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Stories Never Told Volume 1
Stories Never Told Volume 1
Stories Never Told Volume 1
Ebook186 pages1 hour

Stories Never Told Volume 1

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About this ebook

The book is an anthology of short stories, some funny, some cruel, some with an happy ending and some with a very mysterious ending. Poems written by my late husband David are also included. Enjoy this reading whose ending moral is to do good and be open hearted. Enjoy your life while you can.
Release dateJul 12, 2012
Stories Never Told Volume 1

Rose Wills

Rosaria Wills was born and raised in Naples, Italy. She met her husband, Dave, while he was serving in the Air Force. They moved to Florida and she graduated from Rollins College in Winter Park. She spent six years in Germany with her husband and daughter teaching for DoDDs. She is currently teaching at a Middle School in Lake Mary, Florida. Her husband was also a teacher and a writer. He has published three books. This is her fourth book. A collection of novels and she is already working on her fifth book.

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    Stories Never Told Volume 1 - Rose Wills






    Wind in my face, mane in my hands

    Power and grace, beauty and fire

    Ears set forward, never look back.

    Earth rushing quickly

    Beneath, we are racing!

    Hear steady hoof beats,

    Like musical notes, we dance

    On the staff of the bass clef.

    And then I sit back,

    Tentative wars flicker

    It’s time to slow down,

    Time to turn around…

    We’ll dance again some other day,

    We’ll soar again to another place,

    I know you’ll keep me safe… .





    Many years ago, a very rich woman lived in a castle. She owned many lands. Her name was Lady Mary. She was known for being selfish, greedy and no feelings. The farmers that worked her land were paid very little money, and they worked more than l2 hours a day. During the summer, a drought came along, and the villagers were risking starving to death. Only Lady Mary could provide enough food and more to everyone. But she was worried only about herself, and if she had enough food for her beautiful white horse, her only love. She used to ride to inspect the lands that she owned.

    One day during one of her riding, she met a man. The man said, Have pity on me, I am old and tired, please give me something to eat, please, I beg you.

    The man had just seen Lady Mary give food and sweets to her horse.

    The woman did not answer and kept on riding.

    The man again, please give me something to eat, in the name of God.

    The lady turned around and threw him a stone, If you are really hungry, then eat this stone.

    And the man, May you change in stone, may this stone take the place of your heart.

    The man was a wizard; he had been called by the farmers that worked for Lady Mary. The woman became a rock, and so did her horse, the castle and all her land. The farmers never told anyone.




    Once upon a time the birds decided to proclaim a king. They got together and decided that the king should be the wisest of them all, the Owl.

    The raven came late to the reunion, and was quite angry, Why are you choosing that old Owl as a king? The one that will protect us the most has to be smart; remember the story of the heron and the crab?

    The other birds did not remember it so the crow starts narrating it.

    "Long time ago there was an old heron that could not catch fishes. So he decided to play smart; he went to the middle of the lake and started crying. The fishes asked him what was wrong, and he said that humans were planning to dry out the lake, so all the fish will die. He proposed to help them by taking them one by one in his beak to a lake nearby.

    The fish agreed, and the heron started taking them one by one, except he was eating them as he took them. The crab understood what was going on and he asked the heron to save him also; but smartly he jumped on his neck and bit him, till he let go. So the fish and other animals were safe."

    The birds agreed the crow was right. But the owl was not very happy about the story.

    So to listen to it the crow said, Have you heard the story of the lamb and the wise man? Birds wanted to hear.

    The crow said, There was a wise man that had received from a farmer a goat. He placed the goat on his back and started toward home. Three thieves started saying, Look at that man going around with a very ugly and dirty animal on his back. The wise man was astonished, looked the goat over, yes, it was a goat. He put it back on his shoulders and the three thieves continued saying, look, a pig on his shoulder, he smells so much. The wise man did not know what to think, he thought maybe his sight was not so good. So he dropped the goat that ran away. The thieves caught him and ate him.

    The owl was offended and flew away. The other birds and the crow decided it was better not to have a king.




    A butterfly was flying from one flower to another, when she heard someone crying. That’s strange, she thought, she got scared and broke her wings by hitting a young lemon tree.

    Ah, what is going to happen now? I cannot fly and I will die of sadness.

    While complaining she remembered the cry that she had heard and asked the wind. Who was crying before me?

    I am a naked stem without a flower, the wind made me blind. What is a stem without a flower.?

    The butterfly crawled next to him and said, You are not the only one suffering. My wings are broken, I cannot longer fly in the air.

    The stem stayed quiet and thought, but he was quiet for so long, that the butterfly was getting very nervous.

    Finally he said, We can help each other. Lay on me, so that your wings are in the wind and I be a flower again.

    The butterfly smiled. The birds came to help them; they put the butterfly on the green stem.

    From then on they are butterfly that fly and others that are changed in flower so that the stems can cradle.




    Once upon a time lived a very poor miller with 5 children, four boys and one girl that was always complaining.

    One day someone knocked at the door, it was a very old man, I am tired and hungry, can you help me?

    The miller’s wife gave him some

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