The Book of Revelation: a New Beginning
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As symbolic as Revelation is it has nothing to do with the end days or even about a solitary Anti-Christ as we understand it nor is it about Jesus coming to save you. In truth, Saint Johns Revelation is your own guide showing you that you no longer need to look at yourself as a sinner because you have bared your cross, like Jesus, and now the time has come for you to ascend to a higher state of Mind. The book of Revelation: A New Beginning is a book that will help open the gates of your soul memories so you can become aware of your own divineness, and that you are a God too.
My fellow Gods, what is coming to an end is the old ways of perceiving and understanding God. It is not that God is a mystery. It is you that is the mystery, and when fear is resolved within, you are then ready to open up to the hidden secrets behind the Book of Revelation that religions have kept as a secret for thousands of years, either on purpose or because of ignorance.
Terry L Newbegin
Terry, born in 1948 in Caribou, Maine, now lives in Tennessee and is an innovative clairvoyant, a pioneer in new energy consciousness at a time when religious thoughts are rooted in conventional beliefs. Terry has a lifelong history of having an open mind, heart, and a call for consciousness awakening.
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The Book of Revelation - Terry L Newbegin
The Book of
A New Beginning
Terry L Newbegin
missing image fileCopyright © 2011 Terry L Newbegin
Copyeditor: Nancy Salminen
Cover Artwork by Sarah Clarehart
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Revelation 1: Who Are You, Really?
Revelation 2: The Human Body and the Endocrine System (Part I)
Revelation 3: The Human Body and the Endocrine System (Part II)
Revelation 4: The Dualistic Forces of Positive and Negative
Revelation 5: Memory and How It Works
Revelation 6: The Opening of the Seven Seals
Revelation 7: The Sealing of the Thousands
Revelation 8: Total Recall
Revelation 9: Time, Space, and Incarnations
Revelation 10: How Space (Incarnation) Works
Revelation 11: Moving from 2-D to 3-D to 5-D
Revelation 12: You Are a Divine Being
Revelation 13: The Beast and Antichrist Revealed
Revelation 14: Overcoming the Division of the Mind
Revelation 15: The Revealing of Memories
Revelation 16: Hell (Ignorance) Becomes Heaven (Understanding)
Revelation 17: The Outer False Personality Consciousness
Revelation 18: Why You Believe You Fell from Grace
Revelation 19: The Coming of Christ
Revelation 20: Your Personal Journey through Time and Space
Revelation 21: The New Heaven and the New Earth
Revelation 22: The Prophecy of Christ’s Return Is Now Fulfilled
The book of Revelation by the apostle John is perhaps one of the most debated and most difficult to read and understand books in scripture due to the extreme symbolism tied to it. Even religious groups describe Revelation as a book not to be taken literally except as a description of the end times. We have always assumed that the words and stories of God’s prophets were indisputable because our religious leaders have had the authority to interpret them as truth. We have forgotten how the scriptural account of the earth’s history, God, and the origin of the universe has been documented, interpreted, and rigidly passed down by our ancestors and religious leaders.
The book of Revelation: A New Beginning is, like its sister book, Genesis: Your Journey Home, , a groundbreaking book that goes beyond the extremism of the allegorical language used to describe the end times. You could say that Genesis is the Alpha – the first creation and the activation of God and all that was,
and the book of Revelation is the Omega – the second creation and all that is.
In the beginning, all that was
was spirit, the source and the divine spark, from which all souls burst forth into expression, asking the question, Who am I?
By doing so, all souls created a mirror image of themselves in order to see
themselves. We all have been taught by our religious leaders that the beginning – and all that was
– was God.
Genesis 1:27 (New American Bible) says that, God created man in his divine image, male and female.
What is the meaning of his image?
The books of Genesis and Revelation, the beginning and ending stories in the Bible, actually answer that question. These two books were written to bring out the metaphorical story of all that was,
which we call God, the serpent,
which we call Satan; Adam and Eve,
who represent mankind: and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
In the beginning, God, the original Oneness,
was complete unto himself, and knew nothing other than himself. However, in a passion of great love, this original Oneness, asked itself, Who am I?
From the perspective of this question, God instantly created a great number of images of itself in order to see itself. In other words, God burst into what are called the children of God or soul beings.
Through science, the Big Bang is the prevailing cosmological theory of the early development of the universe and the producing of earth, but this is not true. Cosmologists use the term Big Bang to refer to the idea that the universe was originally extremely hot and dense at some thirteen billion years ago and has since cooled by expanding to the present adulterated energy state and continues to expand today. The theory is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation. Detailed observations of the morphology and distribution of galaxies and quasars provide strong evidence for the Big Bang. A combination of observations and theory suggest that the first quasars and galaxies formed about a billion years after the Big Bang, and since then larger structures have been forming, such as galaxy clusters and superclusters.
What is forgotten the first creative explosion was the spirit of God breaking up into gazillions of pieces of itself, and within each piece, the image of God (we souls) came into being. This means that God was never a solitary consciousness. God is the composite of all souls, and within each individual soul, contains the divine spark or essence of a pure and unchangeable God, you.
The garden, home, heaven, or first creation, or whatever you wish to call it, represents this original Oneness of God from which we souls came, for that was all that was.
