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The Templar's Claim
The Templar's Claim
The Templar's Claim
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The Templar's Claim

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For the last seven centuries the Vatican has been at war with an organization known as the Knights Templar. The Templars fled Europe in order to rebuild. They crossed the ocean to America. The Vatican has one mission: to destroy the Templars. The Templars have guarded their secrets and treasure for centuries in order to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Vatican. The Vatican has sent the Knights of Columbus, one of their most deadly orders.
Release dateFeb 24, 2011
The Templar's Claim

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    The Templar's Claim - Sarah A. Powell

    © 2011 Sarah A. Powell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 2/22/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-1887-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-1886-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-1885-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010919289

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    In the Holy Land, Jerusalem 1109 A.D.

    Friday October 13, 1307 in Paris, France at dawn

    In the King’s palace

    Scandinavia, 1310 A.D.

    Upernavik, Greenland, 1360 A.D.

    Scandinavia, 1360 A.D.

    Upernavik, Greenland, 1362 A.D.

    Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, 1492 A.D.

    In Vatican City, Vatican council chambers, 1500 A.D.

    In Kensington, Minnesota 1898 A.D.

    Peoria, Illinois Bradley University 2010 A.D.

    Dani woke up in a hospital bed with a pounding headache.

    In a hotel room in Kensington

    At the Kensington hospital

    In the back office of the Rune Stone Museum

    Outside the Rune Stone Museum

    Inside the Rune Stone Museum

    Outside the Rune Stone Museum

    Vatican City, somewhere in the Vatican

    In Kensington, Minnesota

    Outside the university in the parking lot

    Inside the university in Michael’s office

    On top of the university building roof

    Inside the university

    On the road to North Dakota

    Outside the store

    Outside the border of Rhode Island

    At the Newport Tower in Rhode Island

    Standing on one of the upper areas of the Newport Tower

    In Oak Island, Canada

    The New World, in modern day Nova Scotia area 1398 A.D.

    Oak Island, Nova Scotia, modern day

    Somewhere outside Washington D.C.

    In the tunnel on Oak Island

    In the side area of Constitution Gardens

    On the steps on the Lincoln Memorial

    Vatican City, somewhere among the corridors of the Vatican

    Templar Headquarters, Washington D.C.

    On a cruise ship in the Caribbean

    I wish to thank those that have supported all my endeavors: my family and my friends. It is you that have stood by me through all my life and have continuously supported my decisions and have taught me that you must follow your dreams. In order to follow a dream you must be willing to take a chance. It is because of you that this is possible. I thank you for believing in me and the numerous debates on the direction of the novel and for the hours of reading and editing.

    Mom, thank you for first introducing me to history when I was a child. You and Dad have always taught me that anything is possible and have continuously fed my curious mind. Thank you for telling me that when I grew up I could be anything I wanted to be, the sky was the limit.

    Matt, thank you for simply being there as we grew up, as you continue to do as adults.

    My love to you all,


    July 2010

    Chapter 1

    In the Holy Land, Jerusalem 1109 A.D.

    The small tunnel was suffocating, barely large enough for two grown men to sit next to one another. The only sound to be heard was clink…clink…clink as the men diligently continued to dig. The only light was a small torch to guide them. For almost ten years a small group of nine men have been working in the tunnel, digging day and night, hoping in vain to find something. So far any and all treasure has eluded them.

    Ten years away from home, they have meticulously worked. This group of nine courageous men were brought together and stationed in the Holy Land in order to protect pilgrims that wished to travel the roads leading to the holy city of Jerusalem. They could marvel at the wonders of Jerusalem and walk in the footsteps of saints before them. One is in awe of the city where Jesus Christ, the savior himself, had walked. All pilgrims would be protected by these nine righteous men: The Poor Knights of the Temple Mound, The Knights Templar.

    Suddenly, in the dim torchlight a shout echoed throughout the tunnel.

    I think I found something!

    As Payens was digging, he was no longer removing dirt, he suddenly hit solid stone.

    Just behind these stones, it has to be! exclaimed Payens.

