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Spinning Tails: Helicopter Stories
Spinning Tails: Helicopter Stories
Spinning Tails: Helicopter Stories
Ebook199 pages1 hour

Spinning Tails: Helicopter Stories

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About this ebook

From the jungles of Vietnam to the heavens of Hawaii, across the world from New Zealand to America, and around-the-world flights, you'll fly with pilots, crew members, soldiers, nurses, and adventure seekers.

Join Huey 091 in her journey from Vietnam to a backyard wedding decades later. Fly in the battles of wartime helicopter crews. Find out why some people dream of helicopter flight, while others have nightmares of the memories.

Laugh at flight follies, admire heroes of the flight line, crash midair into another helicopter, and use in-flight emergency procedures when you hear, "You're on Fire!"

More than thirty writers contributed stories, poems, and insights that represent myriad adventures, heartaches, ecstasies, horrors, and wonders that helicopters have to offer. Helicopter history, winged wisdom, and flight facts are scattered throughout the book.

Strap in, hang on, and get ready for the flight of your life.

"Tower, Spinning Tails ready for takeoff."

Release dateNov 17, 2003
Spinning Tails: Helicopter Stories

Jan Hornung

Jan Hornung, helicopter pilot, award-winning writer/editor/teacher, Army wife, is the author of:  Angels in Vietnam: Women Who Served  KISS the Sky: Helicopter Tales  This is the Truth as Far as I Know, I Could Be Wrong  If a Frog Had Wings Visit Jan Hornung: http://www.geocities.com/vietnamfront

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    Book preview

    Spinning Tails - Jan Hornung















    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14





    To all who have known the joy and sorrow of helicopter flight.

    As always, to Skyler: You are my wings.

    When once you have tasted flight,

    you will forever walk the earth

    with your eyes turned skyward,

    for there you have been,

    and there you will always long to return.

    Leonardo da Vinci, 1452–1519


    The helicopter is probably the most versatile

    instrument ever invented by man.

    It approaches closer than any other vehicle

    to fulfillment of mankind’s ancient dreams

    of the flying horse and the magic carpet.

    Igor Sikorsky, 1889–1972



    I realize that there are no helicopter stories,

    just stories of men and women whose lives were changed

    by the places that helicopters led them or allowed them to go.

    Bob Mackey

    Dustoff pilot

    RVN 1969–1970



    A Special Thank You to:

    •   Ruth Hay—for her excellent editing abilities and to Hal Hay for uploading and downloading hundreds of computer files for this task, two of the most beautiful people I know. Because of you, I fly.

    •   Pat Hewatt—for her support, her friendship, her amusing e-mails, and of course, her beautiful poetry.

    •   Deanna Gail Shlee Hopkins—for her friendship and all she does for so many.

    •   Bill McDonald—a spiritual warrior, for his friendship and for his stories that make me laugh out loud, and for giving me the honor of being his editor.

    •   Gary Jacobson—for his entertaining e-mails and for sharing his wonderful story and poem for this book.

    •   Mike Subritzky—the Kiwi Kipling who gives so much to so many, for sharing his talents.

    •   My good friends Ken Melusky and Slim Myers, both incredible men, for sharing their stories.

    •   Janis Nark—an amazing woman, for sharing one of her stories.

    •   Patty Biegun—a woman whose beauty and insight shines through in her stories, for bringing me into her life as her editor.

    •   Del Abe Jones—for his poems that put the world in perspective for me.

    •   Pat Kenny—for living his dream and encouraging me.

    •   Each of these wonderful writers and poets I came to know and admire through their stories, poems, insights and personal e-mails as they shared a piece of their lives and a part of their souls. Thank you to: Ron Bower, Rodney R. Brown, Sharon Vander Ven Cummings, James Dunbar, Galen Foster, Larry Harty, James M. Hopkins, Johnny Hutcherson, Larry Kimmith, Ron Leonard, Bob Mackey, Bobby McBride, John Moller, Tom Nesbitt, Anthony Pahl, Jim Schueckler, and Mary A. Smith.



    Thank you to everyone who wrote stories and poems for this book. I regret I could not use all of them. Of the hundreds of wonderful writings I received, I chose the editor’s favorites to present here.

    From the jungles of Vietnam to the heavens of Hawaii, across the world from New Zealand to America, and around-the-world flights, you’ll fly along with the pilots, crew members, soldiers, Donut Dollies, nurses, and adventure seekers.

