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The Magnolia Ball Iii: The Conclusion
The Magnolia Ball Iii: The Conclusion
The Magnolia Ball Iii: The Conclusion
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The Magnolia Ball Iii: The Conclusion

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In THE MAGNOLIA BALL -dash- TWO, Bonita Roberts was wrongfully incarcerated in the New Hanover County Jail and since has taken to her bed in Spencer, Tennessee, a humiliated and broken woman. Hannah, her faithful maid, fears for her employer’s life because of Bonita’s refusal to eat. The former “Queen of Spencer Society” will see no one and only rouses herself to heed the call of nature or when Hannah insists that she bathe. Will the little Mexican girl who survived living in a two-room mosquito and rodent-infested shack with numerous brothers and sisters and an abusive father; who survived thirty years as a high-priced call girl in Los Angeles; and who survived her fall from social dowager status to pariah in Dorchester County, South Carolina, at last be fatally and finally crushed after the ordeal in Spencer? Or will she arise once again from the ashes to claim what she considers her rightful place in society?

THE MAGNOLIA BALL III is filled with mansions, private eyes, a Princess, white slavery, plastic surgery, beautiful and spoiled women, haute coutour, decadent extravagance, gossip, Southern nuances, mores, and colloquialisms. It's another and the final delightful and "tongue in cheek" romp through Dixie as "The Magnolia Trilogy" comes to its conclusion.

Release dateDec 17, 2009
The Magnolia Ball Iii: The Conclusion

Rebecca Tebbs Nunn

Rebecca Nunn holds a BA degree in Dramatic Arts from Mary Washington College. She has appeared in numerous stage productions and in radio and television commercials. Ms. Nunn?s first two books were entitled The Magnolia Ball and Stolen Sons. The Magnolia Ball-dash-Two is a continuation of the first book, the second in The Magnolia Series. Rebecca lives in Raleigh, NC, and Kilmarnock, Virginia.

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    The Magnolia Ball Iii - Rebecca Tebbs Nunn

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    ISBN: 978-1-4401-9316-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4401-9317-0 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date: 05/12/2022


    "T he Magnolia Ball III is dedicated to my sister-in-law Bert Nunn who suggested the title for the third of the Magnolia Series. The title she suggested was And the Magnolia Blossoms. . .Again! Alas, my editor did not like it, but my dedication stands because Bert and I believe, in our case, that we are sisters-in-law by marriage and friends by choice.






    Chapter 1 Bonita Defeated

    Chapter 2 Alexa And Norman

    Chapter 3 Back In Spencer

    Chapter 4 Hank

    Chapter 5 Joey Scappaticcio

    Chapter 6 Bart And Kim

    Chapter 7 Other Roberts’ Family Members

    Chapter 8 The Delivery Man Cometh

    Chapter 9 Princess Maximillian

    Chapter 10 The Appointment

    Chapter 11 Ralph, Maggie, And Luzanne

    Chapter 12 Miss Twyla

    Chapter 13 Bonita Goes Under The Knife

    Chapter 14 Is Someone Following Bonita?

    Chapter 15 New Gifts And New Girls

    Chapter 16 Bryan Checks Out The Bad Guys

    Chapter 17 Keeping Bonita Under Wraps

    Chapter 18 Crash And Change

    Chapter 19 How Can Bart Tell Kim?

    Chapter 20 Bryan Hits Paydirt

    Chapter 21 A Call To Donnice

    Chapter 22 New Eyes?

    Chapter 23 Intrigue For Bryan

    Chapter 24 A House In Wilmington

    Chapter 25 Xandi And Hair Tdf

    Chapter 26 Two Mexican Maids

    Chapter 27 Transformation Continues

    Chapter 28 The Hunt

    Chapter 29 Precious And Miss Twyla

    Chapter 30 Tying Up Loose Ends

    Chapter 31 Kim’s Proposal

    Chapter 32 Twyla Gets The Goods

    Chapter 33 The Meeting

    Chapter 34 Magnolia Ball In Wilmington?