You could say that, in the beginning, nothing existed outside of this original Oneness except us souls. Not Earth, man, the stars, or even the universe. These things came much later.
At our birth in spirit or awakening, we were given everything the Father has, total freedom to love, experience, choose our own fates, or even turn our backs on the original Oneness we call God. This is because a higher consciousness of our soul-selves always knew that the rebellious false self would one day return home to its own divine oneness.
We, the God that we are, knew that, in order to become a sovereign and unlimited God in our own right, we had to lose our memory and awareness of being a god. Otherwise, we would have ignored the wisdom of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the positive and negative.
As soon as we felt separate from the original Oneness, we mimicked it; and, having the same defining features as God, we gained the ability – through the individual images or lifetimes created – to see our collective self
and explore the question Who am I?
Of course, the first image we created was our mind, because we needed it to help us produce real and conscious thought, perception, memory, emotions, and free will as being real, even though it was an illusion of thought.
Therefore, the true story of creation (Genesis) is not about Adam and Eve being kicked out of the garden. It is a metaphor for our own story and journey to new places, far beyond our own original, divine oneness. Adam and Eve were not real people. Adam represented our outer mind and Eve our soul
self. The story records everything that we chose to act on, and breathe life into those choices for us to experience. The serpent became a metaphor for our rebellious false nature – our ego – in order for us to experience the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This was the path that God, we souls, chose to take in order to answer the question of who am I.
As symbolic as the book of Revelation is, it is not about the end days as you understand it, nor is it about Jesus coming to save you. The book of Revelation is the unfolding of your memories as you have experienced them throughout your many lifetimes. My fellow gods, the world is not coming to an end. What is coming to an end is the old way of perceiving and understanding God. God is not a mystery. You are!
Revelation is a book that helps open the gates of our soul memories so we can become aware of our divineness. Jesus came to earth to illustrate the I am Christ
principle within all of mankind. Each of us is meant to evolve to a new understanding and awareness that we too are sons of God, spirit first and foremost, and that the Christ
part of us exists to awaken us from our sleep state.
Revelation is about you fully integrating all aspects of yourself and your lifetimes, remembering who you truly are, thus gaining your freedom from those who love to control you through fear. It is where you begin to remember the real truth about God and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is about you finally coming to the realization that there is nothing to fear because, in the end, you are already ordained as a high priest destined for heaven.
You have simply been learning the wisdom of your choices in order to become a sovereign God in your own right. When fear is removed, you are then ready to open yourself to the hidden secrets behind the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ, and the Antichrist and to learn how they relate, not to the end of the world, but to the end of your suffering and sin. When Jesus allowed himself to be crucified by those who believed in good and evil, it symbolized you and your choice to accept your own trials and tribulations, and your own mental and ego variations of personality.
Revelation shows you, through memory, that it is time for you to release the idea of sin through the denial of its reality, and then take responsibility for your creations. Therefore, the next step is for you to accept your place as a Christ and the deliverer of your own self.
One of my favorite quotes comes from George Bernard Shaw, Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
(This quote can be found on wisdom feed on demand established on the web at For those who keep to their old belief systems, choosing not to open their eyes or change their minds, it is nearly impossible to create and experience a new reality. Your beliefs cause you to suffer, because they call to your attention what you feel and think all day long, thus creating an experiential reality.
We suffer because we are afraid to change our minds and let go of the old dogmatic ways of thinking about God. Letting go of the old dogma, beliefs, ideas, and traditions is the most beneficial thing we could ever do for ourselves. The nature of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is nothing more than positive and negative, causes us to experience fear, because we are not aware of how our belief systems create strong, contradictory energy within us.
The biggest lie ever told, introduced a long time ago, was one that said we are not, and have never been, God. My friends, we are all gods, and we are gods that chose to take the plunge into duality to explore as many possibilities as we could, even if the action defied our own nature. And now, the challenge is for us to find the courage to question the status quo. Jesus was such a man, and it cost him his life. The whole purpose of this book is to bring you face to face with the status quo, to help you see that your ideas, traditions, and beliefs about Jesus, God, and the Bible are actually contributing to your suffering.
Unfortunately, all of this errant thinking is perpetuated through religious teachings. How can you create freedom for yourself if you are lied to every time you attend church? It is time to take back your life and become a conscious creator like our brother Jesus. When you don’t see yourself as being a creator, part of the divine spark in the oneness of all that was,
you become a creation to those who love power. This is why you believe that someone has created you.
Ever since I was a child, I remember being different from those around me when it came to my ideas, beliefs, and the understanding of God. This book portrays those personal differences. It shows how the biblical rapture
is nothing more than your transformation from following others, including the inconsistent God of the Bible, to allowing yourself to ascend to a higher understanding of who you really are. To arrive at this higher level of consciousness it takes a person who is not afraid to be different and to examine new ideas.
I would like to give special thanks and honor to those masters from the angelic realm who helped me bring this book of hope to completion. I thank the masters for their help and support in putting this book together for those who are ready to let go of the old ways and move to the next level of understanding.
I thank Yeshua Ben Joseph (my good friend and colleague known as Jesus), Adamus Saint-Germain (known as Samuel in the Old Testament), and Kuthumi Lal Singh (known as Balthazar, one of the wise men who came to honor the birth of Jesus. I give special thanks to John the Apostle, who wrote the book of Revelation. I also thank my angelic family, and many other masters who, at this time, remain nameless.
