Body, Mind, and Mouth: Life’S Eating Connection
About this ebook
Most people understand that they are in control of what and how they eat. Unfortunately, there can be a daily disconnect regarding ones body, mind, and mouth, very often lasting for years. In this guide, author Margaret Marshall uses insights and lessons from her clients lives, along with her own experiences, to address the challenges we often face controlling our weight. She asks you to consider the unpleasant and sometimes life-threatening circumstances we accept in our lives instead of taking responsibility for our well-being.
Among the real stories she shares in Body, Mind, and Mouth is the story of a New York City police officer who no longer fits into his bulletproof vest. He closes it tightly on his right side leaving a gap on his left side, knowing to face right if he is ever in a shoot-out. Also included is the story of a working mother and her son, who became increasingly heavier due to her busy life and the ease of obtaining fast food. These and other stories illustrate how our minds affect our mouths, how our mouths affect our bodies, and how a shift in thought can benefit our health and wellness.
Margaret Marshall uses humor and real stories to demonstrate her vast knowledge of nutrition and psychology in the weight-loss field. She brings to the book the same enthusiasm and knowledge she does in her speaking. Her message is clear, well written, and motivating. Imagine a book that is easy to read and packed with good information. Now thats a real deal.
Dr. Harris R. Cohen, author of
Lessons Learned: How to Negotiate
the Life You Want to Live
Margaret Marshall
Margaret Marshall is a nationally recognized speaker, the president of Margaret Marshall Assoc., Inc., and the founder of the Why Weight coaching method. She is seen on television, heard on radio, and featured in newspapers and magazines. She has helped nearly 10,000 individuals live a thin life. She currently lives in New York.
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Body, Mind, and Mouth - Margaret Marshall
Copyright © 2012 Margaret Marshall
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When you eat well, you live well. When you eat healthy, you are healthy. When you nourish your body, you nourish your mind.
I have been a client of Margaret Marshall for a number of years. She is a talented life coach, teaching life’s lessons with intelligence, charm, and caring. Her advice and ideas are always upbeat, emphasizing that you must care about your inner self, your health, and your well-being in order to properly care for yourself and for others. She gives you the knowledge you need to do this, encourages you to practice new skills, and advises patience in achieving your goals. What others might perceive as a setback, Margaret regards as simply an opportunity to turn a situation into a positive learning experience.
Margaret is a warm caring woman, whose qualities shine through in these pages, just as they do when you are face-to-face with her. With this book, you have the next best thing to having her beside you on your journey to a healthier life. What she offers is not an eating plan, but a life plan. You just know that she is in your corner, cheering you on in your efforts to improve your health and your life!
Judith Lee Hallock, Ph.D.
There is always a choice, and each time, you’ll get what you choose.
ARE YOU, YOUR FRIENDS, CO-WORKERS, OR FAMILY members overweight? Is it affecting attitude, productivity, level of joy, and success? Imagine how a shift in thought and a change of eating patterns would affect your level of success, joy, motivation, and direction in your life! Envision goals once believed out of reach to be possible. You can make one of the most difficult things (sustained weight loss/weight management) easier. Picture how improved your life would be if you restructured, recreated, and reignited your eating satisfaction. You would achieve your ideal body weight, optimum health, and entry into that thinner world
that you previously thought only others could achieve.
I offer you the story of my weight issues, struggles, insights, and victories from which I have learned a great deal, as well as the experiences and stories of my clients from which I have also learned a lot. I have structured my life and surroundings to manage my weight and maintain a healthy body size. I am five-feet, seven-inches tall and a size ten. From time to time, the number on the scale changes minimally. However, my goal remains the size ten.
I was an overweight child, the only girl in a family with four brothers. My father, with his military background and heavy himself, would say to me, Margaret, we will fight the battle of the bulge together.
My brothers, who were thin, nicknamed me Margaret, Margaret, the big fat target!
My mother told me stories about when she was young. She said she was so skinny that the nuns sent her home for lunch each day so she could eat potatoes and drink milk shakes.
Why me? Why was my mother sent home to have milk shakes, while I couldn’t even enjoy a dish of ice cream without being told that it was not good for me? Why was I larger than my older brother? Needless to say, these and other experiences formed the body image/self-image that would follow me always.
My maternal grandmother passed away from colon cancer when she was fifty-two, and I was three. I have no memory of her, although I was also named after her. My mother often told me that I reminded her of her mother. I always felt a connection to my grandmother and have seen photographs of her taken throughout her life. One was her wedding picture. She was a tall, beautiful bride, standing proudly in her wedding gown next to her handsome groom. I was often told, You are tall like your grandmother.
(My mother and father were not tall.) I also saw pictures of her near the end of her life. She still appeared tall, but she also looked heavy. I believed my future would bring the same fate.
Throughout my teens, I went on crazy diets that might sound familiar: the cabbage diet, the yogurt diet, and the starvation diet (to name a few). While looking through old family photographs, I noticed that I would only pose for a picture if I liked the way I looked, which was most likely after a fad diet or starving myself for days. My twenties brought my marriage to Chris, and we had two children, Megan and Michael. My marriage and the birth of both children were body altering. By the time I was thirty, I was a size 16, totally out of control with my eating, and wondering what my future body weight would be. I was overweight, frumpy, and miserable!
At age thirty and a size 16, I began to disconnect with people. I hated to have repairmen in the house, and I detested going to business functions with Chris. It was not about the way I looked, it was about the way I felt. I wondered what size I would be at age fifty. But, of course, the real question was, did I want to spend my adult life in an over-weight, unhealthy body? After all, I had been told that I was like my grandmother in many ways, and history can repeat itself.
When I was thirty, I reluctantly joined the local WeightWatchers® group, thinking, OK, I’ve tried everything else, now I’ll try this.
Well, I took control of my eating, my weight, and myself. By thirty-one, I was a size 10.
Shortly after, I began working for WeightWatchers® as a group leader and kept that position for seventeen years. Early on, I realized you couldn’t get your power from a commercial diet program; the power must come from within you. I realized people joined and continually rejoined diet programs many times over because they had never believed in themselves or in their own power. For my own well-being and lifestyle, I developed my own philosophies that enriched me and enabled me to continue living my life in the size 10 that was so important to me.
Instinctively, I knew sustained weight loss is more than counting calories, and collecting new recipes. Questions similar to, What kind of cheese should I eat…fat-free or part-skim?
or What’s the best popcorn?
became increasingly wearisome to me.
When my youngest son left for college, my role as a mother was redefined. I resigned from WeightWatchers® to follow my passion to work with people on an individual basis, empowering them to discover their issues, barriers, and challenges, and enabling them to break through them. In September of 2004, I established Margaret Marshall Assoc., Inc., and the Why Weight coaching method to implement my mission: discovering the body, mind, and mouth connection in each individual life. The body, mind, and mouth connection is the realization of how your mouth (your eating), whether consciously or not, relates and reacts to the health of your body, your mind, and outside stimuli.
My expertise is that of a speaker, a weight loss/wellness coach, and a realist. I have the knowledge and ability to guide individuals to a healthy mindset and lifestyle. I work to empower others to structure their lives and circumstances while educating them to make decisions in their best interests. I’m happy to report that today we are