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Justice Is God's Idea: Man Has Corrupted and Destroyed It!
Justice Is God's Idea: Man Has Corrupted and Destroyed It!
Justice Is God's Idea: Man Has Corrupted and Destroyed It!
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Justice Is God's Idea: Man Has Corrupted and Destroyed It!

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If you thought corruption was limited to Capitol Hill, think again. The men and women that wear the black robes and dispense justice play the game hard and well. The place reeks with inside deals and scams. Look out Whitewater. Here comes the Wizard of Court House Corruption!

Release dateJan 13, 2012
Justice Is God's Idea: Man Has Corrupted and Destroyed It!

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    Justice Is God's Idea - Frank Walters

    Justice is God’s


    Man Has Corrupted and Destroyed It!

    Frank Walters



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    © 2012 by Frank Walters. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 1/5/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-3497-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-3496-0 (dj)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-3495-3 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011912502

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    Corruption with a Capital C

    It wasn’t always this way

    The 70’s—A Man takes A Badge

    Exams are for dummies and Stealing Time

    Badges for Sale

    Unequal Justice for All

    The Wizard of Court House Corruption

    The Case of Officer T-the whistleblower who wasn’t

    When No meant no job—The case of G

    Are There Any Decent Ones Left?

    The Mighty Have Fallen

    The structure of the courts and how they function

    The state of the Court System Today



    This book is dedicated to my mother and father who worked tirelessly to make my life just a bit easier. For their morals and their ethics, I salute you. Also with much love to my children and grandchildren who give me love and support every day in every way. Poppa loves you.

    Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom Justice is what comes out of a courtroom.

    Clarence Darrow


    This book is dedicated to the men and women who honorably serve in the court systems in and around the United States today. From the secretaries to the judges, there are no easy jobs.

    For every day, haunted souls flood the courtrooms and hallways seeking justice.

    To the officers who stand guard; the stenographers who memorialize the events and the clerks who keep things moving; this is a testimony.

    We know how things should be done—the problem is huge and it must be addressed.

    When there is any sort of tragedy there is always collateral damage. When someone is convicted of a crime or loses a prestigious job or even a job they’ve had for a decade or two, people get hurt. Those that are in the background, the children and the family members are innocent of any wrongdoing, but sometimes their suffering is even greater. They stand by in the wreckage and try to piece their lives back together

    For this reason, no actual names have been used. Instead, you will read initials, or nicknames in some cases no names at all; this is highly intentional.

    As a Court Officer, I took an oath to serve and protect; some habits especially old ones; die hard.

    This book begins with the start of my career in the Court System. This is mainly so that the reader may know that it wasn’t always like this and it doesn’t have to be like this. It also serves to show you that I learned the Court system in every aspect; as I was very young when first employed. These observations and comments come from many years of hard learned experience.

    The Court system has changed radically through these many decades and probably not for the better. The buildings of course have not changed. They are the same alabaster and granite that were erected more than fifty years ago.

    But since the time of World War II and the fly boys, the GI Bill and nightly radio; everything else has changed.

    Paranoia is everywhere, more so than when Senator Joe McCarthy was hunting Communists in the fifties. This is probably because the corruption has touched so many people that many well-meaning individuals who would never think of wrong doing in any other circumstance; are up to their eyeballs and surrounded by-corruption.

    Every depiction of events is drawn from the actual event as they happened. No license has been taken except when necessary to protect the innocent or for those who still work in the system and would be the object of derision and scorn; most likely much worse, were it thought that they contributed to this work.

    The internet is jammed with websites about legal, political and courtroom corruption. In fact, there is a movement afoot to amend the Constitution to include the political corruption of public servants and proper punishment. These well-meaning pundits are fine in their intent but, they lack the inside knowledge and mechanical insight that grows out of working in the system for more than half of one’s life.

    You will conclude that the Court system is in need of a massive reform. It is my theory that the support staff and officers learned to lie, cheat and steal by example. As Alan Dershowitz wrote in his book The Best Defense, lying, distortion and other forms of intellectual dishonesty are endemic among judges… . I have seen corruption, incompetence, bias, laziness, meanness of spirit, and plain ordinary stupidity

    Did these clowns learn at the feet of the Masters or is it the environment that produces the evil itself? Is it when people’s lives are on the line every day that we become hardened like the criminals who wander the halls and inhabit the cells?

    Is it then that anarchy will reign and the barbarians will surely overtake the gates.

    We must do what we can if it is only by awareness to end the corruption. Now!

    Our Country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit; by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

    Thomas Jefferson

    Corruption with a Capital C

    Justice, Justice, thou shalt pursue. Deuteronomy 16:20.

    The name of the game is corruption and the court system is filled with it. I am not talking about petty payoffs or smearing somebody for a courtesy. I am talking about putrid, scandalous behavior that one would expect to find in a back alley brawl or from competing used car salesmen.

    As in any criminal enterprise, someone is always in charge. In our Court House, the one I retired from it was a Major, not the Administrative Judge and not the Chief of the Officers or the Chief Clerk. This certain Major, for there was more than one among us he was special; very special—let’s call him what he was—a henchman, who controlled a gang of officers as well.

    The best name that I could devise for him, with a g rating, of course is the Wizard of Court House Corruption. This is because so many things happened around him, the good and the not so good, as if by magic.

    He was so good at his game that he could even make people lose their jobs and disappear. Being dissed by the Wizard of Court House Corruption had a very different meaning. If he put you in his crosshairs, watch out, he was going to get you. You better consider putting in your papers, for a transfer or retirement, because life would be hell unless you got out of his way.

    In one particular circumstance, I ran up

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