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Righteous Orientation: Self-Healing of Source-Ken World, Stimulation of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family
Righteous Orientation: Self-Healing of Source-Ken World, Stimulation of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family
Righteous Orientation: Self-Healing of Source-Ken World, Stimulation of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family
Ebook603 pages8 hours

Righteous Orientation: Self-Healing of Source-Ken World, Stimulation of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family

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Author Alfred Phillips Jr. envisions a new world order where races, countries, and religions interact with each other differently than in the past. In Righteous Orientation, he details the development of this new world order and shows that it is essential for members of black society, Source-Ken World, to change how they see themselves in order to live well. Using new vocabulary and language to present this fresh world order that he calls the Great-Global Source-Ken Family. Phillips shares a thought-provoking plan. Righteous Orientation provides an overview of the 200,000-year wave of human life in which Source-Ken World are the key players; an elaborate glossary for the new words, a new time basis for humans, realistic expectations on how human systems change, and a discussion of pre-human primates; a review of organization, intelligence quotients and standardized tests, solving the HIV-Aids problem, DNA, accountability (reparations), belief system, and vital relations between Source-Ken World; a discussion of how to answer many questions from the past. Righteous Orientation presents a righteous, fulfilling, and sustainable way forward for all conscious sentient beings.
Release dateAug 29, 2011
Righteous Orientation: Self-Healing of Source-Ken World, Stimulation of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family

Alfred Phillips Jr.

Alfred Phillips Jr., a native Chicagoan and physicist, worked at IBM and taught electrical engineering at Cornell University. A marathon runner, father of five sons, author, and history enthusiast, he brings his experience in research to his passion for solving problems faced by world Africans. He studied and traveled extensively to inform this work; he currently lives in New York.

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    Righteous Orientation - Alfred Phillips Jr.

    Righteous Orientation

    Self-Healing of Source-Ken World, Stimulation of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family




    iUniverse, Inc.


    Righteous Orientation

    Self-Healing of Source-Ken World, Stimulation of the Great-Global
    Source-Ken Family

    Copyright © 2011 by Alfred Phillips Jr.

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    1. Introduction

    2. Our Ancestors

    3. Origins

    4. Us—Source-Ken World

    5. Abstractions

    6. Bounty-Ken, Bounty-Eth, Bounty-Hemisphere

    7. Minimum-Melanin

    Source-Ken (MMSK)

    8. Some Other Non Source-Ken

    9. Our Troubles

    10. Our Reconstruction

    11. Our Mission

    12. Our Goals

    13. Old School Religion

    14. Spirituality

    15. Principles for the Great-Global Source-Ken Family

    16. Source Institute

    17. On the Source

    18 The Wave of Life

    1. Definitions and Abbreviations

    2. Numbers, Times, Days, and Units

    3. Justolution Time and

    Time for Results

    4. SKousins

    1. Organization

    2. Dealing with Intelligence Quotient and Other Standardized Tests

    3. Solving the HIV-AIDS Problem

    4A. A Simplified Description of How DNA Works

    4B. Human Genome Researchers, MMSK Abuses, and SKW Concerns

    5A. Accountability Philosophy: Reparations

    5B. Reparations Background

    and Calculations

    6A. Invariant Ethics

    and Morality

    6B. Equitocracy

    6C. Music

    6D. Muhammad Ali Complex

    6E. Resolving the God Program

    6F. Comments on John’s Book, Revelation

    6G. Akhnaaah Spiritual Discoveries, Practices and Structure

    7A. SKG and SKUS in the Bounty Hemisphere-Populations

    7B. Sibling Regional Matchings, Nurturing Universities, and Enterprise Institutes: SE and BH

    7C. Unification of Source-Eth-Top-Sahara

    1. Humrec, History, Myth

    2. Knowing

    3. ASKings

    4. Rudimentary Reflections on How We Can Know

    1. Chosen of Azain (Nature)

    2. Goals, Accomplishment, Dates, and Contacts


    Many decades ago I decided that the chief objective of my life was to help black people throughout the world in a significant manner. I felt that my natural strength was in abstract thinking. I decided that my objective would be realized through publishing my book and presenting to people the ideas written in the book. I had chosen to become a physicist, as I believed the methods of physics treats the real world most accurately and more independent of the white supremacy culture than almost any other discipline. In a sense my work in this book is a projection of what my parents learned and taught me, modulated by my experiences and learning. My father was a Pullman Porter, which was among the best jobs a black man could get while he worked at that job, from 1923-63. My mother, a housewife, was educated at Livingstone College (class of 1927) to become a missionary in Africa. Her African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church did not have the money to send her to Africa because of the 1929 stock market crash. I learned courage from my father, and I learned about passion and the desire for knowledge from my mother. I also learned something about how the world works from my five excellent sons and their mothers. I took a PhD in physics from Howard University in 1969. I gained professional experience from twenty-four years at IBM mostly as a mathematical modeler and ten years at Cornell University as a professor of electrical and computer engineering. Running more than seventy marathons has taught me something about how my body works and something about the workings of my brain. I came to learn that my greatest strength is simple persistence that is, not giving up.

