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About this ebook

This book is about teaching the joy and understanding of classical music to young children. It is about enhancing intelligence and building self-confidence through music. It is about leading the child into a journey of self-discovery and many joyful experiences, through music, that should last a lifetime. The book is full of practical ideas, methods, techniques, and lesson plans for school teachers, parents, hospital caregivers, and musicians at every level who could obtain wonderful results through teaching, sharing, and living this timeless art. It is aimed at finding a way to retain this beautiful art in our education system. It is aimed at possibly creating loving work for parents, grandparents, caregivers, and young students. It is aimed at spreading love and communication through an art that has been around for centuries and is so readily available to all through modern technology. It is aimed at teaching the world to sing, love, laugh, communicate, and play … through classical music!

This book addresses the concepts, theories, and performance aspects of music, like many other books written, but with detailed lesson plans and stories so a person, with a short course of music training, could get straight to work and start teaching a music class. The book is written with step-by-step processes that are fun for children. The activities and ideas in this book have been practised with countless children by the author for the past twenty-two years.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 26, 2017

Heather Maclean

Heather Maclean is a Princeton graduate and the New York Times bestselling author and editor of fifteen books. Named one of the “16 Best Entrepreneurs in America” by Sir Richard Branson, she accompanied the adventurous business legend on a 50,000-mile trip around the world, alternately helping improve the lives of others (designing sustainable development initiatives in South Africa) and fearing for her own life (rappelling out of a Black Hawk helicopter in a Moroccan sandstorm). Heather began her career at Disney, where she had the distinction of being the first person ever to answer Mickey Mouse’s email. When not castle hunting in her husband’s native Scotland, she and her clan of three kids happily reside in Michigan.

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    Magifunmusic - Heather Maclean

    Copyright © 2017 Heather MacLean.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5157-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5158-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016915319

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/07/2017



    A small boy clasped a bright envelope, containing a special THANK YOU CARD, in his chubby hand. Wide eyed, he handed it to me saying, Heather, this is for you, and it’s packed with LOVE!

    For more than twenty years, I have been on a personal journey of joy and passion, to research ideas, teach and develop a Classical Music programme for children, with the aim of developing their knowledge of Classical Music and enhancing their confidence, self esteem, inner joy and peace, through MUSIC and PLAY.

    The ideas in this book have brought joy and Musical interest to countless children who, over the years, have participated in MAGIFUNMUSIC.

    What use is OLD or NEW KNOWLEDGE, if it is not RECORDED?

    What use is MUSIC, LOVE, LAUGHTER and JOY, if it is not SHARED?





    and in loving memory of


    It is also dedicated to my countless, special STUDENTS, both past and present, and their enthusiastic PARENTS, who have experienced and shared this music programme, over the past 22 years.


    WONDERFUL EDUCATORS and MUSICIANS who have crossed my path, always at the perfect time. Their advice and words of encouragement have inspired me to craft a book with the ideas for this programme, which have been collected through my teaching experiences.

    And to…

    THE READER OF THIS BOOK, especially THE TEACHER AND FACILITATOR, who could use and share these Music teaching ideas, in addition to your own amazing creativity.


    May the JOY, of your Music teaching, SHINE through you and REFLECT back to you through the BEINGS of CONFIDENT, HAPPY CHILDREN, and may these children, over time, continue to hold the JOY OF MUSIC in their heart memories!

    Everyone is born with a GIFT…

    A LIFE PURPOSE, waiting and ready to be discovered.


    So often, we LABEL individual children as MUSICAL or UNMUSICAL. The fact is that ALL CHILDREN can RESPOND to Music, learn to participate ACTIVELY in Music, and develop OTHER LEARNING SKILLS through Music…IF they are given the chance to EXPERIENCE Music.

    There is no exact time frame in which a toddler must learn to walk, but, usually, in the case of the toddler, his/her achievements, however small, are APPLAUDED by doting family members and friends. The toddler is never told that he cannot walk, and is continuously ENCOURAGED to PERSEVERE! MUSIC, and all learning, should, ideally, HAPPEN in this way, and no child should be labelled with the belief that he/she is not musical.

    Children should be encouraged to


    To BELIEVE they can

    achieve anything and

    have BIG DREAMS!

    Early encouragement, and exposure to Classical Music, empowers the child’s imagination, and creates excitement, curiosity and enthusiasm, while developing performance confidence. Studies have shown that Music stimulates the brain, and early exposure to Music builds confidence and improves skills in other areas of learning.

    The study of Classical Music encompasses and expands IMAGINATION, FOCUS, STRUCTURE, SELF CONTROL, PERSISTANCE and PERSEVERANCE.