    Chapter 35 All The Ships Come In

    Chapter 36 Norman Frets

    Chapter 37 The Committee Meets

    Chapter 38 Hannah And Izonia Meet

    Chapter 39 Hank Makes His Move

    Chapter 40 Bonita To The Rescue

    Chapter 41 Another Story

    Chapter 42 Mexico Bound

    Chapter 43 The Plan In Motion

    Chapter 44 Mission Accomplished

    Chapter 45 Get The Goods And Arrest’em

    Chapter 46 The Ball Approacheth

    Chapter 47 Wedding Bells



    About the Author


    L ike the mythical Greek phoenix, a bird that lived for 500 years and then burned itself upon a pyre of ashes only to rise from those ashes anew to live another 500 years, and also like the present-day rock icon Madonna who remakes herself every few years, Bonita prepares to forsake her sackcloth and ashes to blossom once again!


    H aving been wrongfully incarcerated in the New Hanover County Jail, Bonita has taken to her bed in Spencer, Tennessee, a humiliated and broken woman. Hannah fears for her employer’s life because of Bonita’s refusal to eat. The former Queen of Spencer Society will see no one and only rouses herself to heed the call of nature or when Hannah insists that she bathe. It seems as though the little Mexican girl who survived living in a two-room mosquito and rodent-infested shack with numerous brothers and sisters and an abusive father, who survived thirty years as a high-priced call girl in Los Angeles, and who survived her fall from social dowager status to pariah in Dorchester County, South Carolina, may at last be fatally and finally crushed after the ordeal in Spencer.


    T HANKS:

    To my daughter, Ashley Nunn, an equestrian assisted psychotherapist and clinical psychologist, for making sure my technical terms regarding mental health are correct.

    To my husband, Spike Nunn, a retired American Airlines Captain, for providing me with information regarding airlines and their procedures, plus information about small planes, and for assisting me in translating English into Spanish.

    To BJ, my hairdresser, for telling me about a barge used for illegal purposes.

    To Sandy Williams for providing me with the perfect model for Xandi.

    To Martha Howe for being nicknamed Sugarbritches, and allowing me to use it.

    To Nancy Nilsson, Alabama playwright, for her excellent editing.

    And finally, a big thank-you to Bonita for providing me with so much fodder about which to write.


    Bonita Defeated

    "S he gone shrivel up and die. That’s what she’s gone do if I can’t get her to eat a bite," Hannah muttered as she carried yet another untouched tray from Bonita’s boudoir down the stairs. Eight months had passed since Bonita’s incarceration in the Spencer jail.

    Bonita had risen from her bed in those eight months only to relieve herself and on alternate days day for a bath after constant haranguing by Hannah. Each time, Bonita roused herself as if in a trance. She refused to look into a mirror and where she used to love a relaxing soak, she now washed her body as quickly as possible, brushed her teeth with her eyes closed, put on the gown and robe Hannah laid out for her and returned to the safety of her bed. She drank occasional sips of water and ate a few bites of food each day, but she had not had a full meal since her return to Villagio. The once-mammoth woman was visibly shrinking before Hannah’s very eyes.

    As Bonita languished in Spencer, some five-hundred-miles away in Wilmington, North Carolina, Coach Cliff and his shadow Jim Bolts, the shop teacher at the local high school, were in the Superintendent’s office presenting him with his share of the take from the Friday night football game. The high school students called Jim Bolts Nuts’n behind his back as in nuts and bolts. They referred to Coach Cliff as an opening in the earth belonging to a beast of burden. (Think about it.) Coach Cliff was damned near an institution in Wilmington. A big, fat, ugly man with a baldhead and a handlebar moustache, he was the winningest football and basketball coach to ever set foot in the county. Anyone who knows anything about North Carolina knows that sports, particularly basketball, absolutely consume most of the population of the state. North Carolina sports’ fans are second in their fervor for basketball only to the fanaticism of the Bible Belt Fundamental Baptists in their religious beliefs.

    Because of his winning teams, district trophies, state trophies and the presence of college scouts from all over the country at his games to recruit his boys, Coach Cliff resided on a pedestal so lofty he could hardly be reached and was most definitely a legend from his own mouth. He was invited to all the A-list cocktail parties in the seacoast North Carolina town, had been given a complimentary membership in the Wilmington Country Club, and drove a new Cadillac each year purchased for him by the local Sports’ Club which was made up of some of the wealthiest men in the county. He lived in one of the newest and finest noveau riche developments. His house payments were also subsidized by the Sports’ Club.

