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Fear Not
Fear Not
Fear Not
Ebook379 pages5 hours

Fear Not

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About this ebook

Have you ever been threatened or worried how to protect yourself or your family? What would you do if one day someone in your family accidently opened the door to the wrong person?

Would you come out on top when your life or your familys lives hung in the balance?

Would it help if at that moment you could call upon the training, wisdom and perhaps the courage of an elite Special Forces professional?

FEAR NOT was initially intended for the average Mom and POP citizen to become a better protector. It is now also recommended for, and will not disappoint, even the most experienced and best trained.

Anyone can be the victim of a mugging or home invasion. You could also simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time and find yourself in the middle of a riot, a natural disaster or even a war zone. Learn how to become that hard target against kidnap, robbery, rape or even murder.

The author shows you step by step how to survive a threat while always promoting your survival and safety first. .

FEAR NOT could powerfully shape a persons path and help to bring them back safe and alive. It has been called a safety manual, a reference guide and even a tactical planner. Everyone should have a copy and refer to it often. The choice is yours whether to live in fear or would you prefer to be prepared and FEAR NOT?
Release dateDec 19, 2011
Fear Not

David Fabricius

David Fabricius is a former army and SWAT guy. He volunteered for military service in a classic Special Forces unit born directly out of the famous British 22nd S.A.S. (Special Air Service). They specialized in reconnaissance and full spectrum (sea, air and land) asymmetrical warfare. He went on to receive additional specialized training and eventually worked as an instructor in a Police Special Operations Unit. This special operations task force was responsible for urban hostage rescue operations involving commercial aircraft, buses, trains, ships, oil platforms, and various buildings. They also trained and provided service as sky marshals, airport security, bomb disposal, V.I.P. protection and were instrumental in anti-terrorism enforcement and capture in urban environments. David Fabricius also later provided security training in the private sector for a tier one missile development corporation. He also participated occasionally as a private security contractor.

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    Book preview

    Fear Not - David Fabricius


    Warning and Disclaimer






    From Ken Walther,

    CIA Technical Ops (retired)

    A Personal Note from David Fabricius

    (Special Message)

    Outcome Goals—Tasks, Conditions & Standards

    Why We Care

    Why People End Up Dead… In Gunfights

    A Case Study: Warren vs. the District of Columbia.

    Our Focus

    The 2.2 System©

    AAPE System©

    Plan B

    Visualization Practice

    Words Written in Blood

    Dealing with Fear

    Fear Inoculation

    Criteria for a Quality Civilian Training Program

    Dressing Up


    Recommended Gear

    Critical On-Body Gear List

    Lessons from Mogadishu

    Escaping a Riot/ War Zone/ Natural Disaster

    A Greater Responsibility

    Helping Orphans and Widows

    Your Foundation

    Fundamental Firing Positions

    On The Shooting Range

    Packing List for a Day on the Shooting Range

    Shooting Range Safety Rules

    Shooting Drills


    First Contact Action Drill

    The Bodyguard Technique

    In Car,

    First Contact Action Drill


    First Contact Action Drill

    Use of Light

    Disarming a Weapon Threat

    Knife Fighting


    The Bottom Line on Edged Weapons and Edged Weapon Fighting

    Tactical Communication

    Prisoner Management

    When the Police Arrive

    Trauma First Response Care

    The 2.2

    Medical Trauma Systems

    The Bottom Line


    Weapon & Personal Safety

    Weapon and Shooting Fundamentals


    Rules of Engagement

    3 Fundamental Principles

    Of Combat

    Surviving a Kidnapping

    Training to Survive

    Real World Kidnappings

    Avoiding Kidnap and Rape

    Citizen Witness

    The Soul and Way

    Of the Real Warrior

    About the Author

    References and Bibliography


    The 2.2 Full Spectrum Family Protection, Home Defender, Personal Defense, Riot & War Zone Survival System

    FEAR NOT is a no fluff, easy to follow format that not only identifies the problem, but presents us with a valuable and pragmatic solution.

