Take the Lead
By Natalie Nielsen and Kelly Barrow
About this ebook
Natalie Nielsen
About the Author: Natalie Nielsen, MA, MSc Natalie Nielsen is passionate about self-development and leadership. Having grown up on two continents and traveled extensively, studied leadership, managed a business, headed an office and run a household, she has had no shortage of opportunities to develop and utilize leadership skills. Throughout her life, she has been drawn to personal development and leadership as a subject and has immersed herself in books on the topic since young adulthood. When she became a parent, she learned more about herself and her boundaries, serving as a leader for herself when taking on all the new tasks that come with parenthood - where there are no position descriptions, organizational charts and strategic development plans, guides or tools available to help organize and lead a family. Now the Director of International Affairs at a university business school, Nielsen uses her passion for leadership on a daily basis to maintain international partnerships and has seen first-hand the results of leading oneself in order to lead others. Nielsen also mentors several younger colleagues in leadership and believes her true calling lies in inspiring others, young women in particular, to take the lead. Nielsen holds an MA in International Relations from Uppsala University and an MSc in Education Management and Leadership from Stockholm University and is passionate about bridging the gap between research and real-life experience – ”learning the hard way” – to make leadership skills available to everyone.
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Take the Lead - Natalie Nielsen
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