    This writing is not unflawed, but I will ask the righteous reader to point out flaws, which I will correct. Please bear with the redundancies. I do mean for this writing to be iterative in the sense that the ideas contained herein can be improved upon in time by others, as in science. I also intend to publish separately various sections of this book.

    I did not hurry in writing this book as my intention is that it will have an impact for more than 500 years. I had to increase my experiences and knowledge. My original objective was directed to black people. Since I had many years to formulate and to make many reformulations of my ideas, I eventually realized that a book for black people could not work over the long haul. My book, in principle, had to show concern for all people. However, it could still be geared primarily to black people the world over, especially by providing a new vision. I would not feel anxious about black people accepting my ideas right away, as I know many ardently believe in one of the Abrahamic-Myth belief systems: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. My experience is that people usually relearn and learn very slowly. To be sure black people are the original people (as taught by Malcolm X) the parent people (as taught by Francis Cress Welsing, MD) and the creation people (my term). As no man is an island, no people however unique, are a continent. We are the world as Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones have taught. Scientifically, we, Homo sapiens, humanity, all seven billion of us in 2011 CE, are one African family.

    Another reason for not directing the book exclusively to black people was the global nature of European attacks, inducing a possible unification of all people who were attacked. Starting in the early fifteenth century, with the Portuguese under Prince Henry the non-navigator, Europeans attacked many people of the world. The people of the so-called Western hemisphere, misnamed Indians, along with island people like those of Hawaii and Tasmania, were robbed, terrorized, murdered, and genocided. These non-Europeans succumbed, sometime because they had no immunity to diseases that Europeans carried. Second to these people, Africans were most attacked. Africans were enslaved, colonized and brain-washed (Christianized) by Europeans. The globalized European attacks on non-Europeans lasted for about 500 years. It was arrested only when Europeans attacked themselves massively in the so-called World War I and World War II. European attacks post World War II have continued, as led by the United States of America, in Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, and by the USA supply of weaponry for attacks on Palestine. The post World War II results have not been unconditional European victories, to say the least. Again, this work is geared to the Great-Global Source-Ken family through Source-Ken World. Where did those latter two terms come from?

    Some linguists now realize that all human languages, like all human genes, are riffs on the original language spoken by the original black Homo sapiens of Africa. All languages may simply be unrecognizable dialects of the original African language with the original clicks suppressed in almost all languages except a few in southern Africa. I do not believe that the English dialect should be the universal language. I believe that world Africans and others should create a new universal language that simultaneously maintains all of humanity’s approximately 6,000 dialects. The new universal language can become sufficiently robust for all humans to use it in speech and in writing. I do not attempt to do that in this work. I do, however, use modified English words for terms that could be dear to black people of consciousness. I believe that it is crude to call African people, the most genetically diverse people on the face of the earth, by a color or an insulting term whether European derived (negro, nigger, black) or Arab derived (abd, kafir, kaffa). I even have a problem with the word Africa, as it may be a Roman term. I have therefore decided to use my own English-based words in this book. Examples of such words are, Source-Ken, meaning African, Source-Eth, meaning Africa, Source-Ken World, meaning all African-looking people over the Eth (earth), and the Great-Global Source-Ken Family, meaning all seven billion (in 2011 CE) equal members of humanity. Because I create new words, I define them often throughout the text.

    The fundamental goals of this book are to provide a new way for Source-Ken World to envision themselves, thereby stimulating a righteous orientation of the 200,000 year-old Great-Global Source-Ken Family. From this consciousness change major human accomplishments could actualize. One such could be repairing Haiti by 2020 CE, and another could be the unification of the people of so-called Sub-Saharan Africa also by 2020 CE. Conventions will be held to make real these reparations and unifications. Pre-convention meetings on both such actions can be held as early as 2012 CE. I am keenly aware that these are very ambitious target dates, and I am equally keenly aware that these goals will be accomplished at some date.

    There are corollary purposes for this book. One such is for Source-Ken World to own/ possess the living, natural, political, and spiritual wealth of Source-Eth. Source-Ken World people could heal themselves by acting on the ideas in this book. Another corollary purpose is inclining all humans to act harmoniously in supporting the healing actions of Source-Ken World. This could result in healing all people. This is not as difficult as it may seem. It simply requires living by seven ideas expressed in this book as Principles for the Great-Global Source-Ken Family. Source-Ken World could become the initiators, by taking actions to heal themselves. I give considerable discussion about why Source-Ken World are in their current despicable state. Note that the Great-Global Source-Ken Family itself is a stimulation of actions taken by Source-Ken as they populated the Eth (earth) starting as late as 50,000 years ago. Clearly, Source-Ken World have the ability to stimulate all humans at this time. We appropriately give the start of human time as the time that when Homo sapiens were first evidenced to exist in Source-Eth, that is, 200,000 years ago. In mid-2011 CE, the Source-Ken population was about 873 million; the African-American population then was about forty-two million. The mid-2011 CE population of the Source-Ken World living neither in Source-Eth nor the United States, was about 125 million. (I name this group Source-Ken Global.) So there were about 1.04 billion Source-Ken World in mid 2011 CE. Again, the population of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family was around seven billion in mid-2011 CE.