These wonderful teachers have something in common with all of us. They always remind me of who we are as humans because, at our true core essence, we are all divine beings. These grand angels are no higher or more important than we humans are, nor are we more important than they. These angelic beings have always shown themselves as colleagues rather than showing themselves as superiors.
Because they have gone beyond the confines of human beliefs, they have a broader perspective of God, which they have chosen to share with me; and I now happily share it with you. They are also very eager to point out that we humans choose for ourselves the path of suffering, that no one is making us suffer, not even this Satan character that we so strongly believe exists.
I want to give thanks to Geoffrey Hoppe of Golden, Colorado, and the founder of Crimson Circle. Geoffrey Hoppe channels those masters from the angelic realm whom we look up to. Geoffrey works presently with Adamus Saint-Germain and has been known to channel Yeshua (Jesus), Kuthumi Lal Singh, and archangels Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel, as well as many others for over ten years.
Geoffrey and his wife Linda Benyo have given so much of themselves in providing insights to the real truth about God and man’s relationship to him, all without regard to receiving any special reward for their services. Therefore, I give great thanks to Geoffrey, Linda, and the Crimson Circle for their love, support, commitment to our awakening, and in allowing this wisdom to become known to human consciousness. Geoffrey and the Crimson Circle can be found at
I give great respect, thanks, and love to my wife Diane for her love, support, patience, and devotion and for giving me the space, time, and trust to stay committed to what I believe and write.
I give a special thanks to my dear, departed sister-in-law Linda Ritter, to whose memory I dedicate this book. Linda was always there for me, ready and waiting to listen to my thoughts about God, Jesus, and religion in general, no matter how far-out my views were. Linda and I shared many talks on the subject, and she never criticized or judged me because of my beliefs. Linda always kept an open mind, heart, and ear to my thoughts, encouraging me to share those thoughts, through writing, to others. Linda was a person that stayed true to her feelings about spirit.
I give thanks to all who work for Newbegin Enterprises, including my sons Troy, Torrey, and Toby Newbegin, my daughter Tanya Dufore and her husband James, Zhiqiang (Ralph) Cui, Thomas Ritter, and Andrew Crunkleton. These individuals have made it possible for me to write what I believe by taking care of business.
I want to give a special thank-you to Nancy Salminen of Surry, Maine, for her help in the editing of this book. I am deeply thankful to Nancy and her mother for their review of the manuscript and their helpful feedback; it set the stage for me to express my work in a clear and precise manner. Nancy worked tirelessly editing this book for over a year, and her contribution of endless hours of hard work proved to be invaluable as she patiently, and with determination, gave of herself in making the production of this book possible. For that, I give Nancy and her family my gratitude, love, and thanks.
As most people know, the Bible has been translated from its original text many times, and now there are multiple versions to choose from. Since I am familiar with the Catholic version, I used the New American Bible found at Even though wording of verses in the Bible may vary from other versions, the symbology of the words and texts has the same overall meaning as the original text.
I also used the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary to assist me with meanings and interpretations of biblical personalities and cities, and for reasons why the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is, in its spiritual meaning, a record of the experiences and development of the human soul. This Bible dictionary was compiled and published in 1931 under the direction of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, founders of the Unity School of Christianity.
The information presented in this book is for your personal consideration. It does not pressure you to accept all or any part of the message. I am simply inviting you to open your mind and consider the substance presented as a potential means to expand your thought process and introduce the idea that you are more than just a human being with your name on a birth certificate. The truth of the evidence can only come from within your own heart.
For instance, after my arrival on earth, there was a brief moment right after my birth when my identity – other than being a baby boy – was not known to me, my parents, my brothers, or the rest of the world. A few minutes later, my parents set in motion an idea that celebrated my birth by giving me a name. With this name, bestowed upon me by my parents, I was introduced to my family, the church, God, and the world.
Once I was baptized, I supposedly belonged to God and the Roman Catholic Church. From that point, I was expected to obey, follow, and support the beliefs of my parents, their parents before them, and the Church, all in order to become a good Catholic. All babies grow up to some level of understanding, and my next step was to make all the sacraments in establishing Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. From that moment, the Church was in charge of my religious training, my beliefs, and my ticket to heaven.
The teachings I received from the church were based on the promise made by Jesus to his disciples, which are described in the Gospels, that the church is, indeed, guided by the Holy Spirit and protected from falling into any viewpoints that would misrepresent or distort those teachings. Therefore, everything that I was taught by the Church was based solely on faith in what was written in the Gospels and what was passed down by religious leaders to each subsequent generation.
In my late teens, I grew mystified by what I was being taught about God and his son Jesus. This confusion led me to question my faith in the Church, its teachings, and God himself. You see, along the way, I began to question the why of it all, wondering about such things as the need for a priest as an intercessor between God and me. It just did not feel proper telling my sins to a priest!
I remember asking why I couldn’t speak with God directly? Why did I need a mediator? At the time, I believed that telling my sins directly to God would allow me to feel accepted and worthy of his blessings – more so than receiving a blessing from a go-between. I felt that, by talking to God himself, I would gain a greater sense of confidence than by relying on someone else to empower me.
