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Feeling My Way: Finding Purpose
Feeling My Way: Finding Purpose
Feeling My Way: Finding Purpose
Ebook97 pages57 minutes

Feeling My Way: Finding Purpose

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About this ebook

You have the power to move from misery to mastery, from fear to freedom, and from grief to gratitude, and it all begins with thought.

Learn how you can use your inner power to let your spirit rise and align with abundance and joy.

Clear habitual thinking to move out of negativity with simple, practical exercises to clarify your dreams, connect with Source, and be in a space of well-being.

Reframe your thinking to shift into the high gear of positive expectancy, and allow the Law of Attraction to bring more joy and abundance into your life with glimpses of how this worked in the authors life.

Experience easy yet powerful exercises that can have a cascade effect on your thinking by changing your perspective, which in turn can change your future.

Elevate your energy levels instantly by developing powerful affirmations through gratitude journaling and feeling your way to well-being. The more you stay in the high vibration of gratitude, the better you feel and the more the universe responds.

Learn how your present thoughts create your future, how the Law of Attraction works for things that you want and things that you dont wantand what to do to change that!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 13, 2012
Feeling My Way: Finding Purpose

June A. Van Valkenburg

June A. Van Valkenburg is a life coach focusing on helping clients to change their unconscious patterns of thinking to create more success in their lives. A Toastmaster for nearly twenty years, she has spoken on many topics, primarily on mindfully reframing your thoughts to change your life. She resides with her husband, Steve, in the Phoenix, Arizona, area.

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    Feeling My Way - June A. Van Valkenburg

    Copyright © 2012 by June A. Van Valkenburg.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5462-4 (e)

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    Chapter 1 Running Water

    Chapter 2 Good News

    Chapter 3 In Traffic

    Chapter 4 The Peach Connection

    Chapter 5 Reach for Results

    Chapter 6 Victim or Victor?

    Chapter 7 And Away We Go!

    Chapter 8 Three Questions

    Chapter 9 It’s No Accident

    Chapter 10 Gift of Wisdom

    Chapter 11 Place Your Order

    Chapter 12 The Wake-Up Call

    Chapter 13 Turbocharge Your Life

    Chapter 14 Good What-iffing

    Chapter 15 Want Power

    Chapter 16 The Good Stuff

    Chapter 17 O.M.G. to G.R.E.A.T.

    Chapter 18 Three Little Words

    Chapter 19 Placebo or Nocebo?

    Chapter 20 Abundance In Action

    Chapter 21 Tree Watching

    Chapter 22 Hiking Boots

    Chapter 23 Thanks, Sylvia!

    Chapter 24 What Is It?

    Chapter 25 Miracles

    Chapter 26 Sedona Snowfall

    About the Author

    For all those loving souls in my life who have helped me feel my way to abundance and joy, and for all those inspired teachers who have so generously shared their wisdom that has guided me to this place.


    Do you want more out of life but feel that life has become too difficult? Do you want to feel content each day but find that each day brings you more frustration? Would you like to move from misery to mindfulness to mastery in your daily life, let your spirit rise and align with abundance?

    There are so many ways to look at life, and too often we see the lack in our lives rather than the abundance. Albert Einstein said, The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. This collection of essays is intended to help you to change the way you think about everyday issues and to gain a different perspective that focuses on abundance and joy. They illustrate how I’ve been feeling my way and finding purpose, and how you can, too. They show you how you can choose to be in a space of good spirits, grace and gratitude for your well-being. You see, I wasn’t always in this joyful space.

    In April of 2009, I was downright miserable. My life was a mess. I dreaded putting my feet on the floor when I woke up each morning, and I fell into bed exhausted at night. I felt empty and aimless. My stress and discontent weren’t because of any one big catastrophe but rather due to the convergence of a combination of lesser negative life events. The result was that I felt trapped, discouraged, and overwhelmed.

    What had led me to this point? For one thing, I’d become my elderly mother’s sole caregiver when we moved her from Florida to be close to us in 2002. I’d been traveling back and forth between Florida and Arizona since 1995 whenever she had health issues. After my mother moved here and time went on, my support system through my work and in the community began to slip away. Year by year, bit by bit, I spent more and more time with my mother in doctors’ offices, medical labs, hospital stays and nursing home visits, and my connections were disappearing. I’m sure many of you can relate; your life

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