    A thoughtful analysis is given of the foreign belief systems that have impacted most on Source-Ken World, the Abrahamic-Myth belief systems (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). These belief systems are shown to be distortions of a unitarity system devised by Kemetic (so-called Egyptian) people over millennia, and by the Kemetic Pharaoh Akhnaton. (Unitarity is a term used in physics. Unitary is a more common term. I use the physics term in this book as I believe it inclines us to think afresh about solving human problems.) The title Righteous Orientation is built upon human created Invariant Ethics applicable to all sentient creatures which is intended to maximize the livability of all species on earth. It also rests upon a social system of continually rebalancing, Equitocracy. It is symbolized by the registered trade mark of the Source Institute illustrated on the cover of this book which shows the upward direction as that implied by the ancient Kemetians (Egyptians). The waters in Kemet flowed from the upper Nile down to the sea in the same direction that the original Homo sapiens descent-ed to other parts of the Eth (earth). I do not focus on global warming or climate change. These problems are not fundamental. The fundamental problem is one of greed consciousness. This problem is solved by a Righteous Orientation: Invariant Ethics, Equitocracy, and righteous economics-Togonomics.

    As it seems that most humans require a transcendent component in their consciousness, we classify Spirituality in three ways. The highest spirituality is applicable to all people and is consistent with science. Any such transcendent consciousness must be integrally related to actions in life, as individuals, as members of groups, and as humanity as a whole. Reparation to subfamilies that have been criminally harmed over the last 600 years must be paid by subfamilies that have committed crimes and/ or benefitted directly from these crimes. As subfamilies are virtually immortal, there is no statute of limitations for serious subfamily crimes, just as there is no statute of limitation for certain heinous crimes committed by individuals during their lives. Even now these crimes propagate as more than six million people killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since 1990 CE. These crimes also manifest by the impact of Ronald W. Reagan’s presidency on Source-Ken-World in the USA in the reduction in school aid and the massive increase in imprisonment. (Many Source-Ken World are imprisoned for marijuana related activities. This would correspond to around six million white people incarcerated for activities in violation of the 1920s alcohol prohibition laws.) The recent killing of six million people in DRC and the incarceration of one million African-Americans have had little apparent impact on the consciousness of so-called Americans regardless of color or position.

    This book does not have a conventional bibliography, as it is unconventional. I contend that Source-Ken World must look anew at the non-written human-record that I call the Humrec (human record). There is virtually no written material for more than 95 percent of human existence. I do not want to give undue weight to the Johnny-come-lately part of the human experience, the so-called historical part. Napoleon Bonaparte has said that history is a set of fables agreed upon. I do, however, cite authors and institutions in the real-space of this book. Real-space is like the term real-time. Citing in real-space means I name the writer or institution, with some elaboration, exactly where there is a quote or reference. This approach provides reading continuity.

    This book does not have an index, but it has a lengthy and detailed table of contents. Many of the sections of this writing are self-contained. I feel that with the elaborate table of contents, the definitions of new words given multiple times in the text, and the independence of the constituent sections, the need for a comprehensive index or concordance is eliminated. I admit that there is reinforcement/ repetition throughout this book. Many ideas here are different from what is taught implicitly and/ or explicitly in white supremacy (so-called Western) culture. Moreover, I assume that you are not going to read this book in one continuous sitting, but that you will read it with many interruptions. Reinforcement of ideas may have value. My prime focus is the development of ideas which can be the basis of a new foundation.

    This paragraph and the next three paragraphs contain important sources of information that enabled me to write this book. I have attended many of the lectures presented by the First World Alliance of New York, NY. I have purchased and listened to hundreds of audio tapes of these lectures. Often Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan (Dr. Ben) and Dr. John Henrik Clarke would speak at First World. I even gave two presentations on physics there. Dr. Ben and Dr. Clarke sometimes gave mid-week lectures. I attended some of these community lectures and often made audio tapes of them. I traveled to Kemet (Egypt) in 1982 with a group led by Dr. Ben. I have also travelled to many places on earth, including eight countries in Africa.

    I attended many of the lectures given at Africana Studies and Research Center of Cornell University. I also gave two lectures there. Professor James E. Turner, the first director of Africana, and I had many discussions.