Of course, once I expressed my feelings, I was told to never doubt the church authorities, and I was instructed on why God chose priests and prophets as mediators to teach his Word. I was told that God used devoted servants, as Jesus had used disciples, to get the word out to his flock; because we humans, compared to those in the know, are small, weak, and volatile, and thereby are very much in need of a spiritual leader for guidance. Furthermore, the common person could never reach the divineness of God or Jesus’s distinctive royal presence unless God’s servants were there to administrate his truths to us; and even if we could, we would never be worthy to walk in his shoes or sit in his chair.
This explanation, given to me at a very young age, created a sudden loss of my own identity, because I felt very passionate about being worthy to speak to and hear from God directly. It caused me to ask myself, Who am I?
I was a child of God, too. Being told by the church that God would not respond to me made me feel small and incomplete compared to God’s servants and priests.
As I began to feel very much out of place with everyone, I became easily frightened and intimidated by those in power who were highly educated and who ministered Jesus’ words. I even remember in my youthful years being terrified of priests; I perceived that they were so close to God that a word from them would send me to hell.
I even thought, at this very young age, that something had to be wrong with me, because I didn’t want to identify myself with the idea of having to go through a priest in order to feel worthy of God’s blessings. I felt even more strongly a profound unworthiness when I failed at my first business in 1975.
Today, I cannot believe that I actually entertained the idea that my first business failure was a consequence for not accepting my religious upbringing. Like most of us do in such situations, I prayed and prayed for God to forgive my stupidity. I actually remember falling to my knees and asking God to forgive me for even thinking that I was worthy to work with him directly.
However, after praying hard for God’s forgiveness, I still felt overwhelming resentment that God had to relate to me through mediators. Even with all that praying, I just could not bring myself to work with priests! It only gave me a deep feeling of incompetence.
So, it was during my youthful years that I decided to let go of God and his priests and to never attend church again. I just could not accept that God, my supposedly loving Father, would deny me direct communication. Even as I experienced these deep feelings, I believed that I was doomed.
Then, surprisingly, a new thought entered my mind, and I asked myself, If God really created me and loves me unconditionally, then why would he stop loving me just because I show some independence? From my perspective, that would have made God inconsistent. After all, Jesus had said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do
(Luke 23:34).
That is when I raised my head and said to this egotistical God of the Bible, If I am not worthy to stand in your presence just because I do not agree with the teachings of your priests, then Jesus’s death on the cross was not about forgiving sins, but about glory and power for your special servants. Therefore, I take no part in your teachings, rituals, or ceremonies.
A few days after that strong remark, something happened that changed my life forever.
Late one night in early 1975, I witnessed a miracle when three Franciscan monks emerged in spirit out of the darkness in my bedroom. As they walked toward me, I noticed that I was not afraid of them. Suddenly, one of the monks confronted me and said, Hello, Terry, How are you doing?
My answer was, I am fine,
even though things in my life at the time were not.
Then the monk proceeded to tell me, Terry, you were with us in another lifetime, and now, in this lifetime, it is time for you to know the truth.
Of course, my reply was, Then what is the truth?
The monk just gave me a soft, loving smile, and stepped back to join his companions. And, as suddenly as they had appeared, they disappeared!
After this experience, I felt a great urge to study the Bible and find out for myself, once and for all, if what is being taught to us by priests and other religious scholars is in fact what God really said through his prophets. This compulsion to know the truth led me to read the Bible from cover to cover, and once I was done, I felt a great urge to go back to the book of Genesis. That is when I heard a voice in my mind telling me to write a book about Genesis. After I heard the voice, I asked myself, was that God’s voice or my imagination, or did it come from the monks I saw a few months earlier? After all, I truly had heard a voice. Several years later, I learned that the voice had actually come from those whom I call Masters – a group that includes Jesus.
You see, by looking within me to formulate questions like Who am I? and
Why am I against this God of the Bible?" I created the first step in listening to my own vibrational signature. Through these two questions, I realized that I was more than the name on my birth certificate. By taking a stand for my true feelings and not apologizing to God or his servants, I learned that I was more than just the name my parents gave me at my birth.
My study of the Bible helped me realize that the true God does not favor his servants over me – or you – no matter what we do; he loves us equally, without discrimination – even those among us who continue down the road to destruction. By claiming my sovereignty from the church and their so-called truth, the real God showed me that there is no right or wrong, good or bad, good church or bad church. There are only vibrational selections – positive or negative – embodied in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we are all free to choose one over the other – or we can reject them both. It is that simple.
When you choose to realize that the vibrational energy of good and evil has been of service to you, that you have learned what it shows you about yourself, then you can relinquish judgment of good and evil acts and allow yourself to ascend from being simply human to being a divine human. Once I gave up judging good and evil, God and Satan, destructive man and people who claim to be better than anyone else, my energy began to flow freely through my physical body, breaking down my old ways of thinking about God and who he is. This change of thinking allowed an unlimited flow of pure energy to come from my own divineness – the real me.
The component element on earth right now has always been vibrational energy, both positive and negative, which we use to experience life. We all experience our own light and dark choices without even being aware that it is happening. The reason we do this is because of the way we have been taught by our religious leaders. Today, I can actually say that the greatest gift I ever gave myself was taking the time to stand up to the God of the Bible and his strange ways.