    As if in a frenzy, a renewed energy enveloped the knights. Finally, after ten long years! Success! The stones were removed one by one in small pieces. Eventually, a small hole was made through the stone wall, large enough for one man to fit through at a time.

    Follow me! exclaimed Payens as he grabbed a torch.

    He crawled through the hole first, not knowing what to expect once inside. He looked around the faintly lit room that he had just entered as he stood up. Payens looked to his left and raised the torch; suddenly he dropped the torch on the ground and fell to his knees, crossed himself and began to pray.

    Oh, my God!

    Chapter 2

    Friday October 13, 1307 in Paris, France at dawn

    It was a chilly morning as the king’s soldiers waited outside for the signal. The sky was alight with rich shades of pink and orange as the sun lightly kissed the sky as it rose. The soldiers were not sure what they were to face as they looked at the front gate. They knew what lay inside and their hearts began to race, and their minds chilled as quickly as their breath on the morning air.

    The captain suddenly gave the signal they had been waiting for. All the soldiers drew in a quick breath and rushed towards the gate. They broke through the large oak gate quicker than anticipated. This, they felt was an omen, a sign that they still had the advantage of surprise and would not face armed men. They rushed inside the headquarters of the Templars and scattered throughout the complex. Each man knew where he was assigned to go.

    They scurried quickly through the corridors with their pikes ready. As they moved through the labyrinth they were offered no resistance. The Templars were still asleep. The Templars were fierce warriors and none of the soldiers wanted to fight them. They rushed into their sleeping quarters and had their weapons ready to strike. The Templars were shocked to be aroused from their slumber by the king’s soldiers. The soldiers quickly roused the Templars and bound their hands behind their backs. They marched them one by one to the carts that waited outside to take their cargo to the king’s prison. The prize of those arrested was the Grand Master himself, Jacques Molay

    Chapter 3

    In the King’s palace

    Phillip stood in his bedroom and looked out the window. Suddenly he threw his head back and laughed. He knew he had won.

    Every Templar in France will rot in my prisons, including Molay himself!

    Phillip stepped back from the window. He was consumed with the thoughts of how much he would gain from the arrest of the Templars. Over the years he had borrowed vast sums of money and now that debt was erased. All the Templar holdings and finances that were within his realm were now under his control. His coffers were brimming with gold until the end of his reign and beyond. The first phase of his plan was a success, now to implement the second.

    The Templars will be tried and burned at the stake for heresy and all their wealth is mine.

    Chapter 4

    Scandinavia, 1310 A.D.

    We have an agreement."

    Thank you King Hrothgar. The order is in your debt.

    The Templars have always been an ally of the Vikings. It is an honor to help. We have negotiated a fair agreement. I will ensure that thirteen of my best warriors accompany you to Upernavik. I will also provide you with a month’s worth of supplies to ensure that your settlement thrives. If you ever need anything you only have to ask.

    Chapter 5

    Upernavik, Greenland, 1360 A.D.

    Sire, when do you set sail?"

    I will sail in the morning.

    Are you sure that you will be received?

    Positive. I sent word to King Mittgar and he has upheld the word of his father and has agreed to meet with me as soon as I arrive.

    Chapter 6

    Scandinavia, 1360 A.D.

    Clairvoe stepped off the boat and was greeted by a delegation from King Mittgar.

    Follow us, the King is expecting you. Baltmor, ride ahead and inform the King.

    Clairvoe climbed on top of the horse that was provided and followed the delegates to the castle. The Templars and the Vikings have been allies for centuries and were one of the few nations to grant the order sanctuary after Phillip poisoned the Pope against the order. His father negotiated with Hrothgar many years ago for the Upernavik settlement and both were lifelong friends. He was hoping for the same with Mittgar.

    Clairvoe arrived at the castle and was taken to the throne room. Mittgar was waiting for his arrival. Mittgar approached Clairvoe and extended his hand warmly to him. Mittgar was a very tall man; he stood well over six foot tall. His hair was long and blonde and his bright blue eyes were warm and

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