    I have listened to hundreds of recorded books while running or driving. I usually purchased them, but I also borrowed many from several libraries. I have heard books published by Audible.com, Blackstone Audiobooks, Books on Tape, and Recorded Books. I have purchased, heard, and watched scores of courses from The Teaching Company. I have also heard many hundreds of podcasts. I mention a few names: Fresh Air (Terry Gross), Kojo Nnamdi Show, Nature, New York Times podcasts of Science Times, Weekend Business, and—Book Review, as well as Philosophy Bites, Radio Lab, Radio Open Source, Science Talk (Steve Mirsky-Scientific American), Tavis Smiley’s show, and Tech Nation (Moira Gunn).

    I have listened to numerous radio and television broadcasts. I routinely heard radio presentations such as those of David Barsamian’s Alternative Radio, Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now, Farai Chideya’s New and Notes, and Ira Flatow’s Science Friday. I have watched a few Frontline broadcasts, several Nova shows, some of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Nova Science Now. When I could, I watched The Charlie Rose Show, and The Tavis Smiley Show. All of these wonderful presentations were on public media NPR and PBS.

    The book consists of five essentially independent parts. Part 1, Source-Ken World: Myth, Reality, Vision, is an overview of the 200,000 year wave of human life in which Source-Ken World are the key players. Other players in this wave are discussed in this overview along with a self-healing prescription for Source-Ken World. The way forward for Source-Ken World is written about as their mission, goals, evolving spirituality, and a way to approach knowing the Source. New words are usually introduced, along with the common meaning, then with acronyms, and then with acronyms alone. (As I have continually revised these writings, I almost certainly did not update all new definitions in this way. This will likely be corrected in subsequent printings.) Part 2, Foundations, starts with an elaborate glossary for the new words, a new time basis for humans (human time, HT), realistic expectations on how human systems change, and a discussion of pre-human primates (hominids which I call SKousins). Part 3, Source-Ken World: Response can be treated as seven independent sections; the definition of each new word is given before the section starts. The sections are: Organization, Intelligence Quotients and Standardized Tests, Solving the HIV-AIDS Problem, Experts in DNA, Accountability (Reparations), Belief System, and Vital Relations Between Source-Ken World. Part 4, Humrec, Myth-Minimization, Knowledge discusses how we know, and how we can answer many questions from the past. Of special interest are those questions about how our ancestors lived during the first 100,000 years of Homo sapiens existence. During this time our ancestors existed only in Source-Eth (Africa). The new words are introduced in Part 4 in the same way they are introduced in Part 1. Part 5, Chosen of Azain (Nature) and the Mission of Source-Ken World characterizes us and our actions going forward.

    I believe that it is important for Source-Ken World to become world class experts in science, technology, and mathematics. I would like for you to pay particular attention to the section A Simplified Description of How DNA Works. You may be able to learn something about the workings of DNA by visualizing apples, tomatoes, Ugli fruit, grapefruit, carrots, pear juice-soaked sugar canes, African-Americans, high speed factories, and building sites. Later I intend to write about the workings of the brain in a similar manner. Most of all, I want you to realize that science is something that you can often see with your mind’s eye, feel with your intuition, and understand. I encourage you to use the Internet and to talk with others about the demonstrable workings of the world. As an ungifted athlete, but nevertheless having run the Boston marathon twice as a qualifier, I also intend to write about exercise and health. (I also encourage you to eat yams, collard greens, and walk thirty minutes each day.)

    Since part of my intention is that Source-Ken World becomes the masters of science, I publish some of my work in physics on the presently sparse sourceinstitute.org Web site. The fundamental idea of this physics work is that it may be possible to explain atomic phenomena without having to assume that particles (electrons) behave as waves. I analyze what is often regarded as the definitive experiments which purport to show the wave nature of electrons. I show that it can also be explained by electrons behaving as particles which cause vibrations within crystals upon electron impact. I suggest re-doing the definitive experiments (the Davisson Germer experiments). If my predictions for the lower order spectral intensities, considering work-function, are wrong, then my model is wrong. I would then belong in the class of the despicable pretenders in science. If my predictions are correct, then quantum mechanics should be re-examined. Measurement is the bedrock of science. I go on to calculate the energies of the hydrogen and the helium atoms without assuming particles as waves. It would be nice if someone could unify my approach (Atonic Mechanics) with general relativity, circumventing the need for the many-dimensional string theory. I would also love to see the creation of the Journal(s) of the Source Institute which would be geared to creating Source-Ken World scientists and entrepreneurial engineers. Its purpose would be to publish solutions to problems Source-Ken World face that can be solved with science and engineering. Such a journal(s) would become world-class.

