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Mastering PHP 7
Mastering PHP 7
Mastering PHP 7
Ebook595 pages7 hours

Mastering PHP 7

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

About This Book
  • Leverage the newest tools available in PHP 7 to build scalable applications
  • Embrace serverless architecture and the reactive programming paradigm, which are the latest additions to the PHP ecosystem
  • Explore dependency injection and implement design patterns to write elegant code
Who This Book Is For

This book is for intermediate level developers who want to become a master of PHP. Basic knowledge of PHP is required across areas such as basic syntax, types, variables, constants, expressions, operators, control structures, and functions.

Release dateJun 27, 2017
Mastering PHP 7

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    Mastering PHP 7 - Ajzele Branko

    Mastering PHP 7

    Design, configure, build, and test professional web applications in PHP 7

    Branko Ajzele


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    Mastering PHP 7

    Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author(s), nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: June 2017

    Production reference: 1220617

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78588-281-4



    About the Author

    Branko Ajzele is an internationally respected and highly accomplished software developer, book author, solution specialist, consultant, and team leader.

    Strong technical knowledge coupled with the ability to communicate those technicalities frequently and clearly with strong direction has enabled him to architect, develop, and launch numerous successful businesses. He often feels comfortable proposing alternatives to demands that he feels can be improved, even when it means pulling a late shift to meet deadlines.

    He holds several respected IT certifications, such as Zend Certified PHP Engineer, Magento Certified Developer, Magento Certified Developer Plus, Magento Certified Solution Specialist, and a few more.

    Branko was crowned E-commerce Developer of the Year by Digital Entrepreneur Awards in October 2014 for his excellent knowledge and expertise in e-commerce development. His work is second to none, and he is truly dedicated to helping fellow developers around the world.

    He currently works as a full-time contractor for Lab Lateral Ltd, an award-winning team of innovative thinkers, artists, and developers specializing in customer-centric websites, digital consultancy, and marketing. Here, he holds the role of a lead developer and the head of Lab's Croatia office.

    The book, Instant E-Commerce with Magento: Build a Shop, by Packt was his first Magento-related book oriented toward Magento newcomers, after which he decided to write his second book, Getting Started with Magento Extension Development. The third book, Magento 2 Developers Guide, was released days after the official Magento 2 release. His fourth book, Modular Programming with PHP 7, describes modular design techniques to help developers build readable, manageable, reusable, and more efficient code, and doing so on a mini web shop application written in the Symfony framework.

    About the Reviewers

    Martin Beaudry started his programming career 7 years ago by creating a software in C after going through the K&R book. He then switched to PHP to work as a web developer, becoming a Zend Certified PHP Engineer and Zend Certified Architect along the way. Before learning computer languages, he worked with human ones as a professional translator and editor.

    Martin works in his own start-up and is one of Linux for PHP's contributors.

    I want to thank my friend, Andrew Caya, for teaching me everything I needed to know to review this book.

    Andrew Caya discovered his passion for computers at the age of 11 and started programming in GW-BASIC and QBASIC in the early 90s. He earned a master’s degree in Information Science and master's short program in public administration. After doing some software development in C, C++, and Perl, and some Linux system administration, he became a PHP developer more than 7 years ago. He is also a Zend Certified PHP Engineer and a Zend Certified Architect.

    He is the creator of Linux for PHP, a lightweight, Docker-based, custom Linux project that allows PHP developers to easily compile and use recent versions of PHP in a variety of ways. He is also the lead developer of a popular Joomla! extension and has the great pleasure of contributing code to many open source projects.

    He is currently a professional contract programmer in Montreal, Canada, a technical reviewer for Packt, and a loving husband and father.

    Alexandru-Emil Lupu has about 10 years experience in the Web Development area. During this time, he got a lot of skills from the implementation of e-commerce platforms and presentation sites' code writing to online games. He is one of the developers who are constantly learning new programming languages, and he has no problem in understanding Ruby, PHP, Python, JavaScript, and Java code.