I hear people say to me all the time that they would rather believe in God the way they were taught than to provoke him – just in case their spiritual leaders were right. Ask yourself this: Who will God awaken and welcome home first – one who is afraid of him or one who has the courage to stand up to him and move toward his own sovereignty as a divine human? This is the meaning of the prodigal son returning home.
From what I mentioned in the Preface, Genesis 1:27, God creating man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female. You can see that it is your birthright and duty to question all authorities, including the God of the Bible, and to pursue freedom from all that you have been taught about him and his mysterious ways.
If this verse is correct, as religions say it is, then God created you in the divine image of himself. And if you are in his divine image, then this makes you worthy of his love, no matter what you do or have done, good or bad. Religion, however – through ignorance or not – teaches us that man created God in man’s image, not that God created man in his. You can see this in religious teachings that portray God as having the same imperfections as man.
Man judges; therefore, God judges. Man hates; therefore, God hates. Man looks for vengeance; therefore, God seeks vengeance. Man becomes jealous; therefore, God is jealous. I can go on and on. See for yourself how the Bible portrays God as a vengeful and jealous God. Oh, I know, your family and forefathers would turn in their graves if they knew that you were even reading such offensive, anti-God material. Perhaps your family would tell you to burn this book for being full of lies and craziness.
If you find yourself captivated by my ideas, then your family and friends will probably launch a campaign to bring you back into the fold. In fact, they might even create circumstances intended to make you feel guilty, saying you don’t love them anymore, arguing that if you did love them, you would not move away from the family beliefs.
But I ask you to discover for yourself what true freedom is all about. I did! And now, I put it all out there for you to see for yourself. There comes a time when the real God wants you to be free, no longer held by the masses’ belief in some original sin.
In 2008 I wrote a book titled Genesis: Your Journey Home, 2nd Edition, which examines the first twenty-five chapters of Genesis, verse by verse, exploring and revealing the deeper metaphysical meaning of the scriptures. It is a book that goes far beyond the usual levels of biblical interpretation, beyond word definitions, historical explanations, and traditional religious ideas that are difficult to understand but are probably important to you. It is a book that brings forth the ultimate truth hidden within the mundane teachings about creation and Adam and Eve. In my book about Genesis, you will find the true record of creation, the reason for your existence, and the mystery of God revealed – from his beginning to the present.
In this book, Revelation: A New Beginning, you will find answers to these frequently asked questions: Who am I, really? What is my purpose?, and Why am I here on earth? Both books will bring you comfort, personal empowerment, and a new understanding of God and the concepts of positive and negative. The information helps you to understand who Jesus is and why Satan is actually your ticket to heaven, and it leaves behind all the mysteries of God.
Man has always made everything complex, including his views on God, Satan, earth, man’s physical body, and history. The best way to hide the real truth about God, Satan, and man’s history is for man to remain obsessed with fear and judgment. By keeping man’s consciousness locked into tradition, fear, and punishment from God and those in authority – priests, ministers, evangelists, and other mediators – have the power to establish the ground rules and create conditions that control your beliefs, your reality, and your experiences.
However, there is a new and exciting consciousness arising that puts to rest the fears, the dogmatic traditions, and the idea that some God is punishing you. My research into the book of Revelation will show you that your spirit’s development is not part of the earthly realm rather, earth is the place where your soul develops. Your spirit is the source of your soul, mind, ego, and physical existence. The earthly realm is a testing ground for the soul’s growth, and this growth requires a physical body.
Unless man passes through many stages of development – a process that is hindered by his rebellious nature against understanding life – and is symbolized by Cain in the book of Genesis – he cannot achieve a balanced vibrational energy between the two
(positive and negative energies) and his own original Oneness and Christ-spirit; and this can only be done in one lifetime if each stage of his development is made visible by coming into the flesh.
The testing of positive and negative forces gives you an understanding of your rebellious nature (Satan) and thus the necessity of your soul’s development here on earth. And, since you were created in the image of God (pure, innocent of sin, and spirit first), the idea of you being responsible for your own soul’s growth becomes the essential message your mind feeds your soul all day long.
My friends, Jesus cannot save you literally, because he is not responsible for your thoughts or deeds; only you can save yourself by taking responsibility for your choices. Religions teach a wide variety of concepts about God and how he reveals himself. But a true and loving God is not interested in rules, worship, or obedience. A true God does not need to forgive, because there is nothing to forgive. A true God never judges or condemns his creations. In fact, my own heart tells me that if a single, all-knowing, all-powerful God created man, then he as the designer should take full responsibility for the defects!
With this book, you will learn that God’s existence, his identity, and the mystery behind his revelations, are fundamentally rooted in human ignorance. We are lost when it comes to understanding the true identity of God, man’s own identity, life on earth, our purpose for being here, and the reason death exists. Explanations for these things are delivered to us on the basis of belief systems, perception, reason, and logic. This means that God’s final words in scripture are, in effect, nothing but opinionated ideas that do not match a true and loving God.
