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Your Friend Jim: The Foundation
Your Friend Jim: The Foundation
Your Friend Jim: The Foundation
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Your Friend Jim: The Foundation

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About this ebook

We possess many talents within. The great thing is, we have access to these talents. Just by reading this book, things can shift in your life.
In Your Friend JimThe Foundation, you will recognize the power that you already have within you, building the foundation to experience a richer, happier you. You will learn and understand how to:

Tap the deep resources of your subconscious mind
Understand and apply natural laws to your advantage
Use simple steps to build financial wealth and realize that you deserve to be wealthy
Awaken to the reality of the incredible wonders all around you

Every page offers something new for you to consider. Every page goes over the process for evolution. Every page is written simply, to ensure you reach a new level of awareness, building the foundation just one stone at a time.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 19, 2012
Your Friend Jim: The Foundation

James Winn

James is one of the main trainers in the country, preparing geospatial intelligence analysts to serve and think in any environment. As a certified hypnotherapist and a teacher of universal laws, James has a unique way of influencing individuals and groups to achieve at optimal levels. James has had the opportunity to share his wealth of knowledge and his message to many people across America. He has a unique way of stimulating the thinking and actions of people as they struggle to cope with a changing world. As a keen observer of human nature and behaviorism, he points out amusing, instructive, and compelling lessons in life amid change! James lives in the high desert of Southern California with his wife, Mihaela. He has an ultimate goal to assist and serve others as they discover and utilize their talents to meet challenges and solve problems. He is here to enrich people's lives and help them fulfill their own dreams in the process.

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    Your Friend Jim - James Winn

    Copyright © 2012 James Winn

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6113-4 (sc)

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    More than That

    Chapter One

    A Good Place to Start

    Chapter Two

    Law of Attraction

    Chapter Three

    Other Things

    Chapter Four

    Cash Baby

    Chapter Five

    The Great Beliefs

    Chapter Six

    Getting Deep

    Chapter 7

    The Wonderful World of Hypnosis

    Chapter Eight:

    Get Moving

    Chapter Nine:


    Chapter Ten


    Chapter Eleven:



    To all the seekers of the world.


    More than That

    I wrote this little book because the inspiration for sharing it is overwhelming. Writing this as your friend and fellow traveler, I speak of inspired conversations.

    A silent movement that is gaining momentum has given rise to a way of being to both share and give you a way to truly live well. Live well! The questions I ask of you are questions that I ask of me. Have an open mind because the content will definitely stir that subtle something within you.

    Enjoy the read—but, more importantly—absorb what is being conveyed. I am certain a new world will present itself to you. A world of wonder and joy!

    This is much more than a book on positive thinking. However, I am almost certain you will be inspired.

    This is the first of several little books with the goal of enlightening you to achieve all you want in life. There are multiple ways to do this. The first way is to know that you can. No matter what your station in life is, the material I am presenting will induce an inner calling to achieve. This is a calling so profound that you will undoubtedly see yourself and the whole world differently.

    In this first book I will go over many of the basics to help you achieve the things and the life you wish to gain. It is my wish that you awaken to your true potential. However, even by sitting down and reading this book—or any other, for that matter—will not do much. You have to engulf yourself in a study of this type of material. Fill yourself with the teachings that are being offered.

    I found writing the book to be easy. Everything in this book has been covered by many people in multiple ways over the ages. I just put it together my way. My concern is that many people don’t follow or perform simple natural functions. It is all right in front of you now. Everything you will ever need or want is already here.

    This book is a foundation for you to explore the wonderful world of you. I touch on many of the key areas in life. Some of the subjects will leave you with many questions. Questions are good. Ask the right questions and a whole new world will unfold before your eyes.

    It is my intention that you look for what works for you. Explore the many masters in life that are only there to serve you.

    I am going to do my best to teach you that there is an intelligence pervading the entire universe and living fully in and through all things. I want you to understand that this mind is all-wise and all-powerful.

    Nature is a living intelligence in which we live and move, and it responds to us in proportion to the realization we have in relation to it.

    For the more advanced person, in the contained text, I am sure it will reestablish and strengthen the path you are on.

    Life is all about experience. All your knowledge is worthless if you don’t apply it in your life. Experience is created by applying what you know. It’s the difference between knowing how an orange tastes and eating an orange. If you have never tasted an orange and someone tells you how it tastes, you will only have a limited knowledge of it.

