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Inside Tips: A Transformation Workbook
Inside Tips: A Transformation Workbook
Inside Tips: A Transformation Workbook
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Inside Tips: A Transformation Workbook

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About this ebook

The tools inside these pages will transform you and your life.

All people are on a transformational journey, so why not be well equipped as you transform? This book provides you with questions, practices, and a clear process, all of which point you in the right direction and empower you to transform. Everything is accelerating, and its time to act now. Use the contents of this guide to plan and to take specific actions for reinventing yourself and realizing what you envision for your life.

Inside Tips will help you to discover how to
go beyond surface change to radically transform who you are;
shift your perspective about yourself to relate powerfully to your transformation;
manifest what you want in life by creating vision and intention;
learn about yourself and where you need to transform;
develop top priority practices related to your inner state, energy, thoughts, emotions, self-expression, relationships, and health;
form a solid foundation for self-transformation by creating action plans;
understand the transformational journey through illustrative examples;
support your transformation by journaling, reading, listening, and watching.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 12, 2011
Inside Tips: A Transformation Workbook

Swami Parameshwarananda

Swami Parameshwarananda has been a bar mitzvah boy and an initiated monk, a husband and a father, a student and a PhD psychologist, a management consultant and a consulting firm partner, an executive coach and a spiritual guide, a non-profit executive and a board chair, a teacher and a lecturer, and a healing practitioner. He has much to share, and Inside Tips reflects what he has lived so far and who he is now. The book’s contents are a testament to the constant love, service, and teachings of an enlightened master and a divine mother, who has graced his life for over sixteen years.

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    Book preview

    Inside Tips - Swami Parameshwarananda





    Step 1: Asking the Questions (Self-Inquiry)

    Step 2: Choosing the Focus for Your Practice

    Step 3: Identifying Specific Practices

    Step 4: Creating the Action Plan




    So why are we alive? One answer is to realize who we really are. And who are we? That’s a question that can last us a lifetime. Let’s tackle it anyway.

    We have an inner essence, a truth within us. This essence is love. This truth is that we’re not the body, we’re much more. We’re limitless. We’re soul, Self, a divine presence that’s waiting to be revealed to us and expressed in our lives. How do the revelation and expression happen? Through our own focus, discipline, and decisions to transform.

    Yes, this is spiritual talk because it’s about Spirit. Since you’ve picked up this book, and you know it’s by a swami, I assume this kind of talk is your cup of tea. If it isn’t, it may be time to close the book.

    Back to this inner essence; it’s eternal, powerful beyond our imaginations, and meant to be manifested through our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. It’s our birthright to live as this Spirit in every moment of our lives. We’re in a physical body for this reason: to live this, be this, serve as this so others come to the same realization and express who they truly are.

    This book is a means toward that end. It gives you a structure, format, and tools that guide you through the journey of self-transformation so you realize your essence, your truth, and live it powerfully each day. Now what about this title, Inside Tips: A Transformation Workbook?

    Inside Tips. This workbook provides tips, or pointers, based on powerful lessons I’ve learned since I consciously began my spiritual path over sixteen years ago. This has been a time of great blessing because I’ve spent it with my beloved guru, Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi. I couldn’t have written this book without Maa’s teachings, love, and service to myself and so many others. This book comes from my devotion to and my experiences with Maa. You’re not obliged to have Maa as your guru, or any guru. In going through this book, just know how powerful the tips are, the wisdom they’re based on, and the accelerated transformation that has taken place in me and others through Maa’s grace and guidance.

    The tips point you in a direction I know will serve you in your transformation because they have served me. I’m not unique; we have much in common. I’ve suffered, and these tips will reduce your suffering. I’ve evolved, and these tips will serve your evolution. They’re inside tips because they come from someone who has been on the inside of what it’s like to transform, of what serves in the spiritual path. In addition, they’re inside tips because of a very important teaching: everything’s inside of us. We don’t have to go anywhere else to find what we’re looking for in our lives. We can stop playing hide-and-go-seek, where we hide from ourselves and seek other people or things to fulfill us.

    Transformation. Change is about taking something and changing how it looks, creating a different form of the same thing like re-plastering or painting walls. Transformation is about creating a completely new form that didn’t exist before. It’s about invention and creation, transforming something so you can’t trace back to its original form.

    In this case, we’re speaking about your transformation; transforming your thoughts and feelings, how you see yourself and the world, how you feel about yourself and the world; transforming your words and actions; how you communicate, how you relate to others, how you express yourself each day. Fundamentally, the work and this book are about transforming who you are, who you’re being in the world, and what you’re creating and manifesting in your life.

    Workbook. Like other workbooks, this one has some tables, diagrams and forms, lists, and categories of questions and practices that will assist you. Is it work? Well, it doesn’t have to be work, meaning difficult and an effort. It’s Work with a capital w, in the sense of doing the work—the work of transformation. It can be joyful, dynamic, creative, and life affirming. It’s up to you how you approach it and what you commit to in doing the work.

    In summary, this book provides questions and practices that support you in going inside and finding the wealth of wisdom, the breadth of qualities and dimensions you are in truth. This book assists you in doing the work of transformation, using the pointers, structure, and tools to realize what’s inside of you, and to reinvent yourself so you live and serve as this in the world.


    Here are two important questions to start off:

    In taking this journey, it’s important you answer this question: How do I relate to my own transformation? Are you open, willing, and committed? Are you confident or uncertain? Are you thinking about your gifts and talents or your weaknesses and shortcomings? Are you in it for the short haul or long haul? Take a little time to inquire into yourself about this. It’s your relationship right now, and it’s also an ongoing question as you take the journey in each moment.

    A second question: "What’s my vision of myself after having made this transformation?" This means, who are you being? How are you thinking, feeling, and acting? How are you showing up in the world? How are you expressing yourself? This isn’t about expectations with specific measures and standards. This is about your overall vision or picture of yourself through your transformation. Keep in mind that the time it takes for your vision to manifest depends upon your answer to the first question.

    Now take a look at Diagram 1 on page 4. It’s a depiction of your transformational journey using the tools provided in this workbook. It’s the perspective and approach we’re all taking on this journey together.

    We start with transformation itself. Our transformation is a movement like ripples in the water that keep expanding out more and more with greater impact. Our transformation impacts deeper and deeper aspects of ourselves, and an increasing number of people and circumstances in our lives. Let’s take this to an even higher level. Our transformation creates waves of energy—an energetic field of impact—through who we’re being and how we’re acting that contribute to the transformation of the planet.

    Another analogy is that we’re the river, and through our transformation we join and become the ocean. This isn’t about water; it’s about merging in the ocean of Self. We realize and express our true Self more as we transform. Finally, we become one with Self and live as this in the world. Our journey is about movement, expansion, impact, and union.

    Next, let’s focus on self-inquiry. When we ask ourselves questions and reflect about our answers, we become more aware. We’re more aware of ourselves, our states and inner lives. We’re more aware of how we view the world and approach life, and how this impacts us and our lives. We’re more aware of our thoughts and emotions, and how we communicate and relate. In sum, we understand more what’s working and not working, and what needs to transform in us.

    Then there are practices. Practices are those actions we take within ourselves and with others that lead to our transformations. We can also call these spiritual practices because they lead us to express Spirit in physical form, to live as this in the world. In Sanskrit, the

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