    Lee—Special Forces Soldier

    Learn how to avoid danger and how to become a hard target. Be one that is very difficult to kidnap rape and murder or even to kill in rioting, battle zones or war. This is a fully integrated tactical defense and trauma medical system designed to save both you and your kids lives and for escaping various threats alive. It presents a practical guide for empowering women, couples and men on the street, in their cars and at home. If you ever wondered how you would deal with a violent criminal encounter or even riot / war zone conditions then this book is for you. It shows you exactly how to prepare and what to do second-by-second, minute-by-minute.

    What you choose to do (or fail to do) tactically during the first 2 seconds and what you do or fail to do medically during those critical first 2 minutes, could make a 90% or greater degree of difference between survival or death.


    Choice is all you may ever have and never have. Without proper training and practice, your choices will narrow dramatically. David’s wisdom in FEAR NOT can give you the edge you need to optimize your choices and chances when confronted by imminent danger.

    C. A. Wright (Airborne, 8th SFG)

    Warning and Disclaimer

    The world by its very nature is a very dangerous place and has become ever increasingly so. Firearms, knives, violent criminal encounters and wars are all potentially lethal and so are all tactical and trauma medical procedures relating to it. Handling ammunition containing lead should be avoided as lead is known to cause reproductive harm, birth defects and possibly other serious complications. If you cannot avoid the use of ammunition containing lead, then at least wash your hands immediately after exposure. Ideally one should only use lead ammunition in well ventilated areas and open environments.

    Reading this guide in it self cannot and is not adequate to gain the needed levels of proficiency one may want and need in a real world encounter with violent criminals. It cannot and is not intended to replace hands-on training and regular practice. The reader of this guide is being advised to seek and obtain practical, professional training in each of the skills covered in this publication.

    By choosing to practice and use any or all of the information covered in this guide the reader fully accepts without any exception complete responsibility for any and all accidents, injuries or damages that may occur at any time and under any conditions. The reader is explicitly advised not to practice the tactics, techniques and procedures contained within without prior hands-on training offered by the author and his training associates. Readers who desire to receive training should contact the author directly for training availability and recommendations for instructors and training organizations. He can introduce you to some of the best-of-the-best.

    The author assumes no liability for any injury, damages or negligence that may occur through the use of any or all information contained in this body of work. The author and all his associates and helpers expressly disclaim all liabilities, demands, claims, suits, losses, deaths, injuries, actions, costs of any nature, category or type whatsoever that may arise from the direct or indirect use of any information covered in this guide. This guide is not a replacement for in person practical training nor is it a substitute for a personal consultation about your rights and responsibilities with your own legal advisors. It is highly recommended to observe and then comply with all applicable federal, state, county and municipal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and requirements. Please pay close attention to all the safety recommendations pertaining to the safe and responsible ownership and use of firearms as it is vitally important. You should learn and practice all tactics, techniques and procedures under carefully controlled conditions and with professional supervision only. This guide is not an all inclusive source on the subject matter covered. The reader is enthusiastically advised to consult additional, reliable sources and resources. This guide has been written with specific attention to having the safety of women in mind even though it is primarily intended for couples (families at home and on the street) and is also very suitable for good and honorable men.

    Many of us have the opportunity to travel to foreign lands whether it is for business or pleasure. Circumstances beyond our control could put any one in the middle of a hot bed of violence. You may be a highly valued target or simply an asset by opportunity. No matter the reason, you will want to read this book, study it again, and then pray you never need to use the contents shared within. It could save your life if a battle were to erupt and get you out of an actual combat zone safely.

    Note: All high risk action photographs in this publication were modeled with safe weapons only and under very strictly controlled and supervised conditions and executed by highly trained personnel. In high risk firing positions, plastic training weapons were used. Real weapons were utilized very selectively and with great care and responsibility by highly experienced experts only. Do not use a real gun, even if unloaded, to practice the scenarios presented and explained. Use an empty water pistol, water pistol with water only, or a professional plastic demonstrator gun in safe and controlled environments.

