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Immersion Bible Studies: Mark
Immersion Bible Studies: Mark
Immersion Bible Studies: Mark
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Immersion Bible Studies: Mark

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Journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters individual lives and begins a creative work from the inside out. Shaped with the individual in mind, Immersion encourages simultaneous engagement both with the Word of God and with the God of the Word to become a new creation in Christ.

Immersion, inspired by a fresh translation--the Common English Bible--stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, they’ll be able to discover God’s revelation through readings and reflections.
Release dateJan 1, 2011
Immersion Bible Studies: Mark

Dr. Emerson B. Powery

Emerson B. Powery, Professor of Biblical Studies at Messiah College, was a contributor to the Wesley Study Bible and co-authored Invitation to the New Testament (a short-term DISCIPLE Bible study). He wrote Jesus Reads Scripture and was one of the lead editors for True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary. Powery received a Master of Divinitydegree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in New Testament and Christian

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    Immersion Bible Studies - Dr. Emerson B. Powery



    Praise for IMMERSION

    IMMERSION BIBLE STUDIES is a powerful tool in helping readers to hear God speak through Scripture and to experience a deeper faith as a result.

    Adam Hamilton, author of 24 Hours That Changed the World

    This unique Bible study makes Scripture come alive for students. Through the study, students are invited to move beyond the head into the heart of faith.

    Bishop Joseph W. Walker, author of Love and Intimacy

    This beautiful series helps readers become fluent in the words and thoughts of God, for purposes of illumination, strength building, and developing a closer walk with the One who loves us so.

    Laurie Beth Jones, author of Jesus, CEO and The Path

    I highly commend to you IMMERSION BIBLE STUDIES, which tells us what the Bible teaches and how to apply it personally.

    John Ed Mathison, author of Treasures of the Transformed Life

    The IMMERSION BIBLE STUDIES series is no less than a game changer. It ignites the purpose and power of Scripture by showing us how to do more than just know God or love God; it gives us the tools to love like God as well.

    Shane Stanford, author of You Can't Do Everything . . . So Do Something




    by Emerson B. Powery

    Copyright © 2011 by Abingdon Press

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed in writing to Permissions Office, 201 Eighth Avenue, South, P. O. Box 801, Nashville, Tennessee 37202-0801, faxed to 615-749-6128, or e-mailed to permissions@abingdonpress.com.

    Scripture quotations in this publication, unless otherwise indicated, are from the Common English Bible, © Copyright 2010 by Common English Bible, and are used by permission.

    Scriptures marked NRSV are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Powery, Emerson B.

    Mark / Emerson B. Powery.

             p. cm. —(Immersion Bible studies)

    ISBN 978-1-4267-0916-6 (curriculum—printed/text plus-cover, adhesive - perfect

    binding : alk. paper)

    1. Bible. N.T. Mark—Textbooks. I. Title.

    BS2586.P68 2010



    Editor: Jack A. Keller, Jr.

    Leader Guide Writer: Martha Bettis Gee

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20––10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Manufactured in the United States of America




    1. Jesus' Authority as Son of God

    2. Jesus' Authority and Power Revealed in Healings

    3. Jesus' Authority and Power Revealed in Nature Miracles

    4. Teachings and Parables to the Chosen

    5. Teachings and Parables to Those Eager to Hear

    6. Teachings and Parables to Those Who Opposed Jesus

    7. Jesus' Passion and Crucifixion

    8. Jesus' Burial and Resurrection

    Leader Guide




    A fresh new look at the Bible, from beginning to end,

    and what it means in your life.

    Welcome to IMMERSION!

    We've asked some of the leading Bible scholars, teachers, and pastors to help us with a new kind of Bible study. IMMERSION remains true to Scripture but always asks, Where are you in your life? What do you struggle with? What makes you rejoice? Then it helps you read the Scriptures to discover their deep, abiding truths. IMMERSION is about God and God's Word, and it is also about you––not just your thoughts, but your feelings and your faith.

    In each study you will prayerfully read the Scripture and reflect on it. Then you will engage it in three ways:

    Claim Your Story

    Through stories and questions, think about your life, with its struggles and joys.