    Again, I express gratitude to my parents, Alfred Perry Phillips and Doesrous Lanolia Phillips, for wanting to have children and their superb actions as parents. I am also grateful to my five sons, Joseph Perry, Malcolm Martin, Douglass Dubois, Raphael Imhotep, and Reginald Tuthmosis, who required me to grow so that I could thrust them into life. I too am grateful to women who enabled me to feel/ experience a vital part of spirituality. I thank my teachers J. Donald Roll, Herman R. Branson, Francis A. Board, Herbert L. Kyle, Chuck Vandezande, Yosef ben-Jochannan, and John Henrik Clarke. I thank my friends Faye L. Johnson, Elizabeth E. Calhoune, Bettye Jacobs, and James E. Turner. I appreciate the early editing work of Denine Nalls-Kirby, and Chana Garcia. My first wife Faye L. Johnson brought focus and hard work to this book in its final phase. She tirelessly helped edit this book. I am grateful to the First World Alliance: tape-master Viola Dupree, and leaders Bill Jones, and Kefa Nephthys. I acknowledge IBM and Cornell University for employing me to practice thinking, engineering, science, and teaching. I am grateful to the Source-Ken World engineering students who stimulated Cornell University to hire Source-Ken World engineering faculty members. I am grateful to the Source-Ken World revolutionaries who stimulated the growth of the United State of America, whence the world. I am grateful to the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederation who introduced the idea and practice of human freedom to the world. I am grateful to our SKousin (hominids) for co-creating Source-Ken (Africans) and thereby enabling Source-Ken to co-create the Great-Global Source-Ken Family. I hope/ believe/ feel/ think/ have faith/ act toward Source-Ken-World healing themselves so as to stimulate Equitocracy, Invariant Ethics, Togonomics, and Aaahifa Spirituality as the way of righteous living for the entire Great-Global-Source-Ken-Family and all other sentient creatures on a sustainable Eth (earth) by (203; 01| 40;—) HT (2040 CE).

    Alfred Phillips, Jr. (given name)

    San Akhnaton Yao Assegai A-SK (chosen name)

    First Quarter 2011 CE, (203; 01| 11; 1-3;—) HT

    Dedicated to the 600 African men and women who near Africa’s southernmost tip some 70,000 years ago by all necessary means kept hope alive and became the parents of all humanity

    PART 1


    1. Introduction

    Preliminaries, especially usage of new words

    I magine that there are some Africans, African-Americans, and global people of African descent (Brazilians, Columbian, Fijians, Haitians, Jamaicans, Venezuelans, etcetera) who are sick and tired of implicit or explicit white supremacy. Suppose that they believe that, for most black people, things have not gotten better over decades of time, even with President Obama’s election. They recognize that a few black people have done well. They know, however, that Malcolm’s Black Nationalism never got off the ground. They know that Martin’s magnificent Southern Christian Leadership Conference is now virtually dead. They know that Kwame’s dream of the United States of Africa nightmared into an impotent African Union. They know that just reparations were stillborn by the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, and World Bank. They know that Lyndon’s War on Poverty was torpedoed in the Tonkin Gulf. They know that far too often white people’s corporate-political system, rendered incarceration, disease, lifetime unemployment, disenfranchisement, and unpayable debts for black people. They know that white cops kill black people (including black cops) even in New York City and get away with it. They believe that the economic calculations of white and yellow people may indicate that African people, the world over, will be sick and impoverished for another 600 years. As you see, I do not capitalize the inaccurate adjective black in describing us as it would be no more appropriate, in my opinion, than would the adjective rich. Some of us, such as some Senegalese people, are blessed by having skin coloration nearly black. Some of us, such as Oprah, are blessed by having assets of more than a million dollars. We have/ create proper names for ourselves that are properly capitalized.

    This imagined group of Africans (Source-Ken), African-Americans (Source-Ken-United States), and global Africans (Source-Ken Global) takes courage! We abbreviate these names as SK, SKUS, and SKG, respectively. This virtual group fights back! These mental martial maestros are the masters of mind. These are the WE in what is written below. You, dear reader, may be startled by this writing. You may even be reviled by it. Fine, place your body wherever you please, but does your brain belong on the bus’s back seat? The soul of Sister Rosa Parks won’t let you do that! Improve on what you don’t like in the thinking inherent in this writing. Then you are an equal part of the WE.

    Since the entire human family is simply an African family, in principle, all of humanity can be part of the WE. Many people who have benefitted from the macro-criminal activities that started before 1492 may have an initial negative visceral reaction to being part of the WE. Even some members of the obviously-African family may not include themselves as part of the WE. They may hate, for example, even thinking on what is written about God. Again, this writer will make it possible for factual mistakes to be corrected, especially in the Humrec (human record). Those who see or feel themselves as part of the WE may seek to truthfully generalize and remove unwarranted negativity from these writings. Now, onward…