We have always had a true desire to understand God, but we have no idea how to go about it. Instead, we look for truth to come from outside ourselves through our religious teachings. How can we learn more about God if our glass is always full? For me, the study of the scriptures signified that the words of the prophets were written in such a way as to hide the wisdom behind the texts until the time was right for understanding.
Those who are looking for more than just gimmicks will find in this book that Jesus represents the human side of yourself, and the Christ part of Jesus, represents your divineness in human form – including all your mental experiences with the forces of duality (the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil).
The book of Revelation is about you and the Christ you are, your passage through all the trials, temptations, and mental variations of each of your cross-bearing lifetimes (karma). And you did it all without sin, because sin implies that your true essence, your Christ-spirit, is a sinner. Keep in mind that sin comes from believing that there is such a thing as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil – or right and wrong, God and Satan, light and dark, duality – and that you are separate from your own Christ-spirit.
My fellow gods, your Christ-spirit did not fall under the dominion of duality, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; your state of consciousness – the outer mind (Adam) and the soul (Eve) – did. Therefore, you in your truest nature have never actually sinned. Most people believe the book of Revelation is about Jesus coming to earth to rescue those who believe in him and about what is going to happen to those that will not repent from their sinful ways.
Revelation isn’t about Jesus; neither is it about those who continue down the road of sin, nor about the ending of the world or Jesus returning to earth for your salvation. It is not even about the rapture. The book of Revelation is about revealing who the true Christ is and how religions – and those in power – have kept this a secret from you for a long time.
In John 10:34 it says, Is it not written in your law, ‘I said,
You are gods’?
As you can see, Jesus understood his intimate connection to the godhead, yet he also knew that he was an individual member of the whole. As Jesus said in John 10:30, "The Father and I are one," and it is absolutely the same for you and me. Jesus’s coming to earth to take away the sins of the world represents you (your outer mind (Adam), your soul (Eve), and ego), the Satan principle (the Beast or your rebellious nature) coming back into Oneness, harmony and perfection. It demonstrates the awakening of your original Oneness with your own Christ-spirit after many lifetimes opposing and defying your own perfection and authority as a god.
Revelation is about you gaining your freedom. It is where you come to understand that you have been a slave to a belief system that is really an illusion put in place by our own souls to play with until we reach a true understanding of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. A slave does not remain in a household (locked in a duality consciousness) forever … One does eventually become free, for the
son (your Mind) frees you" from your suffering (John 8:35-36).
The only thing left is for you to integrate your outer conscious (ego), subconscious (mind), and super-subconscious (Christ-spirit) and do the same as your brother Jesus – become one again and let go of the old dogmatic views. In order to completely comprehend book of Revelation: A New Beginning and discover the real truth about God and Christ, you need to essentially understand the nature of who you really are.
Therefore, Revelation 1 is written to address the questions Who are you, really?
What do you believe your purpose is?
and Why are you on earth?
My interpretations of the book of Revelation are more in line with the need to know who you are and to move your soul, mind, spirit, and physical body toward becoming a free and sovereign being in your own right. So, enjoy!
Who Are You, Really?
Who are you?
really is a great question. Who do you believe you are? Do you believe you are the name on your birth certificate, a child of God, a child of your parents, or do you believe you just happen to be here indiscriminately? Have you ever stopped to think about why you are here on earth, why you were born a male or female, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, witty or uninteresting? The answers to these questions and more can be found deep within your soul memories, and all that you have to do is tap into them and remember.
In the introduction, I mentioned that man always seems to make everything complex, like God, Satan, earth, his physical body, the Bible, how he is taught to understand memory, and many other things. I also said that our religious teachers hide the real truth from us by keeping us preoccupied with our biases, our opinions, our judgments, and the fear of God’s punishments. I guess it is easy to see why we always believe that what is being passed down from one generation to the next is the truth, especially when you consider the way we express our trust in the Bible. Well, the book of Revelation actually gives you a different story from what you have been taught by your spiritual leaders.
You see, our spiritual leaders always begin their teachings at the time of man’s birth, and then they get us to commit to a set of rules that our parents, our grandparents, and their parents before them always accepted as being truths. Then they add the wording of the gospels to keep our minds and hearts filled with their explanations of what God and Jesus were attempting to tell us. Of course, what is being ignored, misinterpreted, and misrepresented by our religious teachers is that the book of Revelation is not about the end times but suggest a bigger picture, through memory, of where we actually came from, why we are here on earth, and the reason we choose the experiences we are experiencing.
Notwithstanding our religious teachings, Revelation is a book that should never be feared, because the book is actually about our own journey from the time we felt our spirit and our original Oneness, long before Adam and Eve, and even before the earth, its moon, the stars, and the physical universe were formed.
As I said, the book of Revelation seems very complex because of the acute metaphors, the extravagant symbolism, and the allegorical language, to say the least. However, to understand the book of Revelation and the coming of Christ, you need to start from the beginning, before sin, the Earth, and physical man.
Now, to expand on what I mentioned in the preface and in the introduction, we all have been taught to believe that the beginning was God, that all that was
was God, and that, according to Genesis 1:27, both man and woman were created in the divine image of God. So, does this mean that God and all that was
was physical first, or does it mean something else? The Bible says that Adam and Eve were physical first, but according to Genesis: 1:27, it was God. So, was God physical first or were Adam and Eve? I guess this is why man is so confused when it comes to God and his teachings.