    Enter the Bible Story

    Explore Scripture and consider what God is saying to you.

    Live the Story

    Reflect on what you have discovered, and put it into practice in your life.

    IMMERSION makes use of an exciting new translation of Scripture, the Common English Bible (CEB). The CEB and IMMERSION BIBLE STUDIES will offer adults:

    the emotional expectation to find the love of God

    the rational expectation to find the knowledge of God

    reliable, genuine, and credible power to transform lives

    clarity of language

    Whether you are using the Common English Bible or another translation, IMMERSION BIBLE STUDIES will offer a refreshing plunge into God's Word, your life, and your life with God.


    Jesus' Authority as Son of God

    Mark 1:1-20; 3:13-19

    Claim Your Story

    Make a mental list of persons in our society—or better, in your particular community—who exercise some measure of authority. What roles do those persons play? Are they coaches? Teachers? Police officers? Elected officials? Parents or guardians? Lawyers? Judges? Big Brothers? Big Sisters? Guidance counselors? Researchers? Food inspectors? Clergy? Contractors? Doctors? Business executives or managers? Union leaders? Investment bankers? Regulatory officials?

    Does the word authority have positive or negative connotations for you? What positive examples of authority have you heard about or observed? What abuses of authority have you heard about or observed? What do you think accounts for the difference? Have you heard of situations in which people have performed surprising acts in the name of religious authority? Whether you agree or not with the action that was carried out, what were your reactions to the claim that the act was performed in the name of God?

    The issue of authority was critical in the opening chapters of Jesus' mission. From where did his authority come? Why did the mainstream religious authorities not easily validate his authority?

    What does Scripture have to say about Jesus' authority? What does Scripture say about the authority granted to his followers?

    Enter the Bible Story

    The opening of the Gospel of Mark is about authority. Of course, it was a particular authority that Mark had in mind. He was writing a story about the authority of Jesus, who was (and is), as the opening verse suggests, God's Son. Now that is authority! The title God's Son is quite rare in the Gospel of Mark. Jesus never refers to himself in this way. In Mark he prefers to use another title for himself, the Human One (CEB) or Son of Man (NRSV). No human figure recognizes Jesus as the Son of God until the Roman centurion confesses Jesus as God's Son at Jesus' death (15:39). For Mark, Jesus' ultimate authority as God's Son was closely associated with his ultimate sacrifice.

    The discussion on authority does not end with the opening words of this Gospel. Mark linked the telling of his story with Isaiah's story. He wanted to assure his readers that the story he was about to relay was one that had ancient roots. In the first-century world, new stories needed to have connections to the past to be trustworthy. Old was better! So Mark informed his readers that the coming of Jesus was tied directly to a plan that God had had in place for a long time. Again, for Mark, this helped to establish Jesus' authority.

    Across the Testaments

    Mark's Use of Isaiah

    Mark began his story with a citation from Scripture, making a connection to the Book of Isaiah to describe John's activity. This scriptural text establishes the authority of John's appearance. Although the prophecy of Isaiah is listed as the source of this citation, verses 2-3 are a conflation of two or three texts: Exodus 23:20, Malachi 3:1, and Isaiah 40:3. Other Jews, such as the Essenes in Qumran (a community on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea), also read Isaiah 40 as a sign of their present condition. For this Jewish sect, this passage highlighted their communal activity depicting the way in the desert. Their preparation, in the wilderness, included a constant reading and study of the Law. In Mark's interpretation of Isaiah 40, John's preaching (and Jesus' preaching) was preparation for the way. For Mark, this way took on a technical meaning as well, as the way to the cross (see 1:2-3; 8:27; 9:33-34; 10:32). It was also a way that caused Jesus, and John, to stay involved in the everyday affairs of the mainstream. That is, unlike the residents of Qumran, they did not understand Isaiah 40 as a message to relocate to the desert in order to maintain their faith. Their mission kept them among the local villages and near the city of Jerusalem.

    The other major point of authority was Jesus' association with John, who arrived on the scene as one who

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