    A water pistol or large syringe filled with ammonia and red pepper mix can be improvised to serve as a very effective self-defense weapon when traveling in places that are risky and where you cannot carry a firearm. Please do be cautious. Once loaded with our special mix it is no longer a toy. Treat it as a dangerous weapon and if used correctly into the eyes, mouth and nostrils of an imminent threat, it is. Test your mix and chosen water pistol or syringe for functionality before relying on it.

    Important: Be sure that the training you receive does not set you up with false confidence or ideas that will get you or your family killed and possibly get you into serious legal trouble. Be aware that the medical trauma procedures discussed in this publication may only be administered in many countries by certified medical professionals who specialize in emergency trauma medical care. Stay legal and stay safe. This book is not intended as an ultimate commando warrior or warrior reindoctrination program but it is intended to offer more usable insights and options in really extreme circumstances than most 101 books on self-defense can offer.

    Great effort has been taken to make sure the value of this information is sound. Do not attempt to use any of this information unless you are well trained, rehearsed and experienced or in an inevitable and imminent defend-or-be-killed last resort situation. The medical information here is not in anyway meant to replace appropriate and required education, training and certification in all relevant fields of study and practice. The publication is intended for academic study, informational advice and for some novelty purposes.

    Know that with activities such as weapon disarming your risks are always very, very, very high. That is the reality. Also, please understand that I took no pleasure compiling this book and wish that there was no need for this kind of information in our world.

    I prefer you never need to use any of this information on engaging a threat. I also do not want you to hurt anyone but likewise I do not want anyone to hurt your family or you. My goal is constantly to help you avoid danger and confrontations, to give you non-lethal options and to teach you how to retreat and escape safely from threats.

    However, my goal is also to prepare you to become a very hard target and to help you be better prepared to protect your family and to defend yourself from evil people in a legally justified way if you are ever forced to do so both in peace or time of war. In such cases I want you to be able to successfully use non-lethal techniques and if necessary even Wolverine like intensity, Coyote cunning and Special Forces level skills to take care of your dear ones and still survive unharmed.


    Distribution and export restriction:

    The sale or reading of this publication to mentally ill individuals, foreigners or minors is strictly prohibited. Also, the U.S. Government [Directorate of Defense Trade Control] views the sale, export and transfer of defense related type services and products as an integral part of U.S. National Security and U.S. Foreign Policy and therefore restricts trade of certain goods. This publication may or may not now or in the future be subject to the aforementioned trade restrictions. Therefore, export of this publication to anyone outside of the United States of America may be deemed illegal if not now, in the future. The content in this book may only be authorized reading for U.S. Citizens and individuals with appropriate clearances.

    Please determine and observe all relevant Federal Law and Trade Control requirements as they apply to you.


    Over time I have had the opportunity to visit many places and many people around the world. From the great industrialized nations of the world to what some call the third world and beyond they all have much in common. By there very existence though and in every case, someone always seems to be in charge. We have leaders referred to as King and Queen, Emperor, Dictator, Monarch, President, Prime Minister and even Pope. I discovered perhaps the best traits in civilized man in their simplest form amongst some island peoples that lived in harmony both with each other and the environment. They had an understanding that one served to support the other in virtually all cases. Certainly they too had laws or rules and a tribal Chieftain but there’s was not a government out of necessity but rather a hierarchy based on wisdom, knowledge and seniority. As Thoreau once related to us; your world is but a microcosm of my world which together makes up our world and the macrocosm of all that’s living combined.

    They say our planet is ever shrinking and though this is but a rhetorical statement, we know that in some context it is true. We can board an aircraft and actually chase the sun to the ends of the Earth. With the push of a button we can see and speak to friends and family around the planet by bouncing signals through space. Through innovation we have been forever building bridges that hurtle us into other microcosms where as visitors we are sometimes not always welcome.

