:

    "By and by this babu was observed to bury tin biscuit-box by moonlight, under heap of manure in which she cobra was reported to have laid eggs. Report was false, since cobras are non est in neighborhood but same made no difference to female nerves. Mongooses were bought, which slew chickens of neighbors. Wandering snake charmers were consulted, and discovered cobras naturally, having brought same with them. Subsequently, coolie hired to rake manure heap brought forth empty biscuit-tin and were accused of having stolen all its contents. Heated acrimony, I assure you–followed by such meditation–you could hear my wife’s brain clicking like imported Swiss alarm-clock.

    "Virtuous mother of children had to maintain innocence and yet ease strain of her increasing curiosity and appetite for money. Same is complicated process. Much house-cleaning, in order to look under carpets; likewise most ill-tasting victuals, containing adulterants purchased from unlicensed bazaar bootlegger of confounded drugs intended to make me talk in sleep. Resultant bellyache, however, totally prevented sleep, and this babu’s haphazard remarks were beside the point altogether.

    Diet was changed, and tasted much worse. Self-preservation being first rule of all sensible religions, this babu, obeying number one rule, pretended sleep and talked much, suggesting many hiding-places–in all of which nobody home! My wife is good objectionist–first-class, but lacking enchantment which distance might add! Ring bell–they’re off! Devil take hindermost! Where do we go from here!

    Grim signaled with his eyes. I seized the babu by the arms and jerked him off his balance. Grim stuck a hand into his waist-cloth, laughed, and showed Rait’s letter in the lamplight. I let go, and the babu sat up, trying to look dignified as he rearranged his turban.

    You fat scoundrel! I said. That is my letter, addressed to me. What do you mean by not handing it over?

    Fat belly and fat head are not same thing! the babu answered. I am honest scoundrel, which is whole point.

    The seal has been broken and replaced, said Grim.

    Contents of said letter being consequently known to this babu! remarked Chullunder Ghose and once more scratched his stomach. Am your honors’ most obedient humble servant–in predicament from which I beseech rescue for the sake of former services. Tibetan spies who offered money to my wife for information as to contents of that letter are no more eager than British authorities who did ditto.

    Do you want to be bribed to hold your tongue? Grim asked him.

    Chullunder Ghose looked shocked–grieved-half-incredulous.

    Jimgrim sahib, I am scoundrel from necessity, but honest always. Being short of money, through inability to pull purse-strings of tight-wad wife –to whom I gave all my money for safe-keeping, easy-going disposition and experience of up-and-downishness of fortune being damn bad mixture –I, nevertheless, scorned offers of Tibetan spies, who would have bought that letter from me, cash down–and being refused would undoubtedly have killed me for it, had they been sure that they knew where to find it.

    Then what do you want? demanded Grim.

    Salary plus expenses!

    To do what?

    Whither thou goest, I go, same as Ruth and Boaz, in English History!

    You’re a lot too fat, said Grim.

    Not so. This is all guts, said the babu, smacking his enormous thighs. Then suddenly he changed his tone of voice and began pleading, swaying backward and forward, hurling the words at us. Sahibs! I have read that letter! You will go to Tibet. You will not be able to resist! Have I more character than you? Can I resist? I have brains–imagination – courage; I have tasted all adversities; I have encountered dangers: I am failed B.A. Calcutta University, who might have been topnotcher barrister, with only ten more marks! I am adventurer by instinct, same as you, and shall a dark skin stop me? Formerly I have shared your risks; I have been loyal to you; I have kept your secrets; I have never cheated you–not even from the petty cash box when you had your office in the Chandni Chowk in Delhi and a child could have robbed you without your knowing it. I have never refused to obey an order. I have spied and run errands and lied for you. I have made your honor and your success mine–more than mine, for I have set them ahead of mine! And all my life–I tell you, all my life!–I have longed, I have craved to go to Tibet! Shall I let this opportunity escape me? Not so! Do you make me threaten you? Then that is your fault. You are not fools: you are strong white sahibs, who know as well as I do that the color of a man’s skin is no criterion. There are white cowards and brown brave men–brown cowards and white brave men. You know that, and you have tested me a hundred times. So–scoundrel that I am–I offer you my services, to go to Tibet. Should you say yes, then I shall serve you to the death. But should you say no, then I, also, shall say no. You shall not go to Tibet without me, for I will tell the contents of that letter to the Tibetan spies and to the British authorities, both!