    Join Huey 091 in her journey from Vietnam to a backyard wedding decades later. Share the anxiety of a wartime helicopter crew lost in the fog over the jungle. Find out why some people dream of helicopter flight, while others have nightmares of the memories.

    Laugh along with flight follies, admire the unsung heroes of the flight line, scream as you crash into another helicopter in midair, and put those in-flight emergency procedures to work when you hear, You’re on Fire!

    More than three dozen writers contributed stories, poems, quips, and insights to Spinning Tails. These represent just a few of the myriad adventures, heartaches, ecstasies, horrors, and wonders that helicopters have to offer. You’ll also learn a bit of helicopter history, winged wisdom, and flight facts scattered throughout the book.

    Strap in, hang on, and get ready for the flight of your life.

    "Tower, Spinning Tails ready for takeoff."

    Jan Hornung

    Angels in Vietnam: Women Who Served

    KISS the Sky: Helicopter Tales

    This is the Truth As Far As I Know, I Could Be Wrong


    Flight Follies

    It is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.

    Amelia Earhart, 1897–1937

    Winged Wisdom

    •   You can fly anywhere.

    •   Let children know they can do anything they want to do—even fly.

    Around the World

    Flying around the world in a helicopter is like raising kids. When you’ve finally figured out how to do it the right way, you’ve finished.

    •   Ron Bower

    Ron Bower set the around-the-world speed record in 1996 when he flew a Bell 430 westbound around the world in 17 days and 6 hours. He also holds the east-bound around-the-world record in a helicopter, which he flew solo in a Bell 206B Jet Ranger in 1994 in 24 days and 4 hours.

    For more about Ron Bower and his company, Bower Helicopter, Inc., go online to http://www.bowerhelicopter.com

    Winged Wisdom

    •   Take time to appreciate the scenery.

    •   Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    •   You’ll never run out of fuel at an inconvenient time

    if you take the winds into consideration.

    Little Green Bugsg

    My first day as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, probably January 10, 1969, I was assigned as Peter Pilot to one of the most experienced aircraft commanders.

    Everything was going just like flight school: quick briefing, mark our maps, write down frequencies, preflight the aircraft. Just like flight school. Crank up the birds, pick up the grunts, take off in formation, head for the landing zone, the LZ.

    On final approach, the Aircraft Commander took the controls and said, Stay on the controls with me, but I will do the flying, understand? OK, you’ve got it.

    Just like flight school, I think to myself.

    Some noise and smoke in the LZ; we dropped off the grunts. Neat! Just like flight school. Just like I expected.

    After the formation was back at cruising altitude, I asked the Aircraft Commander about the one thing that I hadn’t seen in flight school. What were those little green bugs?

    What little green bugs?

    When we were on final, and down there in the LZ, there were little green bugs.

    Are you kidding me?

    No, there were a whole lot of little green bugs, and they were going real fast.

    You must be kidding me.

    No, they were there, real fast and real straight.

    Those were tracers.

    Tracers!?! But they were coming toward us!

    Yes, they were coming toward us!

    Do you mean they were shooting at us?

    Yes, they were shooting at us, he replied smugly.

    Oh, said I, the humble newbie.

    About 30 minutes later, while we were refueling, the crew chief said on the intercom, Sir, I think we better shut down to see how much damage we have; some of those little green bugs bit us back here (snicker).

    •   By Jim Schueckler

    Jim Schueckler was a 21-year-old helicopter pilot with the 192nd Assault Helicopter Company, Phan Thiet, 1969–1970. He is still married to the same wonderful woman who saw me off to war. Jim and his wife, Judy, have three children and two cute grandkids.

    Schueckler is founder and webmaster of the original virtual wall, The Virtual Wall, Vietnam Veterans Memorial at http://www.VirtualWall.org

    "Since March 1997, The Virtual Wall has honored the 58,220 men and women named on the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial, those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Each name or photo on our index page links to a personal memorial, either on this site or on personal web sites elsewhere."

    •   Jim Schueckler

    Jim Schueckler’s story The Day It Snowed In Vietnam is published in Angels in Vietnam: Women Who Served.

    Winged Wisdom

    •   If you don’t know where you are,

    you can’t figure out where you’re going.

    •   If you don’t know where you’re going,

    all the flight plans and aerial maps in the world won’t help you.