    Alexandru is very passionate about programming and computer science. When he was young, he did not own a computer or an Internet connection (hard to believe, but true). He would go to an Internet cafe in order to read about his programming problems and would then struggle to implement them at home. He fondly remembers those days and hopes he's the same guy from 10 years ago with much more experience. For him, passion is the word that describes the challenge he faced while learning. He says it was not easy to be a youngster and one who was willing to learn new stuff. Coming home at 2-3 A.M., determined to install Linux just to learn about it, was not as easy as it sounds. He had a Pentium I at 133 MHz in the Pentium IV in the 1800 MHz era!

    He is constantly learning and likes to stay close to well-trained and passionate people who better motivate him every day. This is the reason he joined the eJobs team to face a challenge. He likes teams who work intelligently and are energetic.

    Alexandru is a Certified Scrum Master and is passionate about Agile Development. His experience also includes 3 years as a Ruby on Rails developer and CTO at 2Performant Network (2Parale), 4 years at eRepublik.com, an online game, during which he was responsible for a long list of tasks, including feature development, performance optimization, and he was also the tech lead for an internal project. He has learned the hard way the necessary skills to fulfill his day-to-day tasks at 2Performant.com and gained all the experience he needed to face new kind of challenges at eJobs.ro.

    In his little free time, he also develops small personal projects. If he still has spare time, he reads some technical or project management books or articles. When he is relaxing, he watches thriller movies and also likes playing shooter or strategy games.

    He doesn't talk too much, but he is willing to teach programming to others. If you meet him over a coffee, prepare yourself to be entertained--he likes to tell a lot of contextual jokes.

    You can interact with him at http://github.com/alecslupu.

    Mario Magdic is a full-stack software developer originally from Croatia and currently residing in Dublin, Ireland, where he moved 2 years ago to work for a FinTech company. He was first introduced to the wonderful world of software development in a high school programming class and decided to make it his career.

    During his career, he has had an opportunity to work with various technologies and programming languages and is always happy to improve and learn new things.


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    I hereby dedicate this book to my loving late grandma, Katarina, whose help throughout my school days will always be remembered and appreciated.

    Table of Contents


    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support

    Downloading the example code




    The All New PHP

    Scalar type hints

    Return type hints

    Anonymous classes

    Generator delegation

    Generator return expressions

    The null coalesce operator

    The spaceship operator

    Constant arrays

    Uniform variable syntax


    Group use declarations

    Catching multiple exceptions types

    Class constant visibility modifiers

    Iterable pseudo-type

    Nullable types

    Void return types


    Embracing Standards

    PSR-1 - basic coding standard

    PSR-2 - coding style guide

    PSR-3 - logger interface

    PSR-4 - autoloading standard

    PSR-6 - caching interface

    PSR-7 - HTTP message interface

    PSR-13 - hypermedia links


    Error Handling and Logging

    Error handling







    Uncaught error handler

    Triggering errors


    Creating a custom exception handler

    Rethrowing exceptions

    Uncaught Exception handler


    Native logging

    Logging with Monolog


    Magic Behind Magic Methods

    Using __construct()

    Using __destruct()

    Using __call()

    Using __callStatic()

    Using __set()

    Using __get()

    Using __isset()

    Using __unset()

    Using __sleep()

    Using __wakeup()

    Using __toString()

    Using __invoke()

    Using __set_state()

    Using __clone()

    Using __debugInfo()