    Coach Cliff existed in such a state of euphoria that several years prior, he had designated his shadow, Nuts’n, to be responsible for the gate at all home sports events. Coach Cliff and Nuts’n regularly skimmed money off the take at the gate and split it. When the Superintendent became suspicious, Coach Cliff cut him in on the deal. The three men pocketed thousands of dollars each season and so far no one was the wiser.

    The Superintendent had planned to fire Coach Cliff when he admitted his thievery. Before the meeting where the head of the school systems had laid out his accusation, he had run it by a few Sports’ Club members. Superintendent Woodrow Zarot was informed that if he fired the coach, they would be looking for a new superintendent and the coach would be immediately reinstated. It was quite easy for Zarot to accept the coach’s offer. Hell, if he couldn’t fire him, he might as well get a piece of the coach’s action.

    Nuts’n had proved helpful too. The super had a new deck, a screened porch, and a gazebo at his home, all built by boys (and a few girls) in Bolt’s shop classes and of course all the materials had been purchased with taxpayers’ money by the school system. Zarot was now getting ready to propose that Bolt’s boys build him a tennis court. The experience the boys were getting was invaluable. They’d be able to move right into good construction jobs immediately after graduating from Wilmington High. None of them were college material anyway.

    As the shop crew spent entire school days working at Zarot’s home, they missed quite a few classes. Several had failing grades. The super, however, in his magnanimity, took care of that little glitch for Bolt’s boys with a few keystrokes on the school’s computer.

    In addition to coaching and teaching Physical Education, Coach Cliff was the Driver’s Education teacher. Many wealthy families in Wilmington sent their offspring to boarding schools where the driver’s course was not available. During the coach’s summer vacation, he often was called upon to provide Driver’s Ed for teenage residents who did not attend public school.

    The requirements for Driver’s Ed were a certain number of classroom hours and a certain number of hours behind the wheel of the Driver’s Ed car actually driving. When a parent contacted the coach about his or her boarding student taking the course, the coach would tell them to drop by his house and pick up a driving book. When he handed the parent the book, he said, That’ll be $25, please.

    He accepted only cash.

    Tell your kid to read this in the next two weeks. Then call me and we’ll schedule the driving part of the course.

    The driving part of the course consisted of two hours with Coach Cliff on a back road with many twists, turns, and hills, a few blocks of town, a left turn, a right turn, hand signals, and a few miles on Interstate 40. Coach Cliff then drove the student home and charged the parents two-hundred-dollars cash, after which the teen could go for his coveted learner’s permit.

    Superintendent Zarot got a piece of this flim-flam also, but Nuts’n wasn’t cut in on that scam. Public schools are funded to provide Driver’s Ed for all county teenagers and there is no charge levied for the course whether the student attends the local public school or not as long as he/she is a resident of the county.


    Alexa And Norman

    "U gh. Alexa! she said as she pulled the slightly sagging flesh on her face upwards. It’s time for another lift."

    At age fifty, Alexa had undergone two complete face lifts and was beginning to resemble a frog, but she had heard of a new procedure – the mid-face lift – where the skin was pulled upward on either side at the temples rather than the old sideways pulling that resulted in the frog/toad resemblance.

    After her facial work out, Alexa glanced at her Patek Philippe diamond-encrusted watch. Shit. 7:30. I wonder what time Norman left?

    She rarely saw her workaholic husband, which didn’t bother her greatly. He made tons of money and he never flinched when her credit card bills arrived. Alexa’s spending habits were legendary. Shopkeepers in Wilmington were said to cross themselves, utter Hail Mary’s, and on occasion genuflect when Alexa’s chauffeured Jaguar pulled up in front of their establishments.

    Norman and Alexa employed a chauffeur, two maids, a cook, four gardeners and a pool boy at their mega-estate twenty miles from Wilmington’s docks where Norman’s business was located. Norman was the owner and the chief operator of the largest seafood processing plant on the Eastern seacoast. Chances were any oyster, shrimp, fish, scallop, or crab found in any restaurant from Florida to New York had at one time passed through Norman’s plant. He employed Mexicans exclusively.

    The household staff was also Mexican. Norman was quick to explain to everyone that His Mexicans were legal. He made arrangements to get the proper papers for them prior to their arrival in North Carolina. There was an element of truth to Norman’s statement. Some of His Mexicans were indeed legal, however, the majority was not.