As said previously, Genesis and Revelation bring out the true story of all that was
(God), the serpent, Adam and Eve, and the significance of being physical. So again, if God was all that was,
the original Oneness of consciousness complete unto himself, then that means God knew nothing other than himself. You could say that God did not even know what was good or evil.
However, what is missing here is how God, the original Oneness, in a passion of great love, asked himself, Who am I?
It was from this question that this original Oneness (God) instantly created countless images of himself in order to see himself. All that was
(God) burst into what are now God’s children, known today as soul beings.
Therefore, the first explosion was not the creation of the universe or Earth. It was the spirit of God breaking up into gazillions of pieces of itself, and within each piece, we, as souls, in the divine image of God, came into being. This means God was never a single, solitary consciousness. God is the composite of all souls, and within each soul (you) contains the divine spark or essence of a pure and unchangeable you, for you are God.
From this expanded explanation of Genesis 1:27, you can see why the garden of Eden is really not a place but represents the original Oneness of God’s consciousness from which we souls came, for that was all that was.
In other words, nothing existed outside of this oneness of God except us souls. There was no Earth, physical man (Adam and Eve), stars, or universe.
For instance, look at the sun as symbolizing God and being all that was,
meaning there was no Earth or any Physicality. Now, see the sun (God) as being only spirit at first. Now, imagine the sun exploding or expanding into gazillions of smaller suns. These smaller suns – or gods, if you will – would each have the same makeup as the larger sun, divine and Christ like. This is what is meant by the statement that we souls are created in the exact image of all that was
(God) before Earth and physical man ever existed, even before Adam and Eve.
From this explosion, each and every soul-being (you) became an original Oneness of its own; thus, you were born of spirit first before physicality ever made its appearance. From your birth in spirit, you were given everything the Father God has, including total freedom to express, love, experience, and choose your own fate – and even to turn your back on the original Oneness (God) because you always knew (from a higher consciousness) that you would return to your own divine Oneness.
To expand on what was said before, after you felt separation from the original Oneness of all that was,
you, having the same authority and power as God, instantly mimicked the original Oneness of all that was
and created the ability to see your own self through the many images (lifetimes) that you created so that you could explore the question Who am I?
And as you know, the first image you created was the mind, because you needed the mind to help you create a consciousness of thought, perception, memory, emotions, and free will as being real, even though it is all just an illusion.
For instance, it took the mind and your Christ-spirit to produce an ego consciousness in order for you to feel your uniqueness and separateness from your own original Oneness (the spark of God). You did this in order to move into many different directions to learn about life and to answer the question Who am I?
It was magical, divine, and perfect, because your divine spirit knew now that it could do more than just exist without wisdom or knowledge of itself.
Through the manifesting of your mind and ego, your divine spirit could now learn, feel, expand, and get to know all things, rather than just be in a state of incompleteness. And so, the beginning of a new day was created, which correlates with Genesis and the creation during the six days set forth by God. In fact, the creation is nothing more than your own divine Christ-spirit creating many personality aspects
of yourself in order to learn the wisdom behind the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, also known as duality.
It was the only way for you to become a complete, sovereign God in your own right. In other words, before your mind (Adam), soul (Eve), and rebellious ego nature (the serpent), your awareness was based only on a oneness of consciousness of just being there without any wisdom or understanding of life or what it means to be alive and make choices. All that you were in the beginning was a consciousness
of a non-activating force. You did not even know who you were.
For example, when a baby is born, it knows nothing of itself. The baby has a consciousness but is not even aware of itself until it evolves (grows) to a consciousness where the baby can begin to make choices.
Once your divine spirit allowed this act of forming a soul, a mental consciousness, and an ego to feel your separateness from your own original Oneness (your God self), you began to feel a great urge deep within yourself to move outside of your oneness and explore beyond the boundaries of the garden (your oneness). This, my fellow gods, is where the book of Genesis comes into play, as the book symbolically spells out for you man’s historical journey.
It is a book that symbolically takes you, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, into a discovery of everything we souls undertook in order to learn everything there was to learn about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. But as the story goes, once we all felt our unique separateness, we began to doubt ourselves as being gods too.
Because we souls did not know what fear was, we chose to say farewell to our divine spirit and went on to explore the question of Who am I?
This choice led us souls down a road of feeling, for the very first time, a nervousness that was never experienced before. It was because of this nervousness that we souls began to feel uneasy, which then caused uncertainty, doubt, and the fear of losing our awareness of being unique. This fear, drew all souls into what is called the wall of fire.
[1] Once you, and all souls alike, entered into this wall of fire, great confusion and chaos set in, because you found that it was ripping your energy into billions and billions of pieces that ended up being a great number of potentials and lifetimes for you to experience.
Now, this does not mean you have billions of lifetimes, even though you could. It is about you creating billions and billions of potentials to experience. Therefore, the true story of Genesis is not about Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden. It is about Adam and Eve being a metaphor for your own story and journey to new places, far beyond your original, divine Oneness.