    I believe that it is essential to change how we, Source-Ken World (all African looking people), see ourselves in order to live well. We have not been living well, as a group, since the Portuguese attacked us in Source-Eth (Africa) in the 1400s. I feel that we must reorient our thinking. I believe that we must even write down spoken languages using new symbols. I think that we also should create a new more universal language, as some rappers may know. Language reformation is just one of the essential things that we must do in order to regain our rightful place. The language and symbols will be new ones of our creation, as we are the creators of language. The immediate measure of our successful change will be the unification of the people of Source-Eth Top Sahara (Sub-Saharan Africa) and the control of its human and material wealth within this generation, that is, by 2020 CE, but with all optimal speed. We will do this as we bring justice and reparations to the heroic people of Haiti also by 2020 CE, but with all optimal speed. The longer-term measure of our successful change will be fostering a world in which all sentient beings live out their natural species lifetimes on a sustainable Earth. The continued livability of the Eth (earth) for advanced life forms may be demanding it. We want to use essentially nonviolent methods in ways that bring all of humanity together. We will do this primarily by working on ourselves, our families, and our Organization(s) via the realization of goals. There was, for example, much positivity that flowed to humanity from our Civil Rights movements of the 1930s through the1960s in the so-called United States (SUS). We will seek truth as humans can know it, and we will not shy away from telling the truth as we imperfectly know it. Although this is directed to Source-Ken World (SKW) whose ancestors were attacked, enslaved, and colonized, DNA results nearly conclusively show that all humanity is one African Family. I term all humanity as the Great-Global Source-Ken Family (GGSKF). We provide a way for everyone to join us as equals in evolving the Principles for the GGSKF which we is describe in Chapter 15 of this Part as well as in realizing our goals.

    I call this first part Source-Ken World Myth, Reality, and Vision. This Introduction serves as such for all five parts. I have no pretensions of perfection. I almost never give references in this work. I do this because the true human creators are often unknown or misrepresented. For example, the sc (so called) Pythagorean triples (theorem) is an original Source-Ken (African) creation. Centuries later, the people of Iraq (Babylon) used or perhaps recreated this mathematical concept. A millennium later, Pythagoras was born. In the white supremacy education system of the SUS, the true Source-Ken creation of this mathematical idea is almost never taught. Source-Ken seminal creations/ inventions are overlaid, camouflaged, misrepresented, and even denied by others who usually deny their own direct Source-Ken nature. This abomination may give incentive for Source-Ken World to mount another great period of creation. You may regard this section or even the entire book as more myth than reality. I expect that it will all be sorted out in the Humrec. Fundamentally, all language and thought derives from Source-Ken work. Even the physical structure of the human brain is primarily a co-invention of primates in Source-Eth with Azain (Nature).

    I do intend for this work to be iterative in the sense that others can eliminate errors and expand the ideas expressed in it. Everything I write here is true to the best of my knowledge, nevertheless. I believe that this five part work, of which this is Part 1, can give us the tools for getting out of our troubles and live well again. Good action usually starts with clear thinking with the best available information. The Source Institute and the Humrec may provide vehicles for such thought and information. A discussion of this is given later in this book.

    There are eighteen chapters in Part 1. Chapter subsection titles are meant to give key words or ideas. I use radically new words and acronyms thereof. It is my intention to define these new words sufficiently often for you to learn the meanings. For chapters having many subsections, I write the new word with its usual meaning in parenthesis, e.g., Source-Ken (African). The next time I use the word in that section, I write the word with is acronym in parenthesis, e.g., Source-Ken (SK). Subsequently in that section, I write the acronym only, e.g., SK. There was a critical event for us. It is read as in the wake of Prince Henry the non-navigator. Its acronym is WPHN (see the last subsection in Section 5 for a discussion of the term). I usually use the acronym WPHN in this writing without giving its meaning. I also use the acronym sc for the term so-called. These new words are more carefully defined in the section Definitions and Abbreviations of Part 2. This work is meant to apply to everyone, but especially to African-Americans, Africans, Global-Africans, and World Africans. Again, DNA-wise, all of humanity is one African family. I have exceedingly great empathy for the progeny of the people that were in this hemisphere in 1491CE, the genocided people of Tasmania, and the dispossessed people around the world, especially of India. I, unfortunately, do not know them as well as I know Source-Ken World, I cannot write with the same presumptive authority for these equally wonderful people as I can for Source-Ken World.

    We are expanding the vision of the Sankofa bird. Its all important backward sight is the nearly instantaneously accessed Humrec. Its head moves in every direction for we do not know from where new knowledge will come. Its focus always returns to the direction of realizing its goals.