    In many cases, various countries and their peoples have now grown used to strangers and their customs as long as there continues to remain a healthy dose of respect. For your own safety it is always important to be aware of the customs and laws of any strange or new society in which you find yourself. Now days, I suggest before you travel overseas that you do some concentrated study on the land, the people who inhabit and the customs that govern there before you book a ticket for a visit. Many standards accepted in one culture could be considered insults in another. One thing was for certain. During my travels it was made tragically apparent to me that there are more good people the world over that are not prepared to help themselves out of difficulty than there are those who can. We live in an unsafe world. Surely there were better days when we all felt safer and yes we were much further apart back then or so it seemed.

    That thought takes me to FEAR NOT. Just by stepping out of your door each day, you are allowing yourself to experience all of the microcosms of your society simply by threading your way across town. Sure, we have standards and laws and police to enforce those laws but how can you really expect someone else to be there just at the right time and at the right place when things become bad and go tragically wrong? You can’t! Sure we can spend a lifetime surrounding ourselves with ethics and positive philosophies but what happens when someone who has never heard of those things ventures into your space? Are you prepared to confront someone who has nothing to lose and everything to gain simply by imposing their will over yours? You may have to decide in a split second just what measures you are willing to take and how the outcome may evolve. Are you really prepared to make that decision? Some of us are.

    FEAR NOT was derived as an act of kindness yet still unfortunately out of necessity. Approximately seven billion people inhabit the Earth. About 800,000 to 900,000 are kidnapped and taken hostage annually for some form of profit. (Sex Trades, Adoptions, Breeding, Slavery, or just Recriminations) Other crimes against humanity number in the tens of millions. Sometimes attacks are organized, but all too often they are simply just random criminal acts where an opportunity presented itself to someone of low moral character.

    Some of the most experienced, proficiently competent and tactically trained men from some of the finest fighting forces around the globe have had some hand in helping to contribute to the material you are about to have revealed to you. Where you have spent a lifetime being the good neighbor, men such as these have been sent to other shores for years to see to it that everyone else also remains a good neighbor. Knowing the old saying that sometimes a good defense is the best offense is more than just words.

    Within FEAR NOT, you will be introduced to the method for making you and your family safe and secure from almost any unwanted intrusion. (AAPE) It stands for Awareness, Avoidance, Protection and Escape. We could expand on this even more and call it (AAPPEE) for Awareness, Avoidance, Prevention, Protection, Escape and Evasion but for the sake of our discussions throughout FEAR NOT, we simply chose to call our training AAPE. Every facet and detail of AAPE is important and every skill that you can learn and become proficient with along the way to mastering AAPE could ultimately be the difference in you being a victim or a hard target. I wish I could predict the outcome of every incident that could ever befall you but you know and I know that would be absurd. What I do know is that with the information you are about to receive within the covers of this book you could be better educated, more aware and better prepared than 99% of all the people around you. You may not be the best fighting force to ever suit up, but by GOD you will be someone that the average run of the mill criminal will have wished they had never run into. Of this I can assure you.

    In a life time, some of you have never had trouble or even been in trouble but that could change in just a moment and so could the rest of your life since it may rest with that outcome. That is not the issue here. What is or could have been done to prevent the situation or how you should handle the eventuality is. As I mentioned previously, it could be by no fault of your own. What you do control though are your actions and preparedness coming up to that moment and immediately following. Your police know and you should know that most crimes are crimes of opportunity. If you ever encounter an instance where a safe society breaks down and a crime is being committed against you in your home, on the streets of your town or any town; take this information seriously and you can learn to eliminate any violent criminal opportunity even before it starts. Take this book and keep it safe. Treat it as you would your Bible. I want you to refer to it often and know that these teachings will never go out of style nor probably change in their importance. If I could one day say that the future for everyone will be free from any criminal threat, then and only then would I be comfortable in saying put this book and these types of thoughts behind you. But, for now, I don’t see that as a viable option. In fact, I am actually seeing the opposite becoming society’s new norm.

