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The Birds
The Birds
The Birds
Ebook86 pages1 hour

The Birds

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Two middle-aged men stumbling across a hillside wilderness are guided by a pet crow and a pet jackdaw. One of them advises the audience that they are fed up with life in Athens, where people do nothing all day but argue over laws, and they are looking for Tereus, a king who was once metamorphosed into the Hoopoe, for they believe he might help them find a better life somewhere else.
Release dateOct 25, 2016
The Birds


Often referred to as the father of comedy, Aristophanes was an ancient Greek comedic playwright who was active in ancient Athens during the fourth century BCE, both during and after the Peloponnesian War. His surviving plays collectively represent most of the extant examples of the genre known as Old Comedy and serve as a foundation for future dramatic comedy in Western dramatic literature. Aristophanes’ works are most notable for their political satire, and he often ridiculed public figures, including, most famously, Socrates, in his play The Clouds. Aristophanes is also recognized for his realistic representations of daily life in Athens, and his works provide an important source to understand the social reality of life in Ancient Greece. Aristophanes died sometime after 386 BCE of unknown causes.

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Rating: 3.215517182758621 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Two men who go to the birds to set up a utopian city in the clouds so they can "oust" the gods from Olympus. Supposedly the birds were created before the Titans and were more worthy of being worshipped than the Olympians.I guess this is supposed to be a parody of utopianism. It is funny in places, though some of it was bawdy. I'm glad I read this play because it's a "classic", but I probably wouldn't recommend it to others. I do think it's cool that a play can survive over 2000 years after it was written, though.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Masterful translation of a witty play. I'm not sure of the meaning of the play, but I can see where elements of low humor today were birthed in ancient times. I appreciated the translator's notes and glossary. They explained many obscure [to us] references--cultural and topical in Aristophanes' day. I read this to compare it with Braunfels' treatment of the story in his opera "Die Vogel" based on the same play.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a great play in any translation, but Arrowsmith's decision to use various dialects (such as Brooklynese) for some of the characters (to reproduce the effect the use of various Greek dialects would have had on the original audience) is brilliant. This is inspired nonsense that holds up even after 2000 years. If you think Greek plays aren't for you, try this one.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Nephelococcygia, a metropolis in air,
    Zeus' cloudy nightmare,
    Unlikely a bedroom scare
    From a sparrow’s wild rare.

    A respite between heaven and earth,
    “An avian heaven”, says Pisthetaerus,
    Flirting with the nightingale’s mirth
    Hoopoe consents ; what a fucking putz!

    Sacred chants float over the lustral waters,
    The birds join the jubilant choir,
    The peacock dancing in a tutu simply backfires,
    It’s not an ass-whooping Le Ballet Noir!

    The pelican, the spoon-bill, the horned-owl, the teal, the stormy petrel and the titmouse,
    Solemnized the laws of the land,
    Harboring the Olympians grouse,
    I rather be chained and canned.

    Messiah to Bitch Dependency,
    “Birds over bitches!” proclaims a pimp called Slickback,
    Pleading for wings is a bitch tendency,
    Cloud-cuckoo town- a two-cent hustler.

    Rainbows descent on womanly divinity,
    “That’s a bitch!” , yelps Slickback,
    Iris, messenger of Gods, heart of Zeus’ affinity,
    “That bitch’s gonna fuck y’all".

    Perching on twigs, the birds laud the forgotten heroes,
    A choral interlude, a cry for pigeons,
    Howl the pigeons preening their Afros,
    “You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucking wigeons!”

    A cry of an amateur,
    Verses may not rationally click
    Least an award clincher,
    I care a fuck ; I just blasted a stick!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a brilliant commentary. It was more or less the work of a lifetime. Nan Dunbar became a bird watcher in order to understand the bird lore properly. The commentary is very detailed and explains pretty well everything.

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The Birds - Aristophanes


The Birds




New Edition

Published by Sovereign Classic


This Edition

First published in 2016

Copyright © 2016 Sovereign Classic

ISBN: 9781911535829





‘The Birds’ differs markedly from all the other Comedies of Aristophanes which have come down to us in subject and general conception. It is just an extravaganza pure and simple—a graceful, whimsical theme chosen expressly for the sake of the opportunities it afforded of bright, amusing dialogue, pleasing lyrical interludes, and charming displays of brilliant stage effects and pretty dresses. Unlike other plays of the same Author, there is here apparently no serious political MOTIF underlying the surface burlesque and buffoonery.

