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Firefighter Self Rescue: The Evolution of Service
Firefighter Self Rescue: The Evolution of Service
Firefighter Self Rescue: The Evolution of Service
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Firefighter Self Rescue: The Evolution of Service

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Serving others is what we do, yet when we fail to serve ourselves, we fail to create the lives we were meant to lead. What makes a great leader? Why do some professionals progress and inspire the best out of their contemporaries while others struggle to be professional? The principles of leadership have not changed over time. What has changed is how we lead. The demands of our world force us to get more out of every member on our team. To serve and lead at the highest level we must instigate both individual and collective leadership to have a compounding effect on our community.

Release dateAug 14, 2012
Firefighter Self Rescue: The Evolution of Service

Justin Lewis

Justin Lewis has an encyclopaedic knowledge of popular music and a deep understanding of what makes it such a passion for so many people as well as a lively and sharp sense for what can sometimes make it eccentric and absurd. He has been an editor, writer and contributor to various print and online music publications for more than 30 years, including the Guinness Book of Hit Singles and The Rough Guide to Rock Music. He lives in Swansea, in Wales.

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    Firefighter Self Rescue - Justin Lewis


    Self Rescue

    The Evolution of Service


    iUniverse, Inc.


    Firefighter Self Rescue

    The Evolution of Service

    Copyright © 2012 by Justin Lewis.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4759-0712-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4759-0715-5 (ebk)

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/31/2012





    Chapter 1 Who Wants to Be Average?

    Chapter 2 Obstacles

    Chapter 3 Choices

    Chapter 4 Thoughts are Things

    Chapter 5 Rule #1

    Chapter 6 Rule #2

    Chapter 7 Rule #3

    Chapter 8 Thought-Style Assessment

    Chapter 9 A Breakdown of People

    Chapter 10 Ego

    Chapter 11 Reaction vs. Response

    Chapter 12 The Power of Words

    Chapter 13 Activity vs. Productivity

    Chapter 14 Failure

    Chapter 15 What do you want? Who can you help?


    I would love to tell you that the content in this book was all mine, but for those of you who know me, you realize that this simply isn’t the truth! A vast majority of the content in this book is stuff that I’ve learned from other people . . . So I would like to take the time to acknowledge them.

    First, my friend Marc Accetta: It is from you that I have learned to Expect Excellence in my life, and for that I cannot thank you enough!

    Paula Sprunger: with out your professionalism this book would still be just a bunch of meaningless words on some random pieces of paper . . . thank you!

    Jamie Utt: You are one crazy talented individual. Your work on www.firefighterselfrescue.com and Firefighter Self Rescue the book is greatly appreciated!

    Eric Thompson: your belief in me and mankind is transformational. Your ability to recognize the value in others that they do not often see in themselves is a true gift. The Brilliance Project is such a powerful movement, I am honored that you allowed me to be a part of it. Helping others unleash their brilliance on the world is a beautiful process to be a part of.

    The rest of these people have had a huge influence on me although I’ve never met them: Zig Ziglar, John C. Maxwell, Robert Kiyosaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, Richard Mackowitz, Og Mandino, Stephan Covey, Scott Berkun, Brenden Burchard, and many more. If more people would read your books, this world would be a better place!

    Last and most important is my family! I was raised by two sets of parents who did the absolute very best with what they had. This is all that child can ever ask for! I thank you guys for all your love and support you’ve given to me and my wife and kids . . . we need it! You all continue to go above and beyond! My sister Crystal: thanks for continuing to show me what hard work is all about!

    I need to also thank my in-laws first for supplying me with their beautiful daughter, and second for your continued support of our family. You guys have also gone above and beyond for our family . . . Thank you!

    Through my life, I’ve had many families that have taken me in at one point and time and treated me as one of your own. To name a few: The Franks, The Grissoms, The Jones, The Felixs, The Hendersons, the Mccamics, the Artietas, the Juday’s. You all have beautiful families and even though you don’t know it, you all have been role models to me!

    My two kids Jack and Lucy: I could not have been more blessed by having you two in my life. Jack, the energy and love you have for life already at the age of five is fantastic. I hope that you allow it to guide you through your life forever! Lucy, the only thing that matches your beauty is the sweetness of your heart! Heaven to me is being able to watch you two grow and learn and love. I love you guys more than life itself!

    To my wife Amy: Thank you for being who you are. Your loyalty is unmatched! Thanks for putting up with me and my Blue thought-style; I know it’s not always easy. Not in my dreams did I ever think that I would find such a wonderful wife and mother for our kids. The kids and I are very luck to have you. I love you!

    There have been many other family members, friends, coaches, and teachers that have help mold and shape me along the way . . . Thank you!


    Belief must precede all action; to commit your virtues to serving your community is one of the most admirable expressions in all of mankind. All Emergency/First Responders pursue their calling with the belief that their influence can and will improve the lives of the people within their community. I watched firsthand how a team of paramedics can masterfully control a desperate situation as they carried my 3 year old daughter’s limp body out of my home and placed her on the stretcher for transport. During the emotional chaos that erupted in my home throughout the seven minutes of this event, the police and fire personnel’s influence has forever been programmed into my mind like a scene from The Matrix. The action of those highly-trained service professionals provided my family with strength at a time when it had been taken away from us. Later that night while I was holding my daughter on the hospital bed in the ER, for one of the first times in my life, I started to understand how precious life really was. It is easy to get caught up in the grind and disregard the daily reminders that usually seem like distractions until the universe calls down the thunder to remind us what truly matters.

    I have always had a tremendous amount of admiration for civic-centric leaders. As a professional speaker,

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