    With encouragement and praise for every small success, from teachers and parents, the child learns SELF LOVE and a desire to share his/her talents with others. In time, this self love, self confidence and self esteem should flow into the child’s academic experience, and foster confident development in his/her own special area of competence.

    As the child matures, with consistent belief in his/her own abilities, he/she should follow a special, unique, individual LIFE PURPOSE, with joy and confidence!

    Love your CALLING with PASSION. It is your MEANING in LIFE.

    Pierre Auguste Rodin (Sculptor)


    Magifunmusic (Musical Arts Generated in Fun MUSIC) is a preparation programme, designed to teach the basics of Music, and an APPRECIATION of CLASSICAL MUSIC, to children from 2 to 8 years and beyond, giving them the skills, understanding, and a lifelong love for this beautiful Art.

    This basic study of Music, through play, in early childhood, makes the later study of an instrument much easier, and usually develops a wish, within the child, to perform and share musical talents and experiences.

    Starting Classical Music awareness in the hug of a loving parent or caregiver, from babyhood to early childhood, builds a strong connection to Musical interest, that could be shared and expanded within the family.

    Then, being part of the harmonious home environment, Classical Music understanding and appreciation could expand into school programmes and community activities, thus connecting people in communities and enhancing communication, sharing of knowledge, friendships, tolerance, and understanding.

    "With RIGHTEOUSNESS in the HEART, there will be BEAUTY IN THE CHARACTER.With BEAUTY in the CHARACTER, there will be HARMONY IN THE HOME.With HARMONY in the HOME, there will be ORDER IN THE NATION.

    With ORDER in the NATION, there will be PEACE in the WORLD"

    Confucius (Chinese philosopher/teacher 551 – 479 BC)


    This book is about sharing the joy and understanding of Classical Music with young children.

    It is about Baby’s first experience of listening to the music, composed by Mozart and other Classical composers, in a social group, while secure in the arms of a loving parent.

    It is about enhancing intelligence and building self confidence through Music.

    It is about leading the child into a journey of early self discovery and many joyful experiences, through music, which could lead to a wish to express music, or a desire to appreciate and attend concerts.

    This book is filled with practical ideas, methods, techniques and lesson plans for school teachers, parents, caregivers and musicians of every level, who could obtain wonderful results and healing, through teaching, sharing and living this timeless art.

    It is aimed at finding a way to retain this beautiful art in our Education system.

    It is aimed at creating loving work for parents, grandparents, caregivers and young students.

    It is aimed at spreading love and communication through an art that has been around for centuries, and is so readily available to all through modern technology.

    It is aimed at teaching the world to sing, love, laugh, communicate and play… through Classical Music!

    This book addresses the concepts, theories and performance aspects of Classical Music, like many other books written, but with modules of detailed lesson plans, stories and recipes for success, so a person, with a short course in Musical training, could get straight to work, and start teaching a Music class. The lesson plans contain step by step learning processes, while providing fun with play and learn activities for young children.

    The author has inspired countless children to love music, and they, in turn, have been her inspiration to record the activities and ideas in this book, for over 22 years.

    THE CONCEPT of this BOOK and it’s PURPOSE

    Understanding Classical Music is an activity that could be shared with all generations. This book is written to teach young children the concepts of music, as well as Classical Music Appreciation…an art which knows no generation gap. Children learn more in the first six years of life than any other time. Neuroscientists have proved that, during these early years, children are predominantly in the elusive Theta brain wave state. This frequency allows the brain to store and retain huge amounts of information which become stored in the long term memory. This stage, from two to six years, is a perfect time for children to absorb historical facts, as well as gain musical skills and performance confidence. In this Music programme children are encouraged to expand their knowledge in a state of pure, natural joy, through listening activities, awareness of nature, painting, composing, playing games, singing and learning a basic instrument. The programme is about enhancing intelligence and building self confidence and self esteem through MUSIC and ART. It is about the teacher leading the child into a journey of self discovery and creativity, through many joyful musical experiences, using sound, movement and art.

    This book is full of practical ideas, methods, techniques and lesson plans for school teachers, parents, caregivers and musicians of any level, who could obtain wonderful results and self fulfillment, through teaching, sharing and living this timeless art with children. Through retaining Classical Music in our Education system and within the family and social communities, this book is aimed at growing a new generation of Musicians, and creating loving work for many educators, which could include Music specialists, class room teachers, parents, grandparents, nurses, caregivers and young students. It is aimed at spreading love and communication through a timeless, beautiful art, that is so readily available to all through modern technology. Yet, the study of Classical Music is also in peril of becoming lost to future generations, due to funding issues in some Education systems and Arts organisations. Classical Music is a global language which has health benefits, and studies have proved that Music builds a bigger, brighter BRAIN, especially when experienced in childhood.

