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From the Heart of a Conscious Soul: My Love for Naderge
From the Heart of a Conscious Soul: My Love for Naderge
From the Heart of a Conscious Soul: My Love for Naderge
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From the Heart of a Conscious Soul: My Love for Naderge

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Every person that arrives at a higher conscientious would like to bring their love along for the ride. Often times with the excitement of a neophyte we are able to make great steps towards this end goal but somehow we fall short. Perhaps our vision is unclear of the end game. Perhaps our purpose, goals and objectives become bogged down in the day to day nurturing our won delicate conscientiousness and we the ties that bond of to our love ones. While every individual wants the enthusiasm of love, the conscience person has to take on a dual personality. Live each day to love her and live, fight and die for the revolutionary change of the greater community. We will continue down the path with this delicate balancing act until successful. Then love and peace can coincide for both our inner selves and the causes that we take ownership of.

Release dateAug 6, 2008
From the Heart of a Conscious Soul: My Love for Naderge

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    From the Heart of a Conscious Soul - Malik Aziz

    © 2009 Malik Aziz. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 1/9/2009

    ISBN: 978-1-4343-6045-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-0238-1 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2008902818

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana




    A Fitting Foreword


    Opening Commentary –

    Essay # 1

    Essay # 2

    A Poem for Naderge

    A Poem Borrowed for Naderge

    A Good Morning Poem For Naderge

    A Poem for my Love For Naderge

    A Short Poem for Naderge

    Un Poème pour Naderge dans son français natal

    Impromptu at Cheesecake Factory,

    Baltimore, Maryland

    A Poem for Naderge,

    Second Selection

    Something Just For Naderge

    A Song For Naderge

    A Special Poem For Naderge

    A Word for Naderge’s Heart

    Some words for Naderge

    O Agadir

    A short story about Agadir


    About the Author


    To my Mom Joyce Gordon post-humously, the lessons of your example are always close by. The care and challenges together have formed an eternal bond between us. My journey through life has been a continuum of stability, new horizons, and full of the grace that you represented for all whom crossed your path.

    To my daughter Laketa Nashay Aziz thanks for allowing me to smile with ease.

    In memory of Dr. Majzoub Al-Khalifah (Special Advisor to the President and Head of the Sudan’s Government Negotiating Team on Darfur), your tireless efforts will live on with the Darfur 23.


    First and foremost, I thank Allah (Subhana wa Ta’ala) for giving me life. My life has been a wonderful journey of experiences, from exercising the right of return after 400 years to the bush and beauty of mother Africa to performing the Hajj al-Qiran in Makkah. To my parents Charles and Joyce Gordon who taught me love, kindness, the importance of giving to others, a sense of activism, and who gave me a working foundation for success in a life and love. I have no other words but thank you. To the various members of my extended family, you were important in my development.

    To my Uncle Bobby who was the first to challenge me intellectually. My Aunties (Vera Scott, Cynthia Morton and Evelyn Lee) whom help nurture my spirit and soul. To Naderge, I thank you for the experience to dig deeper within myself and I hope my words and best effort are accepted with the grace and warmth of your smile. You were not insignificant to me. I have been enriched by various mentors in my life. I owe a thank you post-humously to Excel Walker for believing in me as a little boy over all others and to Akbar Muhammad for facilitating opportunities for me to travel the globe and be amongst men and women of big affairs’ in our struggle for justice. To Abul-Rahman Abdullah, a stranger whom I enjoyed the best thirty-days of my life in the cities of Makkah and Madinah tun-Nabi.To Nicole Humphries, Saudah Aziz, Aliyah Cruse and Kalila Musawwir, I thank you for truly being my best friends. To Jocelyn Porter-Wright, you are a complete lady. To the brothers’ and sisters of the Darfur 23 (Sylvia Trotter-Johnson, Abdullah Yassin Muhammad, Art Mobley and others’) and the Sudanese people in the north as well as the south, I am grateful to you for joining me in the struggle and fight for a united Sudan, a United Africa. To the people of Agadir, Morocco, who have extended their shelter and kindness beyond words. Mohammed, Amine, Said, and Rajaa, you have greatly contributed to my peace. To my college professor Dr. Iva Caruthers, I am eternally grateful for your appearance in my formidable years. You raised my level of consciousness and provided me with the enthusiasm to continue the process of my personally liberation. Finally, to the people of the former East Chicago Heights who form the village" that supported me, harvesting my dreams, and encouraging me throughout. All my thoughts of you are sweet to the taste. Without you I would not have been able to travel most of this earth meeting with several Heads of State as well as the fabulous ordinary people. Each of you will forever live in my heart. Finally, to all those that I have crossed my paths, ication I hope and pray that through all the uphill roads in this life that wind remain at your back.

    A Fitting Foreword

    I remember the turning point of my inner soul, my consciousness. I sat on a nondescript day in a back of a classroom at the age of thirteen sulking. In my sensitive disposition I began to search deep inside of me for something that resembled a wall. This journey took me very rapidly into defining who I would become to the rest of the world. I set my life goals on this table of inner ware. I stated that I wanted to graduate college one day…I did that.I stated that I wanted to excel in athleticism…I did that. I stated that I wanted to have a successful career in my adult life…I did that. I stated that I wanted to semi-retire while I was still in my youth…I did that. I stated that I wanted to do everything humanly possible to raise Black people from the bottom of this world…I am doing that. Finally, as I plotted the rest of my life at this tender age of adolescence, I ask Allah in the highest pitch of silence…please let me love a good woman. These goals began the blueprint of self-motivation. I would periodically seep into deep meditation and thought, taking a self-inventory of where I was in light of my goals. From boyhood thru manhood preaching quietly to my higher self…you have to make it to the end of your road. Everything came with its struggles but so vivid where my goals they came together as planned, except…love.

    Nat King Cole sang…there was a…very strange enchanted boy…little shy and sad of eye… he passed my way…this

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