Some critics, it is true, profess to find in it a reference to the unfortunate Sicilian Expedition, then in progress, and a prophecy of its failure and the political downfall of Alcibiades. But as a matter of fact, the whole thing seems rather an attempt on the dramatist’s part to relieve the overwrought minds of his fellow-citizens, anxious and discouraged at the unsatisfactory reports from before Syracuse, by a work conceived in a lighter vein than usual and mainly unconnected with contemporary realities. The play was produced in the year 414 B.C., just when success or failure in Sicily hung in the balance, though already the outlook was gloomy, and many circumstances pointed to impending disaster. Moreover, the public conscience was still shocked and perturbed over the mysterious affair of the mutilation of the Hermae, which had occurred immediately before the sailing of the fleet, and strongly suspicious of Alcibiades’ participation in the outrage. In spite of the inherent charm of the subject, the splendid outbursts of lyrical poetry in some of the choruses and the beauty of the scenery and costumes, ‘The Birds’ failed to win the first prize. This was acclaimed to a play of Aristophanes’ rival, Amipsias, the title of which, ‘The Comastoe,’ or ‘Revellers,’ seems to imply that the chief interest was derived from direct allusions to the outrage above mentioned and to the individuals suspected to have been engaged in it.

For this reason, which militated against its immediate success, viz. the absence of direct allusion to contemporary politics—there are, of course, incidental references here and there to topics and personages of the day—the play appeals perhaps more than any other of our Author’s productions to the modern reader. Sparkling wit, whimsical fancy, poetic charm, are of all ages, and can be appreciated as readily by ourselves as by an Athenian audience of two thousand years ago, though, of course, much is inevitably lost without the important adjuncts of music, scenery, dresses and what we may call ‘spectacle’ generally, which we know in this instance to have been on the most magnificent scale.

The plot is this. Euelpides and Pisthetaerus, two old Athenians, disgusted with the litigiousness, wrangling and sycophancy of their countrymen, resolve upon quitting Attica. Having heard of the fame of Epops (the hoopoe), sometime called Tereus, and now King of the Birds, they determine, under the direction of a raven and a jackdaw, to seek from him and his subject birds a city free from all care and strife. Arrived at the Palace of Epops, they knock, and Trochilus (the wren), in a state of great flutter, as he mistakes them for fowlers, opens the door and informs them that his Majesty is asleep. When he awakes, the strangers appear before him, and after listening to a long and eloquent harangue on the superior attractions of a residence among the birds, they propose a notable scheme of their own to further enhance its advantages and definitely secure the sovereignty of the universe now exercised by the gods of Olympus.

The birds are summoned to meet in general council. They come flying up from all quarters of the heavens, and after a brief mis-understanding, during which they come near tearing the two human envoys to pieces, they listen to the exposition of the latters’ plan. This is nothing less than the building of a new city, to be called Nephelococcygia, or ‘Cloud-cuckoo-town,’ between earth and heaven, to be garrisoned and guarded by the birds in such a way as to intercept all communication of the gods with their worshippers on earth. All steam of sacrifice will be prevented from rising to Olympus, and the Immortals will very soon be starved into an acceptance of any terms proposed. The new Utopia is duly constructed, and the daring plan to secure the sovereignty is in a fair way to succeed. Meantime various quacks and charlatans, each with a special scheme for improving things, arrive from earth, and are one after the other exposed and dismissed. Presently arrives Prometheus, who informs Epops of the desperate straits to which the gods are by this time reduced, and advises him to push his claims and demand the hand of Basileia (Dominion), the handmaid of Zeus. Next an embassy from the Olympians appears on the scene, consisting of Heracles, Posidon and a god from the savage regions of the Triballians. After some disputation, it is agreed that all reasonable demands of the birds are to be granted, while Pisthetaerus is to have Basileia as his bride. The comedy winds up with the epithalamium in honour of the nuptials.





EPOPS (the Hoopoe)

TROCHILUS, Servant to Epops






METON, a Geometrician





CINESIAS, a Dithyrambic Bard










A wild, desolate tract of open country; broken rocks and brushwood occupy the centre of the stage.

EUELPIDES (TO HIS JAY)(1) Do you think I should walk straight for yon tree?

f(1) Euelpides is holding a jay and Pisthetaerus a crow; they are the guides who are to lead them to the kingdom of the birds.

PISTHETAERUS (TO HIS CROW) Cursed beast, what are you croaking to me?... to retrace my steps?


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