    This programme is aimed at teaching children and adults to sing, laugh, dance, play and communicate through Classical Music! It especially provides a chance for young children to temporarily switch off their electronic toys and gadgets, both physically and mentally, and JUST BE inside themselves, while listening to Classical Music, and allow themselves to IMAGINE and CREATE from within. Training a child to IMAGINE and FOCUS in his/her own creative space, for at least an hour a day, heightens deep inner awareness and an ability to VISUALISE from that creative space within. This allows for individual creativity to emerge from the soul. Every child should be encouraged to DREAM from within the self, and disconnect, for a time, from the restless energy of electronic gadgets, which often seem to be breaking down face to face communication between fellow human beings.

    The main focus of this book is Classical Music Appreciation, combined with learning the basic concepts of Music through ART and PLAY, and developing Musical skills and understanding, from early childhood, within communities. By creating a happy course in Music Appreciation for children, the whole family could become involved, as Classical Music could be taught to appeal to all generations and shared generously. The detailed, progressive lesson plans in this book, with practical ideas and stories with Musical themes, could enable a Music specialist, or a person with a just a short intense course in Music training, to get straight to work, and start facilitating and teaching this Music programme in his/her community.

    The author has personally designed, facilitated and taught this programme for over twenty two years, and, after following later academic results of her early students, is convinced that Music is essential for brain development. This finding and conclusive evidence has been out there for years, following research at Harvard University and other reputable academic institutions. The author has had a career as a Professional Classical Singer, and is thrilled to share some ideas, which have encouraged and enabled so many enthusiastic children, as well as their parents and grandparents, to understand, enjoy and share Classical Music. The children, that she taught, could freely excel in an emotionally safe learning group, and joyfully express their creative and musical talents and abilities, as they emerged through the stages of toddlerhood to late childhood. In many cases, the author’s early childhood students have sustained their musical interest into adulthood, and are sharing this interest with their own young children, in turn.



    The TEACHING of this programme, in the AUTHOR’S EXPERIENCE.

    MAGIFUNMUSIC (Musical Arts Generated in FUN MUSIC) is a programme to encourage self- confidence, self expression and a feeling of ease, both physically and emotionally, in the child, through Classical Music. The natural outcome would be to LOVE music, and have a desire to EXPRESS MUSIC through singing and movement and, later, with an INSTRUMENT.

    This book is a collection of teaching ideas that have evolved, and been recorded, from the author’s personal experience of teaching Music to young children, and her interest in brain development through Music. The author has always felt, personally, that Music saved her. As a young child, she was crushed in a car accident. From there, the recovery period felt like a long uphill battle, as she had to learn to move again and catch up with her classmates. During that time, MUSIC was her greatest strength, and she believes that singing, studying the piano, and sharing musical experiences, stimulated her brain, and helped her to regain her movement. The adversity, of her injuries, was perhaps a gift, from which she learned so much, due to her loving family and the people in her town, who constantly exuded so much love, encouragement, laughter and acceptance. The experience also seems to have deepened her understanding of challenges that some children bravely face throughout their schooling. She has worked with students who were brilliant and talented. Others have had special needs, and there were those recovering from physical or emotional injuries. The author, over the years, has become acutely aware of the far reaching effects of friendships, tolerance, acceptance and self esteem, that CLASSICAL MUSIC has had on the lives of so many children and their families, who have been part of her music programme.

    MAGIFUNMUSIC is designed to introduce the basics of Music, to the young child, through PLAY and simple, practical musical participation, in a group. Classical Music Appreciation and an understanding of Music History is emphasised in MAGIFUNMUSIC. Much of this programme is also based on, and developed from, some of the concepts and philosophies of the Hungarian composer and Music Educator, Zoltan Kodaly (1882 – 1967). When this programme is followed, and taught with care and love, the child usually develops tuneful singing, a positive interest in music and an ability to sight sing basic music notation, using tonic solfa or solfege, as well as developing a sense of beat and rhythmic skills, by playing percussion instruments. Their knowledge and appreciation of Classical Music, including the variety of musical instruments and Music History, is also greatly enhanced by the many listening activities in the lesson. All this, in turn, often prepares and facilitates a child’s own interest in serious musical study, and a committed desire to play a more advanced musical instrument.

    Following 5 years of working with the most dedicated team of teachers at the Alberta College Conservatory of Music, Edmonton, Canada, circumstances took the author to South Africa, with her infant daughter. In time, she started a Music Programme at her home there, with her two year old child’s playgroup, and was also blessed to be part of the Music department at Redhill School, Morningside, Johannesburg.

    Redhill School encouraged the author to develop this type of Music Programme at their Pre- Preparatory School. Her work, in the Music Department at Redhill School, also included preparing advanced Singers and Pianists for examinations, and coaching Singers

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