    Usage statistics across popular platforms


    The Realm of CLI

    Understanding PHP CLI

    The Console component

    Setting up the Console component

    Creating a console command

    Dealing with inputs

    Using Console component helpers

    Input/output streams

    Process control






    Prominent OOP Features

    Object inheritance

    Objects and references

    Object iteration

    Object comparison




    Optimizing for High Performance

    Max execution time

    Memory management

    File uploads

    Session handling

    Output buffering

    Disabling debug messages

    Zend OPcache



    Going Serverless

    Using the serverless framework

    Using Iron.io IronWorker


    Reactive Programming

    Similarities with event-driven programming

    Using RxPHP

    Installing RxPHP

    Observable and observer



    Writing custom operators

    Non-blocking IO

    Using React

    Installing React

    React event loop

    Observables and event loop 


    Common Design Patterns

    Base patterns

    The registry pattern

    Creational patterns

    The singleton pattern

    The prototype pattern

    The abstract factory pattern

    The builder pattern

    The object pool pattern

    Behavioral patterns

    The strategy pattern

    The observer pattern

    The lazy initialization pattern

    The chain of responsibility pattern

    Structural patterns

    The decorator pattern


    Building Services

    Understanding the client-server relationship

    Working with SOAP

    XML extensions

    Creating server

    Creating WSDL file

    Creating client

    Working with REST

    JSON extensions

    Creating server

    Creating client

    Working with Apache Thrift (RPC)

    Installing Apache Thrift

    Defining service

    Creating server

    Creating client

    Understanding microservices


    Working with Databases

    Working with MySQL

    Installing MySQL

    Setting up sample data

    Querying via the MySQLi driver extension


    Error handling


    Binding parameters





    Querying via the PHP Data Objects driver extension


    Error handling






    Working with MongoDB

    Installing MongoDB

    Setting up sample data

    Querying via the MongoDB driver extension


    Error handling






    Working with Redis

    Installing Redis

    Setting up sample data

    Querying via the phpredis driver extension


    Error handling







    Resolving Dependencies

    Mitigating the common problem

    Understanding dependency injection

    Understanding dependency injection container


    Working with Packages

    Understanding Composer

    Understanding Packagist

    Using third-party packages

    Creating your own package

    Distributing your package


    Testing the Important Bits


    Setting up the PHPUnit

    Setting up a sample application

    Writing test

    Executing tests

    Code coverage


    Setting up Behat

    Setting up a sample application

    Writing test

    Executing tests


    Setting up phpspec

    Writing test

    Executing tests


    Writing test

    Executing tests


    Debugging, Tracing, and Profiling






    Zend Z-Ray

    Installing Zend Server

    Setting up the virtual host

    Using Z-Ray


    Hosting, Provisioning, and Deployment

    Choosing the right hosting plan

    Shared server

    Virtual private server

    Dedicated server


    Automating provisioning

    Setting up the workstation machine

    Setting up the server machine

    Configuring Ansible

    Provisioning a web server

    Automating the deployment

    Installing Deployer

    Using Deployer

    Continuous integration




    The PHP language has been around for quite some time now. What started out as a humble set of scripts, soon turned into a powerful scripting language. The rise of various frameworks and platforms paved the way into the hearts of many developers. Over time, PHP coding standards sprung out, along with numerous testing solutions. These gave it the solid enterprise foothold it has today.

    The latest PHP 7.1 release brings forth enormous amount of improvements, both from the language syntax and overall performance perspective. There has never been a better time to dig into a PHP than now.

    Throughout this book, we will be covering a wide range of topics. These might seem seemingly random at first, but they reflect a minimum skill level PHP developers are required to possess nowadays.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, The All New PHP, talks about the latest changes introduced to the PHP 7.1 language, most of which directly improve the quality and elegancy of written code.

    Chapter 2, Embracing Standards, introduces you to important standards in the PHP ecosystem. Presented standards affect the quality and elegancy of code, pushing ypu closer to truly mastering PHP.

    Chapter 3, Error Handling and Logging, stresses on the importance of robust error handling and effective logging. You will learn how to handle errors and log truly important bits of information--two disciplines that often lack proper attention in everyday PHP coding.

    Chapter 4, Magic Behind Magic Methods, discusses the magic functions available in PHP classes, and their beauty and importance. You will learn every PHP magic method, and its meaning and use through practical examples.

    Chapter 5, The Realm of CLI, explores command-line PHP, and its tools and processes. You will learn how to use Symfony's Console component, work with input/output streams, and handle processes.

    Chapter 6, Prominent OOP Features, looks at a subset of features that turn PHP into a powerful OOP language. You will learn important concepts behind PHP OOP features, part of which may escape everyday code base as they find more use as building blocks of various frameworks.

    Chapter 7, Optimizing for High Performance, talks about the importance of performance optimization, providing hands-on solutions along the way. You will learn about details of the PHP performance optimization, where small configuration changes can affect the overall application performance.