    The First Unofficial Bombing Raid of Cambodia

    The day began with a short briefing in flight operations. Normally, I would be on the flight line waiting with my ship. This day’s mission, however, was different because we were carrying men into an area that looked like Cambodia on the map. I was told that we were going to take a small group of men on a single-ship mission to grid coordinates such and such.

    When I looked at where that was on the map, I blurted out something about that being in the Parrot’s Beak, inside of Cambodia. The two pilots glared at me and stated once again that we were going to grid coordinates such and such. I restated the obvious, and they told me for the last time that we were heading to those grid coordinates and any mention of Cambodia was to be forgotten.

    We gathered our gear and loaded the chopper. We did a thorough preflight inspection and lifted off just as the sun was rising over the tops of the surrounding jungle around Phu Loi. We pulled the Huey up and into the morning sunrise. I always loved flying that time of the day. Sunrise in Vietnam with all the haze made for some beautiful colors in the early morning skies, and also at sunset.

    We went to a small base camp close to the border between Vietnam and Cambodia and picked up a group of men wearing an assortment of unidentifiable uniforms. No one had anything that would label them as American or even NATO. They were on some kind of secret mission and their nationalities were purposely disguised. They also had weapons from eastern block countries, AK-47s and such. These guys did not talk at all. Their conversations were nonexistent and there were no smiles. These six men that we were taking to those grid coordinates were all business.

    We flew to the grid coordinates at a high altitude. I was used to flying most of our missions at treetop level or even lower at times, but on this mission we were up about as high as I have ever flown in a helicopter in Vietnam. When we got close to the grid coordinates of the LZ, we began a steep dive and cruised into the LZ just above the treetops from about two miles out. I had my M-60 at the ready, but the jungle was so thick I couldn’t even see the ground under the trees, let alone any VC or NVA who might be taking some shots at us. I could feel the tension of my passengers the closer we got.

    All of a sudden we sprang upon a clear opening just big enough for our ship to touch down and take off again. It was a tight fit, but it was the only opening in the jungle for miles in either direction. We quickly dropped down into the LZ. The landing was not very soft as we slightly bounced. The men were off before the Huey had even stopped sliding forward on the ground. I gave the pilots the okay to take off. Without any hesitation, they were trying to get out of there as fast as they could. We barely cleared the treetops as the pilot pulled the collective throttle up and began heading back to get supplies for these men.

    The good news was that the LZ was cold (no enemy fire). Our concern, however, was that we not attract too much attention because we had to go back there again with more supplies. The possibility of having a hot LZ increased the more times we kept landing in it.

    We went back to where we had originally picked up the men, and we took on a full load of supplies of ammo, c-rations, medical supplies, and for some strange reason, two cases of toilet paper.

    It was a long and boring flight back to the LZ at grid coordinates such and such. I was actually getting sleepy and was having trouble staying awake. I began to look at the cases of toilet paper and wondered what one roll would look like if I threw it out from 6,000 feet. I was wondering if it would unwind and stretch out to its full length. So, I decided to solve this personal mystery. I opened one of the cases and removed one roll for my airborne experiment over the jungle of Cambodia.

    I pulled about six feet of it from the roll to get it started. I then tossed it straight out of my helicopter into the sky. It began to unravel immediately. I am not sure how long a roll of classic American-made soft toilet paper is, but within a few seconds that entire roll was floating like paper fireworks slowly onto the tops of the triple-canopy jungle below me. In fact, it looked so neat, and I was so bored, that I decided to throw another roll. Well, one good thing led to another, and by the time we had almost gotten to the LZ to unload the supplies, one of the cases of toilet paper was totally empty. So, I decided to drop that cardboard bomb overboard to join the toilet paper. I did not want to have an empty box show up in the LZ.

    The LZ proved to be uneventfully safe, and we were able to successfully unload everything quickly and leave right away. We pulled back up to 6,000 feet, so we had a great view of the entire area below us for miles. All of a sudden, I heard one of the pilots yelling at me about what he was seeing.

    Mac, what in the hell is all that white crap over the tops of the jungle?

    It almost appears to look like someone toilet-papered the jungle tops. Is that possible? the other pilot added.

    Of course, I was now caught red-handed, so I had to tell the truth.

    Yes, Sir, that sure looks like toilet paper to me also. We must have had a case fall out when we hit some air turbulence. I assume that all those rolls just popped out of the box and unraveled themselves across the tops of the jungle. Yep, that is what it looks like to me, Sir.

    One of the pilots began to yell at me, but I detected a slight

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