    He paused, out of breath, with his hands on his knees, his jaws, that were black with the close-shaven hair, shining with sweat in the lamplight.

    He has more guts than I thought, said Grim. How many people besides yourself have read the letter, babu-ji?

    None! On my honor!

    Were you followed to this place?

    Maybe. I don’t know. We shall soon discover, said Chullunder Ghose, a trifle sulkily.

    Grim signaled with his eyes again. I nodded.

    We shall have to call your bluff – said Grim. Without reading the letter, or deciding anything else, we refuse to be blackmailed. You may go and tell your tale to the authorities and get your money for it.

    Chullunder Ghose looked downcast. He lowered his head for a moment so that we saw nothing but his turban.

    Too bad, he said, looking up again. Oh, very well, I am scoundrel. I can also be magnanimous. I love you both and you may go to Tibet. I shall not tell. But I am sorry. I am heart-broken babu.

    We shall pay you, of course, for your silence, said Grim.

    Sahib, I refuse to take your money! Permission to you to go to Tibet is my free gift. You shall not deny me that one consolation.

    Grim caught my eye again, and again I nodded.

    No, he said, we won’t deny you anything in reason. If we go to Tibet, you shall come with us.

    Chullunder Ghose grinned. He did his best to look surprised, but he entirely failed. The rascal had merely shot us with the other barrel of his gun. He had been shrewd enough to realize that Grim was only testing him by offering to call his buff. He won the trick; and neither he nor we have since regretted that he did.

    CHAPTER II. A manuscript in the handwriting of jesus!

    Three men set forth seeking fortune. And the one found gold; another came on good land, and he tilled it. But the third saw sunlight making jewels of the dew. All three went by the same road. Each one thought himself the richer.

    –from The Book Of The Sayings Of Tsiang Samdup

    ELMER RAIT’S letter had been wrapped in dogskin and then enclosed in a tough brown envelope. It smelled vaguely of ghee. The white paper was filthy with finger-marks, torn here and there, and turned yellow in places with age, as if Rait had made use of such stuff as he found in the markets of Lhasa.

    "Dear Jeff: What on earth did we quarrel about? I forget. Nothing serious anyhow–probably ethics. You’re a muscular moralist, whereas I’m practical and don’t even want to make things better than they are. And here I am in Lhasa–the Forbidden City!–thinking of you, wishing you were here too, in spite of those winkers you wear, which you think are respectable compunctions, for all the world like an old maid in a bathing costume with the pants tied round her ankles. You ought to have been a bishop. You’d look splendid with a miter and crook. And how that fist of yours would shake a pulpit! However, there is nobody quite like you: nobody quite so whole-souled in stupidity with so much force behind it; nobody quite so willing to oblige a friend, and especially when the friend least deserves it; nobody more dependable. You’re like a phalanx in reserve, or a siege-train–anything heavy and honest, that can hit like Billy-o when pointed in the right direction.

    "Which is Tibet in this instance. Come along. I dare say money wouldn’t tempt you, even though your ancestors were Scotch and you’ve a fortune salted down in tax-exemptums. I have spent seven years preparing for this trip, and I have got through this far as a Tibetan trader with a Chinese accent. I am after loot, though not the kind of loot that you’ll appreciate –ancient manuscripts–priceless. Those won’t tempt you either. This will.

    "I am headed for Sham-bha-la. The place is said to be fictitious, although three or four explorers have been within thirty or forty miles of it. You’ve heard of it, of course; you and I talked

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