    Those who were not legal lived in low-lying barracks-type buildings on the huge estate where he and Alexa resided named La Reina de la Mar, the queen of the sea, though the mansion and its grounds were more than fifteen miles from the Cape Fear River and even farther from the sea.

    The illegal Mexicans were one step above slaves. They lived at the estate, were bussed back and forth to the plant, were never allowed to set foot outside either of those compounds and were charged thirty-dollars each a week for their room and board. As horrid as it sounds, even those conditions were better than those they had left behind. They were able to send money home to their families each month and that’s what their working in the United States was all about. One of Norman’s foremen, a legal immigrant, collected the letters home with money enclosed in every single one of them from the illegal Mexicans each week and deposited them with the proper postage in the mail slot in Wilmington’s main post office.

    Norman was a native of North Carolina and had inherited the seafood plant from his father. It was a small operation when Norman took the helm, but he had expanded over the years until his business and physical plant were the Goliath of the seafood industry. Nestled on the banks of the river’s edge were rows of buildings, docks, fishing vessels, fueling facilities, and refrigerated trucks all of which comprised Seafood World, Norman’s empire. A shrewd businessman, Norman had the latest refrigerated trucks and fishing vessels in his fleet as he saved a great deal of money each year by using illegal labor. He also saw no necessity in purchasing buses to transport that illegal labor.

    Years earlier through the good ole boy network, Norman had struck a deal with his good friend, the Superintendent of Schools. Before dawn, county-owned school buses pulled into a hidden entrance on a back road to La Reina de la Mar and picked up the illegal workers and ferried them to Seafood World. In the afternoons, once the school children had been deposited at their bus stops, the buses returned the laborers to the estate. Norman saw that the arrangement was quite lucrative to Woodrow Zarot, the school super, who in turn made sure the drivers were well paid not only for their extra hours, but also for their silence.

    Conveniently, the county high school was located half way between Seafood World and Norman’s estate and to make sure there were no questions asked about why the buses headed to Seafood World on a regular basis, Norman had made sure there were several newspaper articles about his donation of fuel to the county transportation department for, according to a quote from Norman, The school buses daily transport our little darlings, our most precious cargo, and the future of North Carolina, and the savings provided by his generosity to the taxpayers of New Hanover County.

    Wilmington sits on a bank along the Cape Fear River and though Seafood World was huge, the townspeople had no idea of the enormity of the plant. Through the years, Norman had hired men to tunnel into the high embankment and two thirds of Seafood World was actually underground. That’s where the illegal laborers picked crabs, shucked oysters, de-veined shrimp and cleaned fish. Additionally, the sealed area was camouflaged from visiting inspectors.

    Norman’s tentacles stretched as far as Raleigh, the capital city of North Carolina, and he was always notified well ahead of time of a surprise inspection. When one was scheduled, Norman’s illegal workers received an unpaid day off. On inspection days, the buses didn’t arrive at La Reina de la Mar before dawn. The illegal workers spent the day inside the barracks or in the fenced area surrounding them complete with eight-foot fences topped with barbed wire and patrolled by Dobermans and two armed guards, also members of Norman’s household staff.

    The barracks were out of view of the mansion and although Alexa knew about the illegal tenants, she never ventured to that part of the estate nor did she see the school buses that came and went through the back entrance. An electrified fence encompassed the two-hundred-acre estate that was secreted behind an ornate stonewall that matched the native rock of the sprawling main house. Electrified wrought iron gates stood sentinel at each entrance complete with manned gatehouses – manned by legal immigrants, of course.

    Norman had been married to his childhood sweetheart before he met Alexa. They had married a year after they both graduated from Wilmington High and they had over the course of their marriage produced three daughters, all of whom were now married and producing families of their own. Thirty-five years after his first marriage, Norman went on a golfing vacation to Duck Island, South Carolina, with three of his friends. Halle, Norman’s first wife, did not accompany him nor did the wives of his three friends accompany them, however the other three men each brought a female companion along for a few days of fun. One of Norman’s closest friends who lived in Florida was accompanied by Alexa. Norman was immediately smitten with the pixie-like, slender, blue-eyed brunette twenty years his junior. She was witty, good-looking, sexy, and according to his close friend, could suck the white off rice.

    Halle had put on weight, didn’t touch up the gray in her hair, and dressed frumpily even though she could have bought anything she wanted. She was all caught up in her humane society activities and her charity work and didn’t seem to have time for Norman anymore or sometimes even take notice that he was there.