    Source-Ken, Azain, SKousins, Great-Global Source-Ken Family, Source, Eth, Source-Eth, Eth

    We, Source-Ken (Africans), came into existence about 200,000 years ago in Source-Eth (Africa) through the interaction of Azain (Nature) and SKousins, Source-Ken precursors, commonly known as (cka) hominids. We are part of the continuum of sentient beings that have lived on Eth (earth). We were the first so-called Homo sapiens. We have the only true covenant—it is with Azain itself. Our covenant is written for all time in every cell of our bodies, in our DNA. It is also written in every cell of every member of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family (all humanity). We existed in Source-Eth (SE) in the highest manner possible for humans. We lived in harmony with Azain. This is not to say that it was always blissful. We Source-Ken (SK) lived in the moment. Our consciousness was clear. Our women mothered several children, and they had few menstrual cycles as they breastfed our babies, and we had sex frequently. Our men defended the group, hunted, gathered, discovered, thought, and planned. Our belief system engendered respect for all life-forms. We loved the Eth. We were in equilibrium with Azain. We marveled at sunsets, rivers, trees… Our implicit goal was to perpetuate the life of our species for its natural lifetime, and we wish the same for all other species. Our mental states were Aaahifa (spiritual) alignment with Azain and reverence for the virtually unknowable Source, the cause of all. Although we may not be able to know the Source, we know that we are of it. Therefore, we are Source-Ken. Our home is the original creation location of most primate life on Eth. It is the greatest land on Eth. It is SE. We migrated over the entire Eth, adapted to the various environments over 50,000 to 100,000 years, and became thereby the Great-Global Source-Ken Family (GGSKF).

    New Definitions for Three Numbers: MLK, NRM, and KN

    We introduce new terminology for the numbers 100 billion, 1,000,000 and 100,000: MLK, NRM, and KN. These are key numbers for referencing and thinking about ourselves, historical events, and the Universe(s). A MLK is a beautiful number. Each galaxy contains about one MLK stars, and there are about one MLK galaxies in the Summ (universes). There are also about one MLK neurons in a human brain. Don’t think of it as such a large number. When we take a deep breath, we take in more than an MLK multiplied by another MLK worth of molecules. This is also more than the number of stars in the Summ. It took us about ten NRM to be able to evolve ourselves from other primates and another two KN to figure out this number. What is the motivation for the terms MLK, NRM, and KN? They are the initials of Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and Kwame Nkrumah. We honor the people that these men represent and their great work. You know the accomplishment and dreams of MLK and Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, but you may not have heard of Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana (1957 CE) whose dream was a United States of Source-Eth (Africa). Why can’t we realize his dream soon, i.e., by 2020 CE?

    From Source-Ken to the Source

    As we go forward, we can look back with more clarity, as the Sankofa bird does, and we can now see ahead with more confidence. That is, our history did not begin in 1619 CE when SK arrived in so-called (sc) Virginia as enslaved people. It began 200,000 years ago (two KN years ago). The first full humans looked much like our sisters and brothers along East SE, from Azania (so-called South Africa) to Ethiopia. They made tools, for which only the stone part still survives. They made art, the remaining of which was protected by caves. Our SK ancestors left other records of their existence some 10,000 generations ago. More important, however, our ancestors’ records are also in the DNA of every human being alive today, all seven billion of us (seven percent of a MLK). Some fifteen times before that (three NRM years—three million years), their ancestors put their foot imprints in clay moulds preserved by volcanic ash. They likely did not look much like us; we call them our SKousins. Three times (nine NRM—nine million years) before that their ancestors had relatives common to chimpanzees and bonobos. Just 500 times earlier, the Eth began (on which elemental forms of life started after a mere 500 NRM years). Just less than 1.2 times before the Eth started, the Sun began. Roughly some three times before that, our portion of the Summ (universes) seems to have started. That is, the Summ seems to have started some 13.7 billion years ago (13.7 percent of a MLK years ago). We don’t know if that is the start of everything, which is why I write seems to have. Some scientists guess or believe yes, others, who believe in what are called branes, say no. (Please google branes.) Now, we really don’t know. Whatever was before the Summ’s existence is, in a causal sense, the Source.

    2. Our Ancestors

    Source-Eth, SKousins

    O ur ancestors first came into existence in that most wonderful of all Eths (meaning here lands), Source-Eth (Africa). Not only did our ancestors come into existence in Source-Eth (SE), most all primates also originated in the wonderfully unique and most sacred Eth. SE was the fundamental origin place of the hominids, our SKousins, going back about six to ten NRM (six to ten million) years ago. After leaving SE, some of our SKousins may have continued evolving. Starting one to two NRM years ago, some of our ancestors walked around the Eth (meaning planet Earth) and navigated across the oceans and thereby created the precursors to the Great-Global Source-Ken Family (all humanity). In addition to exploring the Eth, these SKousins used fire for cooking. (The sc Neanderthal folk are part of this group. They are popular because some of their evidence was discovered early in Neandertal, a small valley near Düsseldorf in Germany.) Remains of similar folk also have been found in Georgia (the one near Russia of Joseph Stalin’s birthplace), Spain, Indonesia (Java) Vietnam, and China (Beijing aka Peking). In 2010 CE the DNA of Neanderthals (some call these beings Neandertals) was sequenced. Initial analysis indicates that Homo sapiens within SE contain 100 percent Homo sapiens genes, and Homo sapiens outside of Source-Eth contain 96-99 percent Homo sapiens genes and 1-4 percent Neanderthal-type genes. Source-Ken World—SKW—would do well to become the world masters in the study of our SKousins. I will write about SKousins later in this book. We, SKW, call these Neanderthal-types our first SKousin. Time expressed as an NRM number designates the SKousin’s ordinal number. (First, second, third and so forth are sc ordinal numbers. Our fourth SKousin lived around 4 NRM years ago, for example. Incidentally, one, two, three and so forth are sc cardinal numbers.) Our first through second SKousins are sometimes called Homo erectus. (See the section SKousins for our more complete discussion of our SKousins.) They almost certainly lived in SE around the same time as our third-second SKousins, the sc Homo habilis. Our dear third SKousin, Lutisha, also called Lucy, would be given the horrible labeled Australopithecus meaning Southern Ape.