    Learning about oneself can be the most fascinating thing one can imagine. Our current world view is determined by a very old paradigm. This paradigm teaches that everything is in cause and effect. Which means an action or event will produce a certain response to the action in the form of another event. This paradigm also says that everything can be replaced when it is broken. We are taught how to survive by being the fastest and strongest—both physically and mentally. Together, these ideas condition us to accept that people, like animals, must function in a state of mechanical perfection or be replaced by more perfectly functioning machines. This paradigm has led to a society that is completely self-centered, ego-driven, and irresponsible. This paradigm has led to the seekers of happiness who get their fix by buying more useless stuff.

    Whatever you see in your world has been created in one way or the other by your thoughts. It is through your thoughts that ideas later become a physical manifestation. Everything starts with an idea, which is a thought, which comes from mind.

    Approximately 95 percent of people in the world today have never really thought about what they want in their lives. They are purposeless and live on autopilot without ever knowing what they possess. Many people are victims of their own circumstances. Life becomes a series of challenges like choosing to live somewhere because it is more affordable—without understanding or having what they really want. There is a long list of never having what one wants for any number of reasons. There is something alive in you right now; it is a deep craving for more. This feeling is called life!

    Beliefs are ideas that we make up on our own or we inherit from someone else. The mind’s ability to believe is great. Belief is a function of your mind that has been groomed since birth. It is one of the most powerful instruments that shape your world. It is a very powerful mechanism that can—and does—shift mass consciousness and lead to profound societal changes. It even has the power to shift the collective consciousness of the world.

    You are the one who is responsible for what is happening in your life. You could definitely say that you have created everything in it—both good and bad. Either you are conscious of being a creator or you are not. Almost everything we create happens unconsciously.

    A big benefit of conscious thinking is that you can change what you like to experience by simply changing your beliefs about them. I hope you understand just how powerful this is. When you master your beliefs, you can handle all things. A saying I heard a long time ago is true: if you want to see a change, then you must change.

    I encourage you to study this book and look for a renewed perspective on your own understanding. If you go over it repeatedly, you will have a new understanding of it each time.

    I am not trying to win any literary awards. I am writing this so everyone can understand. Read it through once—and then read it again.

    We must begin to examine what we think and feel because this sets us up for what manifests in our world. We create reality in our minds. Through our expectations, we manifest things in our world even faster.

    Do not make the mistake of thinking you are on your own. There is one mind that is pervading the whole universe and functioning in all things. The universal mind is all-wise and all-powerful, and it lives in all creatures.

    Nature is a living intelligence in which we live and move, and it responds in direct proportion to each person’s realization of his or her true relation to it. It is there to help you.

    Enjoy reading Your Friend Jim: The Foundation. Be ready because change is inevitable once you take the step toward it. Try to think happy, successful thoughts. Once you realize you are thinking a destructive or fearful thought, refuse it; switch over to a confident, constructive, positive thought. Soon this will become natural to you; all your thoughts will be positive and constructive. With positive thoughts come positive outcomes. This is easy to remember—isn’t it?

    I look forward to meeting you one day and going over the many wonderful journeys you have traveled.

    Chapter One

    A Good Place to Start

    In conversations with many people who believe they are on the road to wealth, freedom, or success, I have found that many of them hold a mind-set of poverty. What is considered success? According to Webster, success is a favorable or desired outcome, the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. What is success for you?

    This is not just another how-to-succeed book. The information contained within these pages can absolutely enhance every area of your life. I have gathered powerful knowledge from the most successful people this world has known; it sets the stage for you to start asking questions about what you really want.

    This is a great place to start! Success! How one can have it in an ever-increasing supply. If you want more success, you definitely have to think correctly about success and wealth.

    The person who has a mind-set of wealth and success will always attract more wealth and success. The opposite is also true—the person who has a mind-set of poverty will attract more poverty.

    I once lived with a mind-set of poverty. I never quite made the grade, but I went from bankrupt to successful in a matter of a few years. Changing my mind-set from lack and limitation to abundance and unlimited potential took some work. The good news is that it can be done. I did it—and so can you.

    Wealth consciousness and poverty consciousness fulfill the same conditions by the thoughts, words, and deeds we hold. Basically, the thoughts that one is constantly thinking will come home to roost. Job, the great sufferer in the Bible, said, The thing I greatly feared has come upon me. This scripture has incredible truth to it, and it first inspired me several years ago when I went bankrupt. The amazing thing is that I did not have anything to lose in the first place.

    I was a soldier, and a soldier’s pay is not great to begin with. I had amassed approximately $100,000 of debt—an extraordinary amount of money for me in those days. It was hell for me. Eventually, I could no

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