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Magic of the Frogs
Magic of the Frogs
Magic of the Frogs
Ebook75 pages37 minutes

Magic of the Frogs

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Magic of the Frogs is a Fantasy tale of magic, and good versus evil. Bastion, chief watchman of his town, while on patrol of the pond, meets an imp named Larien. She tells him a story of a dark wizard and an evil magic that was cast upon them. Would he believe her? Could he find the strength to defeat the wizards snakes and save the town of Covington? Follow along with Bastion and Larien as they learn the truth of their past, discover a traitor, and battle a wizard to try to set themselves free.
Release dateDec 13, 2010
Magic of the Frogs

J.J. Marro

"The Magic is when children read!" Joseph Marro is a child advocate and adoptive parent of seven children. His story is designed to develop the mid-grade reader and encourage them to continue reading at higher levels. His writing style and narrative voice speaks to children in a way that draws them into the story while not talking down to their level. His fast paced approach and suspenseful chapter endings encourage his readers to continue on.

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    Magic of the Frogs - J.J. Marro

    © 2010 J.J. Marro. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 12-9-2010

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9430-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9429-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-1637-0 (e)

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Chapter 1

    A Meeting of Fate

    Chapter 2

    Back to Covington

    Chapter 3

    A Tale of Sorrow

    Chapter 4

    The Plan

    Chapter 5

    The Message to Covington

    Chapter 6

    Escape from the Wizard

    Chapter 7

    The Defense of Covington

    Chapter 8

    Back to the Wizard

    Chapter 9

    The Wizard and the Imp


    Chapter 1

    A Meeting of Fate


    Nestled among the high grass at the base of a fallen log, Bastion, chief watchman of his town, sat smoking a pipe. He watched as the rings of smoke floated gently to the sky and seemed to merge with the white clouds that passed overhead.

    The string tied to his foot was attached to a float that bobbed upon the water. It was a warm summer day, and a good day to sit back and enjoy life around the pond. His sword and cloak, resting by his side, were always at the ready as he lounged basking in the sunlight.

    It had been many a day since the call to arms had stirred him from his restful place, and today seemed to be another one of those relaxing days. If anyone wondered whether or not he really had been looking to catch something, the absence of bait on his hook told the real story.

    Only the rumble in his stomach and an empty cup broke the quiet of the moment. Well I guess it’s time to get moving, he said as he stood and stretched, letting out a distasteful grunt while scratching his belly.

    Food! Food is what I need, and maybe a bit of cider, he said eagerly. He reached down to grab his cloak when a sparkle in the sky caught his eye. He watched as it seemed to float and dance above the pond, traveling this way and that. He shaded his eyes from the bright sunlight to get a better glimpse, but all he could make out was the flutter of wings.

    Hmm, it may become a meal if it comes down any closer, he thought, never taking his eyes off the shiny object. Frogs were always in search of tasty bugs, and the pond was a buffet of flying delights.

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