    Chapter 8, Going Serverless, outlines using PHP and its use in serverless infrastructure. You will gain an insight into the emerging serverless architecture, along with utilizing it via two of the dominant PaaS (platform as a service) solutions in the market.

    Chapter 9, Reactive Programming, covers the emerging reactive programming paradigm that found its way into the PHP ecosystem. You will learn the basic principles of reactive programming using the synchronous coding techniques to write asynchronous code via icicle, one of the most dominant libraries in the ecosystem now.

    Chapter 10, Common Design Patterns, focuses on the subset of design patterns, and the most common ones used in PHP programming. You will learn the practical implementation of several important design patterns, which, in turn, will result in more elegant, readable, manageable, and testable code.

    Chapter 11, Building Services, takes you through REST, SOAP, and RPC style services, alongside with the microservice architecture. You will learn how to create a SOAP and REST web server, alongside their respective client counterparts.

    Chapter 12, Working with Databases, explains the several types of database PHP programmers need to interact with, such as transactional SQL, NoSQL, key-value, and search databases. You will learn how to query the MySQL, Mongo, and Redis databases.

    Chapter 13, Resolving Dependencies, explores the dependency issue and the means to resolve it. You will learn how to solve the dependency issue using the dependency injection and dependency container techniques.

    Chapter 14, Working with Packages, covers the ecosystem around PHP packages, and their creation and distribution. You will learn how to find and use third-party packages to enrich applications, along with a quick glimpse of possibly creating and distributing its own packages.

    Chapter 15, Testing the Important Bits, dives into several types of testing, emphasizing where one might be more important than the other. You will learn several most common types of testing done for PHP web applications.

    Chapter 16, Debugging, Tracing, and Profiling, teaches you the most common tools for debugging, tracing, and profiling PHP applications. You will learn how to utilize several various tools to achieve effective debugging, tracing, and profiling of your application.

    Chapter 17, Hosting, Provisioning, and Deployment, discusses making an informed decision for hosting the application, along with provisioning, deployment, and continuous integration processes in place. You will learn about the difference between hosting solutions and the automated process of getting the code from local to production machines.

    What you need for this book

    Throughout this book, there are a number of simple and self-contained code and configuration examples. To successfully run these, we can easily make use of the Ubuntu powered desktop (https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop) and server (https://www.ubuntu.com/server) machines. Those of you using Windows or OSX machines can easily install Ubuntu within a VirtualBox. Installation instructions for VirtualBox can be found on the official VirtualBox page (https://www.virtualbox.org/).

    Who this book is for

    Target readers are assumed to be intermediate-level PHP developers. This book will embark you on a journey to become a master in PHP. Solid knowledge of PHP is implied across areas such as basic syntax, types, variables, constants, expressions, operators, control structures, and functions.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: Objects might utilize the PHP Serializable interface, __sleep() or __wakeup() magic methods.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: We start by clicking the New Project button under the Iron.io dashboard.

    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    The All New PHP

    Programming languages nowadays are a dime a dozen. New languages spring into existence every so often. Choosing the right one for the job is so much more than just a checklist of its features. Some of them target specific problem domains, others try to position themselves for more general use. This goes to say that software development is a dynamic ecosystem where languages need to constantly adapt to ever-changing industry in order to stay relevant to its consumers. These changes are particularly challenging for already established languages such as PHP, where backward compatibility is an important consideration.

    Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf around 1995, PHP started its life as nothing more than a few Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs in C. At that time, it was a simple scripting solution that empowered developers to build dynamic HTML pages with ease. Without the need to compile, developers could easily throw in a few lines of code into a file and see the results in the browser. This gave a rise to its early popularity. Two decades later, PHP matured into a rich general-purpose scripting language suited to web development. Throughout all these years, PHP managed to yield an impressive set of features with each new release whilst maintaining a trustworthy level of backward compatibility. Nowadays, large number of its core extensions ultimately simplify working with files, sessions, cookies, databases, web services, cryptography, and many other features common to web development. Its outstanding support for the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm made it truly competitive with other leading industry languages.


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