    I have no way of controlling this information once it gets published. You must know that our work here in FEAR NOT is not the ultimate knowledge we have to all serious and combined threats. That type of additional special training we will continue to keep to ourselves but offer it in the strictest of confidence and only to those that can meet our additional qualifications. This book was essentially written only for those who are good of heart. If that is you, then welcome. If it is not you, then I ask you to put this book down now and simply walk away. Our efforts here will be of little use to those who want to take advantage of others. Our goal is for our readers and students to be victimless. There are many options available for you to study and acquire life saving traits and techniques. I certainly would never want to intimate that we know it all. I also am not saying that this is the only book that you will ever want on the subject or that we offer the best and only training you should want to pursue. What I am saying though is that if you could only pick one book to serve as a guide or manual for this type of training, then you might just want to make that book FEAR NOT!

    I welcome you to a long and prosperous life always surrounded by safe passage.


    The author would like to acknowledge the contributions, photographs, advice and editing efforts of the following persons in their suggestions, recommendations and help in the evolution and development of this guide:

    Doron Benbenisty—Founder CRI Counter Terrorism School

    Former Israeli Special Forces, and Counter Terrorism Instructor


    Joel Martinez—US Navy SEAL, Senior Instructor

    James Williams—Sword Master, Specialist Strategy and Tactical Trainer www.Systemofstrategy.com

    Wes Doss PhD.—Founder Khyber Interactive Associates, LLC. Founder 1 Inch to 100 Yards Warrior Conference. SWAT instructor. Crimson Trace Laser Training Director

    www.khybertraining.com www.warrior-conference.com

    C. A. Wright—U.S. Army Airborne 8thSFG, especially for his diligent editorial work, writing skills, attention to detail and his perseverance in seeing this book to completion

    Tony—CRI Training Director, for reigniting my passion for trauma medical care and for all I have learned from him

    The author would also like to thank the following people for their tireless efforts at modeling for the photographs and allowing him to use their images in this publication:

    Cristy—for modeling for the pictures—Thank you very much. You are being appreciated

    Doron Benbenisty—for the pictures used

    Wes Doss and Hye Chong Doss for pictures they provided

    Ken Haan for his contributions

    Thank you also to Lee (TFR) and Ken Walther for their contributions

    Additionally, the author would like to acknowledge the NRA, Front Sight® and all of the other organizations who promote the safe, responsible ownership and use of firearms through their marksmanship training and their work to protect our constitutional rights; more specifically, the Second Amendment right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms. The author would also like to thank the authors and instructors offering courses to civilians who have gone before him for their example and the insights he has gained from their work. A special warm thank you is extended to Massad Ayoob for his work and influence as an author and for what I gleaned from his work regarding the legal use of firearms in The United States of America.

    I also want to acknowledge the continued efforts of the U.S. Dept. of Justice and their Bureau of Justice Assistance that organized the National Neighborhood Watch programs available to most every citizen in virtually every community across America. Although these programs are both local and national, they can be used as a way to tie together the very foundation of our own AAPE system. Awareness, Avoidance, and Prevention are the motto of the Neighborhood Watch. Utilizing and applying the training and resources of this truly outstanding program will ultimately improve anyone’s abilities. Start by contacting your local police departments for information or USAonwatch.org.

    The author fully acknowledges that this is not an all inclusive body of work on topics such as legal matters pertaining to safe firearm procurement, training, storage, gun safety, marksmanship etcetera. It has a more specific mission. You will find that the appendix of this book provides sections for both fundamental and very advanced ideas and seasoned practices on the topics of training, weapon safety, weapon handling, marksmanship and more.

    Copyright. © 2009, 2010, 2011 DFI all rights reserved by the author.


    The intention of FEAR NOT is to share a collective knowledge and the necessary skills to help people deal with inherent real world dangers in our society. It is a must read if you ever intend to travel or live overseas.