Adam became representative of your outer mind. Eve is symbolic of your soul-self, recording everything that you choose to experience from a mental level and then giving that choice life. The ego (the serpent) became the metaphor for your rebellious nature, which is known today as your beastly nature. It actually took your ego to move you outside of yourself (oneness) and into a personality that became stronger than your mental level as it moved you toward a dual force called positive and negative. The Bible depicts it as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Once, your mind (Adam), soul (Eve), and ego (Satan) entered into a force of two
(positive and negative), they began to rebel against each other, which means you began to rebel against your own divine oneness, your own perfection and that of other souls. This is when you started taking on an independent character or personality that made you feel separated, free, and unique in your own way.
Of course, this uniqueness caused a lot of chaos deep within the self because we became conscious of darkness, which was the first time we felt this positive and negative force. This unknown force of positive and negative, through time and space, began to build up as our fears and choices created many personality aspects of self. These personality aspects of the soul were necessary to experience this previously unknown state of duality in order to understand its lack of clarity.
This previously unknown principle of duality created within all souls a consciousness of desire to explore a course of action that in the end created everything you now see outside of your oneness - including layer after layer of astral-etheric-realms as well as a physical realm. This is why the Bible states that there are many mansions or places in God’s Kingdom (John 14:2). This is where your soul-self created and manifested the many personality aspects of light and dark (lifetimes) to come to earth and slow down your energy so you could find your way back to your own oneness again (true nature).
Your soul-self (Eve consciousness) gave birth to your many personality aspects, enabling you to explore the dark recesses of your consciousness and to answer the question Who am I?
This is where you stopped trying to remember who you were, and that is when you finally let go of the idea of being a Christ.
Because of this desire and the experiences of your choices over time, good and evil, you ran and hid from your divinity (Christ self) because you felt unworthy of being a Christ again. You actually carry within your soul a deep feeling that you have let your Christ-spirit down because of your choice to rebel against your own true nature. This, my fellow gods, is the meaning of sin and the symbology of you (Adam principle) taking the bite of the apple. It is not that Adam and Eve literally took a bite of an apple or that they ever lived. It is not even about them being kicked out of any garden.
Adam and Eve metaphorically means that you (all souls) chose a long time ago to descend from your higher state of consciousness to a lower place in consciousness that translated into something of judgment, positive and negative, good and evil, duality. Therefore, sin only exists within the mind and ego levels of your total consciousness and is not part of your divine nature.
We have forgotten that we have many phases of mind and consciousnesses. We have the universal mind of God (Christ-spirit), which makes us a divine being; we have the mind of our sub-consciousness or soul; and we have the mind of the physical. This idea of the differing functions of the mind (spirit, mind, and ego) is to call attention to the different planes of our soul development through time and space as we learn about the unknown principles of duality.
Of course, each stage of our soul development is made manifest through the physical realm, which is actually the testing portion of the universal vibrations. From this idea, we sooner or later come to learn about being responsible for the development of our own soul. By studying the Bible from the standpoint of seeing self, first and foremost, as a spiritual being, rather than holding to a physical point of view, we become aware of our soul and its origination from somewhere beyond the physical world.
As you see, most of us are not aware of our beginning and how we came to live upon a physical world, and that is because most people are on different levels of understanding (by their own free choice) when it comes to God. Therefore, what I write here is for those who are ready to open up to the hidden secrets behind the book of Revelation that pertain to God, Jesus Christ, and how Revelation relates to the end of your suffering (sin) rather than the end of the world.
My fellow gods, after reading this book, you are no longer to look at yourself as a sinner, because you have born your cross and have done your sowing and reaping. Now, the time has come for you to ascend to a higher state of being, without reservation, wholly in acceptance and love for who you really are. The time has come to let go of all limitations of your human existence and fully integrate all parts of you, for you are truly a Christ too.
To help you see and understand this, let us look at the true meaning of Revelation Chapter 1, verse by verse.
(Rev. 1:1): The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show his servants what must happen soon. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John.
What is the revelation of Jesus Christ
? First, Jesus fulfilled his mission over two thousand years ago. Second, the real author of the book of Revelation is not Jesus or John. It is the Christ-spirit within you, whom John symbolizes. The Apostle John, like you, was an outer expression of his own soul-self; the name John is that of a servant or an aspect of his own Christ-identity, and it is the same for you.
The phrase which God gave to him
verifies that it was John’s own Christ-spirit enlightening him, while in physical form, about him becoming aware of a new truth about his identity. You see, John’s deeper self or his Christ-spirit is symbolized by the man Jesus and has nothing to do with Jesus giving John a message. Therefore, the symbology behind this verse is representative of our own Christ-spirit making an effort to inform us, while we are in human form, that we, too, are a divine being just as much as John and Jesus.
The books of Genesis and Revelation are the most misunderstood and misinterpreted writings that you could ever attempt to comprehend because of the way we have been taught by our religious leaders. You see, there are many different concepts of spirit what it is and what it does, and religions tend to assign human values and reasoning to it through the icon of a God who lives in a book.
We all have been operating for a long time now on the concept of an infinite King who created us as limited beings, because we fail to understand that our spirit is in fact a real life force and the original divine spark within us that was awakened eons ago through the process of breathing life into our own consciousness.
Mark 4:11-12 mentions the secret of the kingdom of God and the Christ,
which, in fact, refers to you being a Christ just as much as your brother Jesus is. Once we understand this, then our soul consciousness will open