    The pixie flirted with Norman to abandon when her date wasn’t around and she looked like she’d just stepped off a run-way as each and every one of her outfits was exquisite. When they had a few minutes alone in the Lodge, Norman learned that Alexa was divorced and had a fourteen-year-old daughter. She didn’t work, but had a very generous alimony and child-support subsidy.

    After the week at Duck, Norman began making frequent business excursions to Florida. Within a year, he divorced Halle, gave her gazillions of dollars, according to him, and placed a diamond the size of a fifty-cent-piece on Alexa’s diminutive ring finger. Two years after first laying eyes on Norman, Alexa and her daughter Jennifer moved into La Reina de la Mar and Alexa assumed the duties of mistress of the manor and whore extraordinaire in the boudoir. Norman couldn’t have been happier. At least, for a while.

    Three years into their marriage when the buxom Jennifer was seventeen, Alexa was called to the bedside of her ailing emphazemic mother who still lived in the Boston project where the now wealthy Mrs. Norman Masterson had been reared. Alexa stayed with her mother night and day for three months until Mrs. Zambortini took her last tortured breath.

    Meanwhile at La Reina de la Mar, Norman and Jennifer were hitting it off splendidly. After dinner each night in the enormous dining room, they had taken to retiring to the master suite to watch television together. It wasn’t long before they were lying on the bed rather than sitting in the overstuffed easy chairs. Before too much time passed, Norman, who was feeling and looking his age, began to search for his lost youth in the arms of the younger image of his second wife. One thing led to another and Norman and his stepdaughter became lovers.

    During one of their lovemaking sessions, Alexa returned unexpectedly having buried her mother without Norman’s knowledge or presence as she never wanted him to discover her background. She walked in on her husband and her daughter doing the nasty.

    What the hell is going on here? she screeched.

    It’s not what it looks like, Alexa, Norman answered.

    Jennifer started to cry while grabbing at her clothes that were strewn all over the bed.

    Oh, it’s not what it looks like? Then exactly what is it, Norman? You are the lowest form of life! Lower than snake shit, no, lower than that, lower than whale shit in the Mariana’s Trench! And you, you little trollop, who the hell do you think you are? Seventeen years old and screwing this old fart! Maybe you were hoping he would drop dead and then we’d have all the money. Well, I’ll tell you something dear little daughter of mine, we’re going to spend some of your sweet step-daddy’s money on you and it’s going to begin tomorrow. Your ass is leaving La Reina de la Mar at oh-dark-thirty bound for somewhere as soon as I decide where that somewhere is. Now, I’m going downstairs and fix myself a stiff drink. Jennifer, put your clothes on or don’t, I don’t really care, and get your ass out of my bed and my room. Norman, you can do the same and don’t ever darken the door of this master suite again. I’ll have Delilah move your shit out of the closet in the dressing room first thing in the morning. I need more space anyway. From now on, Mr. Masterson, I will be running the show here and if you so much as roll your eyes, I will disgrace you from one end of this state to the other. Now get out, both of you!

    And they did.

    The next morning, Jennifer was sent away to complete her final year of high school at a Swiss boarding school. Norman stayed away from the master suite and was told in no uncertain terms that there would be no divorce or Alexa would expose him to all of Wilmington and its environs as a child molester. Alexa now did as she pleased and Norman worked eighteen-hour-days and he didn’t get to leave on any business trips or golfing excursions. Tight-assed Alexa ran an even tighter ship.


    Back In Spencer

    D uring her eight- month confinement, Bonita, although severely depressed, never stopped thinking, planning, calculating, and scheming. She just couldn’t seem to get her body to physically get up and follow her brain’s commands. But Bonita was a survivor and, like the mythical bird, she was about to rise from the pile of ashes and remake herself.

    Bonita Roberts had gone to Hollywood with Marvin Hamblin at fifteen years of age. For thirty years, she was a thousand-dollar-an-hour prostitute for Enrique Dubre. She was married to Joshua Roberts for eight years before he croaked. A year later after the scandal in Dorchester County, she moved to Spencer, Tennessee. Not quite two years had passed since she purchased Brigadoon, remade it into Villagio, and started the ill-fated Magnolia Ball in Van Buren County. Bonita was fifty-eight years old and she had fantastic bone structure. The woman had been a true beauty

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