    Ken Walther, CIA Technical Ops (retired)

    FEAR NOT is a No-Fluff easy to follow format that not only identifies the problem but presents us with valuable and pragmatic solutions.

    LEE, A Special Forces Soldier

    Travel overseas can be a very expensive proposition to say the least. FEAR NOT is a must read and retain book that will keep any trip from becoming even more costly!

    Edwin Alan, Freelance Travel Writer

    Every chapter is an eye opener but I personally want to recommend the chapter and outline on medical trauma and emergency care. It is important for you to familiarize yourself with even basic procedures because they could determine the difference in life or death.

    Dr. Vicente Narciso, Board Certified General Surgeon

    (40 years Trauma & General Surgery)


    By Doron Benbenisty

    Founder & Owner of CRI Counter-Terrorism School www.critraining.com

    Beyond all the tactical knowledge, wisdom and experience; I can summarize that at the end everything in Fear Not is actually promoting happiness. Let me explain. If the training provided in this book will help save even one person’s life then that means that there is one less orphan and widow in the world.

    Read it carefully, study it and apply it with care and mastery. Stay safe, take care of your family and keep training.

    Doron Benbenisty—Founder CRI Counter Terrorism School

    From Ken Walther,

    CIA Technical Ops (retired)

    Having spent a total of twenty years overseas, working and living in over 100 countries, personal safety was of a high concern. The safety of our colleagues, friends and families often superseded ones own safety as they were often not as prepared, conditioned or knowledgeable on how to defend themselves in hostile situations. Many of our colleagues had Military service to draw from, as did I, and many of us were skilled in forms of martial arts and hand weapons. In such cases when your civilian contacts were accompanying you in areas of potentially hostile activity, it was normal to assume a protective or at least instructive role when in tumultuous situations. That is why FEAR NOT and paramilitary training is a must for working overseas.

    Keep in mind that most countries in the world do not have 2nd Amendment rights like we do in the U.S.A. Yes, the bad guys are often armed making your decisions more critical. Our U.S. Government cannot override local laws, except in special circumstances, so count on being unarmed on foreign soil for the most part. However, since the U.S.A. still honors our rights to bear arms, we should defend those rights and learn to use a weapon and be prepared to protect your family and yourself. Remember, An armed man is a Citizen; an unarmed man is a subject.

    The intention of the book, FEAR NOT, is to share a collective knowledge and the necessary skills to help people deal with the inherent dangers in our society. Most definitely it is true that your chances of encountering danger are much higher in foreign countries. Teaching and informing overseas American citizens has been a continuous challenge for decades. Our Agency, along with the Department of State, conducted safety and training indoctrination to our Embassy and Consular personnel as time and budgets would allow. Many of our expatriates and civilian employees had never been overseas and were both naïve and inexperienced in their foreign environments which made them easy targets in many cases. We instructed them in using common items and materials as equalizers or defense weapons and even built their confidence by showing the power they could develop using speed, decisiveness and surprise. The follow up would then be for the attendees to continue to practice in groups or enroll in regular self defense courses.

    FEAR NOT is a book I would recommend to civilian employees in preparation for their overseas assignments. I would equally recommend it for our citizens to read and learn from on their home turf. I would also recommend that people be exposed to some common sense tradecraft to enhance their observation skills and how to read a potentially dangerously situation. Kudos to these men who want to help people avoid danger if they can, learn to react to dangers if they are involved and ultimately how to respond so as to survive and then protect their loves ones.

    Ken Walther (CIA retired)

    A Personal Note from David Fabricius

    David has an outstanding ability to help people overcome fear General C. Whermann Ph.D. (Ret.) Military Intelligence

    Our world is becoming increasingly dangerous and living in America is even and very sadly becoming less safe. Wars are raging across the planet. Natural disasters abound. In one’s home a higher level of awareness is wise and prudent. There are reports of between 6000 and 12,000 home intrusions each

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