    Source-Ken, Our Human Ancestors, the Only True Colonizers, Parent People

    The sacred Source-Eth (Africa) was also the co-creation place of the fully human Source-Ken (Africans) some two KN (200,000) years ago. Again, our SK ancestors started walking all over Source-Eth (SE) about one KN or less years ago. Indeed, our Source-Ken (SK) ancestors, like our first to second SKousins, walked and or sailed all over all over the Eth some one KN years ago. Our SK ancestors adapted in a superficial way to the various global climatic conditions and became the various subfamilies of the Great-Global Source-Ken Family (GGSKF). All humans and human activities come from SK. Source-Ken were the first people. In a sense, SK are the only people. The good and the non-good of all human actions over the last one KN years are, therefore, our family actions. Our original SK ancestors were the most amazing people. They were the only true colonizers of the Eth. They grappled with the ice ages and they survived. They dealt with other animals and they overcame. They encountered deserts and they prevailed. They were obstructed by mountains and they climbed over them. (I wanted to write over climbed. My wonderful editor, Chana Garcia, forbade it.) They met seas and they sailed. They colonized disjointed lands. These adaptable-creative walking and sailing SK settled everywhere on Eth. Their odysseys bore fruit. The entirety of all of the subfamilies of the Eth, the GGSKF, was thereby created. Indeed, we are one SK family from SE. We have occupied a house, the Eth, provided to us by the Source. These SK, who left SE 50,000 (one-half KN) to one KN years ago, are the ancestors of all of us living on Eth today. While occupying the house we, the GGSKF, have made some superficial changes to ourselves necessitated by having to adapt to various climes. We adapted to such things as eating the meat and milk of animals, surviving irregular sunlight conditions, and existing in ice ages. SK provided the key components of DNA for all humans and human-derivatives that can ever live. SK are the ancestors for all time.

    Our ancestors entered Big Isleth (cka Australia, where isleth means island) as much as one KN years ago via their walks and their ocean navigation. Our ancestors likely sailed to Bounty-Eth Top (South America) and the Caribbean Isleths (Islands) before they walked from Big-Eth (Asia) into Bounty-Eth Bottom (North America).

    We, meaning here the people of SE and those of recent linkage (less than 600 years) to the people of SE, are the Original People (Malcolm X’s term) or the Parent People or the Creation People (my term). (The term Parent People was coined, as far as this writer knows, by the great psychiatrist Dr. Frances Cress Welsing. She is the author of the book, The Isis Papers.) We know that every human alive can be traced back to people who lived in SE two KN years ago. Parent People, for this writer, means the SK that continued their development in the nurturing, and sacred SE, where all hominid life was started. Adolescent People for this writer are those SK derivative people who continued their development as they settled elsewhere over the last KN years. Parent People have more genetic diversity than do all of the Adolescent People. We, the, Parent People, are the source and creators of all human activities: language, ethics, poetry, mathematics, science, government, religion, music, etc. Since coming into existence in SE by the co-creation of SKousins and Azain (Nature), we migrated throughout the world, becoming a multiplicity of subfamilies. Our SKousins with Azain co-created the structure of the body and brains of us Source-Ken. In turn, SK co-created along with Azain the entire GGSKF living outside of SE, as SK adapted to all of the non-SE places where humans now live. The colonies of SK became, by adaptation, the various subfamilies. Collectively, we are the GGSKF. We can verify our migrations through DNA analysis of the various subfamilies.

    3. Origins

    Origins Overview

    W e do not know the origins of the Summ (universes), which is the collection of all that has physicalness. There is strong evidence for the Tanz (Big Bang). This event may be no more than a collision of what are called Branes. Branes are theoretical constructs, of which there could be many. When they collide, a local universe comes into being. There may be two or a large collection of Branes that collide in various parts of the Summ to give various universes. Each collision produces a new Tanz. These different universes may have different laws of physics. In any case, the Source is the reason why the Summ exists. If there are a collection of Branes that collide this could give many Tanz events in the Summ, then the Summ

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